Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

There should be none what soever. You should have a set of values long ago that guide your behaviors. For me its very simple. You are in the position to make a difference. You should want to. Do not sell yourself out on your beliefs or knowledge. Find the way to use what you do and what you know - to manage this situation the best you can. You need to be assertive with others in your organization. And make them do the right thing … you need to stand strong - you will get resistance. Do not succumb… people lives are at stake. People are not dumb and do not need to coddled , regardless what superiors may say… BE an F,n man - and sleep well in the end… and you will die in peace.

Steve Bannon said that on his WarRoom Pandemic podcast, but I cannot find the source. If true, when the results come in that’s when the “localized outbreaks” will begin and the stock market takes another leg down. I think many of us suspect they’ve already started. Can anyone else confirm the 4000 Bannon talked about? It’s not on the CDC website.

February 26, 2020
In a study of more than 1,000 patients published in Radiology, chest CT outperformed lab testing in the diagnosis of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Researchers at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, concluded that CT should be used as the primary screening tool for COVID-19.
In the absence of specific therapeutic drugs or vaccines for COVID-19, it is essential to detect the disease at an early stage and immediately isolate an infected patient from the healthy population.
According to the latest guidelines published by the Chinese government, the diagnosis of COVID-19 must be confirmed by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or gene sequencing for respiratory or blood specimens, as the key indicator for hospitalization. However, with limitations of sample collection and transportation, as well as kit performance, the total positive rate of RT-PCR for throat swab samples has been reported to be about 30% to 60% at initial presentation.
In the current public health emergency, the low sensitivity of RT-PCR implies that a large number of COVID-19 patients won’t be identified quickly and may not receive appropriate treatment. In addition, given the highly contagious nature of the virus, they carry a risk of infecting a larger population.
“Early diagnosis of COVID-19 is crucial for disease treatment and control. Compared to RT-PCR, chest CT imaging may be a more reliable, practical and rapid method to diagnose and assess COVID-19, especially in the epidemic area,” the authors wrote.
Recent research found that the sensitivity of CT for COVID-19 infection was 98% compared to RT-PCR sensitivity of 71%.
For the current study, researchers set out to investigate the diagnostic value and consistency of chest CT imaging in comparison to RT-PCR assay in COVID-19.

Just announced… Man from Tilburg
Hey Desogames, that is your city !!

Well, with the past festivities in the south of Holland, combined with the cold weather and wind, driving everybody to the warm cozy bars, an explosion of cases over about two weeks is to be expected.

Yes, I do believe that CT scans are more beneficial for diagnosis, and a clinician once experienced with the characteristics of the disease should be easily able( and allowed) to make the diagnosis ( confirmed ) without a prc test. (However, this process would exclude diagnosis of those in early phase or with mild disease. )

The carnival is pityful compared with the 70 and 80 ies. Since half the population here smokes pot, snoares coka and pops X, they are all sick all day all year anyway. The government sees no danger, maybe they are already calculating the effect on the pensionproblems. Until then, carpe diem, at home of course.

I appreciate your kind comment. It’s funny but I was just thinking a few moments ago that we don’t really communicate much with each other on this board. It’s not like we are talking to each other a lot of the time so much as talking at each other.
And just then I saw you answered me.
Halleluja…we are a community after all. Lol!

While some nutrients (vitamins A & D, Zinc, Copper, and some specific fatty acids) are especially important for your immune system, substituting them really only helps when you already have all the other bases covered. A good nutrient density is more important then substituting specific vitamins. I suggest using one of those supplements that contain 50 or 70 different nutrients once every few days. Its like those supply chains: adding some more lubricants to your engine doesn’t help if the engine is already missing parts.

Knowing what we know, looks like Wall Street took notice. By the time this has spread through US cities expect the dow to be under 20k. Hard times a comin

Now down 11% since last Friday. The market hates uncertainty and it looks like it’s trying to price in the economic impact. My chart study says there’s potential hard support around 22,500, but I’m skeptical that it will hit that and stay there long.
Cash is a good position to be in now.

Earlier today, new PP member Desogames suspected that he had contracted Covid-19. In several colourfully written posts, he described that he lives in Tilburg in the Netherlands and then continued to describe his concerns about how Dutch authorities were refusing to test him despite his reports and protestations…see post #36 in this thread and several other later posts… And then there was silence…
Perhaps coincidentally, I have just seen this news report in …
If this news report is not you Desogames - please could you post a message and tell us how you are feeling … thanks.

Tilburg man has coronavirus, health minister confirms February 27, 2020 The Netherlands has its first case of coronavirus – a man from Tilburg who had recently spent time in Lombardy in Italy – health minister Bruno Bruins has confirmed.The man, said to be around the age of 50, has been placed in quarantine at the Elisabeth TweeSteden Ziekenhuis in Tilburg and health officials have begun trying to trace his contacts, officials said.‘The person had symptoms and was hospitalised and tested,’ the public health institute RIVM said. All identified contacts will be monitored to halt the spread of the disease.This involves taking their temperature twice a day and reporting it to the local health board. They must also report any other symptoms. ‘These measures will help reduce the risk of the disease spreading in the Netherlands, the RIVM said.Officials are also trying to find out if the man had celebrated Carnaval, which is popular in the south of the country.Earlier on Thursday it emerged that three more cases of coronavirus had been reported in Germany just over the Dutch border at Sittard. They may have caught the disease from another German Carnaval goer who had been in Italy.Half termDozens of Dutch nationals are also in quarantine in Italy and in Tenerife where they had been holidaying during the winter half-term.And according to the Volkskrant, a Yemeni asylum seeker was held at Schiphol’s detention centre for several days because he had most recently been in one of the worst affected areas in China, where the disease originated.People who are worried about their own or other people’s health are being urged to check out the website of the public health institute RIVM which has information in Dutch and in English.SymptomsThe World Health Organisations says common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.The WHO’s standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs.People should also avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing, the world health agency said.FearsVirology professor Eric Snijder told RTL Nieuws on Thursday that healthy people have nothing to fear from the disease.Some 80% of victims develop mild symptoms and only a small proportion of the total number of people who are infected will die. They are likely to be elderly or already be suffering from health problems.‘If I compare it with a real killer virus like ebola, then the chance of survival is very small, he said. ‘But the coronavirus is the opposite.’ Read more at

Except that the first case went to Lombardy directly so he got tested.
I tried my best but they did not test me. Also, if i got it, i got it for sure 10 days ago right here in the Netherlands.
I’ll call again tomorrow see if they’re more happy to test now.
And as i’ve kept screaming at them: I DONT KNOW IF I HAVE IT!
I DONT CARE IF I HAVE IT! because if i do i’m clearly a mild case. I’ll be fine! I am not worried!
God i hate humans. Anyway.
As for silver being “worse” then gold, it is. When you look at it from a monetary perspective, give anybody the choice to own silver or gold and they will pick gold. It also has far more potential to the upside because everybody piled into gold before they pick silver - the gold/silver ratio has barely ever been this high. I also own about 1/3rd of gold to 2/3rds of silver; so don’t think i’m not aware.
It’s just that gold has a longer history of higher demand. Silver is still money. Gold just more so.
EDIT: Just to re-iterate: It is POLICY that they ONLY test people who have been abroad THEMSELVES. I have not been abroad. I have not had obvious contact with infected people. I will not be tested. The silence cause i went to bed. It’s really hard to measure exhaustion as a symptom after you’ve been screaming at people for days and they won’t listen (which is why i didn’t report exhaustion 3 days ago when i started getting it, i thought it was because of the above).
EDIT2: OH just so it’s mentioned somewhere, I’m fine with Chris mentioning/describing all this and using my name/nickname. I’ve worked as a streamer for a year so i can handle attention/the camera just fine and my anonymity is shot anyway :D. I still have a channel (and am affiliate on twitch) though i haven’t streamed much since this whole virus story began. I just found it more important to read up/keep track of the virus and spend all my time there just in case. How futile.

Yep my city Except that the first case went to Lombardy directly so he got tested.
Thanks for responding Desogames - maybe tomorrow you'll have better luck being tested. Good luck and fingers crossed.

Swiss authorities reported a sixth case this evening - a 30 year old woman who visited Milan 1 week ago. Earlier today, the fifth case was confirmed, a 26 year old man who stayed in Verona (N. Italy) also 1 week ago.
In strong contrast to USA, Swiss authorities also reported that they have tested 500 people already so far and beefed up its testing from 1 laboratory in Geneva, to 10 laboratories around the country with a capability of testing up to 1’000 cases per day.

Geedard and several others asked for my input on whether home oxygen and a CPAP, or better yet, a BiPAP machine (used for obstructive sleep apnea) ,would be helpful for home treatment for pneumonia.
I just don’t know if it would be helpful enough to warrant the cost.
It makes sense that an oxygen concentrator could help a mild pneumonia case get by at home. They do require a doctor’s prescription when purchased from a DME vendor, but craigslist in my area had them for sale from a couple of private parties (where no prescription was needed for an off-the-books cash transaction). Cost on Craigslist about $2,000.
And, we do give TEMPORARY BiPAP breathing support to people who are tiring from increase work of breathing from pneumonia, COPD or asthma in the emergency department. Usually, BiPAP is only done for several hours while we see if they are going to improve. If they don’t improve in a few hours, they require intubation and a ventilator. So possibly a home BiPAP treatment could help a borderline case. Cost $1,200 or so. Getting insurance to pay for a BiPAP machine is quite a hassle and requires an overnight sleep study to document sleep apnea, then a doctors prescription and an insurance card that covers durable medical equipment (DME) --and many don’t.
If I had lots of extra cash, I’d get one of each. But I have spent too much prepping already and probably won’t get either. :frowning:

Perhaps if rather than screaming and swearing, you tried talking to them calmly and in a friendly manner, they’d be more responsive. Try it. The results may surprise you. Put yourself in their shoes. How do you think they feel about you when you’re screaming and swearing and ranting and raving?

Sorry, but no. Binge watch Dr. Campbell.

Like a splash of cold water. Why I get sucked into their gaslighting at all any more is a weakness I need to address. Thanks for the “virtual” slap and “Snap out of it!”

It seems that the person I was talking to today has a daughter who works for Grainger. Grainger is a source of industrial supplies and safety products including a whole line of masks. They have been getting in some big orders, especially from the Chinese. One order, for example, was for $35,000 worth of masks. The problem is, they won’t be able to fulfill these orders for quite some time, probably months. His daughter can watch them typing in the orders in Chinese and then auto-translating the orders to English before they’re sent. The Chinese are desperate to obtain these supplies but obviously aren’t having much luck.
In other news, I regularly get e-mails advertising cruises from Princess since we’re platinum level customers. There are some incredible bargains being offered for last minute bookings on cruises. They’re obviously desperate to fill these ships.
Despite the uptick in business, Grainger’s stock price is falling but Carnival Corporation (the parent company of Princess) is plunging even more.