Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

I was planning on sending an email to the school district supervisor as well as the high school principal asking them what they are doing to prepare, what is their redline, and what happens when it is invoked. Has anyone already created a template that I can edit and use?
CHS...... Do these actions instill unwavering confidence in the official U.S. response? You must be joking. It seems I am not the only one disappointed with the official narrative.

I woke up to the top headline on Zero Hedge screaming that the CDC has announced that the first “unconfirmed origin” case of covid-19 is in Sonoma County, where I live:

But it looks like ZH mistyped. The correct county is Solano County:

Those of us in Sonoma County can breathe a (small) sigh of relief -- Solano County is still too close for comfort. And if you live in Solano County, my thoughts are with you. Get cracking on any remaining preps as fast you can.

Iran has 26 deaths but I have not heard anything about what is happening with this bond. Does anyone know? Just curious whether some countries will get help from the bond.

The novel coronavirus is shed in the feces of infected people, which may help explain why it’s spread so fast, according to Chinese researchers.

The finding of live virus particles in stool specimens indicates a fecal-oral route for coronavirus, which may be why it’s caused outbreaks on cruise ships with an intensity often seen with gastro-causing norovirus, which also spreads along that pathway. More than 600 Covid-19 infections were confirmed among passengers and crew aboard the Diamond Princess, the ship quarantined for two weeks in Yokohama, Japan.

“This virus has many routes of transmission, which can partially explain” its rapid spread, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report Saturday...

...“The virus can also be transmitted through the potential fecal-oral route,” the Chinese CDC said. “This means that stool samples may contaminate hands, food, water” and cause infection when the microbes enter the mouth or eyes, or are inhaled, they said.

Rectal swabs can detect the pneumonia-causing virus in patients even when conventional oral tests are negative, doctors at the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital in central China said in a study.

The novel SARS-like coronavirus was found in oral and anal swabs, and blood -- indicating that infected patients may shed the pathogen through respiratory, fecal-oral or body fluid routes, the authors said.

They showed that the current strategy for detecting viral RNA in oral swabs used to diagnose Covid-19 cases “is not perfect,” the researchers said. They noted that patients may harbor the virus in the intestine at the early or late stage of disease, and that a blood test for antibodies against the virus should be considered to better understand patterns of infection...

Jennifer Zeng posted this research and which was deleted.
COVIR 19 When the alarm goes off (English) COVIR 19 When the alarm goes off (Chinese) COVIR 19 When the alarm goes off

Not sure of the integrity of the South China Morning Post since Alibaba bought it, most of my Corona info has been coming from Adam. SCMP published this article which might be worth looking into some more.

The new coronavirus has an HIV-like mutation that means its ability to bind with human cells could be up to 1,000 times as strong as the Sars virus, according to new research by scientists in China and Europe.

I have observed the first videos of people in China suffering a sudden loss of consciousness at the outset of this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. I immediately wanted to learn whether the victims had experienced sudden death at this moment, or were still alive, breathing, unresponsive, and unconscious…and whether these victims later regained consciousness…or died at a later time, never regaining consciousness.
The many videos of people falling to the ground unresponsive, is in contrast to the videos of people…such as fatigued healthcare workers…suffering syncope, or fainting.
The difference being easily observed, whereas dropping like a rock, vs, swooning.
I was most alarmed, but could not confirm if the victims were suffering a symptom of COVID-19, or suffering from another issue, capable of sudden death, or LOC.
To this day, I have no idea of whether those suffering from the sudden LOC in the Chinese videos, had died on the spot, or not. But, from the casual manner of the first responders, who were always in NO HURRY to attend the victim…I surmised the sudden LOC I was witnessing was actually sudden death.
Some of the videos displayed sudden LOC victims lying in a small pool of blood around their heads, which was obviously from the victim. This could be explained by wounds to the head and face from the unguarded impact with the ground, such lacerations always bleed nicely. The shape of the blood pool indicated this source, as expectorated blood would create a different pattern.
I only wish to know if these sudden LOC victims we are seeing are in the process of suffering a swift death, or, instead, lapsing into unconsciousness, or a coma.
The victims suffer an immediate LOC faster than, and apart from, the 25 most common causes. I wish I had clinical examinations of these people.

I try to answer to the best… I’m not en expert.
The virus can not enter your body through the skin. But protection which protect you and you can ditch or sterilize is good.
The main attack is on your body openings. Mouth, nose, eyes, ears and your private parts. But also wounds from scratching or whatever.
The main thing is not touching your face. With or without plastic covering on your hands.
This is very difficult for human beings hence next to the mask we will need goggles.
So whenever you come home wash your hands thoroughly ! Disinfect your plastic outerwear and wash your hands again !

Both types of bond will not liquidate funds until 12 weeks after a Pandemic has been declared. I don’t know what agency is in charge of declaring it, but it appears to be being avoided at all costs. $400,00,000 in the fund, Very big investors involved. 72 countries can apply, so very little to any one country. It’s basically a financial instrument to make the rich richer, not to help people. Research on the internet.

Just a few more weeks until they start reporting cases like crazy.
So glad I prepped.
Thanks to this website I got on the jump real quick

It is not a mutation, but a long-chain, genetic, splice from HIV into the SARS-CoV-2. It is not a natural mutation, but the result of bio-engineering. Just as are the other long-chain splices we find in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, all of which improve this virus’ ability to infect people, adopting the traits of other pathogenic virus.

chloe, i had the same question. ran into the superintendent of the schools here. he had vaguely heard of ‘the virus’ and is toying with maybe doing some kind of preparation in the hypothetical future. If somebody has a checklist with some straightforward low-budget actionable items that can be done immediately, it would be of interest.

The use of ANY blocking substance, such as the plastic wrap in your kitchen, or found used in baggies, can prevent a virus from coming into contact with your skin. But, like all things related to virus protection and infection prevention, there are many variables. Generally, anything, which is not part of your body, placed between your body and the virus…improves your chances of not coming into contact with the virus. Tin foil. A stick. etc.

I’m starting a petition to withdraw whatever degree he has, if any.

This was helpful for me. Your mileage may vary, but it’s late in the game. As we used to say in the military, no plan survives contact with the enemy, but any plan is better than no plan.

Aren’t you all amazed at the “health professionals” who remain stupid about the current pandemic and the characteristics of the virus?

I am with you Granny.

The last thing a government operative is going to tell you is: “I’m sorry, but you see…it may not be possible to develop a vaccine for this pathogen at all, due to the advent of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement).”
We are still waiting for a SARS (1) vaccine after eight years. While one can develop a vaccine to cause the immune system to produce targeted antibodies for SARS-CoV-2, the effects of ADE come into play during the FIRST infection of the virus, instead of the second. All the vaccine did was to allow the virus a better chance to kill you, using the sub/non neutralizing antibodies, which were originally generated by a prior vaccination.

First of all, I am very appreciative of the information and support this group has given me in the short amount of time I’ve been subscribed. It has opened my eyes to a new reality that I had an understanding of but could not fully grasp. I have begun to move with a much higher sense of urgency in regards to preparing myself and my family for these times ahead… but a new development has arisen that I feel would be best answered in this community.
I work for NIOSH, which is an institute under the CDC umbrella… I’m very aware of the agency’s piss poor management of this outbreak and I am disgusted at the level of mediocrity these “public health professionals” are demonstrating to the public. However I’ve been recently presented the opportunity to deploy and assist with PUI screening and containment… Now obviously after seeing the reality of the situation and seeing the data being presented in this circle I have my own reservations and concerns about deploying. With so many unknowns I feel like it may be best to decline the request and spend that time preparing for the impact this outbreak will cause (as I already feel so far behind). There’s also the risk of getting sick myself during deployment due to travel and public interaction… but at the same time I feel like it is my duty to serve in any way I can if it means I can help the situation. I feel like with the information I’ve learned here maybe I can urge those I am with to move with the same level of urgency when practicing screening and containment strategies… but I feel like at this point it may all be for nothing. I am an early career scientist with no real teeth in the game. Who would even listen?
Anyway I’m curious to know what you all think… be blessed.