Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

Thanks TC. Do you know of any recommendations for efficiently disinfecting cash?
30 minutes at 170F disinfects most anything except plastic ziplock bags, lol. Though I'd start with some $1 bills first just in case.

First, let me say , I am familiar with western PA , as I have lived there. There are really no small towns that i would not consider rural. So that I am not sure about… Of course, things may have grown in the last 25 years since I lived there.
The OP lives in a good location. People in Western Pa are good natured and are cohesive. Meaning, they are more similarly ethnic and religiously oriented. Which provides a buffer of societal discord. I do not think he or his parents should worry about safety at this time. PA has a high-hunting population , so most are armed. But not of criminal nature. western Pa is resource rich in game animals , that provide food , even when none is available commerically. I do not see food vulnerability in this location in this population - until way latter in the game – Meaning they will out-last the bulk of population. Though, pittsburgh had become more progressive to outside industry over the last couple decades, the basic cohesive values of a unified population exist. This will be an extremely safe metro compared to other metros and states. The healthcare there is reasonably competent compared to the US as well.
Additionally, the OP mentioned that he is able to work from home , and works for a university. He is also resource rich in contacts and collaborative folks.
He lives near enough to support elderly parents, without need to move in and jeopardize their health
My personal opinion is , this is the third place I would rank as safest during this situation… Ranking Utah ( due to the church ) number 1 place to be . and very rural secluded locations with acreage as second.
I would only recommend he acquire what ever food stuffs possible , along with some basic sanitizers and some minimal PPE if possible. He should also practice self isolation with exception of acquiring absolute essentials and supporting parents. He should also practice proper disease hygiene.

Thanks for replying on the topic, Ision, but it seems to me that you are the one who has fallen victim to propaganda. Climate change is real, it’s happening now, and it is caused by humans releasing sequestered carbon at an alarming rate. You are dead wrong that CO2 and climate change “have nothing to do with each other”.
I don’t expect to change your mind. Since you have immediately resorted to an ad hominem attack, I don’t suppose I will engage with you on any other topics, either.
Anyone else out there who sees the parallels between this pandemic and the dilemma of global climate change?

The new and improved way to launder money. With soap and water. Line dry or just lay it flat. I don’t think I would put it in the dryer.

These do have some side effects. Some experience migraines, nightmares, changes in vision–sometimes permanent. I think I’ll stick with zinc and quercetin for prevention. If I become ill, I can revisit this decision.

Effects of chloroquine on viral infections

Based on my research the quercetin is safe enough for prophylactic use along with other supplements. I don’t want to be on choroquine or hydroxyC unless I am in the hospital and the risk vs reward balance has shifted.

There may be many here at PP who use CPAP. Good to know there is another use for it, too.

The paper, which is now 17 years old, is very comprehensive regarding antiviral observed effects of Chloroquine, and much less decisive regarding underlying mechanism, for instance;

As chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine probably inhibits viral replication by a mechanism different from those of currently used antiretroviral drugs, its application has been studied in combination with other antiretroviral drugs. The use of chloroquine in combination with other antiretrovirals is theoretically supported by the observation that chloroquine also shows anti-HIV activity in vitro towards isolates from patients in therapeutic failure with a multidrug-resistant profile.36
It may well be that the mechanism has always been synergistic with Zinc and we just didn't know it, since Zn is relatively ubiquitous from diet. Elsewhere in the paper it mentions how beneficial it is that, rather than being specific to the viral proteins, chloroquine is anti-viral through direct action on the human cellular RNA replication mechanism... hence it is broadly antiviral.

The link to this study is gone. Is information being taken down?

Guys, this study might provide some useful information in designing your steriliser e.g. on power output and exposure times etc.
UVGI Study 2
Hydroxychloroquine link found

“Zerohedge a lot too much, it’s like watching an extremely slow motion train-wreck in progress.”
I’ve been a connoisseur of “doomer porn” for a long time and I have a lot of memories of staying up late to read blogs during the 2008/2009 meltdown.
The headlines on ZH almost gave me a heart attack on Monday morning. I had to step away from it a bit.
Its hard because you need to stay informed, but you need to know your limits. One reason I like Chris and Adam so much is they tend to deliver the relevant scary news in a way that is coherent and organized rather than just making you feel like the curtains are on fire and also the rug is on fire and also the cabinets are on fire and… and … and… which is what happens when you read the blogs too much.

A 6 day dose of plaquenil with Azithromycin, being an effective treatment for covid19 approaches zero chance of causing a toxic bulls eye maculopathy as the maculopathy I’d dose/time/weight dependent.
rhrobinson od a poor and reluctant typist
oughta see our spring garden, wow

Absolute nonsense.
“Sequestered carbon” OH, my God.
Blank out…and shut down…is expected. It is the emotional conditioning kicking in.
Human made CO2 is treated by Nature exactly as it treats Natural CO2. There is no difference between Human and Natural CO2, whatsoever. And, ALL CO2 from ANY volcanic source is also releasing “sequestered carbon” and the natural flow of CO2 in our Atmosphere does not care, which is which.
All Human created CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere…ALL OF IT…even the “sequestered carbon” and the 18 PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere, for which Man is responsible, already includes this.
If Nature makes 393 PPM of CO2, and MAN makes only 18 PPM of CO2, which is more responsible for the very small amount of CO2 we find in our atmosphere? What do you think has more effect on Global Climate…a trace gas, which is 412 PPM, of 1,000,000 PPM total volume, or changes in the SUN…whose mass is greater than all the other mass in the solar system combined?
The United States, all by itself…is responsible for only 4-5 PPM of the 18 PPM, Humanity creates. We could totally eliminate ALL sources in the U.S…completely…and even THIS would alter the Climate…not at all…NO CHANGE…nothing.
If eliminating 100% of United States generated CO2 does nothing…IMAGINE only reducing United States production by only 2%, or even 20%…at tremendous cost…suffering and…yes…death. LESS THAN NOTHING!
You are just a victim of the propaganda…meant to cause you harm…as you struggle to achieve nothing but your own enslavement…and that of everyone else.
What you think you know…is not what happens to be. But, this is now a unquestionable religion to so many…they are emotionally unable to see Reality.

Then the FDA says nope, we have not done that. It seems government bureaucracy is as dangerous to peoples lives as Covid 19. The FDA is also warning people about trying herbal supplements that are not approved. Who does the FDA really serve?
Big Pharma would not want something dirt cheap and easily available to treat people, might lose billions on a new vaccine.

The new and improved way to launder money. With soap and water. Line dry or just lay it flat. I don’t think I would put it in the dryer.
I have to disagree MQ. Unless you have some actual studies which indicate that is an efficient way to disinfect mask you risk seriously degrading or destroying your mask's efficiency. The mask's material is actually pretty susceptible to damage. Damage means more of the virus particles get thru and into your lungs. The studies we have found here indicate that heat treatment shows little or no damage. Chemical soaks or alcohol or hydrogen peroxide followed by a water rinse and air dry is good but does some minor damage over time. That UV light should be effective and damage free but no tests yet on it. Washing in soap and water would be ok for the outer covers of DIY masks or pollution masks but the filter elements should still be treated with care. The one thing you are going to find here MQ if you stick around is we are not prone to making claims that are just backed up with your gut feeling or antidotal experiences. Since Peak Prosperity is one of the go to place for fact based information thanks to Chris' videos and Adam's work, we all take our responsibility to put out true information seriously.
Guys, this study might provide some useful information in designing your steriliser e.g. on power output and exposure times etc.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!