Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

Riverside seems suspicious to me. They won’t take a credit card and want to take it out of our checking. I think not.

Has anyone found info on Hydroxychloroquine dosage and length of time for treatment?

Access to my checking account, I think not.
Cautious Granny

I spoke to a friend I have in the wholesale food supply business and asked about the empty shelves in stores. She told me their warehouses are equally empty. I asked about food supply. She said we have plenty of food in the US. What’s happening is that there are so many people out sick that food packaging is a problem. They can’t get additional food packaged fast enough to restock. Apparently that goes for produce especially but also meat and canned goods.

I take hydroxychloroquine daily for prevention of autoimmune flare-ups. I take a 200 mg tablet twice a day. There is a potential side effect related to the eyes, which I’ve never experienced after about 10 years of continuous use.

it’s out there. Take too much for too long and…bulls eye.
I have been an optometrist for 30 years and seen only a few cases.I am sufficiently girded to deal with disparagement. 400 mg/day is … for how many years?
Dose/weight/time rhrobinson od a poor and reluctant typist, however an Enthusiastic Gardener/Farmer!

Carnival cruise lines has offered its idled ships to be used for floating hospitals. (APnews).
I. have. no. words.

This refutation of Dr. Furguson/Imperial College study was sent to me by a (more optimistic) colleague. I haven’t had time to read this through, but thought others here might be interested and willing to share their perspectives.
(I can’t get the insert link to work…)

OK, I don’t remember where I saw this but it could really help so I wanted to share it. We all know about the mask situation, “It’s not good”, but almost any mask will work if its treated w/ salt according to this 2017 study. Here’s the link;
< >
If I understand the paper it’s just a matter of soaking the masks (even just dust masks) in a ~30% salt water solution. The study says 100% of the mice protected by the salt-treated filter survived.
I know a N95 would be better or just a surgical mask but the study indicates that salt saturation provides an effective means to nuetralize viruses.
Of course it wasn’t tested w/ coronavirus but I’m inclined to think the H1N1 test is somewhat comparable.
Hopefully helpful,

drbrucedale wrote:

Well, I hope you and other PP members don’t buy it all before I get some,
thank you so much, i never bought from canada pharmacies before, don't know why i didn't think of it. that saves me from having to travel right now. i just ordered a couple hundred pills, to have for myself and to share with older family members. if i do get them and the pharmacy runs out by some chance, i'll be happy to send some your way. despite mr. greer's objection to the forced checking account method of payment, which i noted, i went ahead and ordered anyways - the risk of losing a few bucks is a small concern, and as you say you've been using them for years, i expect it'll work out fine. thank you again.

The Senate’s newest member sold off seven figures worth of stock holdings in the days and weeks after a private, all-senators meeting on the novel coronavirus that subsequently hammered U.S. equities. That first transaction was a sale of stock in the company Resideo Technologies worth between $50,001 and $100,000. The company’s stock price has fallen by more than half since then, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average overall has shed approximately 10,000 points, dropping about a third of its value. It was the first of 29 stock transactions that Loeffler and her husband made through mid-February, all but two of which were sales. One of Loeffler’s two purchases was stock worth between $100,000 and $250,000 in Citrix, a technology company that offers teleworking software and which has seen a small bump in its stock price since Loeffler bought in as a result of coronavirus-induced market turmoil.

I keep seeing people discuss the measures we must do, ala the Ferguson report, to fight this crisis, yet over and over I keep seeing the phrase “until a vaccine can be made”.
No one seems to be asking “What if a vaccine isn’t made?”
People seem to assume that if we can just hunker down, squat in place, self quarantine until a vaccine gets produced then we can all go back to living out lives. What happens in 18 months if there is no vaccine. What happens if we end up having all 100% of us having to experience the virus and its affects?

What happens in 18 months if there is no vaccine.
There can be a vaccine in 18 months, no problem. It sounds like you are assuming that the vaccine that will be offered or given will
  • Work
  • Be tested
  • Be safe
  • Be widely available.
If the goat rope we have been watching is the same system that creates a vaccine I would not be in line to take it. Remember the tests that didn’t work? No problem having one ready but how good it is, thats debatable. But back to your point. Distract and send people back to work. Time will tell.  

Look at how this large american italian family was wiped out of existence. I wonder after looking at the numbers coming from italy and this - if there is some huge problem on the horizon for people of italian decent such as my self. None of them had underlying health issues ( some weight issues- if this is reason to die from this - we have huge problem - - pun!! ) and some where young.

dtrammel, The mask efficiency of capture link you posted was testing engine exhaust particles.
However, the study I linked to tested against aerosol particles containing H1N1.
An issue noted in the study was that the mask fibers were hydrophobic. a little bit of a problem if you are trying to catch water droplets… they tend to just bounce off.
The performance gain was put down to the salt coated fibers becoming hydrophilic.
Many ‘protected’ workers are getting infected, believing they had good protection, so it is possible that the assumption M95 masks give effective protection is false. It could also be that they were getting infected during the removal of the gear due to poor procedure, but there is a lack of information.
I one acts as if the mask is gives poor protection against aerosols, you still get the benefit of restricting unconscious face touching, as well as attempting to keep greater separation.
False confidence is dangerous
Regards Hamish

I understand borderpatrol’s need to actually see the numbers with her own eyes. I’m pretty mistrustful of official information sources and even private information sources from people I don’t know personally.
We have a number of thinkers pointing out that the oligarchy could use Kung Flu in the same way that it was intending to using climate change–to consolidate centralized social control in their own hands. (Whitney Webb, Ron Paul, David Icke, Brandon Smith, Michael Snyder, quite a few others).
So CA just announce a shelter in place order. The governor predicts 56% of the population will be infected in the next 8 weeks. We have a prediction that we can follow. Lets see where we are 8 weeks from now, on May 21.

CA Population = 39.5 million 56% of population infected = 22 million 80% mild cases = 17 million 5% Serous Cases = 1.1 million 1% deaths = 221,000.

I know we have tried several ways to clean masks, everything from bleach to h202 and UVC , heat etc. I would think since its a filterable material that UVC can penetrate it completely , but it woudnt happen in 15 minutes like a solid surface. So throw it the sun for several hours. I think in a pinch throwing it in boiling water for a few seconds would do it too. I know we wonder if the material filter would be affected by the washing. I do believe there is some electrostatic properties to the filter that account for some of its ability to filter. This would likely be diminished whether washing or just use over and over again. So, when reusing masks , I do not think there is a perfect solution… Sanitizing it more important than some of the filtering loss… Again , i would not recommend being in high concentrated settings like a clinical setting or for extended periods of time - but running out for essentials – Id think it would still offer good protection. Its a game of risk… there is no way to eliminate risk. The answer is to reduce it. I would rate UVC as being least destructive on the mask and then ozone. Washing and heating I would try to avoid as methods of sterilizing on the mask.

  • river pharmacy - CA. However note that fulfillment is in India… Isnt that india has restricted medicines and raw materials for medication being shipped from there?