Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

U-r-gay ? , sorry, a favorite Simpson’s joke. You are obviously not poor, and you do have a detailed plan, which is good. I spent two weeks hanging out in Uruguay in Sept. 2009. I was considering a move there, but not wealthy enough. I decided to stick out the end of the world in rural US. Uruguay is a cool country with some problems. Could use a colony of Amish and some good German engineers. Technology is like 1960s, but the people are great.
My pandemic thoughts are, I think travel is not a good idea. Much more chance of encountering the virus and you might become a non symptomatic spreader. It does get cold there in winter, those Antarctic storms can be intense. However, if I were living in Uruguay, I would already have a residence in Salto. Off the beaten path,clean, agricultural. Also, great hot springs. Salto is my vote. If you were my Mom, I’d move there and live with you. ?

California is one of only three states with working test kits and they are reluctant to use them. A little whiff of hoarding? For you younger crowd, an old book of “Aesop’s Fables” will explain my subject line. ?

I was thinking more about the issue that there are already a bunch of kids (and teachers) at my child’s school hacking up a lung (and some with fever as well). I know the chance of any of them having Covid 19 are very small - most likely flu and colds - but we will never know if, and more likely when, some of them do. Why aren’t existing rules about not being at school with a fever or constant cough not being upheld NOW. Because they are not upholding the existing rules and there is no testing we will never know when that redline might be crossed and when I need to pull my kid out of school.

I’ve been through many cities and towns in Ecuador, and every time I go there I get sick with something that might as well be the flu. The facilities are often nicer than in Peru and Bolivia thanks to oil money and deficit spending, but they are still crowded and often unhygienic compared to what I’ve read about Uruguay. I’ve slept in beds where they don’t change the sheets between guests, they don’t change blankets, everyone packs into taxis and buses, marginally cleaned open air markets, and I wonder about all the people drinking from the same chalice at mass. What you need is better control of your own living quarters and plan to stay there longer.

This is just a semi educated guess, but I would think YES, it would help against BACTERIAL pneumonia. As bacterial pneumonia is opportunistic, it seems to me the same pneumococcal bacteria that are vaccinated against are going to be first in line to take advantage of an infected host. Roughly 50% of all pneumonia is bacterial. HOWEVER, AFAIK there would be NO protection against viral pneumonia. I cannot find any information out there with regard whether patients are contracting bacterial or viral pneumonia, so this is only a half way answer, time will tell.

Frankly, I think that’s the plan. Expect a HUGE crop of ersatz “flu and pneumonia” deaths this year. Anything to get to the November election. But, it’s going to be hard to hide the ambulances in the neighborhoods. Will in my opinion be much worse than it needs to be.

Wife and small kids at home or elderly parents or family that may need support… perhaps consider sitting this one out. Beyond that - if you are healthy - then it may be an opportunity to go to the front line and really help people and at the same time learn things that you will never be able to get from a text book. You can be part of changing things for the better in the long run. Every decision is unique and personal though.

That chart is pretty interesting Hugh, if you notice that from 30 to 39 and upwards the mortality rate roughly doubled in each group higher. The chart is quite visual without needing to do much special math. So by the time you hit the 80’s age group risk is 2222*2=32 times more fatalities than the 30’s age group.
So being old is dangerous when it comes to Covid19. And since most of us can’t fix our age it means we must focus much more on the variables we can control.
Like lifestyle issues such as smoking and drinking, isolation, diet, rest, exercise, personal hygiene, environment, public appearances and changes to social behaviors like hand shaking.
People do not change easily though. Behaviors are very difficult to modify as we all know if we have ever attempted diets as just one example. The survivors will be those who can rapidly change their behaviors to adapt to this new environment.
An inability to adapt could be a death sentence for the elderly.

Odds are very good North America will substantially avoid the pandemic this season but by next fall it should return in force. And that means the 2020/2021 flu season will be getting a lot more attention than usual.
I believe it’s going to gave a very big impact on voters who will be practicing isolation and avoidance by then. Mail in ballots will be more popular than ever but we could be looking at one of the lowest turnouts in US history. It is going to come down to demographics and risk profiles.
Boomers and their elderly parents will suddenly have less of a voice as many will stay home to avoid catching the Carnivorus Virus. This will definitely affect the outcomes in swing states and could be a determining factor for many candidates. Is it any wonder Trump and others are downplaying the virus risk? The question comes down to who your supporters are and what age group they come from. So we should expect sunny talk from on high to continue right through until election time.
After November we will have the public crisis.

That biochemist is extremely biased and his read of that presser is laughably deferential to the admin. His take is the opposite of almost anyone else who has any concept of how this works. Appreciate varied viewpoints but that guy is hard to take serious.

Yes, This protects against a specific type of bacterial pneumonia, not all. So, since your body is weakened and these bacteria are opportunistic… You reduce your chance - for one of the specific co-infections possible. But its not a be-all its one 10 or so types of pneumonia.

I am not really a pro-trumper or anti-trumper. But he has said moronic things regarding this. He is probably intelligent but he is not very educated - even from a basic grammar stand-point. ( should tell you a bit about the theory of privilege and private universities ) I think this is his defining hour and - he looks like he will clearly fail. I’d be really surprised if he is re-elected. The problem is for the US is choosing between dumb and dumber.

I’ve been following his posts to see how the Coronavirus has affected him… one of his friends who was on the cruise just tested positive ?

Again, we have said that the US is not doing surveillance for the virus and not testing - They will not even consider someone a potential victim if they have not traveled to china or had close contact with a known confirmed case. So, anyone that has gotten infected for leaked exposure contact - wont even get tested. With the recent CA case the hospital had to plead with the CDC for 4 days while a guy on a vent was suffering for a diagnosis… But we know this would be happening - there are no words that it takes a guy on vent on the 19th with drs suspected covid… and taking 10 days to get a diagnoses… its just beyond words… People should go to jail on this one - They shoudl have minimally told us its here but we wont test - please be careful this spreads by touch , coughs , common contact surfaces… etc… and use proper hygiene etc . and sorry we are not going to test.

“People do not change easily though. Behaviors are very difficult to modify as we all know if we have ever attempted diets as just one example. The survivors will be those who can rapidly change their behaviors to adapt to this new environment.” One of the reasons I am so upset by the official narrative is because I take a class with several elderly people. (70’s) They are smart, caring, artistic people. I like them immensely. However, they believe that the virus is “like the flu” just listen to the people in the know. They have not changed their behavior in any way and I know if they get the virus they might not survive. They get their information from official sources and it could cost them their lives. We each get to choose where we get our information. Sad state of affairs. Thanks for posting stats Nairobi.

One big reason for the onslaught in older people may be there Vitamine D deficiency.
Vitamine D deficiency in US and China among older
Although the blood levels are important this is not the end of the story.
According Bruce W. Hollis, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina it is absolutely important to take vitamine D everyday because your tissue will absorp it without converting first to 25(OH)D.
There it has tremendous effect by switching genes on and of thereby profoundly changing the health of your cells.
Dr. Gundry from Plant Paradox advises everyday supplementing with vitamine D.
In case you feel a virus infection upcoming you should increase the dose ten fold (example normally you would take 100 micrograms = 4000 IU, raise it to 1000 micrograms or 40000 IU)
see also Pawch :

Dutch minister of health
– this is like the flu, do not worry and keep distance from ppl who are sick
is it a-symptomatic ?
– no, you can only get it from sick ppl

I take it every day already… though I may up my dose : )