Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

Feds to allow state public health labs to test for COVID-19
“As many as 40 state public health labs could begin testing for the COVID-19 virus using parts of the test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as early as this week, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).
“As of now: @CDCgov & @US_FDA developed a new protocol using 2 of 3 components of original test kit. Many public health labs are able to use the original kit w/out problem component to begin testing as soon as this week,” APHL said on its Twitter feed.As many as 40 state public health labs could begin testing for the COVID-19 virus using parts of the test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as early as this week, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).”
“As of now: @CDCgov & @US_FDA developed a new protocol using 2 of 3 components of original test kit. Many public health labs are able to use the original kit w/out problem component to begin testing as soon as this week,” APHL said on its Twitter feed."

Yeah i’ve never ever tried being calm and reasonable before. Then my dad says “They’re asians so they don’t matter”. And i know he’s not a racist. He’s just going into immediate denial.
I always start off calm and reasonable. I always present alot of logical, reasonable arguements. i EVEN mention i have autism on a regular basis because i know i can be really good at hiding it in real life. I know how much problem people have remembering disabilities when they cannot see them.
Here’s what i did: I called the doctors office. i told the assistant very clearly and concise: I’ve been in contact with somebody exhibiting symptoms 10 days ago. I first started showing symptoms 7 days after contact with fatigue. Then i develeoped a dry cough a day later and this night i’ve had a fever which has since subsided. I also have muscle pains and a sore throat. I’m matching alot of symptoms of Covid and i appreciate you must be getting that alot right now, but i promise you i’m not a hypochondriac.
She said “ok do you have a fever now?” “no it has subsided” “have you been abroad?” “no i have not been abroad”. “Ok well it is policy right now that we only test people who have been abroad”.
You have to understand. The RIVM Guidelines she is working off quite LITERALLY state “If you haven’t been abroad the chances of contracting Covid19 are Nil”.
So then logic arguements and reasoning come. “But what about people who’ve come here from wuhan and infected somebody else since?” “i’m sorry sir we follow policy”.
Then the appeal to emotions. “But i match alot of the symptoms and the person i worked with works with alot of handicapped people (of which i am one). Do you think it’s right to run that risk to save a test?” “i’m sorry sir it’s policy”.
So then you throw in anger “Well alright BUT if I infect MY PARENTS because of YOUR POLICY what am i supposed to do?! Watch my parents die because of your policy?!” So then you get the obvious “Sir, we don’t talk to each other that way. That is not how we interact and you need to calm down”.
So then you end with understanding “I know and i am calm, and i know your hands are bound by policy, but i just don’t think it’s right that we are risking lives to save tests”.
THATS when she broke down (cause ofcourse she would you think this is my first fucking rodeo in this country?) and went “You know what sir how about i have a doctor call you back?” My IMMEDIATE response: “Alright thank you very much” “have a good day” “you too!”.
THAT is what i had to do to get through the ASSISTANT. I had the very same conversation and interaction in the same pattern with the doctor; but again she was bound by the guidelines. If she breaks the rules, it comes back to haunt her if the test is negative.
But because i got angry and understanding with her; i got another phone number. But it was for a helpdesk who obviously didn’t know anything. “we are told to direct people to the site” “site says call your house doctor” “well there’s nothing more we can do”.
We are not free. We are ruled by the same social guidelines as the communists in China. Except we don’t need censors. We police each other.
Like how you keep focusing on extremely obvious things to avoid bringing up any real data or arguments to counter mine. Out of everything i said; the symptoms, what was happening, all you focused on was “well he’s screaming that must be the issue”.
We all get the government we deserve.

WOW, we are finally really going the direction they should be going. lol

California State Gov. Newsom and state health officials 2/27/20 press conference on state’s response to novel coronavirus.
Note: press conference starts at about 31 minutes.

Thanks for taking the time to reply sand_puppy - much appreciated :slight_smile:

If the coronavirus hits America, who’s responsible for protecting you?

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and health officials in 2/26/20 press conference concerning new coronavirus outbreak.

Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ (Jerusalem Post)
“In preclinical trials, the team demonstrated that the oral vaccination induces high levels of specific anti-IBV antibodies, Katz said.
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
But after scientists sequenced the DNA of the novel coronavirus causing the current worldwide outbreak, the MIGAL researchers examined it and found that the poultry coronavirus has high genetic similarity to the human one, and that it uses the same infection mechanism, which increases the likelihood of achieving an effective human vaccine in a very short period of time, Katz said.
“All we need to do is adjust the system to the new sequence,” he said. “We are in the middle of this process, and hopefully in a few weeks we will have the vaccine in our hands. Yes, in a few weeks, if it all works, we would have a vaccine to prevent coronavirus.””

So…who’s first?

Nice video with a cute kid, but I thought you are supposed to do this twice (wet, lather, scrub, rinse, repeat), then exit bathroom w/paper towel to open door. Good to share with family members.

Heck i can give you a vaccine too. The tech to make one is not all that hard. I could get you a vaccine in a weekend. However, is it safe - does it work? I am not lining up for this one. I wouldnt get on board with a new vaccine unless i knew the disease was like 50% fatal and knocking at my door. I think the knocking part will be soon… I dont think its 50% yet… maybe second, third wave.

Coronavirus Situation Is Quickly Going From Bad To Worse.

Funny you mentioned Grainger, ao.
I called them today by coincidence to order N95 masks and was told by the clerk that all emergency protective gear like N95 and N100 masks have been requisitioned in Canada by Health Authorities due to a problem with critical shortages. Those personal protection goods have gone onto Graingers restricted list and cannot be purchased unless you have authority in writing or are an authorized person (I didn’t ask her what authority). These masks are no longer available to ordinary consumers though.
Meanwhile; best i can do is keep you guys up to date bout how i’m feeling. Again i don’t know if i have it, i can’t get tested, i’ll try again tomorrow. So keep that in mind. Meanwhile i’ll treat it as a mild case of covid; maybe it gives us some insight and we can always forget this and follow the official studies once those come out 2 months from now. Again, i only want more data, we’ll sift through it all and see where we end up.
Meanwhile i’m getting hot flashes. I was just sitting back watching chris’s new video when i start to sweat. It’s still 20C in my room. I managed to get a back of the throat infrared measurement of 37,9C, but i wasn’t fast enough in making a picture since my phone was on the charger. I tried measuring it again only 10 seconds later, can’t get it above 37c.
I stuck a rectal thermometer up my ass not even a minute after, 37.0C.
I know enough about physics that i cannot measure a temperature in the back of my throat of 37.9C if my body doesn’t at least generate 37,9C of heat. In other words; if my body’s really 37C, then my throat should measure 37C or below; it can’t possibly measure an entire degree higher.
My head still feels hot. It feels like it’s “under the skin”. But if i measure my forehead right now it’s 36,2c. That fits with the fluctuations between 36c and 36,5c i’ve been having for a day now.
They say you have to have a fever to have this thing but i seriously doubt that. The worldometers site mentions that in the Cheng et al study, only 83% people had a fever.
What if the symptoms are intermittant and that’s why people keep slipping through quarantines? Because the chest pain i had earlier in the evening is gone at the moment. If it wasn’t for my head feeling like it’s filled with fog (but my thinking isn’t impeded at the moment though it was yesterday) as well as just a little paranoia at this point (i feel i’m entitled to just a smidge) i’d think i was fine. Probably just didn’t sleep enough.

Today received an Eco One electrolyzer from Ecolox Tech.
I bought this device to prevent mold in a sailboat. I strongly suspect that it will also be useful for Covid-19. It has been tested on Avian flu, regular flu, Norovirus, Listeria, Salmonella, Staphylocoous, MRSA ect… However, it has not yet been tested on any Corona virus.
What you do is pour in some water into a jug, add some, non-iodized salt and some vinegar (optional) and turn on the device on for eight minutes to generate a solution of Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) at a concentration of 100-200 parts per million.
This HOCL solution is much less toxic and more effective at killing micro organisms than bleach. You can make gallons of your own disinfecting solution. I also bought a fine spray mister to make it go further.
For more info go to:
For info on a rival home system that requires the ongoing purchase of special capsules go to:
I copied the following info from a site that sells similar electrolyzed systems for hospitals and large industrial applications:
“The Beauty of HOCL
Simply take salt, water, and electricity and make HOCL. HOCL is produced when required to kill harmful microorganisms at the same concentration and at the same pH range as HOCl produced by the human body. HOCL is made on site on demand and replaces harmful and dangerous chemicals. HOCl is many times more effective at killing harmful pathogens than hypochlorite, the major constituent of bleach (5). The electrochemical process generates HOCl at near neutral pH using patented technology which generates the solution at the optimum pH to generate the maximum levels of hypochlorous acid.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) solution is one of the chlorine byproducts obtained by dissolving chlorine in water. The virucidal ability of solutions containing a high amount of HOCl is better than those containing HCl−, because the virucidal ability of HOCl is 120 times higher than that of HCl−. Furthermore, the level of free available chlorine in chlorine-based compounds (often called HOCl) is highest in pH 5 solutions.
Based on in vitro studies, the antimicrobial activity of HOCl appears to be comparable to other antiseptics but without cytotoxicity; there is more clinical evidence about its safety and effectiveness.”
For more info go to:

Does anyone have (or can direct me to) a vitamin protocol? Vit C/D3/k2/etc
Much appreciated

This is great & helpful information, but does one do if blood pressure is already low ? The drugs are out of use. For people with low BP, there is no way out ?

I’m sorry this is just frustration venting.
I tried recording a video of the temperature changes, i got up to 38,3C JUST NOW. BUT it goes up and then down. It went from 37,5C to 38,3C for 5 minutes back down to 37C. And i thought i had it on tape but FREAKING LOGITECH CRASHES.
But i will persist; ima get this bitch on video no matter the cost
EDIT: Yep down around 36 to 36,5C. Can’t get higher then that at the back of my throat. If there’s anything that stands out it’s how unstable my temperature is - it continually fluctuates. - the Wuhan facility cobbled together all of the deadliest parts of other virals before setting it free. It ain’t a mutation but a frankenstein.

Since everything is closed and the carnage is over, i want to point out that at the start of the thread i gave a perfect sell signal and warned there would be massive selling.
Well the day ended with the VIX up 42%, the down down 1109 points with similar losses for the nasdaq and S&P. Though precious metals are taking their sweet time; i’ve also given an explanation as to why that might be happening. Though volume was lower on a wensday; i guess people still had some hope.
I’ve also shown before that precious metals went down in the crash of 2008, too, before a meteoric rise later.
Regardless. As far as markets go, that doesn’t matter now. What matters next is all the big investors which just went bust today and what that means going forward (hint: means alot of pain). This was gonna happen anyway, Covid just accelerated the timeline much to Trump’s dismay. Even worse; ya still can’t print away the virus ontop of the central bank already having used it’s money bazooka to the point of diminishing returns.
My advice remains the same as it was friday 2 weeks ago: Get the hell out of the market until the dust settles.

Hi Chris and Adam, Given that now all federal info re: the coronavirus needs to be reviewed and approved by Pence & Co. Covid-2019 Task Force, I expect we may see more stringent efforts to restrict and silence “non-approved” (i.e., alternative, truthful) messages and messengers. CDC recently met with Google, FB, Twitter, and other social media execs to strategize how to combat the coronavirus “Infodemic”. I’m still concerned that PP could “go dark” on social media and even on your main proprietary site. If so, what is your plan to preserve existing/archived content and keep the PP tribe connected to you and each other?
Thank you again for all you do to keep us informed, alert and safe.