Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

Just FYI, the video has been removed from also along with a posting on Vimeo that I came across. It is, for now, still here:

Ok, let me try and address your issues one at a time:
-Shutting down the Pandemic Early Warning Network, REDICT, effective the last day of September 2019.
True. But PREDICT would not have detected SC2, from what I can tell from this description of its operations. PREDICT collected samples from animals. If this is an accidental gain-of-function lab-release virus, collecting samples from animals is - not so useful.

From 2009 to 2019, PREDICT collected more than 140,000 biological samples from various animals (potential reservoirs)[2] including over 10,000 bats and 2,000 other mammals.[5] Research teams of epidemiologists and wildlife veterinarians identified some 1,200 viruses with the potential to cause human disease and pandemics, including over 160 novel coronaviruses
-Reports that the NCMI were secretly giving intelligence briefings on the pandemic to the NCS, Pentagon, WH, NATO and Israeli Intelligence through November and December.
I'd have to see those reports - the "reports of the reports" could be part of the CCP narrative. They are very good at pushing narratives. They know how to push our "conspiracy" buttons. They know we distrust our government, and they will not hesitate to take advantage of this to manipulate us. I've seen them in operation. They have identified all of our "weaknesses" and they exploit them ruthlessly.
-The "staggering failure" of the NCMI (at least publicly) to report the virus.
"The public" is not a "customer" of the NCMI.
-Initial H2H infections may have been documented in October or November making the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor late October-ish.
Sure. Lab leak may have occurred then.
-The prompt emergency orders by 11 state governors to prohibit the use of hydroxychloroquine for SC2 infections. [Edit: Banning HCQ uses was the only aspect of the response that was prompt.]
Election year politics - I'm assuming the emergency orders were issued by Blue-state governors. [yes?] Likewise with HCQ. Make Trump Look Bad, and protect those lupus patients from the Bad Orange Man.
The spectacular delays in getting testing initiated and test kits made and distributed in the USA (months behind Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea).
HK, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan were all hit with SARS in 2005. They were on a hair-trigger for this virus. That's why they did so well. There was a good interview with a South Korean epidemiologist explaining this. "The West" overall did a terrible job. It wasn't just the US. But we definitely did a terrible job. Perhaps we felt protected by the travel ban.
Xi stating that the pandemic had been caused by "devils." He is Confucian that does not believe in supernatural phenomenon, so devils here would mean "trouble-makers."
Ok. You just shouldn't include Xi in your list.
Some neocons have shown an interest in China and North Korea. Not nearly as much as the ME, but some.
Would you say the interest by the neocons in China is 5% of their interest in the MENA region? That's my sense. The allies of the neocons are making way, way, way too much money from outsourcing. I'm going to claim that their "interest" is pro-forma and feigned. They are - most likely - unhappy with the focus and energy having been removed from their area of interest. Inside, the old mistress is jealous and angry at the arrival of a new mistress.
[Edit: And the timing of the pandemic relative to the increased stress/fractures in the Western financial system--happening at a time when the FED needed cover to print-like-hell.]
The printing for all the crappy debt was fading into January. The emergency had - mostly - passed by then. I don't see "causing a pandemic in order to justify Fed printing" as a reasonable scenario.
[Edit; And Faucci's relationship to HCQ and Remdesivir is absolutely screwed up. Remdesivir, was NOT shown to be very helpful, is administered IV, expensive, yet is rapidly advanced to the standard of care under an emergency order. While HCQ which had been around for 70 years for the first time comes to be described as "dangerous and deadly" and evidence for its value downplayed severely as "merely anecdotal." This is too screwed up to be accidental.]
Yes. There is something evil going on there. It isn't evidence for this being a US operation to plant a virus on Chinese soil. All the backlash against HCQ happened after Trump mentioned it. Remdesivir can be partially explained as the by-now standard Big Pharma harvesting operation. Fauci is their tool. But there is something else there besides. Someone wants bodies on the ground.
[Edit: And a coordinated effort at youtube and facebook to remove dissenting viewpoints (such as the take down of established Pulmonologist Roger Seheult's excellent series, where he discusses HCQ) does not make any sense to me either. Even wrong information, especially wrong information, needs to be heard.]
More evidence of something evil at work, but also not evidence of this being a US operation. Someone is taking advantage of this for their own purposes. To advance their agenda. Let no crisis go to waste. But notice - this took time to put in place.
[Edit: And the over extension of lockdowns to areas without risk of spread, such as the beaches, parks and mountain trails, states with almost no prevalence.]
Agree. Someone is taking advantage of this for their own purposes. Is this just blue-state governors (if so - it's deliberate election year strategy) or are these red-state governors also? Also, Cuomo looked strong with his lockdown, got lots of press attention, talk of "presidential" - all the other president-wannabees saw the recipe and cooked up a batch of stew for themselves, trying to outdo him. "Party of science", desire to look good, and of course, with an eye on the White House explains all this.
I do think that there is "something evil" that swung into action which is taking advantage of this pandemic. I do not think these are "neocons", it seems to be something else. Not exactly deep state either. Something else. Gates? I'm not sure. There are a lot of opportunists playing this for all they are worth. Did the banksters set this pandemic up to get $10 billion in fees? No. But they sure took advantage of it when the opportunity came around to do so. Last point. The CCP have studied America. When they want shape a narrative, they come with a menu of persuasion options. What pushes your buttons: Racism? Colonialism? Xenophobia? Donald Trump is Bad? 9/11? Neocons? They try pushing them all, and they follow up with the stuff that lights up. That's what they are doing now, here at the site. In sum - I believe this to be an accidental lab release by an outsourced research project gone horribly wrong, with a follow-on evil operation that is taking advantage of it and isn't shy at all about killing people, alongside a get-rid-of-Trump-by-any-means-necessary-even-if-it-means-bodies-on-the-ground election year campaign strategy, along with a Big Pharma-and-bankster opportunistic harvesting operation. Lots of moving parts.

I don’t agree with all of it, but its a good summary of what fits.

This documentary exposes Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci as running a for-profit initiative… follow the money. How is Dr. Fauci financially benefitting from Remdesivir?
I expect this will be taken down soon. Watch it while you can!

I agree! Thank you for all the links connecting the dots on Gain of Function. Isn’t it interesting that the same old gang of researchers and research foundations (Daszak and Gates) keep popping up, at the same time they deny we should have any questions about this dangerous research and the pandemic? Here’s another organization I’d include in that group: The Pirbright Institute.
Your question: “Who gave this organization a mandate and what is the source of their funding?” is THE question of our time.
I think if we followed these people and the money, we’d find out that Sars-Cov2 isn’t the first lab accident and bio research catastrophe they are involved in. I don’t think it will be the last either.

Chris, Adam
A few rebuttals are underway to your video about the insertion of a PRRA sequence into the COVID-19 genome, notably from Henri Piccolo on YouTube. He specifically asks about why you did not address the text which immediately followed your extracted text. The ‘ignored’ text is: “In avian influenza viruses, rapid replication and transmission in highly dense chicken populations selects for the acquisition of polybasic cleavage sites in the hemagglutinin (HA) protein, which serves a function similar to that of the coronavirus spike protein. Acquisition of polybasic cleavage sites in HA, by insertion or recombination, converts low-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses into highly pathogenic forms. The acquisition of polybasic cleavage sites by HA has also been observed after repeated passage in cell culture or through animals”.
Henri Piccolo also claims that his emails to PP have been ignored.
My layman’s understanding of the ‘ignored’ text is inconclusive. The text “The acquisition of polybasic cleavage sites by HA has also been observed after repeated passage in cell culture or through animals” suggests to me that insertion could happen naturally. It’s the word “repeatedly” which has me questioning whether or not repeated bombardment [of cells] might actually create cleavage sites over a lengthy period.
Can you address this issue [and could you reply to Piccolo], since it’s reputationally important, and since the man-made/natural debate potentially has huge consequences down the track?

Rebuttal to Chris Martenson / PeakProsperity’ s claim regarding the furin clevage site (viz: his persistent ‘where did it come from?’ question with which he implies the site was deliberately added by scientists (see 'Are Our Scientists Lying to Us?) Chris implies that previous scientists have inserted 12 bases into other corona viruses to introduce a protease site. He also claims that such inserts do not occur in nature.
Both assertions are incorrect.

  • The Japanese group he claims 'did it in 2008) used point mutation to introduce the protease site. You only need to look at the legend to the figure shown at about 26.53 in his video to see 'amino acids at positions 798 and 799 are changed into arginine to make the recognition site furin...'This is amino acid substitution and NOT insertion of extra bases. The other papers he refers to used more complex techniques but none of them involved inserting 12 bases coding for the furin site.
  • The inserted sequence is 5'-CTC CTC GGC GGG -3'. This codes for leu leu gly gly. That is, the additional sequence is not in-frame. The only reason it eventually introduces the furin site is because it inserts WITHIN the preceding codon. Which scientist, in their right mind, would do it this way? If it was desired to insert the furin site, then they would insert an in-frame sequence between two complete codons.
  • Chris ignores the fact that the furin insert is not the only difference between the S gene and its nearest relative in nature. There are 19 other silent mutation, a deletion and two other inserts. Why would any scientist make these?
  • Chris conveniently ignores in his video (Are Our Scientists Lying to Us?) the Nature paragraph (right after the one he concentrates on) which describes and references details of such protease sites occuring in nature oncluding by base insertion. Yet, he has the cheek, in a later video of his, to say such insertions DO occur in nature and scientists could have deliberately accelerated the process by using repeated passaging in culture.
  • The later discovery of RmYN02 shows that amino acid insertion between the S1/2 site has actually occurred. It took Chris some time to get around to this point, presumably because he knows it kills his furin site theory. Eventually, he gave a cryptic mention to it in another video but mumbled something like 'might not be a real insert', 'wrong alignment' and 'I'll deal with it later'. Well, later did come along in answer to a comment of mine on one of his videos. He made a weak and pathetic attempt to say 'it is not even a furin site' and 'align the deletions up diferently and pfft! The inseert disappears'. He appears to have plagarised Miranda Fischer's ideas about the PAA insert but spins it that it is his own idea.
  • My reply is: no-one claimed it was a furin insert. The claim was: 'amino acid inserts CAN occur in nature at this site'. Secondly, the PAA insert is between the amino acid sequences GAGVCASYNS and R-VGTNSII. These sequences represent the S1/2 boundary of the S spike. It does not matter how the deletions are lined up. The PAA insert is between the S1/2 boundary.
  • Furin sites are found everywhere in nature, including in other corona viruses. To spin it that such a site in SARS-COV2 indicates deliberate manipulation in a lab is irresponsible and inciting hatred of a whole section of society (scientists).
  • At the end of the day, the furin site discussion diverts from the major reason why it is believed the virus was not deliberately made. Quite simply, there are no KNOWN viruses that could have served as the backbone of SARS-COV2 even if modified by GOF methods. 96% similarity is not enough. This similarity amounts to 1100 base differences scattered throughout the genome.

Reply to drbrucedale, comment nr 8:
1 not certain
2 correct
3 wrong
4 correct
5 correct
6 technically wrong
7 trchnically wrong
8 wrong
9 wrong
suppl Q 1 yes, sort of
suupl Q 2 see reply number 86

It seems crazy to suspect some of them may not be being forthright with us right now.
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