Coronavirus: Prepare For National Lockdown

Grrrrrrr! This article really pushes a twisted, false and dangerous narrative:
Doctors warn that disposable gloves can’t protect from coronavirus

This is great. Really great. The Nikkei is closing in fast on its target meaning a reversal is coming for one of Japans big exchanges. The index has been falling steadily through the night since futures opened and its now down close to 9% as I write this. But don’t let that big number alarm you since sometimes it really is just a number. By morning the index will most likely have struck its inevitable low point and be readying to put in a final bottom. We are not actually looking for a rally in the same session. What matters to the structure of the chart pattern is the number that posts at the close since that is the information both the humans and machines need to confirm a reversal point has been struck and can trigger fresh buying again. I would call this a success of yesterdays Central Bank interventions since the confidence needed to sell off this hard has in turn created conditions for a technical recovery. If the Dow, S&P etcetera follow in the footsteps of the Nikkei once they open again for trading they can also be expected to drop quite hard. By doing so, odds are good they will reach some key targets that must be met before their reversals can get underway. It will really look like a bloodbath today but don’t let it bother you. Some things simply have to happen before you can move in the opposite direction. It’s purely mechanical.

The sooner the better. I do NOT want a depression. Lets get this deflation over with quickly and move on. As soon as precious metals really hit a bottom we can declare the bear dead and start buying with a plan. By the way, we just hit a 13 handle on silver. We may not need to wait until September for silver to reach its 10 dollar target because if this keeps up we will get there in February. It is a silver murder today. And the bludgeoning continues… Have not seen anything like it since 2013.

I loved hearing the guy from WHO, and recognised it directly. What people are not getting is that this is not linear and that this doesn’t have ‘procedural’ solutions. This is a physical problem that cannot be tweaked with rules. It grows exponentially, then becomes binary; the card house stands one moment, then it’s flat…
My wife works in healthcare in Sweden. Coming both from emergency response background were stunned by the lack of understanding of the ‘coordinators’. I said 8 weeks ago to her that it was time to start taking this serious and start positioning for this. It is only last week that the ‘coordinators’ gave instructions to assess stocks of protection equipment…
People who have always been in a stable setting don’t realise how fast things can go. Chances are very real that in one month 50% of more of medical staff are sick, in self-isolation, burnt out and that emergency medical services (or other services) are not operational anymore, or working at very reduced capacities. Then the predicament becomes local, and with the technology that is available at local level. Maybe it doesn’t turn out this way, but there have been many indications that this is quickly turning into something very problematic, hardly any that this is going to be contained and could be easily managed. This is history in the making.
Again, haven’t been following very closely all comments, apologies if I’m repeating what has already been said.

Huh! No mention of the the vast majority of flights in the US being over 50 people. Hopefully, people are being smart and not flying, but I’m sure that the airlines will reduce the number of flights to a destination thus pushing the passengers per flight right back up there.
I still know of several families that are still taking their upcoming family/springbreak vacations. I have even heard of a few that just booked because and I quote" These idiots are cancelling vacations there are deals out there, I can take the family to Florida for a week for $1,500.00." To bad that once you get there things most likely will be shut down and you’ll have no where to eat and the majority of the touristy things that you want to do won’t be open.
I just keep reminding myself that for every person like me out there on one side of the distribution curve there is one of these Darwin award winners.
Also I am at work, our CEO’s first day of business as usual. Can’t wait till my vacation begins at noon Thursday. Hopefully some sort of lockdown will be announced in the interim and I can keep my high risk self out of the fray.
Stay strong and keep your sanity

I really can’t believe this article.
First, what do you think the response would be from doctors and hospitals if they had adequate supplies? It would be to use gloves and use masks. They are being charlatans so that there is more supplies for them now that they finally get it. Their lack of foresight does then put front line HCWs at risk. Part of the problem is that in the healthcare environment and government there are too many layers so that the true Subject Matter Expert researchers and analysts cannot be heard when the science and numbers say to speak up. The information has to be hammered up the chain of command with each layer being hesitant to pass it further up the chain.
Secondly, It is total BS about gloves ripping all the time. I don’t know what kind of gloves this doctor is using or what tasks were actually being performed, but I wore latex and also nitrile gloves 8-12 hours a day with maybe 2-3 procedural change outs a day in pharmaceutical laboratory and manufacturing settings and I can count on two hands the number of times a glove ripped over 15 years. I was double gloved and the rips usually happened because of a pinch point encounters.
I hate that people are using propaganda and not facts to craft a false narrative to get the populace to bend to a line of action due to the inaction of those institutions when they had their heads stuck in the sand.
BTW, If any of my friends or family that are HCW come to me because they are personally at risk I will gladly give them some of my gloves and masks to protect those individuals.

It’s comfort food. And trust me even though i pretty much always eat healthy (i eat “processed” food like a frozen pizza or double of meatballs in sour sauce with rice like once a week tops, french fries/snacks once every two weeks and i haven’t had them for 2 months now), after a few weeks in isolation, you need comfort food :smiley:
1 frozen pizza isn’t going to destroy your health but it can very much increase your morale :slight_smile: Everything in moderation, as always.
As for silver; look at it go huh! Told ya today was not going to be a good day.
That’s some massive liquidation. Silver isn’t that of an industrial metal to explain an 18% drop in a day. Remember the Fed just announced it would print ungodly amounts of money and even Gold is down.
I’m going to go ahead and say the paper and physical price is finally decoupling. It’s not deflation, it’s margin calls. We haven’t even started the deflation yet.
Otherwise the Dollar index wouldn’t be down -1%. If it’s deflation, cash increases in value. It really is that simple. But the fact that Silver is down 18%, gold is down nearly 4%, but the dollar index is also down 1% means something else is up. The Euro is up 0,5% but that’s not nearly enough to be explained away via the devaluing of the dollar via money printing. The ECB is still at $120b of QE a month with some vague LLTRO promises. The Fed just cut rates 1,5% in a very short time, pledged to print $1,5 trillion in Repo if anybody needs it while printing $700 billion in QE anyway. By all accounts, either the dollar should be up, or gold should be up, but not down on both. Down on everything = panic selling.
Twitter seems to think the Fed is trying to get ahead of a massive liquidation/margin call event. I’m inclined to agree.
If there’s anything i’d sell first to get cash (should i need to), it’d be my silver. Nobody wants to sell gold. Regardless of it’s actual value; it’s simply not first in the order of considerations. Silver futures count double.
Anyway this is not a rational market anymore so anything can happen :smiley: i’ll refer to my 7th of febuary advice “get the fuck out” and say “stay the fuck out”. It is without a doubt historical though. I’m pretty sure all of us will have quite the story to tell our descendants
On that note; can we get an F in chat for the VIX? seems the Fed broke it again cause it’s refusing to update, just like last thursday. While typing all of this silver bounced up 4% again. 4% moves in minutes are not healthy. No wonder the VIX died again. Even ZH posted about it this time.
Also RIP bitcoin. Or well, more specifically all the crap-coins that where riding that wave over the past decade. There’s a 3x long ethereum token (ETHBULL) that had a volume of $22 million in the last 24 hours, a now market cap of $0, and a 7 day change of -94,69%!!! Couple more people got wiped out there.
Bitcoin also went through a sudden $300 drop. Straight drop in 5 minutes around 11am my time. Another margin call no doubt. It actually jumped back up $300 not too long ago.
Honestly i don’t really care anymore what happens to my position cause it’s gonna take months to untangle this mess. No idea where that’s going to end up, nor does anybody else. They might very well close the markets for a while to prevent mass liquidations. Though again, twitter seems to think if they close the markets it’ll be an instant bank run by the populace. Can’t say i disagree on that either.
This is such a historic mess! Today is so messed up even my predictions are taking a vacation. I aint calling shit today. I’m gonna sit on the sidelines grab some more popcorn and watch the US open.
Any predictions by anybody which circuit breaker we’ll hit on the S&P/Dow? First one’s a given. But i really thought we’d hit the 2nd one last Thursday and didn’t. I wonder if today is the day…

You know why? He’s bugging out.

It’s on…for those of you who still haven’t noticed.

This thing is just waking the sheep up. Last week you could see the crack starting to open in people’s heads.
Just watch what happens this week.

Why wait until your kid brings home coronavirus? The governor of Idaho refuses to close schools, saying it is a local decision. The Idaho Education Association (adults at risk) are begging him to close all schools.
I think the best advice is to see everyone as infected, and proceed accordingly. Kids and young people are carriers with mild symptoms for the most part. We over 50 are at VERY HIGH RISK of respiratory problems with this vicious “Wuhan Flu”.
I grabbed board games at a thrift store last week and some comfort junk food (chocolate and taffy). In Idaho people panicked over the weekend after the Governor announced state of emergency Friday.
I am done being in public other than work, which may be cancelled any time now. I saw full churches yesterday and thought, “How stupid their leaders are. They learned nothing from the S.Korea church spreader.” is having troubles yet again xD that’s like the 3rd or 4th US market open where the site is super slow or just straight up freezes. I’m willing to bet they’re making a ton on commission now. One man’s death is another man’s profit after all.
Take a good look at that. There won’t be many more times in your life when you see an actual Double Gap lower on open.

I hope that you wont’t take a vacation. I find your posts informative, but most of all really funny and enjoyable.
(In all honesty, as I’m Dutch I will be the usual direct self: I tend to skip the posts about your bodily functions. As long as you can entertain us with your sharp mind and observations and thoughts you are alive and kicking).
Groeten uit Eindhoven.

with all the sales of toil paper going on ,we now know were all that stuff is coming from that is hitting the fan. lol
See the FaceBook post within the article. She is definitely telling it like it is, no holds barred. Wish this post would go viral (no pun intended), although it may already be too late…

No need to read the bodily function. All i ask is to remember where they are, should you need it in the future. After all we prepare for tomorrow not today :slight_smile:
As for entertainment why thank you :smiley: Lemme provide some more.

North Carolina had 15 cases on Friday and reported 32 cases on Sunday. Thirty-three this morning.
Our super sharp Secretary of Public Health, Dr. Mandy Cohen, expects case numbers to rise as NCDHHS expands testing criteria and more people are assessed.

Gus, thank you so much for this. I use ibuprofen tablets and salicylate patches for arthritis flareups. I’m stopping immediately.
Like most people over 60, my DR has recommended low dose aspirin. Any thoughts here on the danger there for those with and without heart symptoms. I’m stopping, but my 93-yr old dad uses it instead of plavix for a valve clip. What do you medical guys think? OK as long as he’s not exposed [he’s stuck at home] or should he stop now and take chances on his heart valve issue.

Aaaaaaaand it’s… The Philippines.