Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

To answer your question…yes, I absolutely think the real world is changing in an exponential fashion right now. That change is always slow at first, and then explodes faster than almost anyone can realize. The disconnect will soon be unavoidable. My personal opinion is the Coronavirus is going to change everything. Could be wrong and very much hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. Unfortunately, my mind doesn’t allow for magical thinking. I wish you well on all those ridiculous profits you are making in the markets. Good for you!!!

Having work on a grass crew in a cemetery I know little about thy work.If the China’s government was burring mass amount of bodies it would be long trenches. The trenches would be 6 foot wide by 40 foot long and 6 foot deep.We never discuss how many bodies we could put in there, so I don’t know.
The other place to dispose of mass bodies is the crematory,this would allow mass cremation. You could tell the by the smoke coming out smokestack . If ether one these are true we should able to check by gool earth,so why are we not doing it?

Good article. Only people in close proximity to the infected person are at risk. Carry a mask on board to be used if you are near someone who is ill.

They found 10 cases in 31 people they tested. It takes 3 or 4 hours to test for each case with some very specialized very expensive equipment. They’re obviously working hard to make testing more efficient, but we still have (3700 - 31) people that need testing on that ship…

I live very rural but luckily have small pocket PO not too far away. I have been keeping the postmaster updated as I am retired and an info. junky. She said she got an online safety class and was furnished anti virus spray by the USPS. I was going to use dilute chlorox spray at home, but she informed me bleach takes 30 minute contact time to kill corona. Her spray was a combo of organic ammonium chlorides. Short contact time. So an alkaline, not acid, solution is needed to strip the virus coating and disable it. Went to grocery store for wipes and saw even those branded Chlorox were made with the alkaline organic ammonium chlorides. Never too old to learn new stuff.

Really? I just took a quick look and it appeared everyone had been evaluated. If you are correct though, and that ratio holds, our civilization may be on the brink. That ratio can’t possibly hold though. It’s just way to high. We’ll have to wait and see. In any event, it seems like as a best case, this cruise ship demonstrates that this pandemic will get worse by one order of magnitude every two weeks. I was playing around with R0’s and cycle times, but at the end of the day, we started with 1 infection (probably), and 14 days later we had 10. Again, assuming this all got going at the beginning of December, we should be looking at about 40,000 right now, which is believable. And 400,000 two weeks from now? We’ll see. Surely everyone would be paying attention by then.

Q: Do you know how to make G*d laugh?
A: Tell Him your plans…

You will need to get a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) by taking a course from any approved school. There might be a wait period after this before getting a gun, I’m not sure. A hunting license is another course on top of that.
I wouldn’t rely on the gun for self defence but it is good to have it. You have to have the gun locked up separately from ammunition so good luck using it for self defence legally. Although technically, you can have trigger lock on it instead of being locked up, and there is nothing saying that the key can’t be sitting right beside it.
Forget about getting a handgun, they are too restrictive, unless you want to break the law and store it illegally. Which, in a crisis, might be justifiable.
Personally I’d just have a can of bear mace handy with other more formidable weapons nearby if needed once the intruder is disabled with mace. You’ll probably want a respirator in that case. That way you won’t do permanent damage to the intruder and won’t have to worry about going to court for murder for protecting your own home.

Just the opposite! The Fed has found yet another reason to goose the stock market, exactly as expected. They are nowhere near “running up against the real world”. Where do you get this? Rather, they are redistributing wealth. Made a lot of money today, with very little risk (just keep decent stop losses). What will it take for everyone to accept the Fed has the “markets” by the tail? One must play or pay (via inflation, redistribution). It’s been this way for over a decade. Do you really think this is going to change anytime soon?
Agreed, it never ceases to amaze me how people who have been studying these rigged markets for so long can keep saying that the Fed is up against a wall when we still have positive interest rates. All they have to do is drop them some more and things will shoot up even more than they are now. They still have room. The Fed has the advantage of offsetting deflation with monetary inflation from money printing. It will continue for a while, assuming this virus doesn't screw up the whole world. I hold that out as a possibility. Once we are on the other side of this virus, if the system is still intact, expect even more massive gains. The system has always apparently been on the verge of crashing tomorrow for over 10 years now. One day it will but not now. I think at least a year, unless the virus gets out of control.

Consider Hot Shot Hornet & Wasp Killer. Shoots a 27’ stream, easy to aim at the face and from what I understand, burns the eyes and nasal passages something awful. Minimal blowback. Readily available at grocery stores.

Here’s an article from Bloomberg that I found amusing in how they shifted from the “stop panicking, stupid!” tone to something that sounds ‘alarmist’ and what they were accusing others of doing just days ago:
Here’s some juicy bits if you can’t read the article:

Just a couple of weeks ago, scientists held out hope the new coronavirus could be largely contained within China. Now they know its spread can be minimized at best, and governments are planning for the worst.
Total containment isn’t in the cards, said Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “Given the nature of this virus and how it’s spreading, that would be impossible. Our goal is to slow this thing down.”
Measures taken in the U.S. have been criticized in China, where officials said the Americans are stoking fear and overreacting. The CDC responded that it has no choice. The infection is spreading rapidly and humans have no protection against it, Messonnier said. While most cases appear to be mild, the worry is that it will spread to a large number of people and turn deadly in those most vulnerable. “This is an unprecedented situation and we are taking aggressive measures,” she said. “We are preparing as if this were the next pandemic.”
Hospitals are on alert. Providence St. Joseph Health, a chain of 51 hospitals and more than 1,000 clinics in seven western states, treated the first U.S. coronavirus case at one of its hospitals. “As soon as we got our initial patient it was our wake-up call,” said Amy Compton-Phillips, chief clinical officer for the hospital system.
“If there’s a sudden surge of patients because of the fact that it’s that widespread, you clearly will never have enough airborne isolation rooms,” Jarrett said. “There just aren’t. No hospital has enough.”
Basically, all of the same things that Chris & PP have been saying for the last couple of weeks. You see, if you say things 'too early' (no matter how prudent and with data being on your side), you will get vilified because the establishment is not yet ready to get rushed by you.

I believe my instinct for survival, my ability to contemplate chaos and my utter disgust with those who try to fool Mother Nature is due to the wonderful, large set of Neanderthal gene variations I am blessed with. It is the better part of us. Thunder thighs, ugly skull but a survivor’s thighs and skull.

Hi Jan,
Im in Lund, so across the water from you. My current perceived danger is extremely low, really next to nothing. Lund itself has 250 people give or take. But we, like Van. Isl. rely on the steady supply of outside food inputs. I don’t foresee an immediate danger ie 1-3 weeks. But what if Vancouver ends up going the way of Beijing? It seems possible that with the large Chinese population in the lower mainland returning from holidays etc the corona virus could get a strong hold… I’ve looked into what it takes to acquire a gun and it’s a fairly straight forward process but it can take up to 2 months. It really depends how hard we are hit by this, but for all we know it could b similar to what is going on in China, then all bets are off. I’m fairly certain most folks around me have enough to feed themselves for 1-2 weeks… after that my rice and beans might look fairly apealing :slight_smile:

How long until some deranged person tries to contract the virus and spread it among a group he despises?

At least the Beijing city gov’t is showing a shred of humanity and/or common sense by keeping kids out of the schools for a little longer. Doing online/televised courses instead may not be ideal, but here it’s working well enough. My son has been watching the televised classes at home for the past few days now. He’s loving it… spending just one or two hours with that instead of five or so hours a day and not having to walk to school. Even having him work on some workbooks I brought from the US he still spends much less time doing school stuff than before. Meanwhile my five-year-old daughter spends much of her time busy with drawing and painting, when she’s not watching cartoons or playing with toys.
Based off the imperfect information thus far and the incentive the CCP has to understate the numbers and seriousness of the outbreak, for now I’m going forward with the expectation that there could be no spring classes in the schools here at all. The Mongolian gov’t (along with most Mongolians) is not only likely to continue assuming things are much worse in China than is reported, but they’re also painfully aware of how ill-suited the local medical infrastructure’s ability to handle a pandemic really is. Masks are near impossible to find, and even with expat Mongolians shipping boxes here there isn’t enough for everyone. We’re lucky in a sense that I work from home and can watch them during the day. My own work is definitely suffering due to all the distractions and time taken away due to the demands of our kids… but there’s nothing to be done about it, and it’s a lot better than the alternative of exposing the kids and family in a place where medical infrastructure is less prepared than the US. Likewise, many families here are adapting with grandparents and other relatives stepping in to watch the children while parents work. It’s not convenient for anyone, but people are getting by.
Uh-oh!!! Chris, Adam–is there a mirror/alternative site(s) in case PP goes dark??
This level of censorship is really sickening. :-/

I don’t know what is happening over there except what I hear from my in-laws. People are sheltering in place and my wife’s family is ok. The only stores open right now are grocery stores from what they say. I was in rural Sichuan in May 2008, just 3 days after the 7.9 earthquake. All roads into several third tier cities were impassable. Yet, people were getting food because industrious entrepreneurs were walking in, taking donkey carts or 4WD in mostly with food. The government was also airlifting food and supplies into isolated areas. Preparation for something like this is important but from a psychological point of view, it is also important to avoid catastrophizing and hysteria. I hope people are taking care of themselves this way out there. Rebecca Solnit in A Paradise Built in Hell. writes about differing responses to catastrophe using examples like Hurricane Katrina and you find paranoid, hoarding, bloodthirsty folks after disaster but also close knit communities who are assisting, sharing food and supplies, supporting and protecting each other. This is what Chris and Adam call Social Capital and it is so important at times like this!

Here’s the rationale (e.g., “not notable”, “conspiracy theorist”) for the deletion, started on Jan. 28th.
This is a hit job, executed quickly and with precision. Chris must have hit a nerve. I’m sick and furious!
Commenter on the Wikipedia deletion page, “Someone Not Awful”:
“Wow, I have never seen an AFD closed so fast. It only took a week. In the past you had to first place a Proposed Deletion tag and after that you could start an AFD which took weeks or even months to be considered. This makes me reconsidering contributing to this project any longer. Someone Not Awful (talk) 23:19, 4 February 2020 (UTC)”
Commenter, Someone Not Awful:
“Just because he recently made some videos about the 2019-nCoV outbreak in China he is now suddenly a “apparently a conspiracy theorist” (which is unsourced) and some random PhD in pathology (which is sourced[1][2]), who did not write any scientific contributions (cough[3])? For the record pathologists study diseases and their causes, so you may consider him to be an expert on the subject. Someone Not Awful (talk) 05:01, 30 January 2020 (UTC)”
What’s next? YouTube, Twitter, FB? Will the “health authorities” come knocking at his door to “check his temperature”?? Gggrrrrrrrrr!

I would bet that the majority of regular members of this forum know what I mean by “The Grey Man”.
For those of you who don’t and for the people who have just found Peak Prosperity, “The Grey Man” refers to a set of actions and lifestyle changes which you do, when you are in a situation or environment which may be dangerous.
The best camouflage is not standing out.
I lived for a while in in Los Angeles, in a area of town that was a bit rough and the sound of the occasional gunfire would sound at night, a place that a older white male like myself was an oddity. And yet I walked to the store and the local market, did laundry and interacted with all the diverse people in my neighborhood without fear. I did this while working in the movie industry and making $80K a year because I never flaunted my money. I never looked like prey.
To be a “Grey Man” (or Grey Woman) is to adopt the clothing style and daily habits of those around you, while never appearing to be someone the many predators in that neighborhood would think was worth the trouble to attack and rob. It also means not showing fear. If you need to, do a search of the term. Many prepper and survival sites have good articles on the term and concept.
Why do I bring this up in the current crisis?
Many of you are just finding out that to take care of yourself and your family means preparing now, instead of when its too late. To stock up now on food, water, medical supplies and all the other stuff that may be in short supply if this situation gets as bad as we all hope it doesn’t. And supplies for even a small family can be a large amount of stuff.
Even if the over all situation doesn’t get very bad regionally or nationally, local conditions at times may. A large cluster of infections, a over loaded hospital and inept city government can all cause a chaotic and possibly lawless environment to appear for days or even weeks until the national government can reestablish control.
Those kindly neighbors, those parents who go to your church with you or whose kids go to school with yours, when faced with their loved ones starving or getting ill and dying, won’t hesitate for a second in forcing you, who has prepared, to give up what you have.
Just like putting the empty box from your new 72" flat screen TV out with the trash, tells thieves you have something to steal, unloading from your car several dozen grocery bags piled high with food and supplies, carrying in a few 5 gallon cans of gasoline, or buying a new generator tells your neighbors you have stuff they may need when SHTF.
They might not think about it now, but someone will later when they open the last can of soup in their cabinet.
Be a bit stealthy as you stock up and prepare. Go to the grocery store on the way home every night this coming week (and maybe next week) and buy just enough that you can get out and walk right in to your home. Maybe take an early nap and go out in the middle of the night, or early morning before work to pick up stuff.
Hide what you can in your basement, under your bed or in closets, so your kitchen doesn’t appear over full. Be careful who you allow in your house for now. Lie and tell people your wife or kid isn’t feeling well (or yourself). Don’t be unfriendly but by the same token, don’t go being the one flaunting wealth.
When you talk to casual neighbors to see if they are concerned about the Corona virus and if they are thinking of preparing, be discreet. If they ask you, lie and tell them you aren’t concerned and don’t plan to. See who appears to get the danger and who doesn’t. Those that do, might be ones to talk to privately later.
I remember years ago, when nuclear war seemed a possibility, one guy said rather flippantly, “Well if it happens, I’ll just come to your house.” He might not have liked the reception he would have gotten, but too many people don’t hesitate to take what they need anymore.
If it does develop that people start getting ill, don’t socialize. Definitely don’t have a big barbecue on your back porch. Don’t leave your house with your mask on, instead don it once you’ve driven away. If people come to your door, don’t hide behind the door but talk to them in a guarded but friendly way.
If you feel unease, just start coughing a bit. People will think you might be sick and leave you be. Dishonest yes, but then you are protecting yourself and your family.
Sit down with your family and especially your children and bring them into the loop. Level with them about why you are preparing and why its important not to talk to their friends about it.
Adopt the attitude of the Grey Man.

If I were a sociopath of power and means and concerned about resource depletion, carbon, pollution or any of the other symptoms of over population and I had the ability to slow the spread of this virus I might be tempted to moderate my response slightly and go on a long secluded vacation. The super bowl must go on! I mean, it’s a hell of a lot easier than trying to push through a carbon tax or global cap and trade. I am not accusing anyone of criminal negligence, but the thought has been nagging at me as I watch the government and media response.