Coronavirus: Prepare For National Lockdown

Looks like i’m not so crazy with my rumor/persistant rumor system now, am i?
EDIT: Oh i forgot to put this chart up after i made it. Things are just going so fast! Might as well put it up here.
You are here.

Restaurants are converting to pick up windows. In our little eastside of the Cascades tourist town, we now have drive up appointments at one of the veterinarians and waiting in your car at one of our medical clinics. Weekend visitors from the Seattle area may be headed back now that the fun is gone. Apparently, they swamped the usual weekend hangouts.

I see that the NSC is saying that “rumors of a national quarantine are fake” on yahoo news today, what makes you think this will happen? Just curious cause thankfully I’ve followed your advice & my intuition carefully!

Well as a result of people having “time off” this weekend, the bars were packed and they didn’t observe the state and some local restrictions on people in the bars. So the state is shutting down all bars and restaurants as of 3 PM EDT today. The Restaurants will be able to perform drive through or carry out for the time being.
I’m sure I’m going to see some newsfeed tonight of someone outside a liquor store stocking up. The next crazy run on supplies.

You have lung injury and you continue to smoke tobacco? Why didn’t the doc treat your pneumonia? There is a 3-Day antibiotic that stays in system for 10 days that cures most early pneumonia without hospitalization.
Isn’t it fascinating how they keep telling us repeatedly to wash our hands but are telling us nothing about protecting our mouth, nose, and eyes nor how to build up our immune systems and kill the virus systemically. It is complete lunacy … or maybe not.

That makes sense. We thought we were prepared enough, but I am having second thoughts, and my wife really wants me to make one last run before Covid-19 spreads further. I’m planning to wear PPE and a sweatshirt and sweatpants that I can remove and place into a trash bag before climbing in the car and heading back home.
We did order some additional dehydrated food online today, but I am planning to bleach the crap out of the outer box and leave that in the garage for 10 days. Fortunately, it isn’t too warm here yet, so I don’t have to worry about heat.
The United States is going to be a total disaster in another week. People spent too long treating the pandemic like a joke (and they still are). We’re in for a very difficult spring and probably summer.

Dave from the X-22 report, who covers all things Trump vs. Deep State, including Qanon, thinks what we are seeing is part of the swamp draining - in this case CEO’s that were previously somehow compromised or blackmailed by the Deep State to do their bidding. This has been going on for a while… I can’t tell you for sure that it’s true, but I kind of hope that it is. The idea is that they are being told, by the white hats, step down of face prosecution when the hammer falls.
Recall Lindsay Graham grilling Kavanaugh about the use of military tribunals during the Senate confirmation hearings… what I am saying to you is not pure conspiracy fantasy… though again, I don’t have enough information to convince you, or me, or anyone else that it’s absolutely true. It’s a framework, a lens through which to view things, so to speak.

Personal protocol:
Nasal irrigation 3-4 / day (Neilmed about $13)
Gargle with salt water about 6x / day
Even if salt doesn’t kill viruses, it may reduce them, which as Chris has pointed out, can be very helpful.

Weed and Damiana; both non-physically addictive substances. So i can reduce without much effort :slight_smile:
Otherwise the outrage over smoking is just as bad as the outrage over people warning the stock market would go down. Yes, smoking kills you. But it takes decades to do it. The lung damage i have now is more like a deep cut - it’ll heal within months and leave a bit of scarring. The surrounding tissue which is still healthy won’t take any increased damage from smoking; it’s not like i smoke more now. If anything i smoke less. At most, the cough is a bit worse.
I’m not saying anybody should start good god no. If ya don’t need drugs don’t ever start. But sometimes people do. If the insurer wants to pay for medical weed though i’d be fine with eating it instead of smoking :smiley: but that’s really expensive (you need 3-4 times the amount) and i simply can’t afford to. Death is cheaper.
Just yknow… see things in perspective. This whole situation came about because people lost sight of perspective.
As for the doctor not helping me, well, that’s a long story i’ve told many times already (and ill repeat in full once i do get a damned diagnosis). They did listen to my lungs at some point, but my symptoms where intermittent and the lung scarring hadn’t happened yet. That happened in the emergency room where after i saw a shrink who was telling me i was having a panic attack 1 hour after i had to wait for him
What? You thought “medical professionals” where above hubris? Well they’re not. If you ever get to see one because in the west we work on the basis of a waiting room with an reception with a nurse that has very strict guidelines on what she can’t and cannot do, and who will follow protocol even if it kills people (because then it wasn’t her fault she was just following orders).
I’m dead serious when i say they’re a bunch of Nazi’s. It’s the exact same mechanic you see. Ignore all the suffering you see because it’s not your fault you where just following orders. Not every Nazi was in the Hardcore SS panzerdivision yknow, or some camp guard somewhere. Most where regular soldiers. Don’t think, follow orders. If it goes wrong, we’ll fire somebody, and you will get new orders.
Don’t act on anybody’s behalf, don’t think like an individual, do not fight for some ones rights. Do not resist when they come for your neighbour. You will recieve new orders. How does that translate into real life? “I’m sorry sir i don’t think i can help you :)” and they walk away.
Nobody has spoken on my behalf, nobody has believed me, nobody has as much as attempted to diagnose me or form a theory of what might be ailing me, other then the instant decision that i was Nuts in some form or another (autistic, obsessed, panicking, etc etc). Nobody has gone to anybody else saying “are you sure there’s nothing wrong with the guy? He seems in a lot of pain”. Everybody was very quick to just dismiss my troubles. Easier for them i suppose.
Nobody believes each others words any more. Lies are ingrained in our very existance. Don’t believe me? When’s the last time somebody actually wanted to know how you where, when they said “Hey how are you?”. The conversation starts with a lie. We have forgotten how to communicate. We have forgotten to trust logic and are now permanently suspicious of each other because people simply just refuse to do anything except view their own world view as exactly right; anything that deviates from it is suspect. Facebook and such are just an symptom of this; an example of how demand shapes tech not the other way around.
Yknow i shouldn’t hit post on this but i’ll cut it off here and do it anyway. Maybe i have grown a little bit more bitter through this experience. But i’m DONE with giving people a free pass just because they are having a tough time. What about my goddamn tough time for once huh?
I shouldn’t have to be the one to convince doctors that i’m sick. They should convince me that i’m healthy.

Europe edging towards total coronavirus lockdown

Yes Desogames, I agree with quite a bit of those last few lines of yours. Not many people really care. Everyone seems to busy. Ask them how they are doing and you get suspicious looks. Is it any wonder so many people are single? They live with a cat or an old person who is not even their relative. They are so busy they have no time to find each other and make families like in the old days.
Anyway Deso, listen, just buy this market. It’s going to be very solid tomorrow and it will stay that way for awhile. You need to be fearless though but not careless. There are tonnes of deals. The world is not ending at all but we are living through some strange times and that’s what makes it confusing for some people.
Just tune out the Corona news and focus on the bargains in the stock market. You will be back on planet Earth in no time.

Follow-up. First case confirmed in our (small) town.
Through my wife I offered to support ‘management’ of the medical system with preparing for the emergency response (something I have worked with before at practical coordination level); scenarios, preparedness, coordination structure, logistics, protocols, making and deploying kits. ‘No need’ came the answer, ‘all is under control’. I don’t mind ‘not being picked’ as long as I see that things needed are in place and things are moving; this is going over my community; I expect 200-400 deaths based on attack and mortality rates published. Not saying we could still change a lot at this point, but still.
I suggested alternative face masks that can still be obtained (saw the prices jump up by 25% in a couple of hours). The answer: ‘No, we can’t purchase outside of our usual suppliers (who are out of stock from what I understand), maybe later if we enter into crisis mode’. Their stocks of personal protection equipment is almost non-existent from what I understand. They just don’t get it; they’re in first gear while we should be in fifth. The lack of urgency and basic understanding of the situation will result in real harm done.
I hope some uncomfortable questions will be asked at the other end…
Sorry, end of rant, it just drives me up the wall.

So I read this , this morning.
Yeah , if you would have paid attention to what the chinese and chinese studies were saying , you would have known this a month ago , like Chris and us here did . They pretended china was full of bunch of morons.

I’ve seen a resergence of this narrative. Who doesn’t love hope? We cling to optimism as a matter of normalcy bias. We are so desperate for hope, sometimes we become less discriminating of our info flows.
Questioning the Q narrative:
If this virus has been allowed to run to provide cover for a swamp draining exercise, does that render the medically compromised collateral damage?
Why would the msm cooperate when they are in league with the deep state?
Considering the CEO exits and assorted pandemic exercises and prophetic quotes prior to this outbreak (not to mention simpsons/koontz foreshadowing) , could the virus be allowed to run in order to advance deep state agenda (economic reset, confiscation, global crisis requiring coordinated global response empowering global government rationale) ?

Safe deposit boxes - I just spoke with the branch president at the bank where we keep our safe deposit box. He couldn’t comment on which branches may have reduced hours, which ones may stay open and which ones may temporarily be shuttered. However, he did say that if there was anything in my safe deposit box that I could visualize needing within the next six (6) months, it would be prudent for me to make that “withdrawal” before the end of this week.
His recommendation, not mine.
Can’t say if his concern was covid-19 or banking crisis. Could be either, or both, I presume.
Time to diversify more over to

I run a firearms training school and I sell firearms and ammunition. As of Sunday - wholesale ammunition in common calibers are at zero. No 9mm, .22LR etc. available at any price. My friends in the local retail establishments report long lines and empty shelves. I have sold more firearms in the last 5 days than in the previous two months.

I was just told about a research article on a Chinese medical website that was posted for three hours, then taken down. The gist of the article is that people who recover from the virus show decreased ability to be fertile. The source is a Chinese medical doctor. Beyond that, I don’t want to get into details.
Has anyone else heard about this? I don’t have any more details. The person who talked with the Chinese doctor has medical training, and is someone I trust who is very level headed.

First thing, I went to the bank for cash. I asked for a breakdown of cash. All I could get were three envelopes of $20s. I was told they would get larger bills in again on Thurs.