Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

Here’s an updated version of my COVID-19 spreadsheet with charts. The sheet now updates automatically daily with John Hopkin’s data. This chart allows you to graph data from individual locations.
And here is an updated video describing its use.

Check your smoke alarms and replace the battery. Buy a fire extinguisher or two. Be a total b!tch to have all the supplies you picked up recently, go up in an accidental stove fire or some such. Remember to watch out for all the other things that can get you too.
Ohh, drive like other people want to run into you too.

I noticed that lately the “thumbs-up” vote button haven’t been working. Is this only on my end or is it a recent glitch in the system? Hopefully, only temporary.

Not a good strategic move to publish plan B before its time to roll-out…
So far anyway, with 1 week remaining, the Geneva International Motor Show is still green for go. 750’000.- attendees normally each year. To put that into perspective - the entire population of Geneva is circa 495’000.-
If it goes ahead, who will dare to attend it this year? Where will they come from? And where will they return to? Oooooh dear. Sounds a lot like a super spreader occasion to me and also probably a massive bust for Geneva too. Ouch.

LoL, blackeagle, very true. I thought of that the minute I posted my question. I would just be satisfied to know that there is, in fact, a Plan B. I would assume so, but I would feel better if they could confirm that.

YES i felt a hot flash coming up and i managed to record the effect on video! I’ll post it in the forums cause it’ll just fall to the wayside underneath these videos.
At least now i won’t look like a fool tomorrow at the doctors.
EDIT: well the forum ratelimited me. How awesome. I’ll post it here then.
AGAIN I AM UNCONFIRMED CAUSE I COULDN"T GET A TEST! i MIGHT not have Covid. But whatever i do have, is causing hot flashes, and the rest of the symptoms match. My most telling symptom: I >Don’t< have a runny nose. If it was a cold or the flu, i should be sniffling my heart out cause that always happens. my nose is clear as day atm. So don’t judge me if i finally get a test and it comes back negative. I wish the government was more pro-active, quarantined me and started using me as a guinea pig to accurately track a mild case.
covid symptoms

Oregano oil vs gram positive/negative bacteria
Oregano oil vs virus

Also take a look at his blog!/
Where are the flu vaccines or other vaccines made? China?

I have low blood pressure normally, sometimes it falls too low and I have almost fainted. Salt, salt is great to make sure it doesnt get too low. I have just taken a 1/4t of salt off a spoon many times. My doctor said that was better and less side effects than the prescription drug

Sea salt or unrefined salt

Gerry Harvey just spoke on CNBC and I’m speechless. How disconnected is it possible for a business person to be? I think I must live on a different plant to him.
So I shall quote what he said regarding the coronavirus media coverage generally: GERRY HARVEY: “(the media should) stick to the facts. Don’t get too over-excited about it and the end of the world’s coming, when the end of the world’s probably not coming. Now if we do get to the stage where 1 million people in Australia have got this virus and 100’000 die or something, we’ve still got 24 million people left and so it’s not the end of the world.” CNBC INTERVIEWER: awkward silence….
With this attitude, I think I’m very happy not to work for Gerry Harvey or to shop in any of his stores… Jeeeeeeeeeeezus;cid=clicksource_4380645_2_heads_hero_live_hero_hed
As is typical for the MSM, this article is dumbed down, inane, and next to useless. So what else is new. For many years now, I’ve recognized the primary value of the MSM is as a guide to do largely the opposite of whatever it is they are telling to do, think, believe, etc.


Dog Found to Have ‘Low Level’ of Coronavirus in Hong Kong

houston we have a very big problem.

My background
I am a traditionally trained osteopathic physician board certified in emergency medicine and have practiced in the ED for most of my 38 years if practice. But I have a strong alternative/anti-orthodoxy personality, philosophy with some experience in functional medicine.
My observations
What I observed was that my “natural” friends and patients often go through a lot of physical suffering, anxiety and have more complicated illness courses. Flu-like illnesses with uncontrolled cytokine storm symptoms are much more of an ordeal. More trips to the doctor and emergency department for evaluation of the plethora of symptoms that are common from the cytokine storm. There is often a sense of fear. “Something is really wrong with me.”
Throbbing headache, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, hot feeling on eyeballs, pain with eye movements, “burning up” forehead, painful throat, can’t swallow, discomfort in neck muscles (“I think I have throat cancer”), can’t move my neck, chest pain (“my dad died of a thoracic aneurysm and I think I have one too”), spine pain (“How do you know it isn’t a disc infection”), pelvic pain, burning in the urethra with urination, knee and joint pains, muscle pains, “he can’t walk,” etc. etc etc. “My temperature keeps shooting up and up!” “My brain is exploding like an aneurysm.” “I am sweating and soaking my bed.” “I shiver and nothing can get me warm.” “His neck is stiff and he is lethargic!” All of these are the cytokine symptoms of the flu-like illnesses. Yet, theses same symptoms overlap with other more serious conditions scaring educated people.
Such patients are hard to reassure–they feel like they are dying and that the doctor who says “this isn’t serious” must be missing something. “How can you be certain it is not meningitis–he has all the signs.” “I know my body. Something is wrong.”
So you order a CT scan, blood work, a lumbar puncture or aspirate the painful joint.
Countless invasive and expensive tests are done to investigate these frightening and intense complaints – almost all of which would disappear with a single dose of ibuprofen and a couple of liters of fluids (by mouth or IV).
Complications of illness
“I can’t eat. I’m getting malnourished. How can I get well without nourishment?” “I am too sick to drink fluids and am dehydrated. I see spots when I stand up.” “I can’t sleep due to pain everywhere. I’ll never get well without some sleep.” Mom says: “He can’t swallow and hasn’t had a drop to drink in 3 days and now he collapsed in the shower!”
My personal conclusions
It is my impression that going the “natural route” of leaving cytokine storm uncontrolled is a very difficult, painful and often frightening path. I don’t recommend it. [But you can if you really want too!! No one will stop you or tell you that you are wrong!]
A fever and pain reducer taken in an effective dose, on an around-the-clock dosing schedule, for a day or two, with plenty of water, greatly decreases fear and discomfort, helps eating, drinking and sleeping, prevents the temperature fluctuations (with the associated miseries of alternating shivering and sweating). All of the associated flu cytokine symptoms are quieted down.
Examples for short term cytokine storm symptom control:

  • Ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours. (Children 10 mg / Kg of body weight)
  • Tylenol 650 mg every 4 hours (with N-AcetylCysteine 600 mg twice daily or reduced glutathione)
  • Naproxen 440 to 500 mg twice daily
  • All with water, rest, and a mix of antioxidants vitamins and supplements

Alright since we’ve been shifting names for this thing Since i’m the first to catch it in the tribe; let me propose a new one also: The Stealth Virus.
Because you can still see stealth planes on the radar; but they appear as something else (as opposed to ninjas which strike without warning).
The reason for this is both the video i posted above; and the reading i just got from my Pulse Ox Meter.
I got 95% SpO2. Consistantly, for about 20-30 seconds. Then it ticked over to 96%. Stayed there for about a minute. THEN, OUT OF NOWHERE, the darn thing goes to 97%, quickly 98% and then 99%.
Earlier today, i got a reading of 92%/93% and the thing started panicking. BUT i thought i just had it on wrong, i shifted it a little bit, it lagged, did another reading, 98%.
It’s the same with the temperature readings, i get hot flashes. The muscle pains come and go as well; i can’t even tell you how long i’ve been having those, because i stopped going to the gym last year so i’ve been >assuming< they where just muscle degredation. I’ve been feeling that for months.
The dry cough and sore throat? Well i’m a smoker; so there’s an explanation. Dizzyness and confusion? Well i smoke weed, another explanation. Doesn’t explain why i felt much better a few days ago when i was smoking more.
BUT! There is 1 >very< consistant factors throughout all of this.
The symptoms come and go. They are NOT continuous. Especially movement or activity makes them subside very rapidly. That makes them harder to detect, except when you’re specifically looking for that.
Muscle pain from degredation is spikey; it’s not constant. It certainly doesn’t appear then go away and come back; it’ll come back but in a different shape or form. This is a constant pain that comes and goes.
If the dry throat is from smoking; drinking lots of water and hydrating it should fix it. But it hasn’t. If the dizzyness and confusion was from the weed, i should feel the effects strongest after smoking and weakest before smoking again; this pattern is not consistant with when i feel what. I’ve felt better after smoking then before, only to feel even worse an hour later while i burned an hour of the drug and thus should feel better in a normal situation. That i dont = not a normal situation.
Think of it as trying to solve a murder case with no body and no weapon. Circumstantial evidence only. It’s hard; but it can be done.
I shall repeat the caveat; i haven’t been tested, i don’t know, it might still be something else. I hope it’s something else.
But if it is something else i’d like to talk to you guys about a NEW new disease that makes you feel like shit while never giving you a runny nose. God i’m going to appreciate these open airways for as long as they last because it’s winter here, 3C outside, and usually i’d be clogged up for months. Beats the normal flu i can tell ya that much. If only my chest wasn’t burning xD

Please do not report propaganda sources from Asia. Pets are not subject to Coronavirus. What you read in Bloomberg is called an agenda to deflect from the real source which is human to human infections. Just keep in mind the same news media that is doing such a pathetic job of reporting REAL data has now resorted to reporting idiotic stories. Bloomberg should be ashamed.

Can you comment on the value of using Acetominophen instead of Ibuprofen? Is it acceptable and just as effective?

Seems they were working on something else, but by pure luck it may work on this Virus. They may only be weeks away!

I was told by an MD that Tylenol by itself is nearly a placebo but tylenol with Ibuprofen is synergistic. Hence take them together to get the most bang for your buck.