Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

Jim, if true and it is, a patent exists before the release of this Virus to the world! I hate living in a world of BS but, here we are. Every time I feel we take one step forward into a world of enlightenment we take many steps backward to prove we are a violent race of people that who’s only business is killing one human being many times over. It’s not enough that we can drop a bomb and wipe out a large City but we must follow that up with Viruses and other forms of death just in case not everyone died from the blast. The thing I have always found interesting about this Virus is how pointed it is. It works best when you are in late stage of life. No need then to deal with Social Security or Medicare. My God, politicians would never be able to put their names behind such decisions to take money away from Baby Boomers, laborers who worked their whole lives to earn. So, just drop a Virus Bomb, engineered to take out the most aged Folks on the planet (mostly Black Folks) and live happily ever after. There is pure evil in this world and greed is what sets the fires a burning. Jim, you are a major positive to this site, I cannot remember a time you weren’t an asset for all of us. Peace

Hi Dr Bruce, Chris,
I’m a mechanical engineer and oriented towards physics so I’m a bit out of my depth on this subject,
but it screams at me ‘go look at the Indian paper that appeared briefly in the media in early Feb’

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag
in light of what Chris has been exploring over the last few days this paper suddenly seems pertinent & credible,
I'm afraid my background knowledge is insufficient to critique this paper,
I'd appreciate your impression of it's content,
with regards

Dovetailing on others’ citations, if you’re interested in learning the truth about the skewed “science” we’ve been handed, watch the latest interview with Dr Judy Mikovits. Hear her tale of Fauci’s profiting off tests/patents back to HIV in the '80s. Background-He had her thrown in jail on false premises, she was held without charges, and had a gag order for 4 years due to research revealing that the human and animal embryonic tissue in vaccines was causing all sorts of diseases. BTW she’s pro-vaccine and good immunology.

So it sounds like the insert allows the S protein to be snipped in such a way that it then acts as a boxcutter to allow the virus to have access to the cell.
And this coronavirus could have been floating harmlessly in the air for centuries, unable to invade human cells.
And somebody asked what would happen if we arm each virus with a boxcutter? Sadly, we now know what would happen.

any other way to access the Mikovits video?

Try this one: must copy and paste it.

Was sent this 2017 CNN article where they announced that they were going to allow Gain of Function research to restart:
“Critics say the research could unleash a new germ that threatens millions if it is not properly stored or if it escapes from a lab.”
Prophetic don’t you think?

This article references the 2017 HHS Framework for authorization to add gain of function (GOF) to natural pathogens:
If COVID-19 was created in Wuhan or another HHS associated facility and under HHS $3.7 million funding, then the formal review process should have been completed and documented as per the document above. So either NIH authorized it or they didn’t. So why were the two initial NIH GOF experiments authorized in secret back in 2017 or 2018? (Certainly these were not authorized in secret because they might be later found to have caused a pandemic?)

This 2015 paper shows work on creating a chimeric virus using a bat SARS spike derived key to unlock the human ACE2 receptor. The chimeric virus showed with notable pathogenesis. Co authors include Robert Baric of UNC and Shi Zhengli of Wuhan institute of Virology. I highlighted relevant sections.
Here is the link to original you can download:

Originally omitted was the funding source for Dr. Shi Zen-Li:
In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance, to Z.-L.S.
Here’s a link to that source:
And here is the president of the organization:
Notice that the President, Dr. Peter Daszak, is the same person Chris showed has been out giving interviews in the press claiming there is no way the SARS=Cov2 virus could have been engineered.
Who gave this organization a mandate and what is the source of their funding?
Why can’t someone Twitter this? Let’s get this done.

I scrolled through the partners list and it was pretty impressive. Of course Johns Hopkins is there. They are out there in the news a lor these days.
One interesting partner is NYC dept. of health. Now let me get this straight NYC dept of health is partners with these folks who are dedicated to keeping us safe from these sorts of pandemics? RUH ROH HOUSTON WE HAVE GONE BEYOND PROBLEM< WE ARE NOW IN CLUSTER FUCK TERRITORY.
The NYC dept. of health has an annual budget of 1.6 BILLION USD. I am trying to wrap my head around how someone like Oxiris Barbot got put in charge of a dept with a budget of 1.6 billion. I am simultaneously trying to wrap my head around how this idiot still has a job. If you don’t know she was telling people " the risk is low and our preparation is high" go out and celebrate lunar New Year, ride the subway, go to restaurants. etc. Now it turns out her dept is partners with Ecoheallth Alliance.
Somebody please make it stop.

Oxiris Barbot gets $228,141 per annum to be the head of the health dept of NYC.
She is now presiding over a pandemic which NYC has the dubious distinction of being the worst place on Earth in terms of cases/death.
Her specialty is “health equity”. That is code for “I am a liberal, democrat, progressive , socialist” you should all love me. She is in way over her head. She should resign and go work for Ecohealth Alliance.

Funny - thagt too caught my eye - go figure…
And also Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, a finger in every pie

Peak Prosperity, I am so glad I followed you early on.
I stocked up early. Maybe did not do everything right, but 500% more prepared than the average citizen.
Well, I am glad I followed you early on, I have Covid-Fatigue.
Everybody I know is very emotional in some form about the virus. I hate the fighting on the news.
When I am at home, I mess with my chickens or play Cities Skylines. Days I work, I work and sleep.
I only watch Chris a few times a week, sorry Chris.
I appreciate that everybody here is still so engaged. I have emotionally checked out. It is all I can do to make it to work and keep things afloat at home.

This came form the Paul Craig Roberts web site. I just want to let everyone know. This has gone on long enough, don’t you think?

It is exhausting at first, then infuriating - but as some British person said - the sign of an educated person is that he can recognize tommyrot when he hears it. Once you know the truth, it is freeing. Then you become immune to the BS, find your tribe, and do what you have to do dispassionately and with good humor.


It’s very important for all of us to know if this was a man-made virus, not least to make us aware of our bias in selecting trusted sources. In this case it looks increasingly as though large numbers of scientists, pharmaceutical, and medical specialists had deliberately lied about many important issues related to coronavirus: how it came to be and what to do about it, including which drugs are therapeutic and which are not. And including the dangers of vaccines, another area in which large numbers of “experts” have lied for decades now, at the cost of millions of ruined lives.
It is of paramount importance to realize that the culprits are circling the wagons to protect their common interests, which run counter to those of the rest of us. We have to be aware of the malfeasance before we can decide what action to take. And also become aware of what companies are colluding with the promotion of the dominant narrative, and read what they publish with a critical eye.

I still think there’s zero chance this virus release was a US operation. There is too much evidence against it:
CCP never bothered to look for Patient Zero. [conclusion: they already knew who it was - a poor lab researcher at the WIV]
CCP staged a coverup, arresting doctors talking about the outbreak.
CCP refused to allow any outside teams to search for clues about the outbreak.
CCP staged a coverup at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, “cleaning up” the website, erasing names of various researchers who worked for Bat Lady; said researchers are now missing in action.
A Chinese researcher wrote a paper actually saying it was a lab accident! Paper subsequently was retracted by the author, presumably with “encouragement” from the CCP.
CCP almost certainly has penetrated the US IC. Had this been a US operation, there is a nonzero chance China would have found out. Since such a thing would have been an act of war, any detection of the operation would have led directly to a hot war with China. Risk not worth any potential gain.
The likely cause: a group of idiots sent a research task off to China to get some “exciting” research done on the cheap. (Outsourcing - the model for the last 20 years). Bat Lady probably said she could do it for 1/5 the price of what it would cost in the US. Everyone shares in the glory. Win-win. Right up until the virus escapes - infects a lab assistant or two…killing them off on the way out the door, and that’s all it took.
And this small group of GOF researchers are madly covering it up now, because they know they will (rightfully) get the blame.
Definitely the anti-CCP group (CPD-#4) has jumped on this event and is using it for all its worth. Their enthusiasm to take advantage of this not mean they caused it to happen.
From all I can tell, the neocons are entirely focused on the Middle East issues. China is an afterthought to these people. Neocons weren’t involved.
That’s my sense of what the moving parts are, and how it all went down.