Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

"Articles being removed on FB"
FB put out an announcement that when they sent their human moderators home and when to AI a bug showed up and flagged too many posts. They know about it, is working to correct it, and will repost all the removed posts soon.
There are 327 million people in the USA
60% are going to get infected
3.2 percent of all people that get infected (this based on data from China and found to be creditable by the WHO) will die.
So, 327 million people in the USA times 60% of the population that will get infected is ( 327 *0.6) = 196 Million people infected with Covid 19.
Of the 196,320,000 people (best case) 3.2% will die...
That means best case 6,282,240 people will die in the next few months in the USA......(196,320,000*.032)
20% of those infected will need critical care in a hospital (196.32 Million*.2)= 39.3 million people who will need critical care. If the critical care system/hospitals can not deal with the influx of patients the death rate will be drastically higher.
FYI "Total Staffed Beds in All U.S. Hospitals 924,107"
These are the numbers the media and government are not talking about because they are truly frightening..
I have posted this on you tube and my comments have been deleted..
I find it surreal...

I’m from the UK and am a socialist. I think this video ends with complete misunderstanding and confusion about socialism, ‘civil liberties’ and totalitarianism. This virus is completely beyond the capabilities of neo-liberalism, with its ‘civil liberties’, espoused by the US and UK government and will only be dealt with humanely by socialism, meaning a more equal society and governments which care for their citizens. Socialism doesn’t lead to being forced to be vaccinated, and this is not the ‘Chinese virus’, and socialism has nothing to do with the mixture of capitalism and communism exercised by that country. Watch as the UK and US are forced to adopt humane policies, such as the universal basic income in the UK, as the only way to help people.

Hi dtrammel,
I read MQ’s post as referencing laundering “money” (actually, paper fiat currency–not physical gold or silver which is real money) rather than “masks” (i.e., surgical masks and/or respirators). Otherwise, I agree with and appreciate your post regarding the potential to degrade mask material. Thanks for keeping on top of that rather dense but extremely relevant subject of mask/respirator materials, reuse and sterilization. :slight_smile:

Rooni - I believe they were referring to the Khan Academy …

I see that now.

Well this is pleasant (not really; and I’m sorry to bring this up). I’ve seen these figures, which are sadly credible IMO. The Furguson/Imperial College study estimates were about 1.2 million deaths under the “optimal” scenario using an R0 of 2.2 over a period of 5 months using multiple combined suppression/mitigation strategies. (This 1.2 figure did not account for anticipated surge in Covid cases and deaths once these public health strategies were lifted in fall 2020.)
If these high mortality rates are anticipated, beginning in earnest mid-April, then what behind-the-scenes plans are being made now to manage the projected upwards of 6.2 million US Covid-related deaths (either from the disease itself, related comorbidities, and/or lack of life-saving medical supplies, equipment, facilities or personnel)?
A few weeks ago there was some discussion on the PP threads of trains/trucks transporting large quantities of bins that looked like coffins or coffin liners. The government’s Covid-2019 pandemic plan identifies possible shortages of body bags and medical examiners in case of unmanageable mass fatality cases. Funeral homes and crematoriums (and their professional associations) must have already been notified of this possible increase in “business”. I wonder now whether the recall of the military might be also to manage and assist in removal and disposal of the dead.
This is really difficult to comprehend and I don’t want to incite fear or rumors. But we have seen how other countries deal with this problem (e.g., China and now Italy) with delayed internment, limits/ban on funeral ceremonies and traditional burial practices, mandatory cremations, additional crematoria units deployed, and military assistance to deal with mass casualties).
If these projected numbers hold true, then preparations must be underway in the US. When might this peak (June 2020 for the first wave?)?
What are others’ thoughts on this? Please share any information you have in this regard, and identify sources and documentation if possible while ensuring privacy.
Thanks all!

I know Sparky. Death is something people don’t like to talk about. (When not in pandemic mode, Ask A Mortician is a fabulous youtube channel btw)
I would think FEMA would have a plan, but if they did, they can’t talk about it. You know, conspiracy stuff. I say that is what FEMA is for. When masses of people die unexpectedly.
I know if I died or a loved 1 died, I would want a certain cremation place. But would that be possible in a mass death event?
I would love to know Sparky. It is an uncomfortable topic… But we all go there.
She has great videos.

Problem> reaction > solution
Thesis > antithesis > synthesis

Its a good start too bad its not more. But the problem is it probably wont kill the right people… If it were to kill those who deserve to die … it would be really great.

This is a little off topic of the intended thread, but if you have a legitimate source for those fancy numbers you threw out you may have solved the debate on human caused global warming. source please. I’d like to quit worrying about it too.

Ha! I wonder if we’ll get flagged for providing how-to advice on money laundering! :wink: Ya’ never know: maybe we hit an algo trigger word or phrase that just blew our “grey man” digital footprints. I’d rather not be that “popular”.

Do we have any data about the chloroquine dosages that ought to be used to fight a COVID-19 infection? Can anyone provide any useful studies? Chloroquine can be purchased without prescription and it might be good to have some on hand.

Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment? (3/19/20)

I see you are going nuts. Do you have any books? We have our little library that covers fiction and non-fiction. We have maybe 200 books that are sitting there calling my name. I sort of hope we have to stay home and the power goes out so that we are disconnected from work. Then both my husband and I will read loads of books by the sunlight and cook on our little propane camping grill and listen to the birds sing. Do you have any books to read?

With 15 confirmed Covid cases and 2 deaths, San Joaquin County public health announced restrictions on visitors and non-essential personnel to hospitals, effective 3/15/20 through 4/30/20. Violations to this order constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment or both. (Source)
Adjacent Stanislaus County public health has confirmed 5 cases and 0 deaths (so far), with no restrictions on hospital visitors or non-essential personnel (yet). (Source)

drbrucedale wrote:

Chloroquine can be purchased without prescription and it might be good to have some on hand.
is this correct? where can it be bought without prescription in the usa? i was just about to hop across the border to tijuana and see if i can buy it there. farmacias del ahorro, a popular mexican pharmacy chain, appears to be selling it without prescription required, there's a lot of things you can buy in mexico that don't require prescriptions: but if you know of a place in the usa selling chloroquine, please let me know, i'd prefer not to travel right now.

Coronavirus: Gov. Wolf orders all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pa. to close
“Allegheny Co. sheriff’s deputy tested for coronavirus; 15 other deputies in self-isolation”
Summary: 180 Covid-2019 cases confirmed in PA, with one death. Physical locations for non-essential businesses services to close by 8 p.m. today. Enforcement activities begin 12:01 a.m. Saturday.

Well, I hope you and other PP members don’t buy it all before I get some, but this tribe takes care of each other. :slight_smile: So, I have been purchasing medicines by mail from a place called River Pharmacy in Canada for years. Their prices are good, the service is fast and no US prescription is required. Here is the contact information.
Chloroquine Phosphate
Order while supplies last.

Our medication is from trusted sources. The only difference- is the price!