Coronavirus: Prepare For National Lockdown

I can find no study on antibody generation to SARS-CoV-2. If this virus is more like HIV, then we are in real trouble…HIV in the lungs.

Hi, Afridev, where are you? Thanks for the information.

Chris, I love it!! Being dyslexic, Waldo always a challenge for me. So creative. Thank you for all your hard work. Stay safe.

From what I read i.e.
they suspect the virus attacks the ACE2 receptors, in epithelial cells in different organs in the body: lungs, intestines and possibly testes. I had read something similar to what you heard, that Chinese doctors had found some recovered patients had permanent lung or other organ damage. I have no concrete knowledge of this, but I do remember reading it was a concern.

Hi, Gus Spreen, I use Oscillo for regular flu, HxNy. I do not know if it works on the Corona virus. Do you know? It is made from duck liver and spinal cord so stimulates protection when infected with avian/swine flu. Does it work with bat derived virus?

South Korea is using chloroquine for everyone that has tested positive for this bug. While not a perfect solution, it has cut their CFR (for those who have active symptoms) by 90%.
I have not yet found a great source for this… has some information from last month in vitro…

I go to take a shower; which i barely have lately (cause yknow, exhaustion) and this goddamn happens:
Both another half a trillion repo and another rejection. I get things are moving fast but can i at least have a decent wash!
Meanwhile though. Not a peep from the markets. Dow still down 9%. This is a horror show that just keeps on giving.
EDIT: WHOOP gonna throw this in here as well.
Winter is Coming.

First patient will get an experimental coronavirus vaccine TODAY – but scientists warn it will be at least a YEAR before the jab could be rolled out to the rest of the world

It’s all about transmissibilty, and the fact that you will not be able to get medical care if you need it if we let this thing run it’s course without acting.

Ultra partisan Trump promotion, not a scientific / medical / health publication. Not surprised they are promoting denialism.

Bohner recommends Oscillococcinum during flu onset in his Anti-Viral book on pg 41. Recommendation is 1 tube every 6 hours, 3 per day, for 2-3 days in a row. For Covid I’m planning to also roll this in with Bohner’s SARS-II 3-tincture protocol.

1st CASE announced ( travel outside the county–not country) now waiting for case, case, cluster, cluster, BOOM

Stephen Harrod Buhner - › Stephen-Harrod-Buhner
Stephen Harrod Buhner is the author of Herbal Antivirals, Herbal Antibiotics (now in its second edition), and 17 other works including Herbs for Hepatitis C and ...
Sorry to link my twitter again but i gotta say i told ya so on this one.
Fighting the virus does not cost $750 billion. Nowhere near. $700 billion of that money is gonna vanish just like TARP did.

While we’re picking nits, the Law of Gravity (per Newton) is actually:
F = Gm1m2/r^2
So, that actually is an exponential, where the exponent is (1/2).
(Sure, gravity is constant on Earth, because m1 is so much larger than any m2, and r is everywhere equal to the radius of the Earth, for all practical purposes.)

Effective at 12:01am Tuesday.
Can’t thank you all enough for getting us ready for this, Chris and Adam! And huge thanks to all my fellow PP’ers for your help.
Ready for gardening, pottery, painting.