Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

If I were in your position, I think I would still send it to a US friend on the border. (I assume you probably have some friends on this side of the border.) It will take 3-4 weeks to be delivered anyway, and by that time I expect the border will open up.

Thanks SP. These are good baseline figures, but I wonder what the underlying assumptions (e.g., what R0 figure was used) are that yielded the estimate of 56% of Californians infected with coronavirus in 8 weeks. Also, what would be the effect of the suppression/mitigation efforts now implemented?
I recall reading in a footnote Dr. Furguson’s/Imperial College study that the US projections were broken down by state (but not published). I wonder if those state-based estimates were provided to the Governors, and that might be the basis of Governor Newsom’s 25.5M (56%) infected Californians.
Regardless, it’ll be interesting to revisit your figures in 8 weeks to gauge the change up or down. And I also don’t have a lot of confidence in the figures being put out by any of these governmental or health authorities for all the reasons cited and discussed many times at PP. Even so, behind the statistics are lives and livelihoods that hang in the balance.
I hope you are well and remain so throughout these crazy times.

[Hopefully, this is not the future state of the US and other countries.]
Italy calls in military to enforce coronavirus lockdown as 627 people die in 24 hours
It would seem that hoarding and panic buying can backfire and produce undesired 15 minutes of fame…

It’s very difficult to believe this isn’t hyped to the max for Gov’ts eventual benefit.
How many deaths to COVID 19 in the USA so far?? 190 -220 ??
How many deaths to he Flu in the USA so far?? 23000 -59000??

Damn Chris, now I’m really going to cancel my membership!
What a bag of downers you are ! You have no faith in the American people or apparently, yourself.
And to bring on an academic egghead to tell us how to cope with life is insulting.
Chris, YOU need to get a life !

I actually have little faith in most of the american people… But a lot of faith in a few american , most of those here and especially chris. What I have no faith in is the american govt. Wall street, big pharma, the FDA and federal reserve.

yes they need to be in balance and dominance of one can cause issues with the other. In general women are copper dominant and men zinc. But that is really something different than having adequate amounts. If you are not supplementing more than 25mg per day , you should not need to worry about copper. But if you want to take more zinc, or for long periods of time it would be advisable to take some copper. Copper in plentiful in water from copper plumbing… chocolate is rich in copper.

My suggestion for ‘Someone New To The Forum" is: feel absolutely free to respond to your inner attraction with your parents. The reports plus doctor assessments indicate that that the individuals with compromised immune systems are the ones who are experiencing symptoms more severe than that typically associated with the flu. If you are still concerned about transmitting a contagion then I’d further suggest doing what you can to support enhancing your parents’ immunity with the protocol published online by Dr. Mark Sircus.

I know most states have spoken about shortages of tests and only those acutely ill will be tested. - I have confirmed this is the case - additionally I have confirmed that the situations is multiple fold worse than what is actually reported in the numbers. It is consistent with reports from some healthcare workers - that are reporting dozens in not hundreds of cases per hospital - with all vents - and beds at capacity. We are already at overwhelmed capacity. this does not reflect the reported US numbers - why should we trust anyone else’s numbers

This is central Stockholm without an enforced lockdown. Not doing too bad imho:

I keep hearing things about a national lockown. Does anyone have more information on weather this is true and when it might happen? Chris thinks this will happen in the next 2 days, if I listened to his video right

Sean from SGT report said the same thing yesterday - he heard it from a friend of a friend regarding Nat Guard deployment. Sounds like a Go to me.

I didn’t like the way he contradicted Trump the other day regarding chloroquine. As well, I was aware that he put his face in his hands when Trump called the State Department the, “Deep State Department”. He’s got deep state leanings himself. One of the first things I found about Dr. Fauci, at the WikiLeaks Clinton email trove, was a gushing 2013 email that Fauci had sent to Cheryl Mills, one of Hillary Clinton;s top aides, praising the then–secretary of state for her congressional testimony on Benghazi.
Yeah, nice job Hillary defending the military stand down order that allowed Americans to be killed at Benghazi. Maybe the coming lockdown will be used to finally take out the deep state once and for all... I sure hope so., I disagree with your criticisms of Chris and of his guest. IMO, people without or with degrees, and/or degrees of different types may have something of value to share. I personally found Chris’ information and that of his guest very credible, informative and useful.
Additionally, I think Chris has convincingly laid out compelling arguments and data to assert with some authority that Covid-19 is not the flu; is much more infectious than the flu; and is more deadly than the flu. This pandemic is still in its early stages for much of the world and for the US. The lack of tests/testing and reliable data on the actual number and severity of cases has impeded ability to assess the true scope and impact of this virus for which–unlike the seasonal flu–we have no herd immunity and no vaccine.
I’m sorry to hear that you so strongly disagree with Chris’ approach to this pandemic that you’d consider cancelling your membership. Of course, you should to do what you feel is best for you and your situation.
Regardless, I’m happy to see that you’ve contributed your first two posts today after twelve years of PP membership.

NYC lots of activity. 4 sites being setup for temp hospitals (javits center) and lots of army vehicle.
Reports coming out now that hospitals starting to struggle.