Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

It seems we have been told exactly how the U.S. is going to handle this pandemic. It is going to allow it to run its course with as little government action as possible and let the chips fall as they may.
They will treat it just like the common flu, as they already know they are well past the time any attempt to contain could ever be successful. They are not going to test. Why should they? COVID-19 already presents itself clinically and its pathology is different from the common flu. Besides, most tests seem to be only about 50% accurate, with false negatives and positives. It really doesn’t matter if you die from the flu, or SARS-CoV-2, does it? The ONLY thing you can do is to try and not get infected…when it is expected to infect 70% of all Americans.
After all, if medical help is available, it will only be used to treat your symptoms. This being so, knowing your symptoms are caused by SARS-CoV-2 will not alter your treatment.
If it cannot be contained, and they do not seek to make such an effort, their really is no need to test at all. We have no cure and no vaccine anyway.

Direct and to the point. Love it! Thank you.
I actually feel much better with logic and straight forward information!
Am doing a screen shot to remind myself of what the hell is going on.
Thanks Ision

Ision, truer words were never spoken than these and the rest of what you said. Wish I could up-vote you multiple times but my up-vote function seems not to be working. Given your background, I’d like to hear more of what you have to say on this issue. I’ll take one well informed professional opinion based on real world experience over a hundred amateur opinions based on theorizing.
P.S. I shaved my head and beard decades ago and never looked back. Swimming plus protection against pankration chancery were the initial reasons but I’ve saved a small fortune on haircuts over the years and always liked the look of Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas, and Shaolin monks.

Traded some silver forex back in 2011. Made 20% in a day. It’s not hard, just following lines on a chart.
I quit a week later because i was studying oil patterns when a small silver trade i had exploded higher, along with oil, gold etc. Instead of having €225 i went to €232 unexpectedly. So i closed the trade and waited for the news; i knew something big had happened and that was no time for a market scrub like me (at the time).
I found out the spike was because of the news that the syrian government had fired on the protestors. I had made quite a bit of money over the corpses of protesters.
So i became physically ill. Literally, signs of flu while i hadn’t even left my apartment in a week. So i decided to open a silver trade again, go to sleep and let the universe decide what would come of this transgression. I closed and exited out the next day at €161 euro.
I understand the markets just fine. The fact that you think “i made 7 figures trading metal” is really any basis for an argument in a pandemic is not.
What Goldman Sachs really means is very simple; whatever the hell makes them the most money, with the caveat that they have no mercy, kindness or soul. If telling the truth makes them the most money, then they will do so. And right now they’re saying massive upside to gold because they want it to go higher after their contacts manipulated the futures market lower and they where able to assume a nice position.
They’ve done it before just watch The Big Short again. I know, Hollywood, but guess what? Hollywood will also tell the truth if it makes them the most money! (then they dramatize it so it makes even more). And futures manipulation is not without precedent. After all if you made a 7 figures trading metals you know how over leveraged the gold market is compared to actual physical deliveries and that not all deliveries can possibly be met. What do you think will happen to the price once that party stops?
Is it going to happen? i don’t know, nobody can say. But it’s wise to plan for it.
Are all of my plans going to work out? no, that’s why i have backup plans. Namely 1000 euros in cash as generally speaking, gold and cash move in opposite directions. If silver becomes unwanted, cash will be wanted. Because if we go back to barter it’s going to take just a week for people to figure out it’s very cumbersome and it’d be nice if we had some sort of representative value of the goods we carry that is easyer to trade. AKA Money. SO whatever the new money is, that is what i’ll be trading silver for. That’s the main plan.
The backup plan remains hawking silver off to anybody who’ll take it for whatever that’ll get me food and/or water. If that’s a photography shop, a pharmacy, a jeweler, the grocerymarket, WHATEVER - Silver will be the best store of value up until that point.
You want to consider it proven that you have a big dick because you made 7 figures in a central bank controlled market? Great, consider yourself my superior. Now go prove you’re better then me in thinking ahead for what happens when that market dies.

So the guy who is in charge of the $ in our office decides that, in the face of expenditure directives from on high, it would be a good thing to, wait for it… tell all the admin staff to stop buying hand sanitizer to save money! OMG!!!

Definitely CFS can’t fix stupid) :frowning: I vote for a new acronym: CFII - Can’t Fix Ignorant Idiots!
God help us if these are the kind of people running the show…

is a GIF of the kid shovelling the sand on his own head… no further explanation needed.
[Edit: fixed it for you, Jan!..cheers, Adam]

I have published my research on the herbals/medicinals thread, but I found more info. today that further points to the potential efficacy of Chaga, aka Inonotus Obliquus, which grows on birch trees in Northern climate zones, against this virus.
This was published on Zerohedge today, which again points to the existence of HIV-like sequences in this virus;
Here is a paper that speaks to a Chaga mushroom as a medicine;
Inonotus obliquus extracts were found to inhibit hepatitis C virus14 and human immunodeficiency virus15 and demonstrated strong antioxidant and immunostimulatory activities in vitro.16,17
Do your own homework, but expect that Chaga mushroom products will eventually be as hard to find as N-95 masks. There are many sources across the Northern States and Canada - this is the one I have used;

I love your daily video and other content and I’ve been a subscriber for a long time. I know you’re all working super hard but please can I ask you to add Canada to the list featured on your videos. I’ve read all the comments on the last week plus of videos on YouTube and many people are also asking for you to add Canada to the list.
You must have quite a number of us Canadian subscribers too and it’s hard not to feel just a little left out. I know it’s not intentional and you all have many things on your plate, but I think you’d please a lot of people by adding Canada to your list.
Thanks and stay safe all.

You said, " The ONLY thing you can do is to try and not get infected…when it is expected to infect 70% of all Americans."
My theme here in commenting is to expect that you are going to get infected, and point out that the thing to do in this case is to mount an early and effective immune response to the virus. I sleep much better knowing that I have my immune boosting house in order. My research suggests that there are definitely things you can do to lower your risk of getting really sick from this if/when exposed.

Annie -
Chris isn’t deliberately ignoring Canada. The chart he is using is from
He is screen grabbing the top half of the chart, which has the countries with the highest # of coronavirus infections (the whole chart won’t fit on a single slide)
Since Canada doesn’t have that many (only 12), it’s so far down the list it’s not captured in Chris’ screengrab.
So be happy your country isn’t on his slide. If it were, you’d have a lot more to worry about!
You can access the latest entire table of countries showing # Total Cases, New Cases, Total Deaths, New Deaths, Total Recovered, and Serious/Critical any time at this url:
And here’s the latest full table (as of 10pm PT Feb 26, 2020):

Interesting story Barbara… my interpretation is that she had virus left in her house that was not effectively decontaminated. Did she throw away her old toothbrush? That’s all it would take…

I know this was just discussed today but can anyone with a medical background shed light on why so many virus victims are dropping dead in their tracks?
Its like they were feeling fine one moment and then in the next boom the switch got turned off. To me it seems like an electrical circuit breaking.
Does ANY other disease do that?
What have we got in the historical records of people abruptly freezing and falling down dead on their backs with their arms to their sides?
What kind of Zombie freakshow is this?

Well. It seems my preparation might’ve been too late for wave 1. But considering immunity will be a bitch, i’m still very much happy to have what i have for wave 2.
My temp’s going up. Rapidly so. I have one of those infrared thermometers they use at the airports as well (-50 to 750c range). My forehead is 36,3c and the back of my throat had a reading of 38.0c just a few moments ago. I’ve had a dry cough for about a day or so, and i’ve been fatigued for 2-3 days, though i thought that was because of the massive amounts of energy i’ve expended screaming at my friends.
The reason i aimed for my throat is because my room is a chilly 20C there abouts (i don’t run the heating cause it’s cheaper) and i’ve noticed when i smoke outside and come back in, my forehead can cool off alot (so ambient temperature wasn’t a factor).
I have >specifically< kept track of my temperature the last 2-3 days since i started feeling fatigued, at every time i felt even a slighly bit warm. But even the back of my throat has given normal readings, until just now. Even though i’ve been feeling “hot” all day and i took measurements all day, only just now did i manage to get the elevated temperature reading and i really had to aim down my throat to get a core temperature reading.
Yep just verified 38.1c. But i really have to aim at my core to get that one. it’s really hard (just to emphasize how useless those forehead readings are, which is now 36,4C)
If i do have it, i know EXACTLY where i got it. Dental hygienist that was breathing heavy above my face 10 days ago. She said “she had a cold” which is very much possible since it’s the season here too. But i thought that her breathing heavy was odd specifically, because a clogged nose doesn’t make you breathe heavier, just through your mouth. So the incubation time is closer to Covid19 then Flu (if my father or sister infect me it’s always 3-5 days with flu/cold and it starts with a sore throat, not a dry cough).
I have no problems breathing at the moment. But i am a smoker, i smoke weed and damiana (not tobacco) so i am not sure if i would be able to notice the difference.
IRONICALLY i’m waiting for a pulse ox meter and a blood pressure meter to arrive today. Didn’t have the money had to wait for the monthly check, lol. so no stats there.
In any case. Just writing all this in case it does turn out i have it. If not; i’ll post it later of course. But it is in case they immediately slam the quarantine door on me. Though, since i live in the Netherlands, i doubt they’re just gonna axe all contact. We still have >0< confirmed cases at this time.
As i said i always have a backup plan and the plan in this case is to immediately call my house doctor which opens in 1 hour and get referred/told what to do. If i do have it, even if it turns serious, since the system is not yet overwhelmed - i have a very high chance of survival. Even if i didn’t, turning yourself in early is the right thing to do. And as an example i will. It only becomes futile if the system is overwhelmed and you have a choice between dying in a large hall or dying at home.
End of the post… my foreheads now 36.5c.
EDIT: This is the city i live in (county of 250k). Also; new reading of my forehead: 36,1c. What the hell? 36.2c on the 2nd reading.

HOLY SHIT if i do have it, i JUST figured out HOW it can spread throughout airplanes and bypass temperature checks!
Because i’ve been doing these readings while sitting down behind my PC. But i have to turn this thing to shoot down my throat. So i got up, walked to the bathroom cause it has a mirror, and measured my forehead again. 35.5C. Even the back of my throat was colder again, 37.1c, normal temps. I tried aiming everywhere but it just got colder the longer i kept my mouth open.
It doesn’t cause a fever. It causes a Light fever. And if you get up, then walk a little bit >through cold air< (if you call 20c ambient cold), your body temperature drops more then enough to fool the temperature checks.
I’ve been back at my PC sitting for a while again. My temps back up to 36.2c on my forehead and i feel warm.
That’s whats happening in the planes! They should check people before the plane lands, after they’ve been sitting in a nice warm chair for a while. Remember; you can’t heat up something more then your body temperature! Even if you are wrapped in perfect insulation, that insulation can’t become hotter then your body’s core temperature cause you don’t generate more excess heat in power generation.
Aside from that i’m getting wildly different readings. I just got 36,5c and 36,0c in what i could’ve sworn was the same spot on my forehead. Back of my throat is still 38c.
This explains a fuckton. This fever is anything but consistant. I still feel like i have a dry throat and fatigue. My head’s starting to feel a bit “swimmingly” too, like it’s floaty. That’ll be the fever.
AGAIN i don’t know if i have it. 40 mins till the doc opens. But whether it’s Covid or a Cold, a fever is a fever, and my infrared temperature meter is the same (infact newer/better model) as the ones used in the airports.
Yep did another readings. 36,4c on the forehead, then checked immediately again, 36c - 36.2c spread over my forehead. End of the sentance reading: 36.3c. another 10 seconds later: 36c.
There you go. If i get confirmed with it, that’s your explanation of why measuring foreheads isn’t catching anybody.

Stopped by a big box hardware store Menards tonight, the 6-7 boxs of 15 that were there last night were gone. A few 2 packs still on the shelf. Home Depot across the street was cleaned out to empty shelves.
The two 3M respirators I were looking at online are down to one supplier with a April 2 delivery date. Supplies are going fast.

I was looking at anti mucus medicines tonight, most seem to have the chemical Guaifenesin in them. Any one know anything about this stuff?

Thanks for clearing that one up. I’ll check out the link from here on in and suggest others do if I see them on the YouTube comments section bringing up the same point. I don’t believe for one moment (I’m sure you don’t either) that we only have 12 cases. We aren’t testing which is an excellent way to ensure our numbers stay low. Thanks to you and the team for keeping us informed. PP is our bright light in the dark.

Guaifenisen is the active ingredient in mucinex. It works to help thin secretions enough, so you can bring them up & get them out of your body. The key is you must have adequate fluids, or they cannot work as intended. If you have excess mucus in your lungs & are coughing, the action of the cough along with the thinning action of the drug helps loosen mucus & move it up through the airway. In the absence of a cough, you can help someone move secretions by doing chest physiotherapy ie cupping… It is a technique used in respiratory ICU settings or with kids that have CF… Essentially, you have the patience preferably on their side.(Lets say left side for example.) You put a piece of cloth over the right side of the back (posterior lung area) and gently tap the lung area with cupped hands. The air in your hand gently vibrates the lung area & can help remove thick secretions. You can do that for about 5 min. Just remember, be gentle. This is a lung, not a drum. Then have the patient turn over on their right side and repeat the process on the left posterior chest wall. (Their back) Do not be surprised if they start coughing after they move a bit. this is what you want. Stay with them & make sure they can clear their airway. Bear in mind, this can be very tiring for a sick person, so don’t over do it. I hope this explanation is clear enough. I have no graphics to go along with it. Good luck.

you da best :slight_smile:

Thanks Leftcoaster. You can use the technique on yourself. I just tried. It works like a charm sitting up.