Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

The other place to dispose of mass bodies is the crematory,this would allow mass cremation. You could tell the by the smoke coming out smokestack . If ether one these are true we should able to check by gool earth,so why are we not doing it?
Pat, you are aware that Google Earth are not real time images, don't you? Some of them are years old, especially street view. Maybe someone can give a link to a source that's more timely but I doubt short of commercial satellite companies, for big bucks, that we can get images of current Chinese crematorium emissions.

Nickbert, let me say, thank you very much for the updates from the front edge of the hot zone. Stay safe, best of luck and hug your kids for all of us here.

Vajrakilaya is stomping around over there. Mongolia is on my bucket list, hopefully I can get there someday before I kick it. Kiss a two humped camel for me. ?. Good luck to you. Sending you a big OM and a wind horse prayer.

Really so informative post…Even if the over all situation doesn’t get very bad regionally or nationally, local conditions at times may. A large cluster of infections, a over loaded hospital and inept city government can all cause a chaotic and possibly lawless environment to appear for days or even weeks until the national government can reestablish control.
Those kindly neighbors, those parents who go to your church with you or whose kids go to school with yours, when faced with their loved ones starving or getting ill and dying, won’t hesitate for a second in forcing you, who has prepared, to give up what you have. at present also do not available medicines of corona virus. Really so sad…

Yes, things do look that bad. It’s real, it’s scary, in an impressive way, like Fukushima-level impressive:

Of all the passengers and crew, 273 who had close contact with the infected passenger took the virus test, Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Katsunobu Kato said at a news conference. Results for 31 of them came back, and 10 people in their 50s to 80s were found to be infected and are being sent to a hospital, he said, adding that none are showing severe symptoms. The government is requiring all passengers and crew, from 56 countries and regions, to stay on the ship for two more weeks from Wednesday, Kato said.

Rajgoud, you are quite welcome and I’m glad my post helped you. Welcome to the Peak Prosperity community.
A large portion of the people who post here, are like me with many years of thinking about just how screwed up our civilization has gotten and how those of us with family, friends and children need to change our own lives to adapt and prosper in a screwed up word. We come from a variety of backgrounds and are willing to share what we have learned.
Sometimes it takes putting you and your first, hence the unfortunate necessity of adopting cover with the Grey Man skills to protect yourself.
Yet as Bleep pointed out in an earlier post, for every group of “take yours from you” there are others who come together and help each other. Like this place.
Take some time, watch the videos Chris has made, read the many informative comments and above all, ASK questions if you have them, no matter how silly or stupid they may seem to you. Most of us here, know from experience that “the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.”

You are smart, street smart. Thank you for your information.

As referenced above, the plan now is to let the virus run in USA and elsewhere. I think the actual fatality rate has proven low (outside China) - but the concern is that the hospital system may get overwhelmed.

Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro ( and an experimental antiviral medication might help fight the new coronavirus -

“Wang said he had been trying to work out how he became infected after visiting fever clinics and temporary isolation wards in Wuhan. “At that time we were highly vigilant and wore N95 masks,” he said. “But then I suddenly realized that we didn’t wear protective glasses.” He said that after he returned to Beijing, his left eye developed conjunctivitis and two to three hours later he started to come down with a fever and catarrh. He said he initially thought he had the flu because he had not seen any Wuhan patients with conjunctivitis. But anti-flu treatments proved ineffective and he continued to suffer intermittent fevers. He finally took the test for 2019-nCoV, the World Health Organisation’s name for the Wuhan virus, and the result was positive. Wang said the most likely explanation was that the virus had entered his body through his eyes.”

Why is nobody considerung to use angiotensin II receptor inhibitors (i.e. Losartan) for severe cases of 2019-nCoV infection? It would very likely improve the outcomes and reduce mortality substantially.
Antiviral therapy isn’t really solving the problem.

BenevolentAI’s knowledge graph is a large repository of structured medical information, including numerous connections extracted from scientific literature by machine learning.
Together with customisations bespoke to 2019-nCoV, we used BenevolentAI to search for approved drugs that could help, focusing on those that might block the viral infection process. We identified baricitinib, which is predicted to reduce the ability of the virus to infect lung cells.
Figure thumbnail gr1

“the flu is worse meme.” Mandatory online education which had contradictory isolation protocols are not re-assuring. Bottom line is the medical establishment don’t know what they are treating. Also the testing for it takes 5 days. If a person walks into an ED with symptoms and recent travel history consistent with the pattern of transmission then the ED doc calls the dept of health, they in turn call the CDC. The CDC then determines if a test is warranted. The test is not standard for any respiratory panel that might ordinarily be run. In the mean time they’ve walked into an ED and potentially exposed staff and patients in their immediate surroundings prior to intake and assessment. Fun times folks.

Everyone should own a gun. Just as the best time to put a stop-loss on one’s stock portfolio is long before a reversal, and the best time to fill in a deep pantry is during flush times long before people panic, so buying and learning to use a gun is best done before one feels a growing sense of foreboding or danger.
The second best time for all of that is today.

Your advice misses the point! Wuflu transmits asymptomatically. That means you can get it on the plane from people near you who DO NOT appear ill.

Here’s the rationale (e.g., “not notable”, “conspiracy theorist”) for the deletion, started on Jan. 28th. This is a hit job, executed quickly and with precision. Chris must have hit a nerve. I’m sick and furious! Commenter on the Wikipedia deletion page, “Someone Not Awful”: “Wow, I have never seen an AFD closed so fast. It only took a week. In the past you had to first place a Proposed Deletion tag and after that you could start an AFD which took weeks or even months to be considered. This makes me reconsidering contributing to this project any longer. Someone Not Awful (talk) 23:19, 4 February 2020 (UTC)” Commenter, Someone Not Awful: “Just because he recently made some videos about the 2019-nCoV outbreak in China he is now suddenly a “apparently a conspiracy theorist” (which is unsourced) and some random PhD in pathology (which is sourced[1][2]), who did not write any scientific contributions (cough[3])? For the record pathologists study diseases and their causes, so you may consider him to be an expert on the subject. Someone Not Awful (talk) 05:01, 30 January 2020 (UTC)” What’s next? YouTube, Twitter, FB? Will the “health authorities” come knocking at his door to “check his temperature”?? Gggrrrrrrrrr!
Wikipedia is fully a captured, non-democratic experiment, long since departed from its original noble intent. Sad, was quite useful for a time. I lost my shreds of respect for Wiki back during the Skripal affair, and Craig Murray did a beautiful and exquisite accounting of Wiki's strong-arm tactics to suppress actual news and promote the talking points of Theresa May's cabinet. Essentially, a "super editor" working under the pen name of "Philip Cross" worked seemingly tirelessly to promote one set of narratives and debase their alternatives:
UPDATE “Philip Cross” has not had one single day off from editing Wikipedia in almost five years. “He” has edited every single day from 29 August 2013 to 14 May 2018. Including five Christmas Days. That’s 1,721 consecutive days of editing. 133,612 edits to Wikpedia have been made in the name of “Philip Cross” over 14 years. That’s over 30 edits per day, seven days a week. And I do not use that figuratively: Wikipedia edits are timed, and if you plot them, the timecard for “Philip Cross’s” Wikipedia activity is astonishing is astonishing if it is one individual. The operation runs like clockwork, seven days a week, every waking hour, without significant variation. If Philip Cross genuinely is an individual, there is no denying he is morbidly obsessed. Why does this – to take the official explanation – sad obsessive no friends nutter, matter? Because the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is systematically to attack and undermine the reputations of those who are prominent in challenging the dominant corporate and state media narrative. particularly in foreign affairs. “Philip Cross” also systematically seeks to burnish the reputations of mainstream media journalists and other figures who are particularly prominent in pushing neo-con propaganda and in promoting the interests of Israel. This matters because, an ordinary reader who comes across an article questioning (say) the official narrative on the Skripals, is very likely to turn to Wikipedia to get information on the author of the article. Simply put, the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is to make certain that if that reader looks up an anti-war person such as John Pilger, they will conclude they are thoroughly unreliable and untrustworthy, whereas if they look up a right wing MSM journalist, they will conclude they are a paragon of virtue and entirely to be trusted.
So, all I can say is that my videos seemed to have reached high enough to cause some official alarm. Of course this is disappointing. I've put out tons of videos and written materials loaded with facts. Plenty of honest ammunition for anyone seeking to discredit my message through the front door. I guess that was viewed as not worthy of the effort (or maybe because there's nothing there to refute?) and so the hatchet approach was taken. As I said, Wiki is now just another MSM outlet parading as something different, pretending to be 'the voice of the people.' As with all things like this, Wiki is sealing its own fate. Once you lose trust, it's devilishly hard to get it back.  

I’m more inclined to think the authorities fear a mass panic in the face of taking Black Swan pre-emptive actions. And that such a fear is backstopped by the political fallout if, for whatever reason, this (or any potential outbreak) does not become a Black Swan event.
In other words, timidity and reputational fear overwhelm prudence.

In other words, timidity and reputational fear overwhelm prudence.
I like how you think. That's the number one concern I have; a pandemic operates at its own speed, and it's light years faster than bureaucrats. So they default into a "circle the wagons" approach that's all about protecting their own egos and small positions of power, which leaves them with no energy to process new information and undertake bold actions.

and here is some more information about the idea to use ACE2 receptor inhibitors:

Stock markets jump on pandemic possibilities (we’re rich!). Chris gets banned from Wikipedia of all places Wikipedia!?!. (I am not donating another dime to them!) But I still go to work, people bring donuts into the break room. It is a crazy warm winter in DC. (70 degrees yesterday!). Just act normal and talk about the super bowl commercials and happy retirement plans. Even Real Vision is interviewing people about AI tech that will take our thoughts and produce robots that do surgery better than a doctor (or some such thing) (stock market to the moon, Alice!) I am beginning to think I truly am the crazy one. (just like my family thinks!)