Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially

Are you familiar with the concept of constructive criticism?
ao - are you familiar with the concept of self-responsibility? If you want to discuss other matters then go ahead. It's not up to me, or anybody, to entertain you. The reason I am so focused on this, and will remain so, is because I am a systems guy. I think systematically. I understand how complex systems behave when perturbed (unpredictably). The supply chain disruptions slamming into a wall of corporate, household and government debt will create all manner of disruptions we've not yet contemplated or imagined. The way I keep ahead of those developments is to scour the news, connect dots, and keep track of the coronavirus. Is it waning or expanding? What are the options for containing it? Given those options, what happens next? The impact those options will have on people's lives, jobs and future prospects are larger than anything else in my lifetime, by a wide margin. If anybody finds that boring, I would suggest they are either at an advanced age of life or depressed. To me this is the most gripping, fast-paced story of our lives. Again, if you have other things you'd like to discuss, I bet others would too. Start a forum. Be in charge of your own interests. That's our way around here.

It has never failed to irk me when, over the years at PP, someone has attempted to be the arbiter of what is “fair” here on the site. Chris and Adam have proven to be able to speak for themselves regarding all aspects of this marvelous enterprise, and, thankfully, appear to have a thicker skin than some others in attendance here. Please let them speak for the site and themselves. Attacking each other is non-productive and distracting. Aloha, Steve
ps- I do agree with ao and dtrammel that the signal-to-noise ratio is diminishing somewhat lately, and I sorely wish that our cherished new members would take the time to read previous posts before posting (I know, that’s asking a lot,but it’s a waste to have to sift through stuff today, that was posted by someone else yesterday!) S

Some people who have no symptoms continue to shed virus (such as the couple in Toronto). By the Chinese definition of recovery, they would not be recovered. This might be why so few people are recovered worldwide. And if different countries use different definitions, then their percentages may be different. Just guessing though.
A lot of the craziness around the numbers relate to issues of testing, defining, searching, and the like (lying too I suppose). As opposed to what the virus is really doing, which we can only “see” through our tools and definitions.
And yes, I am suspecting that the reason our number is still 15 is because we don’t trust our test and they are fighting at some level of the CDC about what to trust. Maybe that is also why we haven’t added the 14 that came from the Diamond Princess (since they are on US soil, shouldn’t that add them to the US numbers?). They were supposed to test suitable sick patients in San Francisco and 4 other cities’ hospitals and we haven’t heard one way or the other on that effort, it’s been 1 week since they announced it. I’m guessing they didn’t run any tests because even if they had sent them to the CDC with the 3-day turnaround time we would have something potentially.

Hey AO I get it. I can see you got some likes, so at least a few other people feel the same way. Let me just say one thing in Chris’s defense though. (or Chris and Adam, I’m new here). If Chris weren’t obsessed with the virus, his reports on it wouldn’t be as good as they are. Same with a few of the commenters. Not to mention, it’s his website, he can talk about whatever he wants. I for one, would like to hear some interviews between Chris and some viral experts on the front lines right now rather than rehashing some of the current headlines. But it isn’t my website!

Thanks ao, I was just thinking the same thing as you mentioned about medical advice. It’s all over the place and I suspect most is nonsense. LikeKeto diets and Elderberries as the solution to everything that ails us.
I just watched a video from some guy named Clif High who says all you need to offset a Cytokine storm is vitamin B6.
Well thank you Clif High.
What a great solution. We can all afford it too. Knowing that I won’t even bother with hand washing anymore since all I need to do is reach for my bottle of B6 that is conveniently in a liquid form and I can now defend myself against the Wuhan Virus.
Who knew. (Sarc)

But my mental health has never been better. True; i am laser focussed. A function of my severe autism. But when i stopped pretending to be normal, and stopped repressing my thoughts and feelings for what others call, “the tone of my post”, i became a lot healthier mentally. Considering i have a communication disorder, you have completely misread the tone of my post. I can guarrantee you this.
On that note, i don’t give a flying fuck what others think about climate change. Whether it’s real or not. I know it’s not real because i’ve spent 25 years heavily studying human behavior to you know, survive, and that same training is telling me the political interests are so heavily invested in this that it cannot possibly be real.
Because the data says it isn’t there, the data that does say it’s there is demonstrably corrupt, and all the people who continually parrot it’s true have vested interests in continuing the lie. Al Gore made BANK off his movie. Sure - i’m not against investing what you believe in, i have gold and silver after all. But i didn’t switch to gold and silver to speculate, it was to protect my assets from the very same people who have now introduced Green Bonds. Money printing is the cause of all financial bubbles at the moment but if it’s for the environment suddenly it isn’t an issue? Give me a fucking break.
And honestly if the blow back of what i say is so hard i’ll just move to another community! Because really, i’ve already learned to start nothing i’m not willing to abandon at a moments notice. I’m always willing to discuss data. I’m done discussing emotions.
I find because people always try to “read my tone” or “assure me you can’t control everything and that’s fine”, they subsequently ignoring literally everything i said and assuming i’m some fucking halfwit who’s completely losing his mind over problems in the world.
You remind me of my father. Who laughed in my face when i told him i bought a fully protective overall and full face mask, saying “have fun with your teletubbie suit”. So yeah, thank you for protecting my mental health yet again by completely trivializing everything i said with the single line “i agree with most of what you said, but…” and then focussing on my mental health like i’ve never seen anybody do that before. Go fuck yourself.
Oh. Just to be sure. I literally do mean, go fuck yourself. The tone of my message is very mad because you’re no different from the people who’ve destroyed my mental health, providing me with enough trauma to waste 25 years of my life. I don’t care if you have the best intentions. The road to hell is paved with the best intentions. And i’ve been up and down that road many times.
I have backed down enough. Never again. I’ll continue to post where ever i end up about the injustice of the day. No matter how much people don’t want to hear it.

I claimed victimhood first. You can’t trump my victimhood with your victimhood. That’s not permitted under the declaration of victimhood rules. Please review those rules before any future frivolous engagements. Thank you and have a pleasant day and an even better tomorrow.

Japan’s Health Minister Katsunobu Kato told Parliament the two people from the Diamond Princess cruise ship who died had “received the best medical treatment” but couldn’t be saved after catching the novel coronavirus on board. As of Thursday, 634 passengers and crew members were diagnosed with the virus out of 3,063 tested. Slightly more than half have no symptoms at all, officials said, and many of the remainder have only mild fever or a cough. Among patients who tested positive for the virus, 28 were reported in serious condition Thursday. (link)
The part I bolded is a major point of concern. The Japanese have been roasted for the fiasco on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, and likely with some justification but there is a lot of desire to just treat these cases as anomalous and outside of consideration for understanding what is happening around us in the rest of the world. Maybe the ship was an incubator for the virus and the situation was poorly handled. However, the recent outbreak in Korea shows just how rapidly a 'super-spreader' can infect a large group of people who weren't confined together for long periods. Perhaps this is a large part of the reason for the extensive spread on this cruise ship? Certainly not helped if there were poor quarantine protocols put in place afterward. We know when people became symptomatic but not when they were infected. Regardless it is very concerning that over half of the cases are completely asymptomatic, even at this stage! The only reason this is known at all is because they had a confined population of people who were potentially exposed to the virus AND they then tested all of them. Who else anywhere is broadly testing asymptomatic populations? How many infected people have been waived through checkpoints on travels around the world over the last several weeks? Get ready for a lot of unforeseen outbreaks in places throughout the world.

Did you see anyplace where I attacked Chris? On the contrary, I applaud what he has been doing and his efforts. I simply noted that the website was becoming somewhat out of balance, a fact which may not work in its favor over the longer term of spreading his original message. This was simply an observation, no more, no less. While the name of the website was changed from The Crash Course to Peak Prosperity in the past, I’m not aware of him having any intention of changing it to Peak Corona Virus. To you and others, please don’t make more of this than what was written.

I read all the thread. Ao was not out of line. Just expressing his own point of view and it was pretty reasonably written. I did not see any criticism of Chris (who has been doing an outstanding job in my view). The beauty of our culture is expression without censorship. That made some of the responses to ao pretty entertaining!

OK <walking away quickly>

Your post reads like you’re overreacting a bit (and perhaps more than a bit) to what I wrote. The constructive criticism comment was directed to AK Granny, not you. I simply made an observation about what I was witnessing on the site, actually for YOUR benefit. Sometimes it helps to have an external perspective, especially when one is wrapped up in the excitement and emotion of an event such as this. I’ll know now to keep my comments to myself. Responding with snark about the self responsibility issue is not like you. I happen to be the poster child for self-responsibility. And nowhere did I ever ask you to entertain me. I don’t know where you pulled that one from.
Something obviously touched a nerve here and I think some reflection is in order. You’ve talked repeatedly in the past about emotions and what happens when they come to dominate the conversation. I don’t think I need to say any more than that.
P.S. When I read the comment about the vitamin B6 and know the potential problems, would you prefer I just walk away to my own blog? For myself, if 100 people read this on my blog and went out and started dosing heavily with it and developed irreversible peripheral nerve damage, I’d feel pretty bad about it.

I do agree with ao and dtrammel that the signal-to-noise ratio is diminishing somewhat lately, and I sorely wish that our cherished new members would take the time to read previous posts before posting (I know, that’s asking a lot,but it’s a waste to have to sift through stuff today, that was posted by someone else yesterday!)
LOL, I do look back and wish I had not been that harsh with that newer member who did what many looking for answers did, ask without looking around. Its a habit too many do now with the instant answer machine we call the Internet. "Why isn't what I need to know, right there in front of me?" people seemed to ask when they come to a site. As a person who makes content, here and on my own website, its often hard to manage your real life, work 40-50 hours a week, get some measure of sleep and still find the time to write informative posts on a weekly basis, never mind daily like Chris and Adam are doing. For every paragraph or chart you post, it usually takes lots of time to find the base data, make sense of it and then put it into a form others can use. You also have dozens of different subjects that need to be covered. I found long ago that there is always someone who will complain you aren't covering their preferred subject. If you do their request, then someone else complains. As Chris said, if you don't like what is being covered here, there are many other sites that are available BUT I will challenge those people with this. If its not covered here, then go out, do the research, write the explanations and then come back here and post them for others to read too. Its a two way street. Don't gripe about the lack of coverage here, if you aren't willing to step up and do the work to provide the information for the community as well.

Well it is certainly unforgettable in China. Whether the virus will impact the “West” we will see. But economically this is a disaster in progress and everybody on the planet will face the consequences.
I appreciate your (and colleges) efforts to inform.
Just hoping that everybody get enough sleep in these stressing times. That too is important and it certainly improves your ability to cope with aversions.

Here is a paragraph from that Sars/HLA paper posted earlier and it’s an eye opener. The author is stating there was no ancestor to SARS. In other words, it was a manufactured virus. Did anyone else read the paper yet?
“…Different from other viruses, there has been no SARS patient other than lab infections after the widespread infections in January 2004. SARS-CoV does not exist in nature or people now. Hence the natural SARS epidemic history has some extraordinary abnormalities. What are the reasons? The most important reason could be that there is no direct ancestor of SARS-CoV in nature. It had an “unusual evolution”. It is very likely that it was “unnaturally” introduced to populations, so it did not follow the normal epidemic transmission rules.”

This is more than a Bombshell. The article says there is no natural host or path in genetics for SARS-CoV and therefore it must have been GM (Genetically Modified) i.e. a man made chimera.

Zerohedge has updated with the reaction of the japanese health officials to the allegations of the quarantine being poorly implemented. But what’s interesting to me is their description of the japanese elderly woman who died from the virus. To wit:

The other, a Japanese woman in her 80s without underlying illnesses, came down with a fever on Feb. 5, the same day passengers were told they would be quarantined in their cabins for two weeks, according to health ministry officials. The next day, she started suffering from diarrhea and saw a doctor on board.
That's what happened. Her diarrhea got Aerosolized and spread via the air conditioning. It's the only thing that makes sense for how this could infect the entire goddamn ship, shoddy quarantine or no. This is exactly what happened with SARS, and need i remind everybody, the official name for this thing is SARS-CoV-2.

Since it is peer-reviewed. And confirms that Asian populations seem much more susceptible to this virus - just like SARS. Here is the Link again-

Since the beginning of Chinese NewYear end of Januari we’ve put 21 new (little) AliExpress orders at variout little Chinese shops. Normally they ship the package within one day, but now only 3 of these 21 were shipped. Things really stopped working there