Coronavirus Cases Doubling Overnight In Many Countries

I’m sure many of us, have been on a shopping spree trying to fill the lack of preparation we have had. I’ve got more than a few boxes and bags of stuff sitting in my living room waiting to be put away. I wanted to suggest that we all take a few days this week to go back and organize our deep pantry and preparations stores, to see where we have a hole or two and then make a quick purchase to fill them this week.
This week or next at the latest may perhaps be the last calm before we start seeing shortages and empty shelves. We’re already seeing “not available” at Amazon and other big online retailers. Its slowly seeping into the minds of the public that “Houston, we have a problem!” When that gets firmly established I expect a run on local goods like before a big storm or hurricane. You do not want to be out there in that mess fighting the crowds of worried people.
Thanks to Chris, Adam and some of the informed members of the community here, we all have a head start. Let’s use that wisely.

Dow set to drop about 400 points at the open as coronavirus cases outside China surge ========================

Virus spread beyond China drives investors to gold and dollar

Asian currencies slid on Monday as the rapid spread of the coronavirus outside China drove fears of a pandemic and sent investors flocking to gold and the dollar for safety. Italy, South Korea and Iran posted sharp rises in infections over the weekend. South Korea now has more than 760 cases, Italy more than 150 and Iran 43 cases.
The World Health Organization said it was worried about the growing number without any clear link to the epicenter of the outbreak in China. “The omens are not particularly good today,” said Ray Attrill, head of FX strategy at National Australia Bank in Sydney. “The presumption was that we would see intermediate supply chains quickly reconnected and I think the market’s had to go through a period of questioning that logic.” ======================

Global central bankers scour shopping malls, manufacturers for coronavirus playbook

In Japan officials are surveying the empty streets of the Ginza shopping district and tallying airline and cruise ship cancellations, and pondering if an economic rebound they had counted on for later this year will fizzle.   In the United States, Fed officials are quizzing local business contacts and hearing from entrepreneurs blindsided by vulnerabilities in their supply networks. Businesses "have supply chains that are intimately involved in China sometimes in ways they did not know," Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin said, recalling a conversation with one medical manufacturer that "had a supplier who had a supplier who had a part in China." =============

Coronavirus patients’ long ventilator stays put strain on hospitals

Three of the Jin Yintan patients were still getting invasive ventilation at 28 days, including one whose blood was being pumped through an artificial lung in a sophisticated procedure known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Goat entrails don’t work with gold Mr Curious. Trial and error has proven beyond any doubt that only dry chicken bones are truly effective. We shake them up in an old aluminum lunchbox and toss them at a mud wall. Never fails. We hit the numbers out of the ballpark again and again. See that’s where others go wrong. Entrails smell bad and don’t give very good insights. Plus, some people get very distracted by the goat bbq. Lol

Looks like acceptance of truth is finally happening - I am shocked … anyhow
read the part about what may happen… really!..
stock market = expected dow to open down about 400 Monday… Really?
The acceptance of truth finally seems to be happening.

Yes Nordicjack, tomorrow is going to be one bloody hellish day for the stock market. I mean UGLY in all capital letters.
DOW futures are already down 560 points but that is just a taste of what’s coming. By the time the day is over we could see a 5% loss. That’s not enough to kick in the circuit breaker though. The shutdown point comes in at 7% and we will not hit that so expect a sharp bounce back. I am estimating a 1500 point drop as possible if not probable.
Take cover.

Hmmm, half way down already. Yup, it is bloody alright. There are a few supports that could stop the decline. One comes in at 28156 on the weekly level. I doubt it holds. Personally I think we could drop all the way down to 27370 although that could just be a reflection of my negative feelings right now. It’s got to break below 28057 first. Still pretty steep. Guess we will see how the market feels by morning.

Well my first impression was indeed too negative. The DOW is only coming down 1000 some points. We will see it bounce on Tuesday from 27960. Buy it for the ride back up. This market is mental.
Monster trade.

Coronavirus clampdown spreads fear and doubt in northern Italy

News of the restrictions sent many people rushing to supermarkets to buy emergency supplies of food. “Today is madness. It feels like we’re in Baghdad. We can’t restock shelves quick enough,” said a shop assistant at Esselunga Solari supermarket in Milan, declining to give her name because she was not authorized to speak to the media. Pasta and bottles of tomato sauce flew into peoples’ trolleys, while face masks swiftly sold out. ==================================

Hospital in China covers up Wuhan virus cases for fear of losing jobs: Epoch Times

Jiang told the newspaper that she was not allowed to go back to Wuhan for the Lunar New Year after the city was placed on lockdown Jan. 23. “I've slowly found that more and more people I know have died, and the place is a zombie hospital with infected people everywhere…It feels like the air there is full of the virus,” she told the newspaper. ==============================

Taiwanese professor says Wuhan coronavirus likely man-made

He said that a French team investigating COVID-19 had found that the key difference between RaTG13 and COVID-19 was that the latter has four additional amino acids not found in any other coronaviruses. Fang said that these four amino acids make the disease easier to transmit. Fang said that the French team's findings had led some in the scientific community to speculate that Chinese scientists thought the SARS outbreak 17 years ago was too easy to deal with, so they developed an "upgraded version." He said that with modern technology, such an "upgrade" is theoretically possible. ===========================

Coronavirus explodes in Italy; cases surge from 3 to more than 200 in a few days


Coronavirus outbreak pushes beyond Asia, hitting Europe, Mideast

The new virus took aim at a broadening swath of the globe Monday, with officials in Europe and the Middle East scrambling to limit the spread of an outbreak that showed signs of stabilizing at its Chinese epicenter but posed new threats far beyond. =======================

Debt Bubble And Coronavirus Will Hurt The ‘Too Big To Fail’ Banks

The biggest banks in the U.S. are the four money center banks considered “too big to fail.” Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo have risk exposures to banks all over the globe. Defaults are starting to rise in China. If problems begin in China, they will spread around the world as total global debt is approaching $250 trillion. ============================  

WHO says it no longer uses 'pandemic' category, but virus still emergency

The World Health Organization no longer uses the classification pandemic, but the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak remains an international emergency that is likely to spread further, a spokesman said on Monday. ========================== Simple cut and paste search results for today. Looks like everyone else uses the term "pandemic".
About 25,900 results (0.33 seconds)

Search Results

The New York Times
Coronavirus Live Updates: Outbreaks Raise Fears of Pandemic
South Korea reported hundreds of new infections, and Iran said at least 12 people there had died. In Europe, Italy is working to contain a spike in cases.
16 mins ago
Coronavirus looks more like a pandemic: Italy, South Korea, and Iran report cases
During the last two months, as the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak spiraled into a global ... The likelihood that we're in a pandemic — a new disease that spreads ...
In-Depth · 22 hours ago
Coronavirus outbreak: What is a pandemic and what happens if one is declared?
Is the coronavirus a pandemic? Given that the virus has now spread to 31 countries, across multiple continents, it satisfies the World Health Organisation's ...
1 hour ago
The New York Times
Is the Coronavirus Outbreak a Pandemic Yet?
On Tuesday, Feb. 18, no coronavirus cases had been reported in Iran. On Sunday, the government announced 43 cases and eight deaths. Some 152 cases ...
7 hours ago
Fox News
Global outbreak causes coronavirus pandemic fears after cases jump in Italy, South Korea and Iran
A staggering 50 people died in the Iranian city of Qom from the new coronavirus in the month of February, Iran's semiofficial ILNA news agency reported on ...
6 hours ago
What happens if a pandemic hits?
What happens if a COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic hits? ... Some people seem to have the notion that a pandemic will mean shutting down borders, ... an outbreak and buy time to prepare, but if a pandemic hits, by definition, containment has ...
12 hours ago
The Week Magazine (blog)
Tyranny is fueling the coronavirus pandemic
On the other side of the world, one of the worst disease outbreaks in modern history is simmering. As of Friday, what is being called "coronavirus" (this is actually ...
3 hours ago
BBC News
Coronavirus: Rapid spread raises fears of global pandemic
Fears are growing that the coronavirus outbreak could reach pandemic scale as more cases emerge around the world. Most infections are in China but other ...
6 hours ago
Business Insider Nordic
Global stocks tank as investors brace for a coronavirus pandemic
Growing fears of Wuhan coronavirus escalating into a global pandemic hammered stocks on Monday. The flu-like illness has caused deaths in Iran, Italy, and ...
4 hours ago
Italy locks down 'hot spot' towns as fears of coronavirus pandemic sweep across Europe
The unrelenting spread of the virus pushed global stocks sharply lower Monday amid fears the outbreak could become a global pandemic – a worldwide ...
43 mins ago
Equity Futures Dive as Pandemic Spreads: Coronavirus Tweets of the Day
Equity futures are taking a big hit this evening in response to an escalation in the coronavirus pandemic. The WHO still has not put out a global pandemic alert.
12 hours ago
Investor's Business Daily
Dow Jones Futures Dive As Stock Market Rally Faces Possible Coronavirus Pandemic; Apple Stock Eyes New Buy Point
Dow Jones futures dived Monday morning, along with S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures, on fears that a global coronavirus pandemic is possible. The stock ...
1 hour ago