Coronavirus: Prepare For National Lockdown

Gov. Newsom held press conference today to announce Covid mitigation measures:

  1. Bars/nightclubs, breweries will be closed (they provide “non-essential services”);
  2. Restaurant occupancy levels cut by 50% with social distancing between seating areas;
  3. Seniors and those with chronic conditions or compromising health issues are to isolate at home.
    He reserves the option to expand these and other measures to mitigate the spread of Covid.
    3/15/20 press conference video:

I’ve just been in self isolation now for 3 weeks, nearing a month. Been isolating myself from family for at least a month. Might as well write how that’s like.
Honestly, since it’s been at home with a well stocked pantry… nothing much has changed. #gamerlife.
But as always i’m looking ahead. While typing this i’m munching on 1 of my 2 frozen pizzas (my fridge space is limited so i prioritized meat over pizzaboxes. Nutrition!) and that both makes me enjoy the moment and boost my morale a bit, but also realise - that’s gone now. That foodstock has dwindled 50%.
One pizza in 3 weeks is fine. But in 6 weeks times i wont have pizza so i will just have to give that up. Once food supply in cities dwindles and production starts to focus on the bare necessities (wartime quantity over quality) a non-diversified diet (not just in nutrition! Taste is just as important, so i hope yall stocked up on some additional spices!) will start to eat morale, even mine.
Giving up a little bit of the morale boost to not suffer any negative consequences of thinking those thoughts is a good trade off. Small investment now, bit morale mitigation later. Flattening the mental stress curve :slight_smile: Should such dire food supply conditions never happen; then my morale never drops anyway.
Yes. You can actually hedge Morale. you can hedge anything really.
i did go outside again 2 days ago. I still had my sisters present (i would’ve celebrated her birthday the day after the assistent told me “the guidelines say, if you haven’t been abroad, the chances of you having Covidt are Nil” for which i will never forgive them) so i doused the box in dettol then wrapped it in plastic (there’s plastic dominos inside so they can take it and no inert or alive virus is going to survive that soaking) while i brought along a bottle of bleach water which i soaked the plastic in on my mothers doorstep before stepping 5 meters downwind and calling her.
No. Chances. This is war.
Even though it’s been double the time from the study since my first symptoms (20 days vs 10) i still went out in the night after dark when streets are usually empty anyway, and i made sure to control my breathing, the direction of it and kept track of the wind. Seems insane but as a gamer i’m used to tracking multiple targets anyway. You should see me in Modern Warfare :smiley: I can guarantee i didn’t infect anybody. Still; caution continues.
I consider my quarantine over but my isolation towards my family continues. We still don’t know whether everybody can get reinfected or what the criteria for the weak antibodies are. With my luck i will definitely get it twice. So it’ll be a while before ima see my family in person. Though they have my skype.
When i feel up to it i plan to go to the local hospital to give blood. Maybe when i talk to the nurse will they permit a test for covid antibodies. After all, if i was sick, i must have those right? A new day a new angle to play. I think my bloodtype was O, so good for donating either way. If i got the strong antibodies my plasma is basically worth it’s weight in gold. And somehow my instincts tell me saving a few lives will be good for my mental health.
If i’m immune anyway it’s best if i stay in a virus rich enviroment so that my system doesn’t get too lazy. If i can get reinfected… well we’ll know… and i’ll start collecting data on whether the second time is worse or not. Regardless there’s gonna be some people with a very tough time walking around there and if there’s anything i have experience with it’s having a tough time in life. I may not be a medic but i can still hold a hand while somebody is dying. And there will be many lonely deaths in a pandemic.
Wish i could do more but i ended up with the 25% reduction in lung capacity. If i ride my bike faster then 1/2 the speed i did a month ago i get dizzy and forget to check traffic. My hands tingle all the time. Then there’s the burning spots while smoking which means i can literally feel the damage. So it’s the long road of recovery for me. Doesn’t mean i can’t roll around in a wheelchair and liven spirits.
So cheer up! The whole thing is just getting started; no better time then now to develop a fighting spirit. Doing Your Part is the fighting spirit, even if it’s just at home playing a game. Want to do more? Start streaming or making youtube videos, try to entertain lonely people, ask yourself what makes you unique, what special skills or knowledge or profession do you have which others rarely do and how can you pass on that knowledge in an entertaining fashion?
People are gagging so much for content that already 2 days ago while i was watching a streamer, people in her chat kept getting disconnected in batches, which we thought was due to various servers overloading due to sudden peak demand (load balancing is like leverage in the market, once you exceed total capacity of the system the leverage starts working in reverse). I speak from experience when i say, the only cure for depression is time and distractions. Make sure they don’t think about their problems until either a solution or acceptance is found; either take time.
And well… typing stuff like this helps. Even if you end up deleting it, typing it for yourself helps too (this is not version 1 of this wall).
Onto the next 3 weeks.

And not a single wall street analyst was widely off.
And by none, i mean all of them.

Math Nit:
Exponential function F(x) = ab^x
x is the exponent (when b=2 you have that doubling for every increase in x)
Gravity: g= 9.81 m/s^2, different animal altogether

Your reply about the credit card question was exactly what I have been telling people.
Not to mention with the issue at hand, the last thing one needs to worry about is paying the bastards that started this whole thing in 1913…Time to burn them down. They wanted more debt, they want to print more money?..well here you go…now it’s our turn to rack up the tangible value, in an attempt to save our lives and you banker and insurers can take it up the rear!
Deso, frozen pizza is not food.
Couple items from Big Sky Country…to Montana Native. A friend used to live in SP. His wife was talk to a friend who is a paramedic. They have been instructed NOT to enter homes on 911 calls. Get info thru the door.
While here in Montana, the cops have been instructed NOT to pull anyone over. Don’t want them getting infected and don’t want any newby’s brought to the jail and to protect the county workers. Protect and serve folks…yep, that’s their motto. Wake up. People are panicked. Traffic is unreal.
The gubenor of Montana has closed public schools for 2 weeks. You can’t find a roll of TP any where amongst other things.
So what will this week bring? Answer: More over reach by you know who.

"OLYMPIA, Wash. -- All bars, entertainment and recreational facilities have been ordered by the state to close across Washington and restaurants will be limited to take-out or delivery orders only, Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday night.
“Given the explosion of COVID-19 in our state and globally, I will sign a statewide emergency proclamation tomorrow to temporarily shut down restaurants, bars and entertainment and recreational facilities," Inslee said in a press release announcing the new order. “Restaurants will be allowed to provide take-out and delivery services but no in-person dining will be permitted. The ban will not apply to grocery stores and pharmacies. Other retail outlets will have reduced occupancy.""

Here in Mongolia we’re just coming out of a semi-lockdown situation that was put in place after an infected man from France was diagnosed last week. All roads between provinces and in/out of the capital were closed, and all businesses except grocery stores, service stations, and essential services were closed (or at least told to… there were likely those that ignored it). So far none of the infected person’s contacts have tested positive, so things are opening up today.
My kids and their grandparents have been stuck outside at the countryside house for over a week. They’ve had plenty of food & water and fuel for heating & cooking, but it still sucks being cut off from them. So being cut off from loved ones is something you NEED TO PLAN FOR! We planned for it and it still was a sucky situation. Would have been a lot more so if we hadn’t planned ahead and kept them stocked up.
With the roads re-opened, I’m gonna be heading out soon to bring more food and fuel to them. I expect long lines, but we gotta do it in case they shut it down again later this week.
Lastly, these are our experiences in a place with gov’t restrictions & lockdowns but no widespread infection present (at least yet). It’s very possible your experience will be more severe or of a longer duration if local outbreaks are in your area.

Does anyone know anything about this?
While everyone is distracted…
What else is really going on???
Right before the coronavirus came…
1 72%
CEO of disney stepped down
CEO of Tinder, Hinge, Okcupid, Match all stepped down
CEO of Hulu stepped down
CEO of MedMen stepped down
CEO of L brands like Victoria Secret bath and body works stepped down
CEO of Salesforce’s stepped down
CEO of Harley Davidson stepped down
CEO of IBM stepped down
CEO of T Mobile stepping down
CEO of Linkedin stepping down
CEO of Mastercard is stepping down

All heading for a secret ranch in Wyoming or places beyond.

Thanks for posting that uplifting mews, at least that sounds like reinfection from the same strain should not be bad. I wonder though how reinfection from a mutated version might behave.
The Italian strain, the chinese strain, and probably one from argentina later on(no data, just speculation) if there is enough deviation with that create the ADE reaction Chris mentioned in earlier videos.
It all remains to be seen.

“Flattening the curve is not an option for the United States, for the UK or Germany. Don’t tell your friends to flatten the curve. Let’s start containment and stop the curve.”

It took a while for reality to sink in. Luckily two friends of my children, students, came to our place last week, utterly scared, so they will stay with us for the coming weeks. Today one more run at a “store for business owners” to buy some extra oranges (I make orange juice and spike it (hehe) with vitamin D3, the youngsters still think that taking D3 is voodoo). I think that panic will ensue in our region within the next two weeks when we will hit the 10k+.
My wife finally understands the actions I took last months and the prepping of the last 15 years. She even reminded me of the fact that we have a rather large storage of dried all kind of beans and lintels. Whatever happens, you do not want to be the last. I buy my vitamins and minerals at an online store for healthcare specialist: ALL vitamin C products are sold out, ALL. Luckily I bought ours weeks ago.
We setup a q-challenge: daily games, with a great weekly price (ice cream).
It is sad to notice how scared our children (including the friends) are. I’m glad we prepared, also for the case HB19 hits.
While my family is adjusting; I’m thinking and informing myself for the world after this health and financial crisis as best as I can.
Keep up the great work, take care!

I don’t see “flattening the curve” and “containment” as two opposing ideas. Rather, it’s a continuum with varying degrees of extreme measures.
Secondly, I think it’s important that exponential growth for virus infections can not continue indefinitely. At some point, the growth will slow down. You get a “logistic curve”.
Start at 4’48”

I have pondered this exact dilemma. I would say delivery and curbside pickup are more risk. It would make sense if stores exclusively did this. But the problem is you do not know if this staff is contaminated and spreading even if not infected because of all the people they associate with. You have the same risk with the mail and UPS delivery. I would say shopping on your own is the least risky. You can choose low times , though that is hard, with everyone else doing it… and people who are normal eat-outers added to the mix. But, you can select products vs having someone else to do it. especially since you will likely need to make some substitutions. And you can select products from the back of the shelf , that are likely less contaminated - if someone in the isle was coughing. So, in general, you have greater control - about your exposure. You do need to take precautions. But its not as hard if you have the right mind-set about contact cross contamination. Either way when you come home, all things should be bagged and held in quarantine before use… or washed carefully before use or storage.

I just wanted to give a quick update on Singapore. Right now, the country has mostly contained the virus within our land. The new cases are coming from known clusters. However, our numbers are still increasing by double digits for at least the past 4 days. About 3/4 of those numbers are imported cases. We have imported cases from Germany, Switzerland, UK, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Austria, Canada, Netherlands, and some that probably slipped my mind.
Most notably is citizens in Indonesia who are symptomatic, and come to Singapore for treatment (landing in the airport and going straight to the hospital) because their own local medical doesn’t test them. I would joke that if you want to know which countries doesn’t test for the virus, just look at the list of imported cases we have.
The government has just announced that travellers entering from countries in the ASEAN region (less Malaysia land travel) , Japan, UK, or Switzerland will be subject to 14 day isolation. I work in the tourism sector and I know we will be hit hard by this but I am glad our government is doing this. It reduces our medical workload to stop taking in other countries’ unwanted workload.
Looking at the situation, I’m guessing USA may be next to be added on the list. We have already imported 8 cases from USA despite being almost 24 hour flight away.
Also, in reference to your comment about Malaysia, their spike in numbers was due to a religious event that was held in a mosque. There were 16,000 attendees from many countries, a disaster waiting to happen. Positive cases started popping up from that event which led to the spike, but they have still yet to announce closure of their mosques. The cases in Brunei sprouted because of this event as well.

The state epidemiologist here in Sweden said such dumb, inaccurate and senseless things in a tv debate last night, I had to take the time to subtitle in English it so more could see the madness. This guy is the guy in charge of our fight against the coronavirus.

I read somewhere that two minutes of laughter is the equivalent of 20 minutes of jogging. So her she goes:
Yesterday afternoon at the Dutch press conference in The Hague, the interpreter signing “DO NOT HOARD”, literally “DO NOT HAMSTER”.
In all sincerety I’m not taking a p*ss out the woman, I just love her gusto.
Be well, all.

Unfortunately New Zealand’s self isolation guidelines are actually pretty relaxed but there has been a major change in the general attitude the last few days. People are finally taking this seriously! The government really seems to be too, although the understanding of the way this spreads still seems to be lacking. I was meant to be going on a course as part of some study I’m doing this weekend and due to new guidelines it’s been cancelled - I’m glad I didn’t have to make the call as to whether to go or not. With only 8 cases here so far it’s hard to know. Although WOMAD still went ahead in my area over the weekend so we will have to see what comes of that.
I’ve also been meaning to ask - how do you decide on your red line? I’m not out a lot and am pretty well prepared thanks to Chris, Adam and all of you but I have a 3 year old in kindy and I’m not sure at what point to remove her…

Wow, gold/silver ratio 115!! Deflation, markets finally had to inhale. Good call, Nairobi!! Oil below $30/barrel.
Cash is king!