Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

I am going to guess you are a young pup. But what that Isreali team actually found was a reason for the stock market to stop falling next week. I assure you there is no cure for this Coronavirus. After almost 20 years we still don’t have a decent SARS vaccine for crying out loud so to make a breakthrough this fast is both unlikely and improbable. But you can buy APPL again on Monday! LOL!

It’s probably the cannabis use. It’s a fairly common symptom with long term users.
Question: why on earth do you continue smoking when smokers have the highest risk of corona virus infection?
Don’t get your hopes up with the doctors. I don’t think you’ll obtain satisfaction there for a variety of reasons.

Dogs do get vaccinated against corona virus – particularly dogs that are in close contact with other dogs.
It may not be the same virus as what’s going around now, but it’s a corona virus none the less.

That was a a really helpful breakdown of the kind of symptoms that can scare the heck out of us, but not necessarily be the beginning of the end with sensible aids.
I have a question that’s been floating in the back of my mind. I wonder if this virus could end up being like the herpes “cold sore” virus, that virtually everyone has, and it can come back in various forms when triggered, but also stay latent for long periods. I’m wondering if this might be an explanation of the “reinfection” phenomenon? Obviously I have NO medical training or background so it may be a silly question, but I have had a lot of bouts with that particular virus myself, in my eyes, resulting in corneal transplants once it was under control, and ongoing medication, so it does rather spring to mind.

Just the basics can be enough to eliminate anxiety. The ability for one to calm them self, be rational and breathe with controlled breaths.
I am kind of a camel. I am finding that I function far better if I stay hydrated. Hydration is key in battling just about everything we face on a daily basis.

If PP is prevented from posting new materials, I doubt that the surveillance would bother to go so far as to stop notifications and bulk emails. So at least the members would stay in touch. And I doubt that a news blackout would work for long - it would be a temporary measure.

Dr. Gundry from Plant Paradox does every time he sees a patient the full blood work.
He found that clients who use sea salt or Himalaya salt are deficient in iodine and had abnormal values for thyroid.
However, there is iodized sea salt or supplements based on kelp.

It’s not proven yet that smokers have the highest risk. We have some inconclusive studies to go off of out of china. Do i intend to risk my health to find more data? Yes.
This whole situation is caused by spineless, gutless people who “just didn’t want to get into trouble”. Those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither.
Hard times create hard men. Hard men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. The time for taking risks is now.
Gotta say though. Preliminary results: The smoking does not help xD it hurts my lungs more then usual while i smoke for sure. However i have good reason to believe this pain is from the heated gasses and not from the disease; smoking weed does not seem to affect the other symptoms at all. There’s no correlation between when i smoke and when i feel dizzy; muscle pain (so not lung pain) as well as the cough. Sure - smoking doesn’t help. But i’m sitting here behind my PC, more then an hour after smoking, feeling fine… then suddenly i’ve got a dry throat and 30 minutes later it’s gone again.
In any case. I’d like to get some data on non-healthy stuff too. Because you just know there’s going to be people out there that’ll avoid quarantine if they can’t smoke in the quarantine. Or smokers who start showing symptoms but then say “ah well it’ll probably just be the smoking”.
Remember what i posted about the future Opioid crisis? You can add kicking Nicotine as well. Luckily that only takes 1-2 months.
Humans are not rational. We just cannot rely on normal people “doing the right thing” in a pandemic. Rationality is a very thin layer for most, it is only a few that can continue to be rational when faced with extreme danger.
I am such a person. I will continue to monitor myself, both effects before, during and after smoking. Don’t worry - if i progress to the point where i need oxygen (AKA a severe case) i won’t try to sneak a ciggy. That’s exactly the reason i smoke weed and damiana - both are non-physically addictive so i can quit on a dime.
But until i do… There will be mild cases amongst smokers, that go undetected because they write it off as smoke damage. The more data we get on that the better. And as i keep saying. I don’t know if i have it. I’ll let you guys know ASAP after i get a positive/negative result. But for that i need a damn test and yesterday they refused.
3 more hours till the doc opens again.

Dogs do get vaccinated against corona virus — particularly dogs that are in close contact with other dogs. It may not be the same virus as what’s going around now, but it’s a corona virus none the less.
Jim-nyKricket, do you understand that the term "corona virus" is the larger group of these viruses? Its like Cats and Tigers, both are felines. Only one you wouldn't want to be in a small room with. Corona refers to the spiky shape of the enzyme shell around the virus, which itself is a small strand of RNA. To use the feline analogy again, its the fur on the outside of the teeth and claws. And the link you provided was from 2008. Don't you think if dogs could carry the virus that was causing such problems right now, we would have had an outbreak much sooner? Dogs and cats don't get infected with this virus. Please don't kill your pets unnecessarily.

It is the end of the month and options expire and prizes are settled. Countless derivatives are depending on it.
They are losing control over gold but silver not so. You can see the jigsaw movements in gold unwilling to let 1650 go. In silver they are so desperate that they run it down to 93 against gold.
Next Monday they will loose this battle.
Somebody said that Deutsche Bank will go broke when silver is above 20.

Yes you need to supplement with iodine.

Examples for short term cytokine storm symptom control:
  • Ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours. (Children 10 mg / Kg of body weight)
  • Tylenol 650 mg every 4 hours (with N-AcetylCysteine 600 mg twice daily or reduced glutathione)
  • Naproxen 440 to 500 mg twice daily
  • All with water, rest, and a mix of antioxidants vitamins and supplements
Thanks for the list Sand puppy, insightful comment as always. Would I be right to say Naproxon goes by the brand name of Aleve?

Finished smoking a blunt. Gotta say; not the worst test i ever did for science :smiley:
But it’s a good thing i did test it. Here’s basically what happened:

  • Before smoking i felt feverish and had chest pains. Didn’t have any other active symptoms. I had just tested if being very active for an hour would diminish the symptoms (because the fever kept going away if i moved) so i tested my temperature and it was 38C - so no luck there.
  • While smoking, it seems the anesthetic effect of weed took effect, as both my chest pains and lungs started feeling progressively better. My nose remains remarkably clear even though i smoke exclusively outside on the balcony, it’s around 2C now outside, and i switch between hot gas and cold air as well as spitting (i have excess saliva) continuously.
  • Directly after smoking i never felt better. If i didn’t know any better, i’d say i was cured. No chest/lung pain, not even headache or foggyness. Best few minutes of the last 24 hours. So i went inside to make some tea. Again - not a single lick of snot even after switching back to indoor 20C temperatures.
  • But when making the tea was almost done, bout 10 minutes after i was inside, i feel a little tingle in my throat, i have to cough, i cough a few times - the dry cough symptom is back and i feel like a wave of heat originating from my head going all the way down my body to my toes. That’s the fatigue that’s back now.
  • Currently, my throat is dry, i don’t really have a fever, but i’m tired… so very tired. It’s not physically active tired, or mentally tired. It’s something else entirely, it’s like i just skipped through time a few hours and instead of yay active gametime in the afternoon it’s now wind down sleepy time, in the matter of seconds. I don’t feel weird tired - i just feel ready for bed within seconds.
    I’m sticking with the name Stealth Virus! Because my god if i wasn’t watching it and being extremely paranoid i would’ve just thought “eh; weed must’ve fallen bad. time for bed i suppose”. BUT THATS THE THING you can still see the radar echo: Even though i feel fatigued >i still have enough energy to post all this<.
    I feel tired… but even though i’m burning energy, i’m not getting >more< tired.
    It feels very comparable to when i was going to the gym and i was on a no-carb diet for 3 months. After 2 weeks you still have all the power of your muscles that you had, 2 weeks does nothing for degredation whether you use muscles or not. But you just mysteriously don’t have the power to lift as much as you could before, due to the lack of energy. But if you push through that; it’s obvious that you still have the same lifting capacity. It just takes More of everything else; more willpower, more effort, more technique etc.
    Chest pain’s also back though. I gotta say, developing chest pain while sitting still becoming my most reliable symptom pretty quick.
    quick edit: The dizzyness/woozieness is back. whieeeeeee.
    Another good reason to test smoking. I’m a habitual weed user; i smoke 5+blunts every day. One blunt doesn’t do much for me, it’d be the same as 2-3 beers to an alcoholic. but that woozieness i just felt feels like i smoked 2+ in a row.
    It seems the dizzyness and confusion (i’m starting to have problems correctly making sentances in english without using the backspace very often or putting in extra effort) are tied to the fatigue. The fatigue started 4 days ago (almost forgot it’s been a day) and the dizzyness/confusion yesterday, but whenever the fatigue comes back the other two aren’t far behind.
    That’s early data though. I’d prefer to go through a few more cycles to be sure but i really can’t say if they do quarantine me how much freedom i’ll have. I think we can all feel that one at the moment. So better to throw out alot early and sift through the debris later.
    Besides. Isn’t that how a tribe works? I’m the first one who’s developed symptoms of something that has similar symptoms to covid19. It’s my job now to relay as much information as possible as long as i can. Light the way so people know what to look for. Pretty soon the day will come that another person will be on here - somebody who DID get a bloody test - and it will be their job to confirm my findings.
    If we work together, we can find out the Truth.
    EDIT: 30 minutes later and i feel fine. The fatigue is gone again. Still have chest pains (which are getting worse) and feverish. It feels a bit cloudy behind my eyes though.
    Whatever i have is a monster xD Stealth virus indeed.

Aleve is a brand of naproxen, naproxen is the generic name. I buy the generic

YOU CANT FOOL ME! ya stupid virus.
I don’t give a flying fuck if everybody tells me not to measure too many times cause it’s bad for my health. THEY DONT KNOW! AND I CAUGHT THE BASTARD.
I Just measured my blood pressure umpteen times with the same wrist bloodpressure meter. All measurements where done in the same, relaxed position, directly one after another. I varied nothing except the things written down. These are the measurements i did after 7:40 AM (leaving in the pulse ox measurements i had dont just prior too):
07:40 after shower (with a towel on my head for my hair)
Left Finger - 97/99% spo, 85-95 bpm, 3.7%-6.5% PI
Right finger - 96/99% spo, 88-92 bpm, 5.3%-10.3% PI%
First measurement Right Wrist
146 Sys
99 dia
142 bpm
Second measurement Right Wrist after reseating
118 Sys
67 dia
94 bpm
First measurement Left Wrist
127 Sys
80 dia
90 bpm
Second measurement Left Wrist after reseating
128 Sys
80 dia
90 bpm
First measurement Right wrist 2nd time
153 Sys
108 dia
90 bpm
Second measurement right wrist 2nd time
155 Sys
100 dia
89 bpm
Third measurement right wrist 2nd time after reseating (bit looser around the wrist)
165 Sys
99 dia
145 bpm
Fourth measurement right wrist 2nd time after reseating(bit looser around the wrist)
187 Sys
125 dia
139 bpm
First measurement Left Wrist 2nd time
159 Sys
101 dia
91 bpm
second measurement Left Wrist 2nd time
144 Sys
96 dia
94 bpm
Third measurement Left wrist 2nd time after reseating (bit looser around the wrist)
137 Sys
94 dia
89 bpm
Fourth measurement Left wrist 2nd time after reseating (bit looser around the wrist)
161 Sys
101 dia
91 bpm
There’s your fucking radar echo. I thought the first measurement was off, so i reseated the damn meter and i got a normal result. ANY OTHER idiot would’ve stopped here but noooooooo not me. Stubborn son of a bitch, i am.
Blood ox, blood pressure, heat beat, all the other symptoms: THEY COME AND GO!
Whatever symptom you think you have, continually measure for a long long time and keep track of the >fluctuations< and not the >flat values<. THATS how you catch this son of a bitch. The temperature measurements gave me a suspicion, but now it’s confirmed: It works on all vitals.
EDIT: the pulse ox measurements vary so much because i measured the range over about 3-4 minutes on each side. But i did earlyer see 92%/93% which i thought was a glitch and suddenly it shot up to 97% again. Maybe it wasn’t a glitch!

Thank you guys for the tips. Yes, salt ups the blood pressure, but in my case also ups the heart rate. i’m sodium sensitive. So at night, my heart would be pounding. I guys salt is better then drugs. I did notice that my BP is lowered with strains BB-12 and LA-05, patented strains.

I wanted to separate the post about probiotics. So yes, I did notice that BB-12 and LA-05 lower my BP and I’m not able to tolerate other supplements like resveratrol that lower BP also. Resveratrol along with grape seed extract have OPCs. They upregulate your immune system.
I looked through PUBMED the topic of probiotics and SARS (coronavirus), a lot of info. Has anyone looked at probiotics and ACE2?
PAWCH presented research that soluable ACE2 help. Here is the research on ACE2 and probiotics, but there is a ton more on pubmed.
Lactobacillus paracasei Contains ACE and ACE2 Enzymatic Activity (pp 112-117 especially), Also, confers protections against lung inflammation.

Hi, JahFire, and welcome!
This is something you’ll need to work out for yourself. It’s a very personal decision. But here are few more things to consider:

  • Do you have kids or anyone that you're responsible for? If you do, think about what is going to happen to them. I find it's easier for me to base my decisions on the fate of other than myself.
  • A lot of people find their life callings in places like somewhere in Africa where hospitals are rare. They do it voluntarily knowing full well they might not come back alive. Don't feel weird if you are able to accept the risks.
  • People will eventually listen to what you say, once you gain their trust. It can take a long time, but it will happen, don't worry about that.
I hope this can help you make a decision!

See study on HOCL -