Coronavirus Cases Doubling Overnight In Many Countries

the outside handle of the public toilet door, or the inside handle?

Congratulations. After posting a dozen times that we can know a lot about this virus by looking at research of SARS, and delivering copies of this research, you now finally understand that.

Gold and silver will go sky high. Only after setting new tops and in a sustained recession it will go a bit down because it will be the only thing delivering cash without counterparty. After that it will move up again.
Tomorrow we will see an explosion of prices…

Anybody who is still planning to go to a meeting didn’t understand the times.
It will be an infection party.

Hello everybody. This is my first post.
I found this link to “Flu Bites - Oregon Weekly Surveillance Report - Influenza Land Respiratory Viruses”. It is for normal flu tracking, but contains # of flu tests and how many tested positive for flu, and # of pneumonia cases. Is there something we can glean from negative flu test results here (people with flu symptoms that did not test positive for flu, i.e., potential corona cases)?
It looks like flu-like visits to health facilities peaked in late-december then dropped, and now are on the rise again since first week of February.
There are national flu heat maps in here as well.

Holy crap. Good sleuthing.

I had the same question about the PP seminar. 2020 is going to be my first year in attendance after finding the PP tribe in 2013. I was really excited until this SARS-Cov2 went global. Right now, it’s not clear the risk is going to be worth the benefit. I just returned from a trip to LA for a conference, it reminded me of just how easily it would be to get infected on a flight, even wearing the proper PPE.
I hope Chris and Adam can give us an update as to when we will know if the conference will continue or not. A lot has happened in the past month, if the next month continues on the same path, by mid-March this thing is going to be nasty. Someone mentioned peak could be ~May 2020 (or later), so it seems like it may be a bad time to travel and break self isolation.

I wouldnt be surprised if Trump would lift all restrictions on China to lower the burden. He is not a burocrate but a realist.

Might this be a place to detect coronavirus cases in Florida? Can a medical professional reading this please comment? Thanks

The BC public service grapevine indicates that a directive came down regarding communications about Covid-19: that only the main govt. communications team is to provide info and updates to employees and that individual ministries are not to issue any communications on this topic. This came to light after asking a person who oversees one ministry’s safety, security, emergency response and business continuity planning if any strategies were in the works to protect employees and put contingency plans in place if the virus took hold in our offices. It further underscores the fact that TPTB are trying hard to manage information flows and control the narrative.
Fourth Turnings do not arise of their own volition. They are caused by hubris, greed and evil, all of which have been building up & infecting our societies over the last few decades. This Turning is overdue, and judging by how this virus situation is unfolding, it looks like it is going to be a dilly! So many are going to be caught unawares and not know what the hell happened. So many already are and will continue suffer horribly in many different ways. I definitely think that life as we know it is about to change, big time.
Like many here at PP I have had a longtime, serious interest in geopolitics and the forces that shape our world. I have no doubt whatsoever that this is covert biological warfare as a declining Empire dukes it out with the emerging Empire for global dominance. It is my perspective that the threat of Eurasian integration is at the heart of it all.
We peons are expendable in this war, merely collateral damage, just as so many were in 9/11 and all the never ending Middle East wars. They won’t tell us what we need to know because they do not care about us. Somehow we still expect them to… especially we who live in (supposed) democracies. The reality though is that they are more interested in protecting their own economic and financial interests, and that of those in their circles. In fact they stand to benefit from depopulation. Anyone who doubts that is not paying attention.
The big wake up call is well underway. The coming weeks and months will be telling, likely providing further credibility Strauss and Howe’s Fourth Turning theories. I wish it were not so, but then again, wishful thinking is how we get into these messes. I doubt it is going to get us out of this one.

If the seminar were virtual perhaps it could be offered to more people. Instead of a few hundred perhaps 1,000’s could benefit. An opportunity to reach a lot more people? Yes, it would change the social dynamic but there cold be a real serendipity for some of us.
Just a thought.

So i live in Mi and found this article today.
Your videos have been very thoughtful and appreciated. I have been unimpressed with the near media blackout on this in the US. I have to use other countries news. With the news out of CA about 30-70 infected needing housing and suddenly 325 in MI I am left wondering when they will have to start giving us any real information and numbers. My response to MI and the idea that they will just give a call every day to ask if your sick is complete dismay. How in the world can you contain some thing like this if your only enacting quarantine after you’ve let somebody get to the point of showing symptoms at which point they have been spreading it while Asymptomatic?? That creates a huge list of people you’d be likely not to track down who had first - second or third hand exposure. Shouldn’t a thorough isolated quarantine be done beforehand and not after the fact. Doesn’t seem smart to me.
Thank you for posts and breakdowns and if any one is effected or knows any one effected i wish you the best.

Please read some Eustace Mullins. Start with “Secrets of the Federal Reserve.”

I think that with what is going in Italy and Japan we are starting to see what China was keeping from us.There is a good chance that this is only the beginning.The numbers coming out of China can not be true.

A Canadian journalist speaking about lack of awareness. Way more of this is needed; far less about pipeline protests & political crap.

A first step would be to get Canadians more aware of the deepening global health crisis than they have been until now. Though there has been a lot of media coverage of the coronavirus saga in Canada, it has still often taken a back seat to protests of a small number of unelected hereditary chiefs in northwestern British Columbia who oppose a pipeline that has been approved by their elected leaders, and by the never-ending lunacies of Donald Trump’s presidency and the Democrats’ feeble response.

Mardi Gras is the least of our worries. We’re entering the weeks when any contagion spread by the Superbowl would have started manifesting. The lack of reliable testing kits (and intentional downplaying by officials like Florida Health authorities) is compounding the problems.
This is the weekend which could kick off pandemic in South America, however, along with everything south of Kansas not already hit.

Persons in contact with this patient may have attended schools in the region. At least they are not trying to hide it but saying there is no public health risk is disingenuous. It will be interesting to see how people in the region react to the letter.

Thank you to Chris and Adam for their dedicated reporting, I know it must be taking a heavy toll.
I’m going frantic because there have been no cases reported in South Africa. SA teachers from Wuhan landed in Cape Town on 29 January, no quarantine. The are no restrictions on inbound or outgoing flights in South Africa. My family and co-workers think I’m nuts. Does anyone have any info on cases in Africa? Or is there just no capacity to test for the virus in Africa?

Women will probably be ruling the world by the time the fourth turning concludes.
“Epidemiological data from the 2002–2003 SARS epidemic and more recent MERS outbreak indicate that there may be sex-dependent differences in disease outcomes.” Older men especially; “The degree of sex bias to SARS-CoV infection increased with advancing age…” And it concludes, “…data suggest that sex differences in the susceptibility to SARS-CoV in mice parallel those observed in patients and also identify estrogen receptor signaling as critical for protection in females.”

Here is a link to an article written by the expert risk communication team Dr. Jody Lanard and Dr. Peter M. Sandman just released on the blog Virology Down Under. The blog is run by Australian virologist Dr. Ian Mackay. The article covers many of the issues with nCovid being discussed here on PP and has lots of good ideas and information.