Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

With millions now living under home lockdown (or as it’s more gently referred to, “mandatory sheltering in place”) the serious reality of the coronavirus’ impact is sinking in.

Confined to remaining in your home, squeezed in with family members, can be frustrating and stressful. Especially if you’re watching your savings vaporize in the markets on a daily basis.

On top of that, many households aren’t receiving income while under lockdown. And many of those still employed are increasingly fearful that the longer this persists, the more likely their job will be lost in the coming mass layoffs.

The key to preserving your happiness and sanity during this undetermined period of house arrest will be maintaining your emotional resilience, as well as healthy relationships with those living under your roof.

With expert guidance on how to do that, Chris takes time in today’s video update to interview Dr. Peter Boghossian, author of the best-selling book How To Have Impossible Conversations.

Dr Boghossian explains how to get your spouse, your kids, your elderly/at risk family members, onto or at least nearer to a mutual understanding of the ‘house rules’ that will preserve safety, respect and harmony during this open-ended period of sheltering through the covid-19 threat:

If you haven’t read them yet, the coronavirus preparation megathreads available for free on are a great resource for those in lockdown.

If you’re one of the many new readers here on Peak Prosperity, be sure you’re up-to-date on developments with the coronavirus. All of our latest covid-19 video updates, podcasts and articles can be accessed here for free.

And here’s a brief list of the more recent material that Chris and I have published for our premium subscribers, to give you a sense of what’s behind the paywall (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This is good. My friend has not heard anything that I have said (mea culpa re trying to 'spain things…). I need to be the one who reaches out, and now I know how to. Valued relationship. Thanks!

Good to see mainstream media getting a hold of this after Chris mentioned it yesterday. Might prevent more money just going to the rich - a price worth not paying in my view. Sorry flying addicts.


…but I’m not confused. Best line I’ve heard in a long time.
It is now on a Post-it note above my laptop. ?‍♀️
Gotta love this! And I concur - Dr. Henry has been a beacon of calm and professionalism in the past few weeks.
Other world leaders take note please… being human and displaying vulnerability builds trust. Dr. Henry gets major brownie points as a leader.
Small things to be grateful for…

On Tucker Carlson show tonight, Greg Rigano from Stanford School of Medicine said their was a peer reviewed paper on a trial out of France using a low cost anti Malaria drug that was 100% successful. Link to the paper is at 40 patients in trial with 100% success. I hope and pray this is true. Chris can you review this?

Dix acknowledged the measures taken over the last few days have been "breathtaking," leaving many people struggling to wrap their heads around the ways that daily life has changed. "We wouldn't have imagined taking them two months ago or one month ago," he said. Dix also spoke directly to those who have been slow to self-isolate and social distance, saying "it's not too late to join the fight." "To those who have been reluctant … I want to say that your friends and your neighbours and your family are counting on you," he said.
Hello social contract.... Earth to slow adjusters, come in please.......................... Jan

Chris, Thought occurred to me that maybe we should have COVID-19 parties just like some folks do with their kids and chicken pox. Maybe just a small innoculum is enough to initiate an immune response but not overwhelm the system. Treat with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (as needed). Monitor viral load. Measure IgG and IgM responses. See if the illness is blunted or arrested.

Chris, thanks to you and Dr Boghossian for the valuable tools. I think it is important not to even think ‘I told you so’. It can leak through in your voice or body language. Chris, have you thought about doing an update three times a week, after several weeks twice a week, then once a week? We can look up the numbers ourselves and even do some research on our own. And, you can start to have a life again. WooHoo! What a concept.

(Zero infections? Riiiiiiiiight…!)
China reports zero local infections, a major turning point.
“For the first time since the coronavirus crisis began, China on Thursday reported no new local infections for the previous day, a milestone in its costly battle with the outbreak that has since become a pandemic, upending daily life and economic activity around the world.
Officials said 34 new coronavirus cases had been confirmed, all involving people who had come to China from elsewhere.”

Will silicon valley save us? Perhaps if they think they can make enough money.–pi6P2fEUmKE0LZsoTw0PV5iVmR71jDJaJk-udnR7d_Y7Mp87k6RNUQ5-GdAlO-emYSahSTtpkz3aqw5XHd8Txp0XHTA_jv-jJ5U22XMQ4UN40xIE&_hsmi=84918252

We are leaving our winter domicile early this year for obvious reasons, traveling 2,000 miles to our home, to weather out this sad drama. Now, we can reuse our limited supply of masks during the trip, plus keep other essentials more bug free.

I beat the rush for most things, thanks again Chris and Adam, but didn’t think about these until the ready made ones were gone.

I am pondering the ways this pandemic challenge is similar to the dilemma of global climate change. The time scale is different, but the essential trade-off is the same: Do we give up Business as Usual (BAU) to save lives?
I have been struck by the response of governments, both local and national, to the science behind this pandemic. Yes, they are late to react – but they are reacting. And many people are getting it, and changing their lives radically in response. It remains to be seen how effective our response is, in the long run, but surely some lives are being spared by the collective sacrifice, which may turn out to be substantial (in economic terms).
The exact same thing is true for climate change. At this late date, the only option to avert absolute catastrophe is to radically change our economy. (Bailout the airlines? Why? So we can return to burning fossil fuels at our previous pace?!) Sacrifices are needed, all around, and economic consequences are unavoidable at this point – or serious environmental consequences will be the result.
The stakes are actually higher with climate change. I don’t want to diminish the value of any single life, but the worst-case scenario for the pandemic is ~10 million deaths in the United States. The worst-case scenario for global climate change is 330 million deaths in the US, along with every other human on the planet – it is truly an existential threat.
So in a strange way I am encouraged, slightly, by what I’ve seen in the last week related to the pandemic. I’m seeing our society accepting the judgement of experts and the direction of our governments and making collective sacrifices for the common good. (So far, at least.)
Might this represent a turning point in addressing the climate crisis? I certainly hope so. What do others here think?

I wish someone would challenge China’s assertion that they have stopped CV.
They have also kicked out foreign journalists.
Why would they do that?
Also there is Japan cooking the books to save face with the Olympics.

I got a PM from someone who is new to the forum. They were a bit shy that they hadn’t seen this coming and were now worried they were behind the curve and screwed. They asked for my suggestions on their situation.
I thought it might be better to let the PP community help, and I know many of you are way smarter and more experienced than I am, so with their permission here is their questions:

I am very new to forum and, embarrassed now to say, not prepared for coming trials with CV. Reading some of your comments I see you are quite knowledgeable on this topic. If you don’t mind I wondered if you could provide any advice on what I, single man living on own in small town (not rural, west PA, US), might do to at least be SOMEWHAT better protected from not just CV but all societal/environmental threats caused by pandemic. In addition I had a more specific question: my elderly parents live 3 minutes down the road from me. My father in particular is very at risk from CV. Out of fear and concern for them I considered moving in with them for a few months to help them out. But I have reservations on the grounds that my presence may put them more at risk (i.e. I’d be the one tracking in CV). Do you have any opinion on what would be the safer option (even if only marginally so)?
I asked them two questions to clarify: Are you employed and will you be able to stay employed. That is will your company close or might you still be needed to work? "Yes I am employed by a large university (currently working remotely due to CV). I believe my employment is “safe” and I should be able to work remotely indefinitely (although nothing’s an absolute certainty given the situation)." Do you have any savings? or credit cards? "Yes I have quite a bit saved up (in checking, savings, money market). I’ve only ever had 1 credit card (credit line of approx. $25000)" -- Ok any suggestions for them?

Fantastic Guest, Fantastic Talk!
Chris you led us to be prepared but we are the minority of the population. I always figured that once the system broke down, the REALLY difficult social issues would begin and those of us who prepared would have to be very, very humble. Let’s remember this part, Peak Prosperity Community, because this event that we all knew was coming and maybe even secretly hoped for - is now upon us, for better and for worse…
I hope that Peak Prosperity begins to show it’s heart and compassion now that our facts have come true. Let’s help our kids become the next “Greatest Generation”…

After seeing this article:
and how heat appears to be the method of sterilizing a mask that causes the least amount of damage, I thought I run a couple of experiments to see how a mask handles heat. The quickest method seems to be 170F for 30 minutes.
Now my oven’s minimum temperature on the dial was 200F, so I put it just a little under that and then put a cooking thermometer on a piece of cardboard to see what the temp was. It came in at about 180F.
Some suggestions are to store contaminated masks in ziplock bags, so the first experiment was to see how said plastic bags hold up at this temp.

Not good, lol. Don’t put anything in plastic bags and heat it.
Next I put a new mask into the oven and let it sit for 30 minutes.

The mask did very well. No apparent damage of the mask material, straps or the plastic of the vent.
Next I wanted to see what kind of temperatures my crock pot would generate without anything in it.

Not good. Low setting showed a below the dial temp, probably 110-120F. High setting was above the top dial temp of 190F by a lot, probably 210-220.
I think my idea of using a crock pot as a dedicated sterilizer won’t work.
I’ll keep experimenting.

I’m so thankful to Chris for all of his work on explaining the implications of the exponential spread of a novel virus so clearly, in such depth, and enough in advance to help myself and other curious people to prepare.
I know the public health issue is still huge going forward, but now that CV is here I’m really hoping to see Chris’ brainpower turned somewhat more toward diagnosing which directions the current financial avalanche is likely to take.
I for one think that the next three months will set the stage for greatest wealth transfer of all time. The decisions and policies being dreamed up in back rooms right now will set the financial system up either for its future or for its final collapse.
It makes a big difference where the money fire hose gets pointed this time around, and Chris is the kind of guy who can pick out salient details.
Anyway, thanks again.