If needed i will come to help. I do not care so much about Corona. If people stop being civilized then they stop living. Pray and take vitamine D. I will do that.
I wonder Desogames
How about trying to track down the dental hygienist you think passed a bug on to you? Maybe they are sick enough to be tested? Just a thought.
Don’t come near me. Save yourselves because the system sure as shit won’t. I’m not joking either we are NOT prepared for this in the slightest over here!
They where even planning on CLOSING the emergency room in one of only two hospitals serving 200k ish people upcoming may. You can’t even go there anymore unless it’s for heart trouble.
We seriously have no concept of “emergency” room.
The dental hygienist is a shot but i can’t go around asking people their travel history. She wasn’t Chinese. And she’s a hygienist for the mentally handicapped. Not exactly a descriptive bunch. Socially i’m just as retarded, i just have an extreme logical intelligence that seperates me. But still a deathly fear of a drill in my skull dontchaknow.
Anyways i came back cause i was talking with my friend from hong kong, described the >intermittent< symptoms and he straight up said “A people I know have similar symptoms like u…The fever come and go constantly…And he is in Wuhan…But he recovered now,he didn’t even get the chance to hospital,he has been self quarantine all the time.”
Trust me until policy changes, nothing i will do matter. You don’t understand. The dutch bureaucracy is the strongest in the world.
I would rather, without a doubt, trust an SS Nazi Officer to betray his rules sooner then your average dutch receptionist.
It rather depends on your age whether this is a good test for hydration, I think. Elderly skin won’t bounce flat immediately even if the person is well hydrated.
I read an article a couple weeks ago identifying the 2 particular cytokines that are responsible for creating the inflammation, pneumonia, and death. They are IL-R2 and IL-6. If you can repress these two, you have a much better chance of avoiding serious complications from Covid-19. I’ve found studies on PubMed regarding Vitamin C (high dose) and it’s ability to reduce both IL-R2 and IL-6. Curcumin (found in Turmeric) also has the ability to reduce IL-6. I’m not saying you should buy these things but that they seem promising in the fight against Covid-19.
VITAMIN C - Suppresses IL-R2 & IL-6 and Protects Endothelial Cells
Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder, 2.2 Pound https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000I4DOVU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_W6ItEbZKHNY7W
CURCUMIN - Suppresses IL-6
NOW Supplements, Curcumin Phytosome, Bio-Enhanced Turmeric Extract, 60 Veg Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004AC0676/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Q8ItEbEBP73CM
SILVER - Antiviral & Antibacterial
Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol - 4 Fl Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000OA6Z6O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_h-ItEbSMSGVY7
I know several people swear by Elderberry syrup. I would NOT use that if I suspected I had Covid-19. It significantly increases IL-6.
Since I could not get any N95 masks I settled on the next best thing which is a 3M half mask respirator. These are still available in plenty. Its actually a pretty nice mask for getting a perfect seal around nose and mouth but it does look a little scary. Not to be deterred, this ain’t no beauty contest so whatever it takes will be done. I doubt I will use it often but if there is ever a day I need to take someone sick by car to the hospital I guarantee I will be wearing this beauty along with a nice sealing clear goggle set. Here it is…beggars can’t be choosers when supplies run down to zero.
Just as I have been saying. Elderberry is off limits in this specific situation. It can magnify your condition and actually pose a health risk because it stands to make things worse. But other posters keep arguing.
It’s your life. Do as you please.
So I’ll repeat a question I posted previously elsewhere: At what point in your dealing with the virus do you shift from prevention- like taking elderberry syrup, to cytokine storm avoidance- delete elderberry, increase NAC, turmeric, and Vit C? Or maybe just skip the 'berries and load up on the others? Aloha, Steve.
Message from Billy Eduard Alber Meier and the Plajaren:
URGENT: To ALL Hospitals, Don’t Pretend – PREPARE
The Plejaren made clear that:
- The WHO is culpable for not immediately proclaiming pandemic risk
- China, US and other countries suppressed truth for political and economic reasons
- Real number of infections and deaths much higher than reported
- Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
- Hermetic quarantine required, must be much longer than 2 weeks
- Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small
- Disease spread through air, clothing and animals as well
- Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection
- Asian races initially most susceptible but is spreading to others
I think there are nuances here and that this question of stimulating cytokines, vs. a, “cytokine storm” needs further discussion. I would ask Chris , Sandpuppy, and others to please chime in - especially Chris since I believe mentioned his plan for use of Elderberry just yesterday.
Cytokines play a role in the first stages of immune response. There is a difference between cytokines doing their job, and a, “cytokine storm”, which is something that happens in the later stages of infection, as the virus deepens it’s hold.
Watch this MedCram video starting at 2:00 and read the words on the screen - “IL-12 is a cytokine”;
I very much agree with this MD… you want your immune system to win the initial war, If your immune system loses the war, then you are already in trouble, and you are going to get some version of full blown corona virus infection, including lungs. At this stage, it is probably prudent to not be taking Elderberry, unlike in the case of standard flu.
Until someone makes more than an overly simplistic argument against it, I will continue to use Elderberry in a prophylactic capacity in the hope that if and when I get exposed my immune system makes quick work of corralling the virus.
I’m looking forward to what he can tell me next week when he is scheduled to return.
I didn’t compare with the prices in Canada but got prescriptions for 5 family members. For two of them a bottle of 25- which is how the pharmacies prefer to dispense it so they don’t have to open and dispense a partial bottle- was covered by insurance for $1 and $15. Two others whose insurance wouldn’t pay for it used a coupon from GoodRx with a bottle of 25 tabs costing in the mid $60s at Walmart. Keep in mind the “list price” is in the $400-500 range so the coupon gives you a hefty discount. The other person hasn’t picked hers up yet. Keep in mind if you order from Canada it is going to take at least a few weeks to come. The US pharmacies don’t keep it in stock but they can order it and ours all arrived in 1-2 days.
A friend from our church here in Concord in his mid 80’s has been speaking at a conference in Germany this week. He just found out an attendee there has Wuhu Flu and he will now be quarantined there! Hopefully that will awaken people from their complacency here, at least in our church. My wife and I are getting over minor “colds” and hoping it is Wuhu Flu so it’s behind us, but no testing so we’ll never know.
The Chairman of the Fed just issued this statement:
“The fundamentals of the U.S. economy remain strong. However, the coronavirus poses evolving risks to economic activity. The Federal Reserve is closely monitoring developments and their implications for the economic outlook. We will use our tools and act as appropriate to support the economy.”
My question is: are there really people stupid enough to take any of that seriously?
First, the fundamentals of the US economy are not strong. They are a mess. The main gains over the past decade have been in shale oil, financials and FAANG stocks. A lot of these are not even sustainable. Some of them are not even profitable. And some of them (e.g. financial speculation fueled by QE after QE) serve absolutely no legitimate public purpose. Add to that the agonies of flyover America (i.e. most of the citizens), unsustainable private and public debt and utterly incompetent governance you get a mess exceeded only by Europe.
Second, how is the Fed going to stop the transmission of the coronavirus? Are they going to coat each virus with newly printed dollars? How are they going to stop disruptions in the supply chain? Are they going to lower interest rates so as to make parts and products appear out of thin air?
I am outraged that my country is run by such complete fools.
After a 20-minute failed attempt, I called back the 3M Technical Division & Safety phone number (1-800-243-4630; select #1 menu option each time for 3 times to get to right area) and was able to leave my phone number for a call back rather than wait any longer. In their defense, 3M is understandably buried with phone calls due to the pandemic. They were very nice and helpful once connected.
The representative told me that the 3M brand of half-face respirators with the “bayonet” style filter connection receptors are interchangeable. I have the model that Nairobi posted, which came with two pink hard cartridges (#60923). This model will accept the pink soft pancake P100 filters that dtrammel suggested, which are less expensive than the hard cartridges, but will not protect against organic oils and gas vapors. The 3M representative stated that the soft pancake filters (#2091) filter out particulate matter similar to P100 paper/fabric respirators, but are thought to be more effective due to a more secure, tighter fit to the face. These type of half-mask respirators w/filters seem to be more readily available–for now–so I’m going to get more today. I think both dtrammel’s and Nairobi’s plan for use makes good sense. (Thanks guys!) I did buy chemical goggles to go with my half-mask respirator.
I’m off to get the pancake filters and more preps, including hand sanitizer (if available!) and Hibiclens.
(Hibiclens cleanser is supposed to provide a long-lasting (6 hrs.?) protective “glove-like” antibacterial/antimicrobial layer.)
I wouldn’t take elderberry or echinacea or related herbal substances whose purpose is to prevent infection on a prophylactic basis. They seem to work best when you take them at the very first signs of any infection. Taking them long term seems to dull the body’s response. I have no research nor a scientific explanation to back this up but I have noted it from decades of experience. The body-mind seems to habituate to any repeated stimulus of the same type and dosage, whether it’s exercise, herbals, or whatever. YMMV.
Cash seems like the only man left standing in the markets today with PMs, commodities, equities, bonds, etc. all puking.
As oft repeated here:
Alright guys i can’t sleep. Add insomnia and loss of sexual drive to the list of symptoms cause i haven’t jerked off in a while and i don’t much feel like it, which is weird since i’m a habitual mastrubater. I don’t fucking care if it’s too much info; everything counts.
When i’m lying on my back it hurts like hell. I definitely have a fever now, since i climbed under the covers it hasn’t gone down anymore. Trouble breathing on my back.
I told em i have multiple symptoms “but as long as you haven’t been in contact with somebody from abroad or haven’t been abroad yourself yer fine”. So don’t blame me when a doctor dies cause i infected him. I have done every single bit of effort, went beyond the call of duty to follow protocol. If society doesn’t want to, i can’t.
If i walk into that office with a mask now they will not take me seriously. Just like in the Hospital. So i will not carry a mask. God help us.