Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

Great video Chris, thank you. I’ll need to get the book given I will now have a lot of time to read indoors.
Saw a post in the comments a while ago about someone not being able to think of Covid-19 in the same way since he realized it rhymed with ‘Come on Eileen’. In case you haven’t already seen it (I’m 2 days behind on reading the comments) someone has taken up the mantle and written lyrics. With all that’s going on, I needed some light relief. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Using UV-C light to desinfect used masks could be a solution but the right lamps, distance, level of UV-C and duration will have to be applied.
Friendly regards

Hi PP Tribe - Newby on the chat frequency - silent longtime follower of PP since CrashCourse Days. Compliments to all for valuable contributions especially towards Chris&Adam. I am around Chris’ neck of the woods in Western Mass hunkering down with family.
As a programmer and tech guy my thinking is wired to grasp the foreign and strange situation we all the sudden face. What I need to process of course is factual data the more the better and you are an exceptional source.
So here a missing link I try to fill in - Herd immunity how does it work with different strains? Does reinfection occur - if so is herd immunity not a circuit breaker we can bank on?
Wondering what your thoughts or knowledge are/is
nice one everybody and be safe!

We have seen the number from many on this in the past weeks. Tom has some interesting thoughts here.

It seems you have no understanding regarding the climate, nor reason to address any crisis, nor the power to do so.
Just so you know… The ENTIRE Co2 contribution of the ENTIRE Human Race, could be removed from Earth’s atmosphere…100% removed…and there would be absolutely NO CHANGE observed in the Earth’s Climate…at all.
We could KILL EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET…trying to “SAVE” the World from a Man Made Climate Crisis…and STILL ACHIEVE NOTHING AT ALL.
If you imagine a total atmospheric CO2 level of 412ppm, you may remove 18ppm, from this number, for a new sum of 394ppm. What was Earth’s climate like…when the average CO2 content was 394ppm? Was it not exactly the SAME as it is now? Would lowering the CO2 levels by 18ppm “save” the Earth? No. It would not.
CO2…and climate change…have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.
CO2 levels FOLLOW climate change…and does NOT cause it.
Learn…and prevent yourself from being a Socialist Stooge.

Get some sleep, Dtrammel! That was rude and uncalled for. This person is not a newbie dropping dubious links, s/he is a long-time member sharing a useful nugget of information. That said, some posters do deserve to be growled at. What happened to the “report this post” button?
You are correct, my apologies.

Following are some statements take from various articles.
We need to get this information about the effectiveness of Chloroquine against Covid-19 in front of the eyes making a difference. Call your government representatives and/or medical personnel. Push this knowledge into the mainstream news.

  1. China and South Korea have allegedly issued guidelines for the proper use of chloroquine as an “effective treatment” according to a study report.
  2. China, South Korea and Belgium are already using it as a treatment. UK has added it to a list of none export drugs so they will have enough for their people. Australia is using it with Kaletra a drug for HIV and it is giving complete recovery.
  3. Andrea Savarino is an Italian scientist and has studied chloroquine since 1994. In the SARS outbreak he found chloroquine was a weapon against SARS. But by the time he published his paper the outbreak was over.
  4. Doctors in US are already prescribing it. In the US the doctors have broad authority to prescribe approved medications of what is known as off-label uses.
  5. US researchers published on Friday 3/13 a study. They are finding it has shown favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recover and shorter hospital stay. And it works as a preventative against Coronavirus.
  6. French researcher , Didier Raoult, confirms success in drug trial and shows there is a possibility to contain the virus in 6 days. The patients were given 600mcg for 10 days. Those not given it were contagious after 6 days. Those given the drug recovered with only 25% contagious. Chloroquine speeds up the healing process.
  7. Bayer is making large donations to US government of the Chloroquine.
  8. The drug company GPC in the Caribbean is ramping up production of Chloroquine stating it is a 70 year old drug which is safe and cheap. It has already received its first order.
  9. It can be given to nursing moms and pregnant women.

We are in for a sh*t storm.

It makes such a good story. Who do we blame? Why “the people” of course. You spent too much time driving little Willie to soccer practice and going to Disneyland and caused Climate Change. It’s your fault! People should, pay, suffer and shoulder that burden cause they caused the problem. What, don’t believe that, well we will repeat that message over, and over, and over, and over, until you do. See, you missed the point, it’s not about science it’s about who to blame.
Now don’t you feel better knowing who you should blame?

Remembering the opacity of the water in the canals of Venice and thinking that it would be very nasty to fall in, this is an unexpected benefit of the corona virus. Mother Nature ain’t no fool. She’s cleansing herself.

Hi Granny,
I wonder if it’s wise to place blame at this point? Do you think it would be better to try to move forward and do what we can to make things better?
Thanks for your posts.

Italians on lockdown are singing with each other from balconies and windows.

Hi Members,
Chris and the Dr. B mentioned online learning in the most recent video, Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough. I heard something that sounded like Kahn University, but when I go on their site it seems to be for K - 12. Hmm. Does anyone know the name and website for what they were referring to?
I’m going on little nuts as I close in on my third week of isolation. Need some stimulation.
Thanks, fellow members!

Thanks TC. Do you know of any recommendations for efficiently disinfecting cash?

Hi everyone,
In regards to “Life is now changed” post, I’ve been pondering this too. Like you, I saw this coming a long time ago after I read the “Party is Over” in 2003. I had a very radical friend tell me to buy land, seeds and gold. I have been homesteading now for 15 years and I’m nearly self sufficient. I live a beautiful healthy albeit simple life. I am a 58 year old divorced female. It can be done! Like Chris said in one of his videos, we need to develop our communities and local resources. I see my neighbors already doing this. There will be new niches to fill and food will be the new currency or other useful and barter friendly items. Just my humble opinion on things.

"CO2 levels FOLLOW climate change…and does NOT cause it. Learn..and prevent yourself from being a Socialist Stooge."
This post is an excellent example of the "impossible conversations" Chris was discussing in his last video.

dtrammel, good form! Respect is slowly earned and that apology got you a few more pts. Thank you for all that you do.

I wonder if it’s wise to place blame at this point? Do you think it would be better to try to move forward and do what we can to make things better?
I was not placing blame I was interpreting the national meme of climate change and the cause. By making light of the subject, just maybe someone will see that, by intentional design, people are being blamed. I don’t think climate change is the peoples fault but it is the common narrative and I am trying to challenge that narrative. To make things better is to help people to believe it’s not their fault. Thank you too, for your posts. AKGranny

Better for whom?
I can see the reduction of actual pollution to be a good thing. But, I see only harm in using climate propaganda to regulate, remove, and tax, people and industry…and, as a result, allowing the government to take complete control of all of us…and all human industry.
People are dying the world over, not just from pollution…but from the absence of affordable energy…of having enough power available to even run a few light bulbs at night…or to power a small lap top in a small medical clinic.
“Oh, you cannot have a coal powered energy plant…you would be causing Global Warming!” They are told. “Best you just learn to live in the dark, hand carry the water to the fields…and decide if you want to light up the ward…or run your lap top…as you cannot run both at the same time.”
“Learn to save the planet by reducing your “carbon footprint” while accepting the mortality of your patients.”
“After all, if enough of you die…it will reduce the amount of CO2 in the air…allowing us to SAVE the planet.”
If your head is jam-packed with lies from those who would own you, they will have effectively controlled you, and will have taked over your emotional responses, too.
When you read that Man-Made CO2 is not a problem…your conditioned emotional reaction is predicable, and it protects your ignorance about the Climate.
People talk about the COAL INDUSTRY…as if it is the ENEMY, who supplies the funds to Climate Deniers…But, what of the NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, and the scam artists for other “alternative” energies? Think THEY do not fund the Climate Alarmists?
Who funds what is basically meaningless…it is what is the actual data…the actual Science…what is the truth…that matters.
Ever wonder why the Climate Alarmists never use Part Per Million of Volume, but only use incomprehensible measures of weight?
“Oh, my GOD! That coal burning power plant generates 150.000.000 tons of CO2! This has to STOP!!”
Because doing this hides the fact Man’s production of CO2 is meaningless…and it makes more of an emotional impact on the uninformed.
Ever wonder why the temperature graphs, Climate Alarmists use in their publications, always like to start around 1850?
Because if they provided a temperature graph starting, say…6,000 years ago, it would show the Climate has cooled down since this time…and ALL the increased temperature claims, since the 1850s, is STILL BELOW what they were during the last Altathermal, which peaked 6,000 years ago…before Man could EVER have impacted global climate.
The fact is…most of what you think you know about the Climate…is malicious fantasy.

just received this from my college son:
The Corona virus can be spread through money.
If you have any money at home, put some gloves, put all the money in to a plastic bag and put it outside your front door tonight.
I’m collecting all the plastic bags tonight for safety.
Think of your health.