Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

Also this new video about Wuhan from residents.

of which 2,792 (11%) in critical condition

If there were a Cape Verde tropical disturbance, 3,700 miles from Florida that had a 5% chance of developing into a named storm, yet was featured in a spaghetti model making landfall in Miami as a Cat 5 Hurricane, the media would be losing their minds.

I was in a training today, presented by the FBI, filled with Police. I am neither, but was there for another reason, regardless, the only mention of the Corona Virus were multiple jokes. I was surprised and had hoped for a more seasoned response based on who was in attendance. The PP community is indeed a different breed and I’m grateful to be a part of it.

If you didn’t grow up with firearms, I highly suggest you consider mace or pepper spray, a baseball bat, or some other weapon you could actually use to defend yourself. If you don’t know how to load a gun or fire a gun, it will take some practice. Although a shotgun is certainly a good place to start for a beginner, the statistics are clear that you’re far more likely to injure yourself or someone else if you don’t know how to safely operate a gun.
If you want to learn a new skill, a shotgun is a useful tool to learn (don’t bother with a rifle or pistol if this is for this crisis), but without some training or at least an hour with your brother-in-law, you’re probably just giving the intruder a weapon to use against you. Do you know the difference in shell sizes? Not shot size but shell size?

Some news to bring to the attention of Chris, Adam and the PP community. I’m in Canada and so far our response has been nothing short of pathetic. Here is the link for ‘health professionals’ as to the testing protocol in BC currently.
You’ll notice that it says the following; Testing is available for patients with compatible symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, or difficulty breathing) AND history of travel to affected areas of China within two weeks prior to illness onset or other index of suspicion (e.g,. contact with an ill person with such travel history).
What about the rest of Canada? Seems it’s also the case. Here’s what we’re being told.
And this was on the Public Health of Canada website (Canada’s Official Government) website. “If a person presents with symptoms of influenza-like illness and within 14 days before the onset of illness, has travelled to an area where the virus is known to be circulating, and/or been in close contact with a probable or confirmed case of 2019-nCoV or someone who has travelled to an affected area…”
It would seem then that they are only testing a limited amount of people, people who have had direct contact with people from an affected area. If this is passed through taxi drivers and busses etc. then by not testing people we can happily be assured that we’ll have hardly any cases in Canada! I’m saddened by Canada’s inability to take this seriously and protect its citizens.

Canada doesn’t seem too concerned about this Virus. Neither does the US

The fake fraudulent financial “markets” are now running up against the real world.
Just the opposite! The Fed has found yet another reason to goose the stock market, exactly as expected. They are nowhere near "running up against the real world". Where do you get this? Rather, they are redistributing wealth. Made a lot of money today, with very little risk (just keep decent stop losses). What will it take for everyone to accept the Fed has the "markets" by the tail? One must play or pay (via inflation, redistribution). It's been this way for over a decade. Do you really think this is going to change anytime soon?

Two more flights carrying Americans fleeing coronavirus are expected to leave Wuhan soon
“About 550 passengers will be aboard the two flights departing from Wuhan, China, the official told CNN on condition of anonymity…The latest flights are expected to head to two California military bases: Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, and Travis Air Force Base between San Francisco and Sacramento, according to the official.”
“Even more flights from Wuhan for US citizens could be scheduled. The State Department tweeted it “may be staging flights” on Thursday and interested citizens should contact it by email…Americans who remain in China should take precautionary measures, including “stocking up on food,” the State Department said.”

Chris, You did all you were supposed to, you predicted the virus, was going pandemic, you helped us know how serious it is. It seems that the world is finally in the consensus with us that this is not going to be stopped. Even the chairman of the CDC stated this morning this is here with us and will be circulating for the next 2-3 years and it wont be stopped… However he did spin it. As no biggie its just like the flu or H1N1 - and is a mild illness for most. He used the fact, acknowledging, that the counts are wrong and the infections are way greater than reported to diminish the fatality rates. But we are ten days into this and it takes 3 weeks to kill often - this has been demonstrated… and so we know that because its growing so fast and death so slow from infection that, its way way higher… but you proved this you proved this was pandemic more than 10 days ago… and it was just yesterday that the masses and media finally accepted its here. and to stay. However, they will eventually see how this is a serious illness and will well overwhelm an already taxed health system. this will be a catastrophe and if they think they will circulate for 3 years… we have big problems - i do expect 2-3 waves for sure. so if no vaccine this is going to change our lives forever. and since china is shuttered. And produces eveything including cars and car parts… , we will be like cuba having to pin together our cars… of used and hand fabricated parts… its coming and it is going to be really not good. It will change the life we have become accustomed to.

Wow, that was interesting…I had finished watching a YouTube Vid that was linked from this thread and then happened to notice a another video on the sidebar documenting the Spanish flu epidemic. Similar story, lack of politicians and civic leaders to act in a timely fashion, all because there was a war going on…

"Experts from the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the definition of close contacts is different in different modes of transportation. Let’s take a look at the basic situation:
In general, all passengers in the same row and three rows in front and back of case seats in civil aircraft cabins, as well as flight attendants who provide cabin services in the above-mentioned areas, serve as close contacts. Other passengers on the same flight as general contacts.
Railway passenger train
① All passengers and flight attendants in case of fully enclosed air-conditioned trains with hard seats, hard sleepers or soft sleepers in the same compartment.
② Take non-fully enclosed ordinary trains, passengers in the same room with soft sleepers in the same room, or passengers in the same compartment and adjacent compartments in the same section of the hard seat (hard sleeper) compartments, and attendants serving the area.
① When traveling in a fully-sealed air-conditioned bus, all persons traveling in the same car as the case.
② When riding in a ventilated ordinary passenger car, passengers and drivers in three rows of seats before and after the same case as the case.
All persons in the same cabin as the case and the flight attendants serving the cabin.
If the patient has severe symptoms such as high fever, sneezing, coughing, and vomiting during contact with the case, they should be treated as close contacts regardless of the length of time.
Citizen: How high is the risk of infection in the same elevator?
Because the new coronavirus can be transmitted through contact, if a patient sneezes or coughs in the elevator, it may pollute the elevator buttons and other places. If healthy people touch the eyes or mouth without washing their hands in time, they may be infected.
(Source, FluTrackers, h/t "Shiloh"posted 2/2/20)

I suspect the problem is availability of test kits.

The decision to acquire a gun should be based on your perceived risks I think Seb. I don’t know where you are in Canada but I will say that I am not feeling that type of threat at all. As others have mentioned, this is not even garnering respectful attention, never mind active preparations. It is not even on most people’s radars. The only way it will get attention is if the virus knocks Facebook off line or something like that. I am curious to know why you feel you need a gun? Note to American members, and with all due respect, we simply do not have the same gun culture up here.
I am no expert but I understand a course in gun safety is necessary prior to getting a license to purchase a firearm. You cannot just walk into a store and buy a gun… I believe the feds administer the gun registry so perhaps you can find info on their website. It will take time so if you are intent better get at it.
As a side note, a few weeks ago we had about 4 days of really adverse weather that saw many ferry cancellations. Vancouver Island relies heavily on ferry service to keep stores supplied. We saw some grocer shelves depleted during that storm, thanks to the just in time delivery system for foodstuffs. That was a red flag for me and I have been re-stocking my deep pantry ever since. Now with the virus I have added additional things to support health & immune systems. I do think we will see this morph into a bigger deal in a few weeks time. Victoria is the capital of BC, and many government staff make routine trips to Vancouver, which I think has the capacity to get hit hard. That being said I still think my risk is fairly low. The game plan is to reduce potential for exposure, stay on top of healthy living practices, PAY ATTENTION to what is going on around me, and be ready to act accordingly. Beyond that, fate has a hand…
Information is power - thanks again Chris & Adam and all contributors. Stay well everyone!

Great work on this site! I’m sure this was mentioned but just in case here are a couple corona virus update sites (e.g., with confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered),,,
Also similar to this excellent site discussing the corona virus another site does a good job in explaining this virus - google “Coronavirus Epidemic Update” by pulmonologist Dr. Good – his latest video fatality rate is 11%
Finally, the South China Morning Post has a new article titled: “Coronavirus: are cocktail therapies for flu and HIV the magic cure? Bangkok and Hangzhou hospitals put combination remedies to the test” that Arbidol, an antiviral drug used for treating influenza in China and Russia, could be combined with the anti-HIV drug Darunavir for treating corona virus, which I found interesting.
That said, I am confused on how we can have thousands of corona virus cases (24k), yet very few deaths (.5k) and very few recoveries (1k). Shouldn’t we have many more (thousands) recoveries or deaths? For example, on Twitter there was a report of confirmed sick 154,023; Suspected sick 79,808; Recovered from sickness 269; Dead from virus 24,589 at which is probably fake but pretty scary.

I think this cruise ship is a fascinating case study.
We know it left Jan 20, probably with 1 infected passenger, and now there are 10. We can also assume no limitation in terms of opportunity for spread. If we just do some back of the envelope calculations, assuming the R0 of 4 is correct, we can calculate that we were roughly 1.65 cycles into this after 14 days, meaning a cycle is about 8.5 days. If we stick with that R0 and cycle time, and assume this whole thing has been going on since the beginning of December, we’re about 7.6 cycles into this thing and should have about 41,000 infections by now.
Now that first passenger left after only 5 days, probably preventing another infection or two, but a cruise ship has got to be fertile ground for a virus, so this might not be a bad comparison. Obviously all of these numbers have massive margins of error, which would be additive.

If you haven’t, read “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins.
I’d recommend it to everyone else as well.
It will pretty much clear things up in a nut shell.

Thanks for all your efforts, but we really really want you to be our healthy information scout. Give it your all and then sleep hard.

So, with 550 U.S. citizens coming back from Wuhan, you would think there would be some kind of boots-on-the-ground info at least leaking out. Further, how many cities with 10M+ populations need to be put under quarantine before this gets taken more seriously?
Keep up the great work here Chris and Adam and anyone else contributing. You have the right idea going here and I hope to learn and contribute myself.