Coronavirus Cases Doubling Overnight In Many Countries

There’s 2 routes to go here: Try and not infect others / try not to get infected yourself.
If you don’t wanna infect others, any type of linen will do. Aerosolization is only a real problem in doors without any ventilation or air flows (Which is why it is still a step below airborne, which would affect everywhere equally cause that means the virus can fly). So you’re mainly trying to stop water vapor that you breathe out. As long as it’s hard to breathe through, that means the air’s being “filtered”.
Well it’s not much but in a pinch it’ll work fine.
On the other hand; if you’re trying to never catch this at all, you need a full face mask. And those can still be found plenty. This is the one i bought and it has remained available (though supplies fluctuate between 5-15):
Doesn’t have anything in terms of filtering outgoing air. But; filters for it are readily available. 358 FFP3 filters which is better then N95 masks, which is FFP2 equivalent. Most importantly though; >it protects your eyes<. This thing can infect via eye mucus too. And; on the same site, those normal face masks have been sold out for weeks.
Do you want the number 1 important thing you need for this crisis: Critical/Creative thinking. If the thing you want isn’t there, find alternatives on your own. Think clearly about what you need, and how can you accomplish what you need?
Diving goggles/Snorkel. Easier to build a higher quality filter in a snorkel, and when you get home you don’t have to touch/remove anything from your face you just shower and wash with disinfectant wholesale. Only after your face and hands are disinfected (and with it, your gear) do you touch your face.
Looks silly? sure. Works? Yep. Do dead people laugh at you? No they don’t.
Edit: i realize i might’ve not my point entirely clear. What i mean to say is, if you expect masks to run out, don’t immediately rush to a solution to make more disposable masks. Try to find better masks. Mine doesn’t need to be disposed and i’ve already got plenty of bleach to wash it. And you don’t even need a ton of filters. Once you used one for the day, simply drop it in a plastic bag, seal it, keep it sealed for 2 weeks till the virus has pretty much died out (cause it can only survive, even on smooth surfaces, for upto 9 days) and voila. No need to continually get new masks that last only 4/8 hours or degrade with washing them.

We can only wait now Kunga to see if we get weekly and monthly closing prices that confirm this is an interim top in gold. We will know with certainty by Friday. The kind of action you just witnessed though is fairly typical of the bigger players front-running a trend change. It is a warning, not a reason to saddle up and add more to your positions since they will distribute and bail out.
Watch your charts carefully this week.

Chris, Dr Ben Lynch is the expert on this, but Italian’s have a higher background rate of this SNP mutation, it affects many systems in the body, including immune system, via impaired methylation, homocysteine and glutathione pathways. I wonder if this is having an impact in severe case rates in Italy?
Hi Lisa, I can speak to this, as I actually work for Ben Lynch. I do not think MTHFR mutations are impacting infection rates in Italy. MTHFR snps do not appear to have a very large impact on health in average Italians despite their high prevalance. Research on Italians in Italy have found either no association with the two common SNPs and male infertility, diabetic neuropathy, coronary artery disease, and a small increased risk neural tube defects, down syndrome. (not an exhaustive list). Italy does not fortify its food supply with synthetic folic acid and has higher leafy green vegetable intake rich in natural folates, so the mutation appears more benign...hence its high prevelance in Mediterranean and Latin American countries like Spain, Italy, Morocco, Columbia, Mexico, etc where it is theorized to have conferred an evolutionary benefit for malaria resistance. In all the genetic research looking genome wide for potential genes involved with host susceptibility to various infectious diseases or their serious complications (flu, SARS, ARDS), the MTHFR gene never shows up as a likely player. It may play a very minor contributory role in some people, but definitely not a major player IMO. However, as you likely know from your familiarity with Dr, Lynch, there is growing evidence that in countries that fortify its processed foods with synthetic folic acid (the USofA not Italy) there are higher levels of unmetabolized folic acid (UMFA) in blood especially for those people with the two major MTHFR SNPs as they do not metabolize well folic acid in large amounts. One consequence of high UMFA may be suppression of natural killer cells which fight viral infection. So, LSS: avoid synthetic folic acid in supplements and processed food and beverages, especially if you know you have a MTHFR mutation. Folks can read more here: NK cells are activated in response to interferons or macrophage-derived cytokines. They serve to contain viral infections while the adaptive immune response generates antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells that can clear the infection. NK cells work to control viral infections by secreting IFNγ and TNFα. Claire

I considered that option as well.
Then I started hearing about people getting it a second time and that it is much more lethal the second time around. That changes the picture a bit.
I agree that it will be difficult to avoid, but I can’t see any real alternative but to try.
Perhaps things will be clearer as the pandemic progresses. Things would be clear now if half of the world wasn’t dead set on covering up what is happening.

I agree having effective, inexpensive homemade facemask options would be vey helpful when the commercial N95 and higher facemasks run out. I’m open to potentially feasible, effective, homemade options like this one, which I think is worth exploring further: Canadian Prepper, “Prepare NOW: What to do when masks run out! "
I’m critical and skeptical of this solicitation by the CDC for a number of reasons.
IMO, this is yet another instance of the CDC’s incompetence and acting too little, too late. This solicitation and its specifications are coming 14 years after the initial research on this improvised t-shirt prototype. You’d think that since the likelihood of a pandemic has been/should have been on their radar for a decade or more that they would have researched and confirmed an effective model already. The CDC solicitation references three follow-up studies from 2008, 2010 and 2017 citing the need to perform additional research on the feasibility and effectiveness of the Dato et al 2006 prototype. Why did the CDC wait so long to follow-up on this potential opportunity? And when they finally, belatedly released this solicitation, why did they only allow two weeks for responses?
Additionally, the results of the prototype from the 2006 Dado et al study yielded variable, if not poor, results for effectiveness due to inadequate fit. Study excerpt:
“A commercially available N95 respirator requires a fit factor of 100 to be considered adequate in the workplace. The prototype mask achieved a fit factor of 67 for 1 author with a Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) panel face size of 4, a common size. Although insufficient for the workplace, this mask offered substantial protection from the challenge aerosol and showed good fit with minimal leakage. The other 2 authors with LANL panel face size 10, the largest size, achieved fit factors of 13 and 17 by making the prototype mask inner layers slightly larger (22 cm2).”
So basically, this prototype face mask was tested on only three researchers with different “panel face” sizes, yielding “fit factors” scores of 67, 13, and 17, respectively, out of a possible 100–and that with improvised adjustments to achieve the two low scoring results. How will the end user know whether and what “adjustments” are needed to create a secure fit? I would argue that based on the researchers’ stated criteria that this prototype does not provide “substantial protection” if 2 out of 3 trials (total) produced such low “fit factors” results.
Are these three results from a 14-year-old prototype study sufficiently robust to serve as the basis to guide a 2020 solicitation, and thereafter, to ”…significantly influence the Government’s acquisition strategy" ? Note the February 2020 CDC solicitation states, “The Government may procure FM prototypes that are manufactured from S&IMs using Dato’s methods.
The CDC’s solicitation and its timing raise the real possibility of shortages of N95 and higher facemasks for the public. Here at PP, we’ve come to that conclusion for a quite a while, but this might be new information to the general public which is being led to believe by the CDC that Covid-2019 is less of a threat than the common flu and facemasks are not necessary.
Having worked for our county’s public health department in the early 2000’s, I know that they house antibiotics and other medicines as part of the national emergency strategic stockpile. Where is the stockpile of facemasks and other PPE? Is it only available to health care workers, and/or is the supply of facemasks presumed to be insufficient to meet public demand during an anticipated exponential pandemic spread of Covid-2019?
Currently, the CDC is saying that masks are not necessary and that there’s very low risk to the public. IMO, the solicitation suggests that if/when the CDC finally acknowledges the risk to the public from the new coronavirus, they will couch their guidance it in terms of limited risk only to vulnerable populations, e.g., “…use of facemasks (FMs) in community settings when ill or when at high risk for influenza complications (e.g., pregnant women, very young children, persons with cancer, asthma )].” Additionally, if the 2020 prototypes are guided by the 2006 prototype, then CDC is looking for DIY facemask prototypes that will protect against aerosols. Note that the CDC does not yet acknowledge that the new coronavirus may be spread via aerosols.
When CDC finally settles on a prototype facemask, they will promote its use through an outreach and education campaign as evidence that they are actually doing something to control Covid-2019 pandemic spread. This shaping of public perception is similar the ineffective temperature screening at airports, and passing out information cards to encourage self-monitoring and reporting. Again, the optics matter more that effective measures to protect public health.
I’m personally frustrated and angry with the CDC and other “health authorities” for withholding information, and misleading and lying to the public regarding this very serious and deadly health risk. They’ve also conducted a coordinated campaign to discredit and silence those truthful messengers (like Chris and PP) who are trying to help raise awareness, prevent pandemic spread and save lives. The CDC and other “health authorities” have betrayed their stated missions and the pubic trust, and many people will suffer and die because of their incompetence and negligence.
If and when this pandemic subsides, I hope (but doubt) the CDC, WHO and other so-called public health entities will be held accountable for their crimes of omission and commission.

Ofcourse resources are a problem. But that goes to preparing for a pandemic to possibly happen; that would include a emergency financial buffer for situations just like this one. If you had any doubts whether to this situation warranted dipping into that buffer, Italy and South Korea crushed those.
But; we work with the hand we’re dealt. So start working together. Just because this virus is problematic and contact should be eliminated as much as possible, doesn’t prevent us from using our heads. So for example; try to convince 2-3 neighbours close to you to all chip in for a proper kit. Full body suit, reusable mask, plenty of bleach just for cleaning it, rubber boots, latex gloves, duct tape. Tailor it to the fittest person in your group - the one that can keep moving the longest. Exchange ways to communicate in multiple ways (email and phone for multiple networks, maybe even walkie talkies incase electricity goes down).
This spreads the cost of “being able to move during a contagion” across multiple people, so that those people can devote more resources to “surviving an enduring lock-in”. Then when the calamity comes and supplies are needed which wheren’t accounted for beforehand due to cost or whatever - you have a Courier to get those for you.
If money is needed or the drop has to be made, that can be done outside of a door. Ring the doorbell, step away, money is put out and later a package is put back, ring doorbell, watch from a distance to see the pickup and presto. If it’s placed in a container that can be washed with bleach; the outside of the container is infection free and can be brought inside and be cleaned in a controlled enviroment.
Does that require you to trust strangers? Yes. Is it likely the system will break down between some people? yes, unfortunately. But it is important to fight and try to keep morale up. It’s important to not feel powerless, even when you effectively are. Because you can only decide to roll over and die once when it actually counts.
This thing CAN be beat, as long as you don’t make the same mistake China, the Authorities, the WHO and all the media made: Conceal, Hide, Mistrust.
Other people are in the same boat as you and there is NOTHING that unites humans as much as a common enemy does. You just have to correctly identify that enemy: Other people outside your social circle. Who’s inside that circle you determine (and well… the others too ofcourse. Consent and all that.)

Oh i just realised. On the mask business, one thing you can still buy because nobody’s thought about it yet are 3D printers.
You buy one of those with tons of PLA or PETg material and you can basically make your perfect fit mask. With a nice engraving even! As i said earlier with a snorkel type setup filtering all the air coming through a tube is easier to filter then around a mouth. Plus with the valves and face-fit closing off all other venues of air you can use a lot tighter woven cloth because of the increased pressure. Hell even my mask of 84 euros has just some flexible rubber flaps as valves, works like a charm, so some mechanical ones are going to be even better.
You could even rig a setup with UV light and a battery as an additional filter for incoming air. Either rolled up cloth or rubber around the edges should make for a more comfortable fit. Stretch cloth can be used to keep it on your face.
It’ll be a while before the supply chain disruptions start hitting the 3D printing market cause it’s somewhat in a lull cause the hype’s gone (even though a lot of the stuff is made in china). So there’s still plenty of machines out there and plenty of material. I’ve got one standing around that was about 500 euro for a 30x30x40cm print area (foot/foot/foot+1/3rd) which is more then enough to build a mask from which will be airtight.
Do note though; one of the reasons few people have one of those is because it’s not really consumer ready technology. I’ve had to make quite a few adjustments to my printer (creality 10s-pro) including a glass plate, new fittings, and fucking with the height adjustments. But now that it works; it’s a beaut. All i’m saying is; be prepared to fuck with settings ALOT before it works.
But hey i’ve got bout 5-6 KG of plastic i’m pretty sure i can build some life saving devices from it. As long as it’s all mechanical that is.

I wonder if this is relevant to our predicament:
It’s frustrating because now that they are needed, they look incompetent (no homemade masks, no tests, etc.). Not that I’m their biggest fan, but it would help to have a budget.

1,178 infections outside mainland China and Japan

White House to ask Congress for emergency coronavirus funding
"…the amount could be significantly lower than some public health officials have argued is necessary — potentially as little as $1 billion, said two individuals, which could be rapidly exhausted by development of potential vaccines, widespread lab tests and numerous other investments. "
“Congressional Democrats have been pressing the administration to request emergency coronavirus funds since the beginning of February. While HHS Secretary Alex Azar notified Congress on Feb. 2 that he was prepared to shift up to $136 million in already approved funds to fight the virus, administration officials took pains to emphasize that the funds might not need to be transferred. White House officials have been hesitant to press Congress for additional funding, with some hoping that the virus would burn itself out by the summer.”
"But officials have confronted the growing possibility that a coronavirus outbreak could hit the United States, squeezing public health resources — and threatening the U.S. economy and President Donald Trump’s re-election prospects. "

Check out the stats after 3.30 in on the video
15% fatality rate
83% infection rate
Houston, we have a problem

The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

My guess is first wave, 60% infection rate : 17 M dead. possibly 60 M dead due to social unrest and lack of medical care for all other causes. Second wave, I am guessing about 120 M dead. ( for US Only )

Country, Other Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered Serious, Critical
China 77,345 +409 2,592 +150 24,766 11,477
S. Korea 763 +161 7 +1 18 7

Chris, I look forward to your Covid19 update every day. What really concerns me with every emerging contagion is the lack of concern for the local impact to the environment. This virus is now being exposed to many new hosts that are not native In its original environment. I think we have been relatively lucky dodging a bullet. We will most likely have to live with the consequence of political correctness and globalism.

Nice to hear from you too - I noticed that you had been commenting again. I had a major life change - got divorced AND lost my job in 2018. I now have a new partner and a new job across the country in WA. I have been better off in the mean time without the stress of arguing about the fake paper Gold market, or other such matters.
I am rooting for the death of the deep state - seeing it die is my priority and I don’t see too many folks talking about it here, so I spend more time with Dave of X-22 report, and Dave Janda. America, and our Constitution, is the last line of defense against the deep state globalists.
The folks that run UP Chaga are pretty righteous - I have had detailed email conversations with them and I think they really do believe in sustaining the environment, leaving enough of a given Chaga birch outgrowth to allow it to recover. I am sure that there are many out there who abuse it, as you suggest.
I was sad to see the Governor of my birth State, who seems like a smart woman, showing some signs of Trump derangement syndrome during her State-of-the-Union rebuttal…

Like many of you, I’ve been looking at masks and respirators. I noticed a misconception on respirators that might be costing us all money.
On Masks:
I have three varieties in my preparations. The first are the lighter fold out kind of surgical masks. I bought a box of those, for when I might start coughing. I figure at that point the issue is to protect others. I have enough of a deep pantry to self quarantine if it looks like I’m getting sick, but recognize I might have to go out. I figure why waste a more expensive n95 mask, when I’m not as worried about breathing in the virus. I’m hoping I won’t have to use these except to hand them to someone else who is coughing.
I have both vented and non-vented N95 masks. I’ll use the vented when I am out and might be active, and need the additional air flow. The non-vented when I am not being active.
I’m planning on disinfecting my N95 masks with hydrogen peroxide per a NCBI paper mrh found that describes the method.
On Respirators:
Now if infection levels get really high, then I plan on wearing a reusable respirator like this:
3M Rugged Comfort Quick Latch Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator
I bought one tonight at a local big box hardware store. Once I got it home and opened, I noticed something about the filters. What is being sold with the mask are the full on organic vapor/acid gas cartridges. Which protect if you have industrial solvents and chemicals along with airborne particles. I think this is not what we need, and is an expensive overkill. Here’s the oblong filters that came with the mask:
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think all we need to filter out are particles like mold, which means we could be using the less expensive round ones like this:
It would be a difference of $8 versus $20. Which would also make disinfecting them easier since you wouldn’t need to disassemble the bigger cartridges.
Not sure if I want to upgrade to N100 filters when I go to the respirator wear. Any opinions pro or con on that? It would filter a little more.

you might as well read goat entrails along with the technical analysis. Even in the stock market, don’t passive index funds do better than most of the professionals who try to predict? Jim Rickards discussed this in great length in his book Aftermath. Also, when big money starts to panic out of overinflated stocks, bonds and real estate, where is it going to go?

China- wuhan!!! Just released a paper on studying… ADE in coronaviruses, paper was put online I think December but it’s planned for a 03/2020 release! I’m only 1/4 through the article and they literally study how to get the virus to enter certain lung cells! Gem from the twitter gods! I’m sure it will get yanked and I’m going to print asap but this very much points to China tampering with biology clearly.
ive long wondered if the first patient “patient zero”, institutionalized for 20yrs, schizophrenic was a test patient of a vaccine or illness. I am not surprised now that it is likely that very case! Omg literally shocked right now.
