Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially

Yawn. I’m trying to read and learn stuff. Everybody walk away from the blue light, take a break, take a breath.
I just got here and if the comments turn into ZH, it’ll be a shame. Dial it down and everyone be nice to one another. Sheesh.
“With so much drama in the LBC, it’s kind of hard being Snoop D-O-double G.”
(Dating myself there :slight_smile:

I think more and more people are coming to the conclusion that the ninja virus is coming to the rest of the world. So now the discussion should be shifting to how to prepare for that coming.

Besides the obvious hygiene measures, start an aerobic exercise program (see below recent articles). There are myriad other benefits as well.

ACE-2: The SARS Receptor Identified

Read the last line below the diagram. Both SARS 1 and SARS 2 (ninja) bind to the ACE2 receptor sites. There are two forms of ACE2, soluble and membrane bound. The circulating soluble receptors soak up the virus and retard its attachment to receptors fixed on cells.

Two protocols of aerobic exercise modulate the counter-regulatory axis of the renin-angiotensin system (Jan 2020)!po=9.25926

"The RAS exerts its physiological responses by two opposite arms: (1) a classical one, composed by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin (Ang) II and angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor; and (2) a counter-regulatory arm, comprising an ACE homologue enzyme named ACE2, the heptapeptide Ang-(1–7) and its G-protein coupled receptor, the Mas receptor."

"Data from studies with animals showed that physical training is capable of downregulating the classical RAS arm and upregulating the counter-regulatory axis components."

Physical Exercise and ACE2-Angiotensin-(1-7)-Mas Receptor Axis of the Renin Angiotensin System (July 2017)

These studies support the conclusion that aerobic exercise in humans leads to more ACE2 and less angiotensin II.

In addition having an angiotensin II receptor blocker on hand might provide a partial insurance policy against a fatal outcome. Unfortunately they all require a prescription, but it's inexpensive. In SARS infected mice treated with Losartan there were about 60% less fatalities.

Read the last line. [embed][/embed]

Association of SARS susceptibility with single nucleic acid polymorphisms of OAS1 and MxA genes: a case-control study

Quote :
“The SARS CoV from the outbreak in Guangzhou during 2003-2004 was phylogenetically closer to earlier viruses in the 2002-2003 epidemics than the later viruses, which led to its rapid decrease in virulence. Therefore, the correlation would be expected to disappear because of the reverse genetics of SARS-CoV, regardless of whether the susceptible gene existed in the Chinese population.”
So it seems to me they are saying that normally the virus shouldn’t be so infectious, it was sharpened, and that the normal way is a reverse evolution which will make it weak again.
Then who sharpened it ? I doubt that the Chinese where capable of doing so in 2003.

I found this on my search on reverse evolution. It is so unique that i couldn’t resist sharing here.
reverse evolution and the bible

The official name of the new, novel (Wuhan) corona virus is “SARS-CoV-2”; the WHO has named the disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection “COVID-19”.
Let’s just call it “SARS-2” for short.
As a followup summary of Chris’s recent, excellent post re: ADE (antibody-mediated enhancement), let me just add that … as a response to initial infection with a coronavirus like SARS-CoV-2, the body makes antibodies to the specific “serotype” (i.e., ‘thumbprint’) of the coronavirus which, in the majority of initial cases, neutralizes the virus (via a series of immune cell-mediated annihilating steps), and … You’re cured! Hallelujah, no more cruises.
However, many viruses (like many colors) come in many ‘shades’, or serotypes: the coronavirus associated with SARS is one variety with different serotypes.
Now, if a patient survives one serotype infection and later bumps into another serotype of the virus, the antibodies that were once so helpful become, well, traitorous!
Those old, once useful antibodies grab onto the new serotype, drag it to about a zillion immune cells that are waiting like the National Guard to be called into action, and “present” the new villain for ‘internal processing’. Go to jail! And that’s where the insurrection begins. The old antibody inadvertently delivers the new coronavirus serotype inside the cell where, because of very interesting and evolutionary marvelous machinations (really, you have to give credit where credit is due; and these viruses are ingenious), the virus replicates like WILD. More so than previously.
All those newly infected immune cells - the National Guard - become traitors, not because they are evil but because ‘they are told to do so’ by the combination of the new serotype, the old antibodies, and a ‘scaffold’ of intracellular instructions that, essentially, tell all those zillions of immune cells to … blow you up. And they do.
This is what we see when we describe Dengue (pronounced, "Den Gay’) secondary infection (i.e., the second time around) that produces a hemorrhagic, multi-system organ failure catastrophe. By most judgments, the mortality rate for Dengue Fever is ~1%. But secondary Dengue hemorrhagic fever and shock shoot the mortality rate up to a range of 10-43%. Ah, that would not be good should it be applicable to SARS-2. Just saying, put an extra pin in your hat.
Here’s a terrific, detailed, peer-reviewed article on the challenges of making a vaccine against SARS-1. I think it’s fair to assume that the same challenges may prevail when it comes to developing a vaccine against SARS-2.
All the best, Doc

A poster cited that AliExpress stoped selling and shipping during the luner new year as evidence of the destruction of the Chinese economy.
Chinese new year is January 24 to January 30. During that time the economy grinds to a halt, companies stop selling and shipping product, and the economic numbers go off the cliff.
Every year. Before any viruses or other problems. I order electronic parts almost every day (and circuit boards about every three months) and am careful to avoid that vacation time. The suppliers warn that they will not ship and everything will be delayed an extra week. Everything is shut down. Normally. Always. Every year. You can see this “fall off the cliff” of the Chinese economy in normal times. The timing of this yearly “crashing” and falling of the sky action of the Chinese economy is not from a corona virus that comes every year like Santa Claus.
This year, the “falling off the cliff” economic event wherein suppliers stop selling and shipping was extended at least an extra week for the whole of China until February 8. An extra week due to the virus. I talked with my circuit board supplier yesterday and they said that their falling off the cliff not working at all custom (which repeats each year come hell or high water) was extended until February 10, at which time they partially resumed operation, while some of the work force were further delayed due to individual quarantines, but that they are all basically at work now and are processing all regular new orders with normal quick shipping times. So the Chinese economy yearly cliff falling was extended this year. The GDP growth, or absolute GDP size will or did experience a big hit or possibly a contraction. I have experienced longer than the usual winter delays due to an extended holiday period and further note that about 20% of the sellers even now are still “on vacation” (ie. under quarantine). I dont think that the Chinese economy is crashing and burning. We hear news when Apple closes its offices and stores but do not hear news when those open. Their company offices in China opened some time ago (a week or two ago) and some of their main store outlets have already opened again. Not news worthy. I read on the main stream media that their factories are closed. I dont know if that is true but will assume that the MSM always tells the truth and never lies or misrepresents anything.
I am too busy to make this an issue but please folks, get a grip on yourselves. I am more worried about cui bono in Japan. Government minister(s) have publically stated their desire to get the oldest people out of the way (ie. “die already”) to alleviate social security, the public debt is mostly held by old people and that debt is mostly retired when they die due to custom and tax law. Guess what the biggest impact of the corona virus will have on the Japanese economy? I think that the bankers may be the winners in this…
The more interesting topic is how the people would connect the dots and rebel. I expect a “Magna Carta” moment wherein the provincial business leaders band together to try and muzzle dictatorship, because such is bad for business. But no sign of that but I would expect a Chinese Magna Carta before a possible collapse in the Chinese economy. It will be interesting to see what develops. Meanwhile, I noticed that every employee in the local mega (hardware) store last week was wearing a face mask and the bullet train is constantly messaging the problem of not covering when sneezing and coughing. Not enough but everyone is aware of a change. I expect that now and future generations will have to spend billions and many lives to deal with a permanent new biohazard, courtesy of an emergent military that is playing around with death tools, Why isnt anyone complaining about the multiple beautiful islands that were purposely destroyed forever in the S Pacific by the *** crazy US and French military death toy makers. Or the fact that the US military itself has been the biggest single cause of carbon dioxide emissions for many years, or that the Chinese military showed off how great it is by purposely destroying satellites in orbit, showering a layer around the earth with shrapnel. According to a satellite expert I talked with, there is a very serious possibility of not being able to send spaceships out at some time not that far in the future. The big picture is out of control militaries that are destroying our health and the planet itself. We need to walk away and build self sufficient communities of Dunbar number limit sizes having decision making at the local level. All this keyboarding chit chat crapping consumes precious time and detracts from the goal of future prosperity, which requires getting out and creating real wealth at the local level. To me this site’s main value is to focus on wealth production in a decomposing world. Nice to learn how to avoid problems, but that is not necessarily the main focus, for me at least…

Hi Chris, all. Today while scanning through Twitter I found this article on Natural News, that refers to a new study that you can find on (full PDF is paid)
In 2019, a new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infecting Humans has emerged in Wuhan, China. Its genome has been sequenced and the genomic information promptly released. Despite a high similarity with the genome sequence of SARS-CoV and SARS-like CoVs, we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs. In this article, we discuss the possible functional consequences of this cleavage site in the viral cycle, pathogenicity and its potential implication in the development of antivirals.
Quotes from the article:
“A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) is entitled, “The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade.”
"As the science authors of the paper explain in the full text, “This furin-like cleavage site… may provide a gain-of-function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population.”
“Further, the science paper finds that there is no known viral ancestry to the CoVid-19 coronavirus, meaning it did not evolve from nature. It was engineered, and the science paper authors also state that the virus contains elements from MERS, stating, “Before the emergence of the 2019-nCoV, this important feature was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.”
“The new feature engineered into the Wuhan coronavirus has, “the potential to cleave specifically viral envelope glycoproteins, thereby enhancing viral fusion with host cell membranes,” conclude study authors.
This feature results in, “higher pathogenicity, pronounced neural symptoms and neurotropism in infected chickens,” according to the paper. That means, essentially, it kills more easily and causes nervous system damage while infecting nerve cells. Note that many of the human victims in China appear to suffer seizures and a total, almost instantaneous nervous system shutdown, literally collapsing in seconds.”
“Finally, study authors explain that people who have already been exposed to other viral infections may have enhanced immunity against the coronavirus.”

HSBC may not make it out of this in one piece. For anyone thinking about moving their money into the ETF GLD, HSBC is the custodian.

In the archives, a number of years ago, I warned about the dangers of GLD, even before the latest developments with HSBC (although it may have had a different custodian at that time). If one reads through the prospectus, which I did from start to finish, there are multiple problems with that ETF, approximately twenty if I recall correctly. So yes, buyer beware, BIG TIME!

Run the video through a voice to text and then run the text through a language program. At least we could get a written transcript. Haven’t used the Asian ones because I can’t analyze the results, but use this all the time for quick and dirty conversions to German and Spanish.

Carlos, I’m not a virologist, so maybe someone can verify this. Anyway, I think it is known that certain viruses (like SARS) have a receptor binding domain that is highly specific for the receptor site on the host cell (e.g, ACE2) and host proteases have been known to then be co-opted into digesting parts of the receptor binding domain in order to gain entry into the host cell. Furin is a ubiquitous enzyme found in many pathways and it has a very simple cleavage sequence Arg-X-X-Arg that shows up in a lot of genes, so it’s hard to say right away what to make of that non-peer-reviewed finding.

I would highly recommend John J. Zenakis website, if you wish to understand Strauss & Howe’s Generation Theory. I have followed him for years. He has been highly accurate in a number of forecasts of leadership, economic changes around the globe.

So, I have been waiting for reports of cases in the wild after they would start testing. I was very interesting in san francisco - as my brother is ill , and traveled there with a high asian population 36%. Well, now something is suspicious. Then I read this and its more so:

Expanded screening for the coronavirus has been postponed amid issues with a test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Although the Trump administration had planned to expand screening to various state and local public health labs, only three of more than 100 such labs nationwide have verified the CDC's test for use, Politico reported.
The CDC has also had to postpone its plans to screen samples collected during flu surveillance for the virus using public health labs in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle. Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told the publication further delays could leave public health officials ill-equipped to detect scattered cases as they accumulate.
If our govt cant even handle testing or tests.. after virtually every country that does.. - and can handle them for patients coming back from the cruise, why cant they do this?? oh because they have have those results -they jsut cant or wont disclose them so its easier to blame it on the tests or testing process.. this way they dont need to even alert the patient themselves which can leak to the public via family.. so this is real corruption 101.. and it tells you its much worse than ever.. Not for ONE minute do I believe this story.. after announcing to do surveillance .. let me know what you think

The Worldometers info site is listing 12 new cases in the US. No explanations anywhere about where or who that I can find yet.

It’s every man for herself.

People keep throwing up the idea that a vaccine is soon, or in 18 months, or what ever time frame the latest hype from some start up biotech company needing investors can get out there.
Based on what Chris has posted recently on the way first infections, and vaccines increase the severity of a second illness, I have to say bluntly, there will be no vaccine and we need to plan accordingly.
We need to identify and put in place strong protective measures to keep from getting this virus.
We need to figure out good self administered medicinal and herbal measure we can take if we get this virus to minimize the damage it does.
We need to prepare for major disruption of our social structure and ways we can get by without outside help.