Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

I believe that the same French trial you mention (link didn’t work for me) is also profiled in today’s MedCram video by Dr. Seheult, a pulmonologist. We/I have been following this news on chloroquine and it is indeed promising. As you will see in the video I will link to below, Dr. Seheult is speculating that the efficacy of chloroquine is related to it’s ability to act as an ionophore for Zine, ferrying it through the cellular lipid layer and increasing intracellular Zn concentration. Inside your cells, Zinc can interfere with viral RNA replication… but don’t take it from me;
I am taking Zinc picolinate, 30 mg, along with 500 mg quercetin, daily. Quercetin, a safe bioflavinoid extract from plants, is also an effective ionophore for Zinc.

With all of the chaos in the market today, this item may have slipped past some of us.
In past crises, Chris reports that he has looked to the floundering of the big bank sector stock prices as an indicator of financial system distress. (If anyone needed any additional indicators of distress.)
From ZH:



I read all your posts and find them so helpful. Thanks for being such an integral part of this community.

This one caught my attention because I’ve had a similar dilemma to sort out with my Mom, who lives 1.5 hours away by bus (and I can’t drive). To my delight, my prepper-allergic family got on board with keeping Mom virus free and have jumped in from a day’s drive away to help.
My top priority from the very first warnings from Chris back in January was to keep Mom separate from the virus. Second priority, get both households quarantine-ready. Since there were other people living with her and coming home from work daily, that was a challenge. So was me being able to visit, with public transport a complete roadblock. That all resolved as the person moved away, and an already week-plus quarantined sister drove over to be with Mom. Soon I can go into quarantine as my work winds up for the duration and safely take a turn with Mom in three weeks. Sounds easy now, but it took soooo much careful thought and relational work with family. Plus days of shopping. I hate shopping of all kinds now, and we did it way back in Feb. before things got nuts.
Things to do right now:
Secure a LOT of food (pet food too) for both households, water unless you have gravity fed, secure access, medicine and accessories. It seems at least three months is the going guess. More is better.
Get cashy money. A ton.
Make sure you have good first aid, including thermometer, pulse oximeter, symptom-relief for flues. (check dtrammel’s health thread for lots of info).
Buy non-prescription immune boosters - DYODD but I got tons of buffered vitamin C, vitamin D3, multivitamins and an assortment of herbal antivirals.
Then get toilet paper, toiletries, disinfectants (plain bleach and a spray bottle), soap including laundry soap.
Next is entertainment: books, DVDs, meaningful projects for each (consider what supplies you need), communication devices if needed. Include some special treat foods to haul out while you beat the socks off them at Monopoly.
Things to consider:
Can you really count on staying in seclusion yourself? Will your job or other relationships force you out? If maybe, then don’t plan on visiting after a quarantine breach.
Can you get to them without using public transit? If you can go in your own car, you have some time to decide where to land, as long as you are already quarantined yourself and are meticulous in disinfecting yourself from the journey before opening their door. (Wear full-cover outerwear you can slip off at the door, disinfect your hands, face, hair, anything you bring with). If no, better move in with Mom & Dad pronto.
Any part of this you get done will help you later. Don’t waste time. Start buying! Don’t get stuck if some things are unavailable. Just go on to the things you can find and secure them. Then go back and problem solve the others. I don’t think you have much time now. Like, shop tonight.
The sense of readiness is making such a difference in my experience of this crisis. I have done almost every single thing I thought I should. My whole family is better prepared than I could have imagined. They decided to listen, and in time. PP, tip of the hat.
Best luck finding YOUR solutions and making them real.

I’ve been “grounded” since late Saturday since I have a chronic condition.
Been hanging out at the house, and only ventured out once on Tuesday to get the mail.
Watching the worldometers link a little too much, Zerohedge a lot too much, it’s like watching an extremely slow motion train-wreck in progress.
Really hard to believe but it’s real. It’s going to be a long 18 months or so.

BC waited waaaaayyyyy too long to declare an emergency. They haven’t done anything special as far as I can see. I live a couple km from the senior center where all of Canada’s deaths were from. You wouldn’t know it even today driving around. Fact is, ANY of our medical leaders could have been squawking loudly a month ago. The evidence was obvious. Instead they waited to move with the herd and be reactive not proactive.
My friend / family I share a house with says lots of kids just a couple weeks ago in Victoria had coronavirus symptoms and the doctor she was talking to was so frustrated because they couldn’t test.
Canada hasn’t done anything except drag its heels and follow other countries’ lead, weeks later.

First of all, keep your parents’ home virus free while providing food and assuring water. Only disinfected things or things that you know cannot have been contaminated/infected with the virus should be allowed into their house.
I would not go into their home at all unless you KNOW that you are not infected (i.e., have been in isolation for several weeks). (If you had adequate protective gear AND understood the perversely exacting procedures for how to use it, it could be different.)
Locate disinfectants - bleach, 70% isopropyl alcohol (or 99% to water down to 70%) wherever you can find them. Maybe you or they have some bleach in the laundry. Bleach gets watered down (1/3 cup bleach per 1 gallon of water OR 2 tablespoons bleach per 1 quart water) , so even a cup will get you started. You will also need spray bottles. If you are using bleach, take care of your spray bottle as bleach will destroy the sprayer. Flush the sprayer with water after each use.
Also find soap. Powerful stuff in this context.
Food. Food going into the house needs to be disinfected or washed first. We put groceries on a table outside, spray containers with the isopropyl alcohol (will switch to bleach when we run out), let the items air dry, wash our hands, then bring the items inside. Things like apples we wash for 20 seconds with soap. I would bring food, disinfect and wash it, step away, and let your parents carry it in, then disinfect the table.
Mail. Can you handle this for them? Unnecessary mail doesn’t get into our house. Bills don’t get into the house if I can pay them online. Today, I wiped down a book with a disinfectant wipe before putting to down. Last, I wash my hands. Will your parents be careful? I handle all of my brother’s mail.
Newspaper. I still get my local paper, but I treat the outside page as contaminated, reading it, then shaking out the inner pages, disposing of the outer page, and washing my hands.

As this keeps cropping up and so many posts going past one can miss things
Peer reviewed paper testing effectiveness of standard surgical masks found that they were 0% effective against aerosol H1N1.
Another paper found no statistically significant difference between surgical masks and N95 masks in hospital settings against influenza.
This thread covers how to make them effective and reusable, based on a peer reviewed paper.

On my way back from town last week I considered placing our masks on the dash of the car. What are the thoughts about leaving the masks on the dash of the car in the sun w/windows rolled up? They stay dry, in the sun, and the temps get to 120. We have a second car so they could set for days if needed. Simple, would this be effective?

Peer reviewed paper testing effectiveness of standard surgical masks found that they were 0% effective against aerosol H1N1.
You claim doesn't match most of the links I've studied. In fact this one Shows that even surgical masks perform quite well against small aerosol particles like this virus, more than is commonly thought.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh tested different common masks by running a diesel generator (to mimic car exhaust) and piping the exhaust through different masks. They used a particle counter to see how many particles made it through the mask. One important detail: The particle counter they used measured particles as small as 0.007 microns. That’s over 10 times smaller than the coronavirus particle diameter. We’re talking about truly tiny particles here! 3M masks were able to capture over 95 percent of particles down to 0.007 microns. What might be surprising to some is that the surgical mask was able to capture 80 percent of the tiny particles.
Soaking in salt does increase the electrostatic factor in particle capture but that is only one of several ways masks prevent infection. Also, even something like a surgical mask cuts the viral load you receive, so even if it doesn't catch 95% it does provide some protection. Quite scaring the newbies with that claim please.
On my way back from town last week I considered placing our masks on the dash of the car. What are the thoughts about leaving the masks on the dash of the car in the sun w/windows rolled up? They stay dry, in the sun, and the temps get to 120. We have a second car so they could set for days if needed. Simple, would this be effective?
A long afternoon with the windows rolled up and high temperatures would probably kill the virus. The UV light from the sun though, won't get through the glass. Good thinking out of the box though.

Late today, on the heals of multiple examples of tourists refusing to self isolate for 14 days, our boarder is at last closed to non residents.
Tourism operators had on their own initiative had taken to verifying of peoples passport to confirm arrival dates and reporting non complying people.
28 cases total and only 2(?) local infections from returned family members.
With some good luck and tracking etc it is barely possible to contain, but i’m not putting any money on it…
Cheers Hamish

Steve. Thanks for sharing that video. Amazing. We need to get that information out!!

Masks can be sterilized using a Lumin CPAP Mask and Accessory Cleaner - UV Light CPAP Cleaner - Ozone-Free Amazon $248.99 & FREE Shipping .

There are lots of confused folks out there, overall it seems to be a poor understanding of the viral danger. Granted, we do not have an abundance of reliable data available, but based on the the articles published so far, the epidemic is very different and much more dangerous than flu.
The skeptics are pointing out that flu kills tens of thousand folks in America each season, most of them old and with ‘’ medical problems" …and Cov so far just took out several thousand of the same, so what is the hype about??
The main problem with this line of thought: the flu dead are not the same as corona dead. I have been working in American hospitals for 25 years and I can say, in fair confidence, that most of the flu victims are at the end of the road already, suffering for terminal issues: advanced heart failure, copd, cancer, etc. That is the reason we, as the society, we are not making much fuss about it: those folks are expected to die and the flu just helps them to knock at the heaves doors…There are very few exceptions, with a handful of very young victims per year.
The reports coming from China and Italy are pointing to a different profile for the victims: the number one risk factor seems to be simple hypertension. One in two American adults has hypertension…They also mention diabetes, more than 10% of Americans have it and some other “popular” issues like coronary disease and chronic kidney problems. It is true that above 80 the mortality is quite high, but there is a serious number of dead folks in their 50S, 60s and 70s and this is very unlike flu. Look at the reports coming from Iran: significant number of officials dead…those were not frail and severely debilitated persons, but folks in their prime political career. Hypertension, being a very low risk overall, is not supposed to be counted as a ‘’ medical problem" as terminal heart failure, liver cirrhosis or copd counts for flu.
Also, dying is not the only data that should be followed comparing the two viruses: being critically sick on the ventilator, for several weeks, is not fun. The average age for admission to hospital , in a Chinese article , with severe respiratory condition was mid 50s. Italian docs also reported large numbers of patients with ARDS/ severe respiratory condition that are younger that are younger than 50, many without any medical problem , and that is unheard for flu…
Last, the skeptics are comparing the number of victims at the end of the flu season with the numbers just at the beginning of Cov. ‘20k vs 6k… it’s a hoax!’ So far , every epidemiologic model showed that in the absence of radical measures, the numbers may be from 10 times to much more worse than flu, when all will be done with.
Posted by: hospital doc | Mar 18 2020 16:30 utc | 35

Masks can be sterilized using a Lumin CPAP Mask and Accessory Cleaner – UV Light CPAP Cleaner – Ozone-Free Amazon $248.99 & FREE Shipping
Or you can wait a few more days. Both Les Phelps and I are working on DIY demos that will let you build a UVc Light sterilizer for around $50. Les posted a few pictures recently and I've been busy but will get to mine in a day or two. Bottom line everyone, you are going to get ads and ads and ads from people trying to take advantage of this crisis to sell you stuff. Don't fall for it. (at least you didn't put a link to your spam)

Well, lil ol’ Kauai gets a curfew. Of course, enough exemptions to make it’s effectivness questionable and no challenge for your average Honey Badger. All persons must remain in their residences between 9pm and 5am, starting Friday. Haven’t heard the penalty for non-compliance…Also from the mayor: visitors please stay away- “Kauai is on vacation”…Only 2 confirmed cases, in visitors…Aloha, Steve

Do not assume as my intent was just to help. I have to use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea and this product was the only reasonable method for disinfecting the mask and hose. When you build your UV light box be sure to use reflective metal on the inside.
As an aside, I have five university science degrees and was a senior clinical specialist in the military with associated CBR training. I don’t need N95 masks as I have full CBR outfits and also was a Senior Research Scientist at a plutonium research lab. Perhaps you read my earlier post on the impacts of nuclear winter?

From Chris's video conclusion – Life is now changed. Forever. What was is not coming back.

As someone who has been prepping for over a decade and established on a rural homestead property for 9 years I can understand and accept this. But to what extent will things change? I've just read the Neil Ferguson study and the implications are bleak - but I'm still looking for ways to be positive.

No more international air travel for a start – no more mass tourism. That's not too daunting but what does it all mean for a fragile global financial system? Some experts talk of a reset but is this even possible? I don't pretend to understand the complexities but a controlled 'reset' would surely leave the same players in power and probably more entrenched than ever. This just doesn't seem reasonable given the situation is so complex and unpredictable.

Alternatively a full scale economic collapse would likely mean that essential infrastructure would quickly crumble away as transport, telecoms, healthcare, electricity, banking organizations fail.

Beyond a certain point it would become impossible to reboot the system.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the kings horses

And all the kings men

Couldn't put Humpty together again

And so it may be with our civilization too. It has evolved holistically over millennia and can no more be reconstructed from smashed pieces than an egg.

Get some sleep, Dtrammel! That was rude and uncalled for. This person is not a newbie dropping dubious links, s/he is a long-time member sharing a useful nugget of information.
That said, some posters do deserve to be growled at. What happened to the “report this post” button?