Coronavirus Lockdown! Now It Gets Tough

Soar07, a very polished and professional piece of work, followed by a string of comments all praising your petition. Why does such a paper make the hairs on the back of my head raise?
No I didn’t read it all, nor do I think anyone else did. Can you distill your proposal down to one hundred words? If you can’t then it shouldn’t be done.
Many people are using this crisis to further their own agenda, I wonder what is yours? You’re not engaging with the Peak Prosperity community, just blanketing the popular forum of the moment. Why is that?
Perhaps my paranoia is showing.

ADDED: Chris has covered this proposal and it appears I was wrong in may assumptions.

On a health support mission, to a city in distress, why the obvious show of guns?

Holy sh*t! That made my heart skip a few beats. And guns???
This is getting crazier by the hour. :frowning:

Good observations!

Update: Sorry, I had the wrong tweet/video. Here is the corrected version.
Another Twitter video of military rolling-in to NYC today.
[Warning, raw video, strong (NYC) language that some my find offensive]:

Perhaps I’m old school but I remember tv ads that showed the National Guard responding to disasters which showed them arriving like helpful angels of mercy, with the local population glad they were there.
What dumb f$%k thought rolling into a major US city with your M60 machine gun on the top of the lead vehicles said “I’m here to help”?

dtremmel just posted behind the Premium paywall given his concerns about more heightened Covind-19 related events. It was a good reminder to me that as things get more “squirrelly” and the PP site attracts many more visitors, that we might keep our discussions regarding sensitive, controversial or very speculative topics behind the added privacy of the Premium paywall. This might add an increased level of privacy and protection for the PP site and PP tribe to discuss these topics more freely.

In my opinion a lock down is overdone
In the outside fresh air the chance getting a virus is remote if distancing is kept. On top you can use a mask. ( I use a P3 double bio-filter mask) Anyway, you can keep it as safe as you want and if you’re really afraid getting the virus you can self-isolate at home. Anyway, I do not need a government to tell me what to do. In Holland we are adviced to stay at home but not forced (until now) and I really think this is the best way to go. Let the most strong and confident people catch the virus (if they choose to) to enlarge herd immunity as fast and big as possible. This way the next cycle in fall will be less tragic

How can you distinguish what is behind the wall or not? All looks the same to me… ?

It brings out my libertarian tendencies. If this couple buying all of this meat completed depleted inventory and other people were asking for meat but there was none and this couple would not allow them to have it, then I’d have a problem with their actions. But if they just bought this meat and there was more meat and they deprived no one at the time, well, that’s their right. There were no apparent government or store limits on purchases, the inventory was there, and they paid for it. They didn’t apparently push anyone out of the way, cut in line, or do anything else that was anti-social. And what’s hoarding? Two shopping carts, one cart, half of one, a quarter of one, or what? The man was trying to provide for his family and animals and wasn’t hurting anyone else at the time. He seems like a decent guy and his subsequent donation tends to substantiate that impression. But it’s almost like he had to pay a bribe to regain social acceptance and safety and was bullied into this action.
So who’s at fault here? Him or the ones bullying him or especially the ones threatening his life. Would they be bullying and threatening him if he shot an elk in season, brought it home, and butchered it? A big elk would easily fill two carts. It’s telling that the video did not decry those who made the death threats. Allowing fear to be created rather than castigating those who are creating it suggests acceptance, if not outright promotion, of an agenda. Just another example of social engineering by the media at work. My preferred version of karma would have been an invitation by the threatened ones to the threateners to come and take their best shot and perhaps risk experiencing themselves what they planned to do to others. Backing down from those types of people just empowers them to repeat their actions … or worse. But that seems to be the trend in our society and the result is growing lawlessness.

hi FL
Look at the top if you can see a diagonal orange “PREMIUM” notification

Just had this discussion with the sweetheart. Well, they are the military after all (didn’t see any markings on the vehicles…), and the military “does” guns. Perhaps standard deployment protocol to “protect the troops”. Bad visual, though. I’d think the M4s in the cab would be adequate protection. Me, I’d feel better entering NYC armed ;^) FD- never been in the military, or NYC…Aloha, Steve.

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and
It is not all hunky dunky. matfax in chloroquine hoax :
“Quinine derivates such as Chloroquine are risky in their use. There are about 400 million people worldwide who have a hereditary enzyme deficiency called G6PD deficiency. They are lucky in that way that they don’t need this Quinine as an anti-malaria drug because the G6PD deficiency basically makes them immune to Malaria. So if a clinician submits a Malaria patient, they don’t have to worry about it. But if they were treated with it, the Quinine derivate would cause acute hemolysis. The last thing you want to see happen in a patient with pneumonia is hemolysis. Quinines are also troublesome in diseases of the nerves such as MG because they reduce the “activation” of nerve impulses at the nerve endings by blocking ACh receptors. Short breathiness due to reduced impulse activation of the respiratory system (i.e., breathing) might be another complication in older patients because their nerves aren’t in best shape regardless of disease. I think it’s safe in young and mid-aged patients with identified genetic G6PD status who have no side conditions or weak muscles.”

One thing I do not understand is, how can you see the difference between an enrolled member and a visitor? I was “freeloader” of the weekly newsletter for 10 years and about 2 months ago I decided to enroll because of the very helpful information so “freeloading” felt wrong. Anyway, my status is “member since Feb 6, 2020” and not some day 10 years ago. So, How to see who is an enrolled member and who is not?

Hi DutchBoomer, I don’t think there’s a way to identify who is a visitor or who isn’t, nor I’m sure there’s value in doing so. We do want visitors to feel welcome, gain value from the site and community, and join PP.
We can see “new” members by their enrollment dates but, as in your case, that doesn’t mean they haven’t already been accessing the PP site for much longer than their “official” enrollment date. I think one cannot post unless they are a registered member.
Besides having access to special, exclusive content and discounts afforded to Premium members, the value in going behind the paywall is to limit the access and conversations to only Premium members–ideally away from the prying eyes of “bots”, trolls or others that have designs on disrupting or disabling the site.
Chris and Adam have mentioned that [paraphrasing here] they feel more comfortable in keeping the more speculative conversations behind the paywall to minimize (censorship) risk and allow for more freedom of discussion. That’s not to say that someone with an ax to grind or malintent couldn’t access the Premium areas for the price of the Premium membership, it just seems less likely or easy. If Chris and Adam feel this behind-the-paywall is a more secure approach, then I’m comfortable with that.
Of course, each PP Premium member should exercise some common sense and discretion in posting regardless of whether on the open-access areas of the site, or on the restrictive-access Premium areas.
That’s my take on the subject. Others here may have a different perspective or information.

Hi Dutch Boomer,
as we now have seas of time I would suggest that you read your message again and focus on underlying assumptions you make. There are several. Per assumption ask yourself two questions: 1) is this a valid assumption, if not why not, if so, why?, and 2) if not, what could the impact of this invalid assumption be on you, people you love, people you hate, young children, old people, medical personal, poor people, people with disabilities and society.
Then assess your own beliefs, fears and ethics: would you in the light of the new knowledge, if any, advice against or in favor of a lockdown?
Based on you post alone I would because I see people misbehave (I use your behavior and thoughts as a golden standard): verbally caring about others, but acting totally indifferent to the risk they impose on others (I think that this is not on purpose for the fast majority). Many people do not have PPE and are currently stampeding through warehouses. Additionally, some people do not have the resources to understand and/or prepare accordingly (a large group, the younger generation, do not have fully developed brains yet, so they should be protected against themselves, and they are still living in the realm of the “gods”: immortal, full with bravado, hope and dreams — as it should be). And lastly because many people are badly informed (sunshine in the winter is too weak to induce our bodies to produce vitamine D: on the northern hemisphere there is this old and forgotten rule that we need to take vitamine D supplements when the “r” is in the month).
I believe we need a lockdown to ensure that a sanitary cordon can be invoked, protecting the weak, the poor, the old, caretakers (cleaning, nurses, doctors, etc).
Take care!

Maybe unexpected, but infowars came with an extended article about Zinc. A bit over my head but perhaps Jim H or others can summarize it.

Expert consensus on chloroquine phosphate for the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia - PubMed - NCBI
At the end of December 2019, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) caused an outbreak in Wuhan, and has quickly spread to all provinces in China and 26 other countries around the world, leading to a serious situation for epidemic prevention. So far, there is still no specific medicine. Previous studies have shown that chloroquine phosphate (chloroquine) had a wide range of antiviral effects, including anti-coronavirus. Here we found that treating the patients diagnosed as novel coronavirus pneumonia with chloroquine might improve the success rate of treatment, shorten hospital stay and improve patient outcome. In order to guide and regulate the use of chloroquine in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia, the multicenter collaboration group of Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province and Health Commission of Guangdong Province for chloroquine in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia developed this expert consensus after extensive discussion. It recommended chloroquine phosphate tablet, 500mg twice per day for 10 days for patients diagnosed as mild, moderate and severe cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia and without contraindications to chloroquine.
This is what they used. I do not know about other treatment regimens. Please consult handout for any contraindications.

To paraphrase Robert Heinlein: “Even paranoids have real enemies.” :slight_smile:

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”
― Joseph Heller, Catch-22