Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

The focus of these “thought leaders” in this summary of the Event 201 exercise seemed to be protecting wealth (i.e., trade and the economy), managing the message to guard against panic (including implied censorship -Google was mentioned), and heavy involvement of the U.N. No where did I see anyone discuss the competing priorities of maintaining travel, economies, business interests, and protecting populations. It frankly startled me. These people seemed quite focused at looking like the smartest person in the room, but not a single one made a statement like, “ our priority must be to protect people from the virus over all other considerations. There was an emotional disconnect from the discussion, and the numbers being bantered about. This video fits perfectly with the weak verbiage and confusing logic we see coming from the WHO (like the apparent willingness to keep airlines running and borders open). Watching this, Bill Clinton’s famous line came to me, “It’s about the economy stupid”, and after seeing this, it may be. Watch and decide what had the attention of these people; maintaining financial interests or saving lives? My take away is that because of priorities greater than lives, this will be like a global Katrina. Like the people in New Orleans during that storm, we are on our own. I didn’t see one person in this exercise that I would be willing to bet my life on.

THIS is some blockbuster stuff. The long article about Dr. Zhengli and her connections/funding is…nearly indescribable.
WHERE did you find this information?

Spot on - re chloroquine this was also noted for other coronaviruses:
If you take it I would aim for at least 5 mg/kg of body weight as recommended in the paper.
Ordered some already for loved ones, just in case.

The individual presented to the UW ER in Madison, WI on 1/30, confirmed test results came in and were reported today. Individual sent home to self-isolate.
CDC leaves it primarily to state health depts. as to whether and how much information to release re: nCoV suspected or confirmed patients, and secondarily, to local health depts.
I posted minutes before you, so you might have missed it here with health dept. link:

The virus seems to be able to propagate via faeces. This could make things much worse and could explain why the Chinese health authorities are struggling to stay on top, e.g. if it is in the sewer system (even though it won’t last long there but the supply is just keeping on growing) …

of which 3,863 (14%) in critical condition



The person returned to Dane County Regional Airport after a trip to Beijing Jan. 30 and went directly to UW Hospital’s emergency room, officials said.
He probably knew he was sick when boarding the flights.

When/How did he indicate that?

This is one reason medical establishment tells us to worry about the flu first. If you are in an at risk category, you probably should be taking precautions already based on seasonal flu.
I’m actually wondering if for the healthy it would be better to be exposed and get the statistically probable mild case now when the ICU facilities are available should you be an unlucky one. That will also leave us free to nurse less healthy family/friends without worrying about getting sick too. I may change my mind if the death rate goes up in cases outside China, but for now it appears to be a possible option, especially as we get a little more recovery data outside of China.
"In the U.S., it’s really a fear based on media and this being something new,” Dr. Jennifer Lighter, hospital epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health, said of the new coronavirus. “When in reality, people can take measures to protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed 10,000 people.”
The coronavirus outbreak, however, is proving to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far, according to world health officials. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu in the U.S., according to CDC estimates for the 2019-2020 flu season. "

From what I’ve read that is common to many viruses.
And you would be shocked and disgusted by how much of it flys around the bathroom when you flush the toilet.
Avoid public toilets, but if you must wash hand inside the restroom, and then use hand sanitizer AFTER you leave a public restroom.

Fecal transmission implies that the awful smell you get may contain nCov particles. Lovely. This can go ‘viral’, pun intended.
On a lighter note, at least the subject went to Urgent Care instead of the pub, of which Wisconsin has many. (It’s the best place to satisfy the two major food groups, beer and cheese)!

it’s really so bad…spread so fast and easy to spread the around the world

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