Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

Yes, this PPP research was multinational, but I too think the virus was manipulated and was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Dr. Shi’s name is all over this collaborative effort, she’s been involved in bat corona virus research for decades with many of the other players. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is just yards from the wet market. Bats weren’t sold at the wet market, BTW. The virus was probably carried there by an infected human, as of the first 39 patients studied a significant proportion had no connection to the wet market whatsoever. I hypothesize Patient zero was probably a lab worker. The intermediate species between bat and human was probably one of the lab animals being used in the in vivo “gain of function” research. To my mind this pandemic is probably the result of scientific hubris - sexy but super-dangerous mechanistic research that had a high likelihood of causing a public health risk but a low probability of yielding practical solutions. The risk-benefit equation was far too skewed to the risk side. Couple that with a massive unscrupulous cover up, and here we are.
Did anyone ask your opinion when your taxpayer money was directed towards this type of research? What recourse do we have? This is the problem with unaccountable bureaucracies. At the very least, this needs to be aired in the court of public opinion.

Watch the whole video. But, HCQ starts at 16:23.
Is this for real?

Hi Jan,
You are absolutely correct.
Read the addendum in my free book
Amazon edited it out.

Assuming that this was a lab bug, you may indeed be right that it was the WVI where the leak occurred. (And I also despise totalitarian governments like the CCP.)
So the pieces that are not fitting with the scenario you outlined above include:
-Shutting down the Pandemic Early Warning Network, REDICT, effective the last day of September 2019.
-Reports that the NCMI were secretly giving intelligence briefings on the pandemic to the NCS, Pentagon, WH, NATO and Israeli Intelligence through November and December.
-The “staggering failure” of the NCMI (at least publicly) to report the virus.
-Initial H2H infections may have been documented in October or November making the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor late October-ish.
-The prompt emergency orders by 11 state governors to prohibit the use of hydroxychloroquine for SC2 infections. [Edit: Banning HCQ uses was the only aspect of the response that was prompt.]
The spectacular delays in getting testing initiated and test kits made and distributed in the USA (months behind Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea).
Xi stating that the pandemic had been caused by “devils.” He is Confucian that does not believe in supernatural phenomenon, so devils here would mean “trouble-makers.”
Some neocons have shown an interest in China and North Korea. Not nearly as much as the ME, but some.
[Edit: And the timing of the pandemic relative to the increased stress/fractures in the Western financial system–happening at a time when the FED needed cover to print-like-hell.]

Supporting your viewpoint might be [Edit: that a Chinese Lab] prompt publishing a paper showing that Hydroxychloroquine in doses commonly used for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis would give tissue levels high enough to inhibit the SC2 infection.

[Edit; And Faucci’s relationship to HCQ and Remdesivir is absolutely screwed up. Remdesivir, was NOT shown to be very helpful, is administered IV, expensive, yet is rapidly advanced to the standard of care under an emergency order. While HCQ which had been around for 70 years for the first time comes to be described as “dangerous and deadly” and evidence for its value downplayed severely as “merely anecdotal.” This is too screwed up to be accidental.]
[Edit: And a coordinated effort at youtube and facebook to remove dissenting viewpoints (such as the take down of established Pulmonologist Roger Seheult’s excellent series, where he discusses HCQ) does not make any sense to me either. Even wrong information, especially wrong information, needs to be heard.]
[Edit: And the over extension of lockdowns to areas without risk of spread, such as the beaches, parks and mountain trails, states with almost no prevalence.]
This has all the earmarks of a Deep State Operation, IMHO.

Professor Montagnier, nobel prize of medicine, said in this interview that he found chunks of HIV (which he discovered back in the days) in Sars-Cov-2 that did not get there naturally. In french unfortunately:

The plandemic video with Dr. Judy Mikovits:

You can view the plandemic video interview by going directly to the website … The interview is posted there so you can completely bypass youtube.

I’ve tried repeatedly today to view/post comments on the “Mutation!..” PP webpage, but it just keeps buffering w/a “loading comments” message but fails to load. Is anyone else having this problem?

I’ll admit that I listened to this one with some trepidation. I don’t want to know the things Chris is telling me but I watch anyway because part of fancying yourself an adult is opening that door even though you know that whats on the other side is gonna leave a mark on you.
A lot of people seem to think that Chris is trying to pin this as a crime on one or a few individuals. I disagree. He isn’t unmasking a conspiracy, he is describing an entire poisonous eco-system of disparate people, who all think they are ok because they are only contributing a small bit to something that is much worse than the sum of its parts.
Blaming is important in a case like this because if the dangerous aspects of the current system aren’t exposed and if people aren’t held accountable, then it is only a matter of time before a virus that kills 20% of those it infects gets out of the lab.
“Oops! Whocoodanode?”
Thats whats at stake when an internet site publishes an article about the “tiresome” people who still ask questions even though “science proved” it can’t possibly have come from a lab.
We saw this game of “no one could have predicted it” play out in the 2008 financial markets and the result of that interpretation standing is that we have the much larger 2020 bailouts ongoing.
I’ll keep my negative feelings about the future on both fronts to myself, but I admire the hell out of the people who try to make it better.

Have been watching the video of her being interviewed,
made it up to 11 mins, and kept backing it up a few minutes to hear what she was saying about the virus. I thought I’ll just start typing what she was saying (I turned on the closed captions), and play, pause, play, pause, play, over and over. After a few minutes I thought I wonder if there is a transcript of this yet.
This is what I have so far, in case anyone is interested:
“Vaccines are immune therapy.
Wouldn’t use word created, but you can’t say naturally-occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. Very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of viruses, was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory and this is what was released whether deliberate or not. That cannot be naturally occurring. Somebody didn’t go to a market, get a bat, the virus didn’t jump directly to humans that’s not how it works. That’s accelerated viral evolution. If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it up to 800 years to occur, this occurred from SARS-1 within a decade, that’s not naturally.
Do you have any idea of where this occurred?
Oh yeah, I’m sure it occurred…”
While searching and I couldn’t find a transcript, I kept finding the video on various websites, and boy oh boy is she getting labeled a nut, it’s a conspiracy theory. And others are mad, others are wanting to believe her.
Back to typing…

I watch anyway because part of fancying yourself an adult is opening that door even though you know that whats on the other side is gonna leave a mark on you.
Amen to that. There is evil in the world, better to face it then pretend it doesn’t exist. But we don’t need to obsess either. Tired too. AKGrannyWGrit  

I have also had that happen a lot today. I suspect the website is very busy, and because there are a LOT of comments in the newer threads, it might be taking awhile to load. I’ve noticed threads with fewer comments load right up.

I chalked it up to the gremlins or leprechauns messing with us.
Is that possible?

At least these are equal opportunity gremlins and others are (unfortunately) having similar experiences. :wink: I’ve been having difficulties with my laptop lately so wasn’t sure if it was just on my end. PP website up against the limits of growth apparently.

I just finished typing the rest of the interview, not word for word, and I wanted to add this to what I posted earlier.
“Do you have any idea of where this occurred?
Oh yeah, I’m sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Dietrick, U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Disease, and the Wuhan laboratory.
Picture showed of article on “Fauci’s NIAID Funded Wuhan Lab Scientists to Research Bat Coronavirus” by Patrick Howley."
We have seen this one already, but I thought I would include it:
“She said in 1999 she was working in Fort Dietrick. Her job was “to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them. Ebola couldn’t infect human cells until we took it in the laboratories.”
Nurses and doctors making webcam videos talking about the “CDC’s guidance for certifying COVID-deaths”. Why would they get pressured to do that, to shew the numbers?” Fear is a great way to control people and sometimes people’s ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if frightened enough and that’s not where I want people to be, I want people to say we’re gonna get through this, I’m gonna listen to different sources, gonna think for myself.
$13,000 from Medicare if you call it COVID-19 right now. If a patient goes on a ventilator, they get $39,000, and you’ve killed them with the ventilator because you gave them the wrong treatment.
Italy has a very old population, they’re very sick with inflammatory disorders they got at the beginning of 2019 an untested new form of influenza vaccine that had four different strains of influenza including the highly pathogenic H1N1 that vaccine was grown in a cell line a dog cell line dogs have lots of coronaviruses and that’s why they’re not testing there you could just say oh it was that.
She said that the AMA was saying, a doctor will loose license if they use HCQ, the anti-malarial drug, even though it’s been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years. Fauci calls that anecdotal. It’s not storytelling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it’s effective against these families of viruses for .50 a dose, we could protect a 1,000 people for seven days two doses a day with one $600 via. It’s essential medicine. The WHO, the FDA, the CDC, Tony Fauci, closed everything.
Is it safe to say that anything that cannot be patented has been shut down intentionally because there’s o way to profit from it, all these natural remedies that we have had forever.
Absolutely, that’s fair to say, and that’s exactly what’s going on in COVID-19. The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting COVID-19.
Where does that come from?
A publication “Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season” by Greg G. Wolff.”
I found this link: .)
"Coronaviruses are in every animal, so if you’ve ever had a flu vaccine you were injected with coronaviruses.
Video of a doctor/nurse? Talking about why not wearing a mask. Our immune systems are used to touching. We share bacteria. Sheltering in place, immunity drops. Reduces bacterial flora. More likely to get opportunistic infections, infections hoping we don’t have our good bugs fighting. Disease will spike once we come out of sheltering in place.
No more dissenting voices allowed in this community. How we can be so folled, they’re driving us to hate each other. Hopefully this is the wake-up call for Americans. It’s good thing that the doctors are getting loud.
She started a consulting company to teach doctors, which has been hard.”
I feel sick. I feel heartbroken. I feel grateful I’ve never had a flu vaccine, never made sense to me, I always wanted my immune system to fight something, and would use either herbs or homeopathic remedies, sleep, etc.

There's been a shift in this coverage away from what actions we should be taking, and toward who to blame for the problem. Even if it's true that some virologists caused case 1 (and I'm agnostic on that so far), there are avenues for exploring that and this is not it.
Why the hell not? You want a bought off, lame, spineless loser to investigate, you know the highly educated, well connected SOB’s to investigate? (Laughter)
And so we have left the cerebellum and entered the limbic system. We have left the realm of working together to rise above this crisis and entered the realm of tribal thinking.
Your dam right. Our tribe is under threat and someone is killing our members. We don't like that! Maybe next time they will unleash a monster that slaughters all of us. Asking questions is what thinking people do! Right?
Perhaps it's time for a proper paper on this rather than going straight to the pulpit! This audience needs facts they can use.
You or perhaps your employer would like that, a paper which would get less exposure than a podcast. Telling the truth to the the people is a threat to the immoral cowards who are frightened of us knowing the facts. Why are you rallying against us knowing this information? Do you have a character your Grandmother would be proud of? AKGrannyWGrit

This Nature article was published in November, 2015 and described what Chris is talking about. If public keeps being ignorant, indifferent, and/or in denial about this kind of research, I think humanity will end up dealing with more deadly pandemic than COVID-19 in the future. So I am all for Chris’s raising awareness about this as we need to make these kind of researches illegal.

Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!"
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

Please note the key statements in the abstract, from 2015:

...we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), ...replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis ...both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. ...we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence ...

Gilead Sciences - makers Remdesevir? Couldn’t resist