Coronavirus Cases Doubling Overnight In Many Countries

This looks about as effective as the WHO itself.

Hello Chris, Adam, and many old friends. I have been listening and reading all along and very much appreciate how well this community functions for crowd-sourced truth seeking. I have published my detailed write-up in the thread on herbals started by Dtrammel… but I will repost the bones of it here. Note that in the extended write up I attribute my awareness of the efficacy of elderberry extract to PeakProsperity;
If defenses like hand washing and mask usage, meant to keep this new virus at bay fail, then the last line of defense is in fact your own immune system. The success or failure of an individual’s immune response to initial infection by this virus may very well make the difference between being asymptomatic/having a mild case, or ending up in a hospital with respiratory failure. In researching means by which to boost natural immunity to viruses, I found three ways to achieve this result that are simple, inexpensive and available (as of today), and that have a very well documented history of efficacy;

  • Get enough good sleep, >/= 7 hours.
  • Mushrooms as medicine
  • Elderberry extract
In the next three sections I will go over the highlights of my research findings for the three factors listed – the data that convinced me in defining my personal immune boosting protocol. First though I will list very specifically my current supplement regimen for the Mushrooms and Elderberry extract. This protocol may be subject to change as I learn more. It is in no way exhaustive and does not address some more newly available, less well documented substances believed to enhance immunity like C60 (Buckminsterfullerene), and CBD oil. Do your own due diligence! I am documenting this for friends and family because I believe, if and when the virus begins to run rampant in Western nations, which I personally believe is a foregone conclusion, these supplements, much like N95 masks today, will become nearly impossible to source. Mushroom protocol: Chaga mushroom tea, 1-2 cups per day, 0.5 – 1 gram dried Chaga per cup. Stamets-7 mixed mushroom capsules by Host Defense, or equivalent, one capsule per day; There are many good sources for dried Chaga mushroom, which grows in Northern climate zones on birch trees. I got mine from a small business in Northern Michigan which harvests sustainably; Elderberry protocol: Sambucol or equivalent Black Elderberry syrup, 15 ml once per day in hot water. Increase to 4X per day if sick. Available at Walmart.

I’ve missed your posts here. How’s life been treating you? Your recommendations are sound. I noticed you get your chaga from my neck of the woods. I have to rolls my eyes a bit when they claim to “harvest sustainably”. Chaga has become a big thing up here and with all the chaga hunters in the woods (myself included on occasion but I’m small scale for personal consumption only and not commercial like these folks), there is no way the harvesting is sustainable. It’s becoming harder and harder to find and I fear the day may come when the commercial harvesters make it virtually impossible to find any. Luckily, I have an “in” on some large tracts of private land but on public lands, the pickings are becoming slimmer and slimmer.

What NOBODY is talking about, and may very well be the cause of all these seemingly random outbreaks happening in various areas around the world with little to no ties to anyone with a history of traveling to China, is the ever present, and ongoing, underground human trafficking networks. You get asymptomatic carriers stopping at safe houses, being transported in cars, trucks, ships, and even shipping containers, going from place to place, eventually somebody is going to catch this bug. Then the newly infected go to sporting events, bars, restaurants, shopping centers, churches, and then bam! you end up with situations like Italy (big time traffic ops going on there). Now Croatia has cases. Soon it’ll be in the Czech Republic, and on and on. Watch for it.
A great video on 3 cases of Covid19, peer reviewed. He regulairly makes posts on people doing weird things and ending up in hospital. Explains everything in laymens terms.

…more or less. Almost everybody will survive it, too. Because of its high R0 and the fact that I and my family and immediate ohana are not trained in the use of PPE and non-contamination protocols, and since my vocation is literally hands-on with people (Pilates instructor) – I’d be fooling myself to think I can escape contagion – I’m going to limit my efforts in that area and focus money and time on preps that would allow my family & immediate ohana to ride out a 60-day quarantine lockdown. This is an informed choice I’m making about how to allocate my limited resources ($ and time). I understand other people may find fault with my chosen course of action, and that’s okay. We all have to weigh odds and then cope with outcomes. <smile>
What isn’t going to survive is BAU and the just-in-time economy. The whole credit/debt house of cards is not going to make it. In a few weeks or months, the damage done by supply-line disruption (and the loss of day-to-day economic activity due to quarantines/lockdowns/fear of going out) will acquire a magnitude that cannot be papered over (a la the Fed’s recent repo operations). Choose the demise of your choice: deflationary implosion or inflationary crack-boom – seems inevitable that it’s all going to perish one way or the other.
I am quite keenly dancing with the question of how to survive the end of the economy as we know it (or at the very least, a couple of years where it is unrecognizable as a modern and functional economy that uses currency to facilitate the exchange of goods and services [and the movement of goods from places of surplus to places of need]). I spent the last 18 hours hanging out with people I’m just becoming fairly good friends with, people who – when BAU goes belly-up – will be excellent people to know. I am keen for them to perceive I am similarly worth having in their circle of trust (and healthy co-dependence). Later today, I’m going to work/play to deepen another relationship of similar import. Priceless social capital to go with my resilient mind/spirit/body and other essential preps.
Just a check-in from the Central Pacific. They’re hiding COVID-19 here, out of fear of chilling the tourist trade.
Whatever choices you make, make them now, and then act not out of panic but with a sense of purpose.
The window of BAU is closing everywhere. For people in China, SK, Japan and now Northern Italy, the window is shut.
May fortune smile upon us all. Preparation and mindset are huge, certainly, but luck has an immeasurable value of its own.
VIVA – Sager

This has shaped up just like the great depression. Look at 1920-1930. Its almost identical. I suspect gold and silver will out preform everything. Though i do think the fed is injecting money into the markets i think its just the standard safe haven usa move. All things are rising cause all money is flowing towards the usa at this time. Think about it. Gold usd bonds stocks all going up together. Thanks PP

Just a counter to any who are saying this is a ‘designed’ virus. It plenty could have come about ‘naturally’ given how much the pangolin is illegally traded from Africa and parts of Asia and used in China. Still more fool humanity and will certainly switch things around however this plays out.

A family member lives in Seoul. He said the CULT church members took a vow to get out and spread as quickly as possible. He cannot figure out how this information has not gained media attention. This makes sense for the rapid rise as they were spreading almost a month ago. Being a nurse I had a feeling the incubation was longer than CDC has said.

Vitamine D, a lot, if you’re infected, vitamine C, a lot.

Matties, nothing goes up in a straight line and gold is no exception. We have already seen price rise fairly dramatically since August 2018. That does not mean it won’t jump a little higher intra-month and indeed I do expect that to happen.
What matters next though is the closing price for February. If it comes in as expected then prepare for selling pressure in the first week of March. It’s not the end of the world though so don’t fear it.
But markets need to breathe. Bullishness will be recharged by a pullback so treat this as an opportunity to buy at better prices. But don’t get hasty. It will take weeks for gold to consolidate this top and while it happens mining stock may continue rising.
All I am saying is try to remain objective about this particular asset class. Especially as it is one whose narrative typically gets overun by high levels of emotion which can lead to disappointment.
Because of what is taking place in the world right now there are plenty of ways to rationalize continued higher prices however gold does not usually respond to popular narratives.

It’s all very well to write off this method of making your own face masks, but I would be interested in something that would work, or at least be as effective as the N95s, which aren’t perfect anyway. They are already hard to get. We have some on hand, but if this goes on as long as it could, we could all be scrambling to make-do-and-mend to survive. So what is it we are trying to replicate here? Obviously, a useful level of micron impenetrability, but is this achievable? Any input would be appreciated!

Chris, Dr Ben Lynch is the expert on this, but Italian’s have a higher background rate of this SNP mutation, it affects many systems in the body, including immune system, via impaired methylation, homocysteine and glutathione pathways. I wonder if this is having an impact in severe case rates in Italy?

I agree vshelford. Since China has hoovered up the entire global supply of masks, gloves, gowns and some medications we have no choice but to devise alternatives. My neighbor was one of the guys who bought up all the available masks at the local hardware and shipped them back home to his relatives in China. I should have taken the cue and bought my own when I saw that happening but it was still early in the virus days before I got focused on the subject. Anyway, I liked that t-shirt model since it’s easy to copy and anyone with sewing skills can make it. Plus its reusable if you wash and bleach it daily.
What’s not to like?
Now if only I could make my own Doxycycline!

I agree Vshelford.
Was going to research what size of particles are trapped in carbon or hepa filters. Since I sew it seems to me that we should be able to create a mask that works as well. Masks that are taken off can be dropped into a disinfection solution just as easily as the garbage. Soak, rinse and hang in the sun to dry. It sure seems better than running out and not having access to one. Multiple layers with a hepa filter inside, might work. Certainly they wont last forever but thats not the point.
What is a virus size .3 microns? Will have to re-listen to Chris’s podcast.

Copper mesh can be purchased at .002” screen and sewn into a mask filter system. Copper has anti viral and anti bacterial properties. It might however be more expensive to make masks with it than purchasing store bought masks. Provided they are available of course.

SARS was .1

Accorgding to, in the first hour, of trading, spot gold dropped $259 to $1384/oz then slingshotted up to $1664, $20 over Friday’s closing price. Crazy! More volatile than silver. Cleaning out all the stops.
Ride the bucking bull. Cowboy up or sit in the truck.

Your posts and content are much appreciated. Be well.

I gave this a read and found it terrifically helpful! This was a gem:

...The more people who are making preparedness efforts, the more connected to each other they feel. Pandemic preparedness should be a communitarian experience. When a colleague offers you an elbow bump instead of a handshake, your mind goes to those lists of preparedness recommendations you’ve been seeing, and you feel part of a community that’s getting ready together.
What we are all doing here on PP is a communitarian effort. People from all over the globe are chipping in with updates and resources to help one another. This in turn helps support emotional preparedness and resilience especially for those who are new. This is a true grassroots effort, and, if you will, a form of passive protest & resistance in that we are showing we are no longer willing to accept the business as usual BS. Keep up the info sharing - it is remarkable to witness this type of support happening & evolving in real time on an as we go basis - amazing really. Well done everyone! Stay well, Jan