Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

My temp’s going up. Rapidly so. I have one of those infrared thermometers they use at the airports as well (-50 to 750c range). My forehead is 36,3c and the back of my throat had a reading of 38.0c just a few moments ago. I’ve had a dry cough for about a day or so, and i’ve been fatigued for 2-3 days, though i thought that was because of the massive amounts of energy i’ve expended screaming at my friends.
It sounds as though your thermometer might be an industrial grade version, as opposed to a medical grade version. Earlier this week I heard that the industrial grade infrared thermometers often exhibit an accuracy level of +/- 4 degrees. Reason: they are designed to measure vast temperature ranges (as you say: -50 to +750 C) such as measuring the temperature of operating machines. Medical grade infrared thermometers are designed to accurately measure a very narrow temperature range (body temperature ranges). Also, the distance and angle of measuring the temperature seems to make a difference. Have you tried using a different type of thermometer? I hope you will recover quickly from whatever you have contracted.

Well if it’s good for the goose it’s good for the gander. If the WHO uses these why can’t i? :smiley:
I do have another medical themometer. Also infrared, but limited range (already tested, it says Lo very quickly). In one ear i get 36.8 and in the other 37.6, which it’s said to “add a degree” ontop of that. I 100% have a fever because i can feel it too. It’s that “floaty” feeling you get, like a light alcohol buzz, as your temp rises.
I do have an absurd tolerance for higher temperatures though. My mother used to say she knew when i was sick as i would get hyper (the woozyness taking away my social control first) and she knew it was bad because at 40C on the dot i’d stop talking alltogether. I’d be fine, but what’s 39C for my sister (total shutdown) i won’t hit till 40C. Highest i’ve ever gone was 41,3C when i was 3 months old.
The trick with these thermometers is to hold it steady pointed at one spot for a while. They’re accurate enough; but slow, sometimes they take a second or two to shift a few decimal points. Especially if you first point it at a cold place then a hot place, or from a hot place to then a cold place. It’s like the sensor needs to play catch up for a few seconds.
EDIT: i mean to say, if you just point and shoot like a gun, it’ll be inaccurate. Point and hold, it’s very accurate. Goes to 0,1C accuracy. It’s the big brother of one i got via an affiliate link from the youtuber thunderf00t. Trust me, if he says it’s good, it’s good. Skeptical sonofabitch.

Part of the new UK Coronavirus legislation in Britain:
Section 13 - Enforcement

3.—(1) Where a requirement is imposed on a person to be detained or kept in isolation under regulation 4, 5 or 8, a constable may do any of the following—

(a)take the person to a suitable place, specified by the Secretary of State or a public health officer, for the person’s detention or isolation;

(b)keep the person in detention or isolation.

(2) Where a person absconds from detention or isolation imposed under regulation 4, 5 or 8, a constable may take the person into custody and return the person to the place of detention or isolation, or take the person to another suitable place specified by a public health officer.

(3) A constable may use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of a power under this regulation."

(As Tiny Tim would say, "God bless us every one" - but I am not counting on it. Instead, I'm counting on all the excellent preparation advice in these pages. A huge thank you to all)

Case of infection, source unknown, in Solano County, northeast of the San Francisco Bay Area. Tomorrow morning, I will start the 1000 mile drive to extract my 83-year-old brother and bring him to my little farm. The world’s greatest neighbor (thanks, Blair!) has volunteered to watch his house. Very difficult for my brother to decide to leave his home for an extended period based on my recommendation only. I had been able to discuss this red line with him two weeks ago, which helped. A little.
Thank you to Chris and Adam and all of you commenters for teaching me how to look and understand and be ready.

It thins snot to allow it to drain from your sinuses, and so that it is thin enough to allow you to cough it up as long as you drink lots and lots of water.

Hi LeftCoaster,
What you described is also called Postural Drainage - lots of pictures on the Net - especially from Cystic Fibrosis.
I had chronic bronchitis as a small kid and it was done to me a LOT - lying face down on an ironing board which was propped up on the side of the bed.
You can do it yourself - lie on your tummy with your hips on the edge of the bed and your torso and head hanging down to the floor, prop yourself on the floor on your elbows.
Best angle is about 45 degrees. Now, start coughing - it doesn’t take much.
Not to be recommended if you have any blood pressure problems, but as a manual way to help clear mucus (when you are allergic to most of the drugs on offer) so you can breathe a bit easier, it works well when done regularly.
Another trick when trying to get some sleep (with bronchitis) is to prop yourself up on pillows so you are not flat, with your torso and head at an angle of about 45 degrees up from your hips and legs.
If you are used to sleeping flat, then this position takes a while to get used to, but if you are crook and desperate for some sleep it is very useful.

There have been some successes for certain treatments. One is that in China, they’ve very successfully been taking plasma antibodies from recovered patients and treating new patients with that. Another treatment is to perform dialysis for patients who develop severe cytokine storm reactions when their bodies go all out to kill every cell containing the virus. The successful approach is to use a medium-sized filter. A third way to treat this virus is to get the patient into an experimental drug trial for IV Remdesivir. I think at least one passenger from the cruise ship, Diamond Princess, has begun treatment with it.

Hi all,
In today’s video, Chris made a reference to using heat and humidity in the home to one’s advantage in protecting family from COVID19 (it’s at roughly 24:25 in the video, link to timestamp below.)
He said there was additional info available here on the website. I didn’t find it in my first pass search, so thought I’d ask if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction?

It is an expectorant It will thin the secretions in your lungs, not just your sinuses. It will not stop a cough. It is designed to make your coughs more effective by allowing you to more easily expectorate, or cough out, the secretions causing you to cough.

Dear PP, and fellow critical thinkers,
I have heard and seen enough. According to my model (a trained physicist and mathematician) we will see worldwide contagion at the end of May, if nothing changes. Thanks to PP (and others, like Mike Maloney) we are financially prepared (as far as possible with a limited budget). Yesterday we received the last shipment of scientifically proven vitamins, minerals and elderberry sirup. Today and tomorrow we will complete our food preparations.
good luck to all!

LifeIn2020, Chris actually put that comment in the members area here:
Which is in reference to this study:
My take away is, basically cold temperature makes the virus live longer, hot temperatures less. Low humidity make the virus float in the air longer, high humidity makes it fall to the floor quicker. High temperature and high humidity helps your nasal mucus fight the virus.
So to keep from getting it, stay out of the cold and go out when its raining. If you think you’ve been exposed or have gotten it, turn up your heat and sit with a humidifier.

I bought a few of these reusable masks that use disposable pm 2.5 carbon filters. The mask says n95 in the ad. I’m wondering about the efficacy of these 2.5 filters in a reusable n95 mask against something like this beast of a virus. These filters seem to be readily available still on Amazon. They supposedly last between 40-60 hours of usage. Is it worth it to buy replacements?

I called the house doctor. The assistant recieved new guidelines today. She asked if i had been abroad, i said no. I’ve listed my full history of symptoms which include atleast 6 of covid now (which includes confusion now so sorry if i sound weird). She said “if i haven’t been abroad the chances are 0% according to the guidelines”.
I argued with the bitch until she gave up and said “you know what i’ll have a doctor call you back”. And i said “thank you” and am now waiting on the call.
You know what works in the netherlands? getting mad and then apologizing. People just don’t want trouble. Waiting on round 2 now.
As for my symptoms: 3 days ago fatigue, 2 days ago dry cough, fever developed 4 hours ago, i now have confusion, shortness of breath and muscle aches as well. All of these symptoms i can also explain away by other means.
The fucking fever comes and goes! THATS BEEN THE FUCKING KEY! it’s not constant. I’m having a very hard time capturing it but i really do not feel fine.
EDIT: again wanna mention the most likely place i picked it up is the dental hygenist 10 days ago.

Thank you. I’m a new member and still finding my way around. I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!

Sometimes elders knew what they were doing.
Here is a free online scanned copy of the 1951 Red Cross Home Nursing Textbook, the procedures in chapter 9, starting page 149 show some of the ways the sick or inform were helped at home.
I liked the illustration on how to put on a gown from a hanger.

At this point just about anything you can get a hold of will be a step up from nothing back2basics
I’ve been following this for about 6 weeks now. I’m a subscriber of Chris’ and caught the early rumblings of the virus outbreak. We’ve have some amazing community members, who post a wide range of scientific papers and medical knowledge. There are conflicting opinions on everything, especially masks.
Here are my opinions (take them with a grain of salt).
N95 masks block 95% of particles down to the 0.3 micron range, that’s really small. That’s good if the virus particles are in droplet form and not an aerosol.
What does that mean, when a person coughs water droplets are expelled into the air. Those are large and fall to the floor rather quickly. So if you keep some distance from someone who coughs, and get out of the area quickly, you should be ok.
Some research indicates this virus when coughed comes out with very little water. That’s what they call an aerosol. Its like the dust particles you see in a sunlight beam. If that is so, they will hang in the air a long time and can probably penetrate a N95 mask.
Note a N100 mask filters the same size as a N95, only gets them a little better.
What it seems to be isn’t the mask’s quality as it is two things, making sure it fits well, without air gaps and places that raw air can get into your lungs AND secondary infections from touching yourself while wearing the mask, like the eyes.
No mask will be protective if you don’t fit it to your face well. That means molding the metal piece on your nose to fit it to your face and to make sure its pulled tightly to your face with no air gaps. Beard and mustaches unfortunately are going to no longer be an option.
Unfortunately tight fitting masks build up heat and humidity. N95 masks try and cut that down by having that round air chamber. Yours won’t have that, so its going to get hot quick. You’ll be tempted to pull it off to get some relief.
But, your hands are going to be a path of infection. Every door handle you touch may carry the virus. Once its on your hands, then you can pass it onto some other part of your body. You are going to have to get old time religion and sanitize your hands every time you need to touch your face. And not a quick wipe with the sanitizer gel either. You put it on, rub it in and give it 3-4 minutes before you even think to touch your mask.
And forget about touching your eyes. That’s going to suck for me, mine tear up a little all the time, and I wipe them with a finger constantly.
Best thing then is to wear a set of goggles too. First to keep your unclean fingers from them, but also because the moist eyes might be a pathway for the virus to enter. One or two cases have indicated that.
No idea about ears, some people claim the same thing and are wearing ear plugs.
Your masks look like they are well fitted but I’d look at any air gap. Not sure about the charcoal filters. One study says you can clean paper masks with a soak in hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes, with a water rinse and air dry. Not sure what that would do to the charcoal.
Bottom line, in my opinion, self infection from touch or not disinfecting when you get home will be a much bigger vector to infections than what mask you wear. Your masks are better than nothing.
(I’m not a doctor, nor play one on TV)

Anytime LifeIn2020.
BTW there are many other comments filled with information. Its hard to go through each of the almost daily video threads here and find what you need to know so we have put together a megathread, one where all the comments about basic subjects are listed so you can find them.
Here are the three current threads:
Coronavirus: Home Prep, Deep Pantry & Gardening Megathread
Coronavirus: Medicinals, Herbals and Supplements Megathread
Coronavirus: Sanitation, PPE and Self Quarantine Megathread
(These threads are current to 2/14, they will be updated to 2/23 tomorrow.)
Lots of amazing information in those threads. If you are searching for something specific, use your browser’s “Find” option.
If what you are looking for is not covered in those comments, then please POST A QUESTION to any video thread. The community has a diverse and knowledgeable depth you won’t find anywhere else on the Internet, and they are here to help.

Here a copy of the Dun & Bradstreet white paper –> Business Impact of the Coronavirus –> Business and Supply Chain Analysis Due to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Officially, 14 days. But, c’mon. If there’s any rationale for that it’s that a quarantine only lasts 14 days, to clear the area (or individual) of being contaminated according to official guidelines that if you’ve got it you’ll present in those 14 days - which we all know is bunkum. Plus, if you’re in a house and 1 person presents within those 14 days, the clock ought reset from that moment to see if anyone else comes down in a subsequent 14 days. This is why China closed cities for a month - and likely more yet.
We all have to decide for ourselves. Personally, I think one ought to prepare for at least 30 days. Then, when that’s done, for another 30, and even another 30 days after that. After all, a community can sustain an unfolding problem over an extended period of time. And if it’s food you’d eat anyhow, you can just rotate through it in good times, and you’ll always be prepared for shocks to your personal world (like, say, a job loss; it’d be nice to know you don’t have to spend your remaining cash on food, right?). If you have the space, why not take a Mormon approach and gradually get prepared for a year?

There is a mindset with the apparent “don’t ask don’t tell” mentality of the authorities in the US. When we avoiding testing, even with inadequate swabs and confusing chest CT, we are pretending it isn’t there. I truly believe this propagates and the denial leads to less caution. There is also the issue of the hospital staff like those at the first hospital where the community acquired California case was treated. Avoiding testing leaves people like them most vulnerable. If there is no viable testing for suspected cases I postulate quarantine is much less likely to happen. Yes we are going to get ill but slowing down the spread will save lives. Fatalism gets us the situation in Iran.
It has become evident that China waited too long to acknowledge their problem, likely with world wide consequences. I think the CDC will regret the decision to not test over time but there is nothing I can do about it. I feel for the families and healthcare staff exposed who are told that no one is even going to TRY to look for this thing as they are knowingly getting exposed at work and home.
Sorry no links. I am just saying this for the record, time will tell.