Coronavirus Containment Has Failed

Online forms available in March. At the end of March, census takers will go to every house that did not answer online or by mail. Shall we see how well those census takers spread Corona-19 virus? Or will the Census have to skip the door to door idea?

In case you didn’t already see this.
Officials of Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, say a woman in her 40s, who had been treated for symptoms of the new coronavirus and left hospital early this month, has again tested positive.
The woman is a tour guide living in the city of Osaka.
She was on a bus carrying tourists from Wuhan, China, in mid-January, and tested positive on January 29.
The woman was discharged from a local medical institution on February 1, and was confirmed as virus-free on February 6.
But on February 19, she felt throat and chest pain. After several visits to the doctor, she was tested a week later and tested positive again.

The corona virus seems to be looking bullish for gold.

first time commenter here - thanks for all the work you have done Chris and Adam
i just wanted to quickly ask how many months you are planning for as far as prepping? 2, 3, 6?? I need a range and haven’t really heard through videos or blog posts.
Anyone else - how long are you prepping for?

What in hell. The WHO stole the Peak Prosperity Coronavirus byline!! Ha ha ha. Figures too. They have no bloody imagination. Their staff are probably coming here for information since they can’t abide by the predigested pablum that passes for truth emenating from that sad organization.
Speaking of which, the petition calling for the

Resignation of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General

Has now reached 416,000 signatures. It is a groundswell of public condemnation being leveled at the idiot who has been put in charge there. If the guy does not resign voluntarily in the face of that much indignation he should be terminated for bringing shame on the organization and risking the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide.

You mentioned 7 people in NYC in your latest video. I found this on BB, thought you might be interested.

Because…maybe…it is a bio weapon? A lot of characteristics and evidence points that way. Bio level 4 lab in Wuhan. Whether it was released by accident or not will never be known.
There are links and comments all over the web. Take your pick.
With as often as people jump on a plane and travel to the end of the earth, a natural virus could be hidden there under a rock. Dormant/undisturbed for centuries. You, me and the others here know that with travel habits today, someone would find it and bring it into play.
Conspiracy? Everyone gets to make their own call…ignore it or prepare. Hell, it may not matter.
Pretty sure it was you that said something along the lines of “they don’t give a shit about us.”
Well, I concur.
So let’s see. Masks apparently offer no protection from the corona virus. But those infected by the corona virus should wear masks to protect the rest of us? Hmm … I had no idea these masks had a one-way function. You learn something everyday when you attend the University of Bovine Excrement that is the mainstream media.
P.S. Gwyneth’s eyes look a little bit anxious. Guess that’s what happens when you realize that viruses don’t give a damn about celebrity status and having big bucks. They are equal opportunity infectors.

I hadn’t seen that yet. I’m sure it’ll pass by zerohedge at any point.
Well. This is somewhat of a bother. That’s the 3rd independant source for that rumour that i’ve come across so it’s very much looking we can start thinking of that as confirmed. Immunity won’t be a thing. (i wish we could get conformation sooner but we don’t prepare for what has happened but for what will happen).
Meanwhile, South Korea now has slightly under 1600 cases, having exploded higher again:

CDC issues a beard guide. No facial hair that crosses the mask sealing line. I can hear the screaming and yelling, now. ??

I simply do not need any government employee to inform me of anything. I already know more than they do.
You see, I expect the government to do exactly as it IS doing. It does not matter what you want, or what many people want, them to do. It does not matter if you wish knowledge to be provided to you. The ONLY right you have is to act to obtain the knowledge you seek…that is it.
You do not have a right to classified information. You do not have a right to understand, what you may not be able to understand…or learn about what you are incapable of fathoming.
If the government is seeking to control the social collapse caused by the effect of COVID-19…trying to manage a slow fall…instead of a drop into chaos…do you think they care about you being upset about not being briefed to your satisfaction?
For many years I held the very highest security clearance this country possesses. I was fully trained on every biological and chemical weapon in our inventory…and the inventory of every major nation on Earth.
Do not wait to be told anything. Discover the truth for yourself…or flip a coin and believe whatever they allow you to know.
Learn to accept your mortality with grace.

I shaved everything, including my scalp, in DECEMBER…after learning the identity of the pathogen. I had my beard for over 30 years and shaved it off, as I had been trained to do, the moment I knew a pandemic was coming.

I’m trying not to worry but a coworker of my husband’s, who sits in a cubicle by his and who had gone over to China late last month is now sick. Husband said the past few days she’s been coughing and not looking well. He’s been trying to avoid her but it’s really hard. Today they were in a meeting in a small room and she was leaning against the wall for support and looked like she was on “death’s door.” My husband takes immune suppressing medications which has me worried because he can easily get sick. We are both mad that his work never bothered to have her quarantine herself. So irresponsible.
His company is also one of the largest suppliers of surgical masks and N95 respirators. There is talk that one of their factories in China may get taken over by the Chinese government.

The bottom line is the answer to why the WHO is even around…M O N E Y.
I’m not going to dig up a link for anyone because we all know what most of these organizations stand for. Yes, some do God’s work. I know some good people who do/have done this.
However, science needs guinea pigs, some of them human. Everyone believes that these orgs are there to help…help WHO?

Hi, folks,
Has anyone seen this video? This fellow documents his return to the USA on 9 FEB 2020:

Your translation is, bend over… and go bawwwa!
The biggest threat to those in charge are thinking, educated and unhappy citizens. (And Vocal)
Fortunately for them ever so many people are quite adept in bending over… and going baawwa. Truely sad☹️
Still pissed.

Surgical masks do NOT protect you from this virus, even when properly fitted! They are >by design< made to protect others from stuff you carry, not the other way around. Because they are made for Surgeons, in the operating room, standing over a sliced up human. It is to prevent secondary infections which killed a ridiculous amount of people before they figured out breathing into open wounds was bad.
The N95 masks are not effective. They have an equivalent filter rating of FFP2, which stops a certain size and percentage. These would have been enough if it’s just airborne droplets, but it’s NOT. It’s Aerosolized, meaning the virus grabs hold of smaller particles normally already floating about and uses those for transfer. So you need, at a minimum, FFP3 filtering.
The main difference between droplet transmission and Aerosol transmission, is that in the case of the latter, indoor transmission is increased by an order of an magnitude. I’m sure you’ve seen these particles float about under a strong light in a dusty room. These will just ride the thermal currents from humans heating their homes and continuously float around inside an enclosed space.
Also; these particles (as well as droplets anyway) can reach the eyes and infect you via the eyes. You need Eye gear. This was strongly suspected (i would go as far as to say proven) back in january, when a state official traveled to wuhan, said everything was fine, then got sick on the way back and was ridiculed for it. He said they used every precaution you would think to use - except they didn’t wear eye gear.
If you really want effective protection:

  • A tight fit full face mask (yes the ones 80 to 100 bucks minimum) that you can wash with 1% bleachwater
  • several sets of FFP3 quality filter (and hey if you wanna splurge get the ones with a chemical filter attached to it so you don’t smell bleach all the time) that you can set aside. Maximum number of 14. This because the virus can survive on smooth surfaces for upto 9 days as far as we know (so worst case scenario). This means that if you use a filter outside, enclose it in a plastic bag, disinfect the outside of the bag, then put the bag aside for a minimum of 9 days (so 2 weeks to be sure), you do not need to dispose of the filter.
    This virus is not a mystery it’s just another living being in the virus class. Starve it, and it will die, that is why it needs us in the first place.
  • A full body suit overall. My dad called it a “teletubbie suit”. None of that disposable crap, something that’ll survive several washes with bleach water. Is it a pain in the ass? Yes. Should you really only be going out in extreme emergencies anyway? also Yes.
  • Latex gloves. Or rubber if you’re alergic, household gloves for all i care. As long as they’re fully enclosed without holes and can survive, again, dippin in bleach water.
  • Boots. Simple rainboots will do. Again; fluid and air tight is what we’re looking at.
  • Duct tape to tape everything together. There is tape that doesn’t leave a residue but still sticks well (until the bleach wash) which i’d recommend. Tape the hood to your mask, your wrists to the gloves and the ankle pipes to your boots.
    And that’s it. That’s the full monty gear. Even those ridicolous movie suits just do the exact same thing, only they’ve got an even better filter on the end of a tube on their back. But it really doesn’t matter whether that filter’s on your back or on the side of your mouth; same principles still apply.
    Do note: If you still catch it, a full face mask will not protect others as well. You would have to put some cloth or something around/behind the exit valve to seperate the virus from those airborne particles (meaning the cloth absorbs the droplets and the virus stays within them instead of mingling with particles).

Your last sentence sums it up for me.
Almost everyone seems to think that they will live forever.

To be considered the truth, something must meet the criteria of being:

  1. empirically adequate
  2. logically consistent and coherent
  3. experientially evident
    I’d check your beliefs against these criteria. For example, even in the present high demand situation for palladium and rhodium, you will never get spot price. Yes, you can make a nice profit but spot price? Nope. BTDT.
    Looking at the bullionvault for impartiality about silver is like looking to Trump for impartiality about the economy pre-election.
    With regards to Goldman, one never knows how much validity their pronouncements have. They can lie to drive the price of a position up with holding that position or lie to drive a price up just to set it up for a take-down. In their history, they’ve done both.
    Have you tried doing test runs of selling to a pharmacy or a photography studio or any other entity for that matter? You’ll find that theoretical beliefs are often dashed by real world practicalities. Until you’ve actually done it and tried it, you don’t know the results. Again, BTDT which is why I’m saying this. Plus, I’ve traded metals for 20 years now and made in the 7 figure range from it so I’m talking from real world experience, not theoretical projections or the Googled (and thus potentially suspect) experience of others or any other vicarious source.

Sorry for spam again but so much is going so fast now :smiley:
Credit markets have completely locked up. It’s going to be only a matter of time before junk bonds crack. And as soon as they do, they will drag the “one notch above junk” bubble with it.
And that was end of last year.