Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

The new and improved way to launder money. With soap and water. Line dry or just lay it flat. I don’t think I would put it in the dryer.
Sheesh, people–someone asked about cleaning money–from an ATM, gotten in change, etc. and this was my fairly lame attempt at a punny bit of humor. Why would anyone assume that I meant masks when I clearly typed money? And dtrammel–I have been a member for a number of years. I understand you are tired and stressed and you have done awesome work that all of us will use and enjoy, But–chill, kiddo.

I placed an order om-line but received a call since I had a number wrong on my routing. debbie seemed very legit. Said the order will have to go through customs. Call came from Manitoba. Of course, it may never come if we are on lock down.
Does anyone know specifics about a lock down? My son is a construction PM who can’t believe they are still working though he gets to work from home. He will bug out to small hometown with wife & child if he has a clue about when it might happen.

After watching today’s video which was very informative. I want to be able to feel hopeful yet remain cautious and curious. Just in case a prescription is required, and who knows doctors maybe too overwhelmed by cases, people wanting to be tested, to see a new person wanting a prescription. Since I am not on any, and wish to avoid them as much as possible for many reasons, costs, side effects, etc. And, for the last 20-30 years, whenever possible I look for holistic methods or natural herbs to use. After all “Eastern” and alternative medicine has been around for centuries and Western for 100-200 years.
So, I looked, and apparently I’m not the only one who searched. From one website,, I found:
"…A google search of “natural zinc ionophore” yields these results:
From this page, the most interesting result is:
Zinc Ionophore Activity of Quercetin and Epigallocatechin-gallate
Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods such as leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It has been studied and proven to have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity. It has been at the forefront for treatment of sinus problems.
Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) is found in green tea. It is also an anti-oxidant.
This was a study to determine if quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate can increase levels of intracellular zinc in mice with liver cancer.
The takeaways from the above paper:

  1. Through fluorescence, quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate were found to be ionophores and raised intracellular zinc levels.
  2. This is an animal study, not human.
In summary, we have some interesting information here. It has been asked about at President Trump’s COVID-19 press conference (March18, 2020). Today, March 19th, there are more search results about than ever: Chloroquine needs a prescription and quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate can be found in health food stores. Dosage is unknown...." I also found: (which talks about quinine which was introduced to western medicine in the 1600's for malaria and further down "...qinghaosu plant, known in western countries as "artemisinin." (also known as sweet wormwood). And, I found this one interesting too (but it's getting late so I'll look at it more later today after I get some sleep... "Kratom, which the government has been desperately trying to ban, contains powerful anti-coronavirus compounds". Last one... Any thoughts or feedback? I remember reading before about using quercetin in addition to zinc and Vitamin C, as well as the other medicinals in Stephen Buhner's protocol and update. Linda T (Portland, OR)  

PP Friends:
I have been ordering from River Pharmacy in Canada for many years, including Azithromycin. Never a problem. Delivery is from India for many medicines and the medicine comes in the mail about 4 weeks after the order. My wife has some health issues, so I have built up a stock of her medicines that I keep refrigerated in sealed Mylar bags with an oxygen adsorber.
River Pharmacy took my order this morning for hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin. I got an email from them yesterday saying they had Azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine in stock. Obviously, I don’t know how long those stocks will last, but my experience with River Pharmacy is that if they say they have something in stock, they do have it.
You set up an account with them with user name and password and they use a confirmation by text to make sure a given order is from you. I found it convenient to have them draft my bank as I do with some other payments. I don’t know (have never checked to see) if they accept credit card payment.
The Azithromycin dose given to me by my dentist son-in-law years ago (not for the coronavirus). A standard dose is 500 mg the first day, followed by 250 mg per day for four days. I don’t know a recommended dose for hydroxychloroquine but hopefully we will be able to find and post that information pretty soon.
I am not pushing anyone to use River Pharmacy. Your choice. But my experience with them has all been good. Hope this helps.
Here is their contact information again:
By the way, I am not a “real” doctor. My Ph.D. is in chemical engineering. I used the drbrucedale as a convenient and short handle to distinguish myself from the National Geographic photographer of the same name. Please call me Bruce. :slight_smile:

I ordered from them the first time last night. Yes it is weird not using a credit card and giving out your bank info but realize anytime you write a check you are giving out the info they ask for. I did check on the pay service they use. It is Genie pay services. It aint BOA (thank god lol). It is an LLC. in business for 8 years. It has a 5 star rating with BBB.
Keep in mind folks you are ordering prescription drugs online which will arrive in 3-4 weeks. This aint Amazon and my guess is this loophole will be closing ricky ticky tacky. Yes you could just wait until you or someone you love gets sick, gets tested after the hospitals are swamped and hope that they not only will treat you with this but that it is actually in stock. (330,000,000) million Amerikans.
I just got done with a run with Azithromycin for bronchitis(didn’t touch it, as it is viral) the dose for that was 500mg. first day then 250mg for 4 days. This is pretty standard from my research. In the video Chris did it said the dose they were using was 600mg of the Plaquenil.
It would be great if someone could post the actual dosage and protocol.
Ironically I just returned from India and could have bought all I wanted for dirt cheap and brought in home in my suitcase. Oh well.

Does anyone have any experience ordering from Mexico? Canadians cannot order from the River Pharmacy. Thank you.

Which form of zinc is best to take?

You might try
They also have a good name in the mail order medicines world. They are not based in Mexico…I am pretty sure they are U.S. based and get most of their medicines directly from India.

Is chloroquine or hydrochloroquine preferred?

Just occurred to me to ask…
For some time now in my part of the world, the weather has been mild and benign. No storms, no damage, no emergency crews rushing hither and thither to help secure damaged homes and other properties.
Might this sort of thing provide many more escape routes for the virus? Or might it perish? Has anyone done any testing of how well the virus survives in adverse weather conditions? I’ve not heard of any.

United Pharmacies is only allowed to send to the U.S., not to Canada.

I think Chris mentioned in his video on Thursday night March 19 that hydroxychloroquine is less cytotoxic (less damaging to human cells) than chloroquine. Obviously, if it is a choice between chloroquine and nothing, get the chloroquine. All medicines, aspirin included, have some toxicity.
Chris, please correct me if I am wrong or misunderstood you.

Belka8, I am sorry then. Those are the two mail order pharmacies that I have good experience with or knowledge of.
Perhaps you can contact your doctor and get a prescription filled in advance? If you live near the US border and have a friend on the US side, you could perhaps get the prescription sent to them, and then they send it to you?? Just thinking out loud here. Hope it helps.

I am not a medical doctor. But my chemistry background is pretty good. I think the form of zinc may not matter too much, but zinc gluconate seems to be useful and it is an the active ingredient along with zinc acetate in over the counter cold remedies such as Zicam.
Here is a relevant peer-reviewed study. Trying to meet Chris’s standards for high-quality information on this site. :slight_smile:
“Dr.” Bruce

I use the picolinate based on this study;

The results of this study suggest that zinc absorption in humans can be improved by complexing zinc with picolinic acid.

Comparative absorption of zinc picolinate, zinc citrate and zinc gluconate in humans.
As well, if you can find picolinate with added trace Copper, all the better as too much Zinc can lead to Copper deficiency by some kind of displacement effect. I found a 30mg Zinc with 2mg Copper from Nature's Life brand.

If 100% of the population will eventually become infected with SARS-CoV-2, what will happen will depend upon many variables. But, it may be assumed there shall be fewer of us. And, more of us, who remain, shall have their health permanently damaged.
But, think of this: What if there is no such thing as “Herd Immunity” possible for this pathogen? What if the ADE effect always applies to this pathogen? What if this pathogen can hide in our fatty tissues, slumbering, until the targeted antibodies reduce in number…and grow old, before it wakes up again? What if the pathogen mutates away from the vaccine’s target? What if it is difficult to manufacture the vaccine…or to scale up production of doses into the Billions?
So many variables. Let alone, deliberate manipulations.
I am quite certain, should I become infected…I shall quickly need to make a catalog of all my antiques…so my family will have a clue…and not toss priceless stuff in the trash…after I am cremated.

Hi Bruce, I live in a border city and our U.S./Canada border is closing tonight for non-essential. Things are changing quickly!

Does anyone know about zinc/copper balancing or point to information? I seem to recall that a balance should be maintained between the two. Is it safe to take zinc on its own? I recognize this is not a medical/nutraceutical forum but thought I would ask.

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an openlabel non-randomized clinical trial. Philippe Gautreta
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents – In Press 17 March 2020 – DOI : 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949
A few Quotes:

Hydroxychloroquine sulfate [aka Plaquenil] (an analogue of chloroquine) has been demonstrated to have an antiSARS-CoV activity in vitro. Hydroxychloroquine clinical safety profile is better than that of chloroquine (during long-term use) and allows higher daily dose and has fewer concerns about drug-drug interactions. Patients were excluded if they had a known allergy to hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine or had another known contraindication... including retinopathy, G6PD deficiency and QT prolongation. Dosing: hydroxychloroquine sulfate 200 mg, three times per day during ten days . [600 mg / day, which is a little lower than doses used in Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis] take dose with a meal or a glass of milk 6 patients in the hydroxychloroquine group were lost to follow-up due to:
  • 3 patients worsened and were transferred to an ICU
  • 1 patient decided to just leave the hospital
  • 1 patient died
  • 1 patient had nausea and stopped the medicine due to adverse effect
  • None of the untreated patient had these complications. Hmmmm.
They added azithromycin in the standard "Z-Pak" dose used for respiratory infections in the USA: 500 mg on day 1, then 250 mg daily for 4 more days. The clearance of viral shedding from the nasopharynx, the only end point measured in this study, was much improved in the hydroxychloroquine group.

If we look at HIV today, there is still no approved vaccine, but there are various drugs that allow for HIV to be very well managed, and active viral load to be driven to zero. There is room between having a cure/vaccine, and having nothing, for medications and supplements to emerge that may do a very good job. Life can and will get back to some semblance of normal, even if a vaccine or herd immunity is not possible… again, look at HIV.