Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

I’ve got a call back from my house doctor.
Because i’ve NOT been abroad for the last few weeks, and because i cannot prove i’ve got a fever (because the damn thing keeps coming and going) i will not get tested.
I called the GGD question line, they couldn’t help me either. The website of the RIVM states that if you have symptoms you should call your house doctor. But because their guidelines say, if i don’t have a fever, and i haven’t been abroad MYSELF (people coming here doesn’t count) i cannot have the disease. They literally say “the chance is nil”.
But i’m not going to back down. I’m going to start escalating this. If you don’t hear back from me it’s cause i’m either in quarantine or jail!
I don’t give a flying fuck if i have covid or not. I have the symptoms, they should test me.

Why I Want To Be Infected With the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Hi everyone, newbie here. I have posted this article for others to comment on, a lot of it is too technical for me, but several strands seem important and interesting - and controversial. I would be grateful for members with real medical knowledge to try and make sense of it for us, particularly on supplements.
Thanks to everyone for making such great contributions. UK based by the way.

I’ve heard a rumor that EY has banned its employee from attending basically all large work gatherings. Applies to everyone globally. Interesting move if true and I wonder if other firms in the industry will follow suit. Can anyone here confirm?
New member here – thank you for this incredible work, Chris and Adam!

CK -
We are trying to set up for 18-months. That’s the earliest a vaccine is likely to be available. Ripple effects with possible multiple waves, economic fallout, and societal issues could go longer.

Remember this, 30% of people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom, and 50% of those that wash their hands don’t do it correctly.
Also makes me wonder about the utility of having hand sanitizer in the bathroom, like we do at work. The faucet handles and the door handle going out of the bathroom is probably the most likely places of transmission. We should have the hand sanitizer outside of the bathroom as a final step after washing your hands in the bathroom.
After washing hands, I’ve been getting a squirt of H.S. walking out of the bathroom, and then covering my hands with the H.S.

30% of people do not wash their hands
The researchers started from existing data indicating that a large number of people do not wash their hands after using the restroom. According to study co-author Prof. Christos Nicolaides, “70% of […] people who go to the toilet wash their hands afterward.”
“The other 30% don’t [wash their hands]. And of those that do, only 50% do it right.” – Prof. Christos Nicolaides

CDC refused to test after UC medical asked because did not fit testing criteria. On Sunday they relented and the person was positive. CDC must modify their testing criteria if we are to have ANY chance finding community spread. Not to mention this poor person in the hospital who might benefit from faster diagnosis and different treatment protocol.
You’d think with the billions being allocated they could expand testing criteria to all suspicious cases.

Look at what is on the New York Times today front page under a link on how to prepare labeled (Should you cancel your family vacation?):

Should I worry about air travel?

"Traveling on airplanes and in airports should be safe because, unlike chicken pox or measles, the virus doesn’t appear to be airborne, meaning it most likely does not linger suspended in the air, Dr. Maldonado said.

“I don’t know exactly what the mechanism is, but this is really acting like a large droplet transmission,” she said, which means you’re more likely to get it from contaminated surfaces or people near you. “As you sneeze or cough, these are larger droplets that spew out and they tend not to travel more than three feet or so.”

So if someone on a plane did have coronavirus, she said, you would need to touch the same surface they touched or sit near them in order to potentially be infected."


No amount of fuss i make is gonna make these idiots change their rules. I’m going to have to wait until i either get worse or somebody else drops dead before i get my damn test.
Meanwhile i’m keeping a health log. And i’m gonna need you guys help on something so i don’t have to call the poor doctor again; she’s already getting swamped.
On an pulse-oximeter, the Perfusion Index Or PI%… How stable is that supposed to be? I can’t find any good google results on it and best i found was a study on positions affecting the PY (4.5 plus minus 2.5 for sitting and 3,5-7.8 for standing.), so i understand there’s supposed to be a margin…
…but the darn thing literally climbed up to 10.2 PI% before cratering down to 5% in 5-10 seconds and all the way down to 3,5% within 30 seconds.
Even the other measurements show the same pattern. go up, stay on a number for a good long while (19-20-30 seconds) and then the number either just craters or flies. Consistantly so. Feel free to tell me that’s normal, i’m not one for headaches :smiley:

When you collapse, is called “syncope.“ (pronounced syn-co-pee). When you collapse with warning (such as lightheadedness, or sweating), it’s usually fainting, or vasovagal syncope. When you collapse without warning, it’s often an electrical disturbance of the heart, for example, that’s what it would look like in sudden cardiac death. But I don’t think all the people who collapse are actually dead. Basically, I don’t know and I haven’t found an article on it.
There is one condition that comes to mind where microbes can get into the heart electrical conduction system, and that would be Lyme disease. That involves a bacteria, I don’t know if a virus can do something like that.

Desogames, I hope you just have a bad cold. Statistically a lot more likely. If they did a test, the chances it would be positive might be at most 5% if you look at the percent of positive tests done in all countries to date. However, I get your concern.
Does your pulse oximeter give you an oxygen saturation percentage? I have never seen anyone measure the perfusion index instead and I don’t know how to help you with that.
One more option might be to convince someone to do a flu test, but even those are positive only about 5 to 10% of the time when people have your symptoms. On the other hand, if your oxygen saturation drops to 93% that’s what China was using to screen their cases where the virus became widespread there. And anyways, you would need hospital care and oxygen at that point.

Hey Deso, I’m going to take exception a bit with you that gold is “better”. It’s a false comparison. Silver is used in electronics more than gold because it’s the best conductor of electricity on earth. Batteries on the space station for example are silver-based because they are superior, and this has nothing to do with price of gold. After water, food and oil, silver is arguably next in line as the most valuable commodity. It’s use in PVs, electric vehicles, robotics, drones, weapons systems, and of course anti-microbials is flat-out unsustainable. It will be beyond price, an issue of national security. Mines will be nationalized. Hoarding will be illegal. Peak silver output from mining operations is already about 3 years in the rear-view mirror and the whole paradigm that silver is less valuable because it is a commodity is absurd. Reading technical charts in the paper markets to predict long-term pricing is as effective as reading goat entrails.

if it turns out that there is seasonal reduction in the coronavirus transmission, I am considering how I would use migration as a tactic of avoidance. I currently live in the southern hemisphere, so I’m pretty worried about what will happen when the normal cold and flu season start here. So these are some music that I’m having and I would appreciate people’s feedback. Thanks for reading.
Migration. I am considering hunkering down in my house for the fall (southern hemisphere) to avoid the virus and then starting travel toward the equator and continuing up into the US during the summer months. I have done a small amount of research and found that Ecuador and Costa Rica have the best Healthcare systems while not being high cost locations to live that allow 90-day tourist visas and have easy immigration procedures. I plan to travel via commercial airline, selecting for small planes and short hops on relatively untraveled pathways. I plan to Airbnb rent small places by using the “entire place” search feature. I plan to stay in each location for a month approximately. As summer approaches I plan to fly into a small airport in the southern part of California and Rent-A-Car for the rest of my travel up to Sacramento, where my children live.
I want to stay in places for a month, because I want to conduct research of countries I may decide to live in for longer periods in case of a sustained pandemic without Suitable vaccine development.

I read Instapundit daily and they’ve had a good roundup almost daily of news…
Here’s a link to show what they’ve posted.

Remember i said there was a perfect sell signal when futures opened? Well the markets in the US just opened after a depressed day in the EU and what do we find?
VIX up 17-18%( Up to a freaking 32.50 handle! Remember it was 17 at close on friday, 14 2 days earlier. Now highest since the greek sovereign debt crisis!), gold and silver up as well though modestly, everything else down. Notably, the dollar is down against the euro too.
Also crypto is mixed; but after a couple of BRUTAL days, it deserves a small bounce. BTC is still down though.
If we hit 40 on the VIX we blow past the dot com bubble, if we hit 60 we’ll blow past the financial crisis. Who’s willing to bet me it won’t get that far? Not many takers i assume…

Here is the link to the letter from UC Davis about the California case, a patient who was transferred on Feb 19 after already being intubated:
As Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding mentioned on Twitter: , this paragraph is very frustrating: "“Upon admission, our team asked public health officials if this case could be COVID-19. We requested COVID-19 testing by the CDC, since neither Sacramento County nor (the California Department of Public Health) is doing testing for coronavirus at this time. Since the patient did not fit the existing CDC criteria for COVID-19, a test was not immediately administered,” said the email, which added that, “UC Davis Health does not control the testing process.”

70% of world's population likely to contract coronavirus in 2020: US epidemiologist

The Pulse Oximeter Sensor is easily confused by movement, cold finger temperatures, imperfect position on the finger tip, nail polish and many other things.

The oxygen saturation does not actually change second to second. If your O2Sat is changing second to second, that is measurement artifact. Ignore it. The gremlins in the machine are messing with your mind!
Are your hands warm? If not put hands in warm water for a minute or two. Then sit down and relax and reapply the sensor. Take readings for several minutes and find an rough average. Go to a different finger. Practice some slow breathing and focus on the breath itself to calm the fear part of self assessment. A reliable O2Sat reading is steady over several minutes and matches the clinical impression of an experienced observer (doctor, nurse, paramedic).
One of the rules in medicine is that if the O2Sat doesn’t match how the patient looks, then, the O2Sat is probably artifact.
People acutely low on oxygen look pale and you can see they are breathing fast. They appear to be working hard to breath using more muscles than normal. Pulse rate is fast.
Fever and viral syndrome will give many of these same symptoms even when O2Sat is normal.
It is much easier to assess someone if they first take a full dose of ibuprofen or naproxen, let it absorb from the sluggish intestines --often 1.5 to 2 hours in a sick person. They will break into a sweat as the temperature falls and much of the aching, fast heart rate, fast breathing, feeling “like I’m going to die” will all subside.
Then after the fever has broken (pharmacologically) look closely at them, count pulse rate, watch their breathing motion and measure the O2Sat.

When I have to touch something, like a handrail or a door handle, could I slip a thin plastic bag from the produce section of the market over my hand? Then when I’m done touching that thing I can throw the bag away. It sort of reminds me of those thin plastic gloves they use for food prep. I don’t think I could find the food prep gloves here in Uruguay though.

I will keep it in with my pulse oximeter for use with the device. Your expertise is much appreciated.