Coronavirus Situation Is Quickly Going From Bad To Worse.


I wished to share some relevant data with regards to the weekly activity of Influenza cases. I wanted to observe the rate of its spread as warmer days ensued over the course of the year. I was encouraged by the coronavirus' preliminary similarity to Influenza in the form of the discouraged rate of spread seen in tropical country of Singapore.
For example, below is the weekly activity of tested cases recorded in the US during the 2017-2018 Flu season:

Influenza Positive Tests Reported to CDC by

U.S. Public Health Laboratories

2017-2018 Season

Week #: A(H3): BYAM:

2017 43 177 21

2017 44 247 36 {upward inflection pt. A(H3)?}

2017 49 1056 103

2017 50 1513 173 {upward inflection pt. BYAM?}

2018 02 3348 537 {presumed peak A(H3)}

2018 06 2035 931 {presumed peak BYAM}

2018 10 408 646

2018 11 277 535 {A(H3) downward inflection pt.?}

2018 16 86 211

2018 17 52 135 {BYAM downward inflection pt.?}

The two strains shown above appeared to be the most prevalent for the highlighted year. I choose the mentioned year's data set at random from the list provided on the CDC's website in order not to bias my initial study of the matter.
I wonder if the US will dodge a bullet as we are in the 8/9th week of 2020's share of the current Influenza season. The expected 5 to 6 day doubling rate will be taking place as the sun's zenith in the sky increases with each passing day, bathing the nation's surface with ever intensifying UV radiation. In addition, a look at 30 year weather averages for the state of Wisconsin, for example, reveal that the coldest 'month' lies between mid January and the middle of February - roughly the bookends of the two case activity peaks seen in the flu season cited above.
Although this hopeful trend may assist us in the near to intermmediate term, I believe the US will likely mimic its experience with the Spanish Flu. The scourge of 1918 faded away in the early Spring only to return dramatically as a deadly secondary wave in the Fall. However, the coronavirus' resurgence in the Fall may be muted by comparison to the Spanish Flu due to the absence of boat loads of infected G.I.s returning from a World War and the substandard accommodation used to house them in a collective fashion. In addition, the abandonment of trains and trolleys as the primary means of societal transportation will likely diminish the spread of the disease to the regions of the country with lesser populational density as these were the primary form of transmission during the 1918 Flu pandemic.
Data available at:
This is my 1st post on this site. I hope it serves to inform this important discussion.

Right on brother. And you made a fast decision. These 3M masks could easily be sold out a month from now and then…there isn’t anything else unless you are prepared to do some serious spending.
The nice thing is they are made in America. Mask and filters. I was really happy to learn that. In fact I was so happy I am going to be a 3M shareholder Monday morning.
We should think very carefully about the companies we support going forward. Some outfits have moved 100 percent of production to China. And now look at our vulnerability.
Those decisions are now hurting shareholder value but more to the point, some of them have actually put our country at grave risk. There is not much made in China anymore that can’t be done with robotics as a backbone. Let’s bring those factories home.
Now the reason I am writing this post is because you are buying Hibiclens which is based on a chemical called Chlorhexadine. You might not know but that is typically used as a surgery prep cleaner and its dynamite when it comes to killing bacteria dead.
The downside is it kills both good and bad bacteria and you probably know our skin and most other parts of our system (GI tract for example) have natural bacteria growing that is beneficial.
Overuse of chlorhexidine will turn your skin into a barren wasteland of a desert and actually make you prone to dangerous bacteria for which you won’t have defences anymore. So that product should probably not be used too frequently.
Hope that helps.

OMG, he’s coughing, holding his young daughter, touching her, her water bottle, then DRINKS from her water bottle and then coughs some more!!! =:-0
This is just plain irresponsible as a parent. I hope the news media follows-up on this family. Could be a valuable hopefully nonfatal lesson for others. Freakin’ unbelievable!

Thanks, Nairobi! You said, “The downside is it kills both good and bad bacteria and you probably know our skin and most other parts of our system (GI tract for example) have natural bacteria growing that is beneficial.
Overuse of chlorhexidine will turn your skin into a barren wasteland of a desert and actually make you prone to dangerous bacteria for which you won’t have defences anymore. So that product should probably not be used too frequently.”
I didn’t know that! Thanks for the “heads-up” Nairobi. I’ll use sparingly, as appropriate and with caution. Great, informed community here!

First of all I want to thank Chris, Adam, and everyone posting. I have learned a lot, already had some preps, but I have been increasing and filling in holes.
I keep reading and watching videos… but one of the things I wonder about (actually I wonder about a lot of things) hasn’t been answered yet. One of the measures is to keep our hands out of mouth and eyes, but at work I know of several co-workers with partial or full dentures which need to be taken out, cleaned on a daily basis, put in water overnight, and be put back into the mouth the next day. Using disposable gloves? and sanitize the “toothbrush” with hydrogen peroxide?
I also think about so many people living on a paycheck to paycheck basis. If they need to self-isolate, or their employers send everyone home with no paychecks for an undetermined amount of time, and if they never get called back to work or the business closes for good… If they file for unemployment, state unemployment funds would be quickly depleted. And, in our country right now with the dumbing down of America, I’m concerned most people are not taking this seriously, if it’s on their radar at all.
Our homeless populations could explode if people get evicted. Or, not, if there are fewer people surviving, but landlords might not their have a long term thinking caps on. I remember reading Dmitry Orlov’s book years ago comparing when our country collapses to when Russia collapsed. They got to stay in their homes. Here, probably not so much. Fortunately, I do have enough savings to last several months.

You make a very good point AO, and yet, I still don’t think i want to wait until I feel sick in this case. The intention of my effort is to have the best chance of fighting off the virus if I am exposed such that I am one of the lucky, asymptomatic or nearly so folks. I think the middle road here is to wait until local infections start to bloom, then step up the immune boosting regime.
I would be interested in your take on the cytokine issue as well AO, Thank you, Jim

It’s very time consuming to screen shot the lists and download a bunch of disparate pages. Please collect the information into one or a few pdf files for easy download.

doctor listened to my lungs and did a finger prick blood test. I don’t have pneumonia.
Doesn’t explain when i lie in bed why i have so much trouble breathing or i’m lighting the fuck up.
Here’s the deal: I even fell over and was wobbly in their office, but they think i’m exaggerating. There is NOTHING i can do to get tested.
I have called my GP. I have called the GGD (guys in charge of this). I have called 112 (911). I have called these overnight/weekend doctors now. There where 3 of them. And all of them, every single one, agreed:
I cannot have covid if i haven’t been abroad, can’t prove i met somebody from abroad, or show a SUSTAINED RECTAL temperature of atleast 38C. So i must be overacting.
Doesn’t help that i rode through a red light on the way home and ended up on the other side of the road while realising and i’m confused alot. I even lost my own rectal thermometer. It’s supposed to be here somwhere but i’ve looked and looked and completely forgot where i put it, i can’t find it. Only the emtpy packaging.
I called my parents. My dad says i’m having a panic attack. My mom is relieved they didn’t find anything.
I honestly wanna kill myself right now. I’m not going to; not for these fucking fools. But i definitely feel like i no longer wish to take part of this world of fake smiles and brainwashed fools who deserve to fall.
Even when i fell over in the waiting room they where like “why don’t you have a seat until you feel better”. so i told them “why don’t you go fuck yourselfs”.
Thats it. That is literally it. I CANNOT for the life of me get tested before the guidelines change.
EDIT: Oh i forgot to mention. The last dumb bitch doctor who measured my lungs (and thus touched my body), afterwards took up position real close to me to yknow, “comfort” me. She was literally less then a foot away from my face. And i told her i was amazed with the fact she didn’t even consider i had covid. She said she did. I told her she didn’t otherwise she wouldn’t be standing less then a foot away without a mask.
When i left those three fools i gave them all a very, very firm handshake. And they where like “Sure, we don’t make a fuss about that!” and gleefully shook hands back.
I will see them in hell.

On the subject of free speech. The mock trial against Julian Assange has begun. Craig Murray is there to report what’s really happening there. Up until now:

Instead of screenshots, you can just highlight the blog entry and comments, copy it, and paste it into an MS Word document.

You make a very good point AO, and yet, I still don’t think i want to wait until I feel sick in this case. The intention of my effort is to have the best chance of fighting off the virus if I am exposed such that I am one of the lucky, asymptomatic or nearly so folks. I think the middle road here is to wait until local infections start to bloom, then step up the immune boosting regime.
I agree, the time to start immune building is now, pre-infection. No need to deplete your elderberry supply before you get sick by taking it daily. Herbs can work well when combined and rotated in their dosing. Some herbs only meant for acute situations. Echinacea is meant for short term use: 7-10 days usually. I have been alternating elderberry, polygonum, andrographis, kudzu and berberine over the last few weeks (in dry and tinctured form), but I am trained ND with background in western botanical medicine. No specific protocol really. No one has a one size fits all treatment plan for this. I suggest people look at Stephens Buhners antiviral book and look at some of the protocols he has for acute infection and titrate from their. For prevention 2-3 times a day seems appropriate, people who weigh more should be taking more than someone half their size, etc. You really need to consult with a knowledgeable alternative practitioner like a LAc, ND, DC, herbalist, functional MD for individualized recommendations. These people spend years and years learning the art and science of herbalism, dispensing advice in a forum like this not really appropriate.   Meanwhile you can mix it up with vitamins, minerals, sleep, stress management, meditation, exercise, essential oils, medicinal mushrooms, seaweeds, sauna, massage, avoiding the standard american diet of burgers and fries. No silver bullet, just good foundational healthy practices. Claire

According to the article, there were details about the patient

It seems from your rants that you feel the world revolves around you . You need some counseling for sure. Just curious, are you able to complete a sentence without an F bomb?

If this virus can be asymptomatic for days or weeks wouldn’t the viral load build up to the point that taking elderberry (assuming it is effective at all) when symptoms start would be too late?

Welcome to the community Bren, good first post, keep them up.

Although this hopeful trend may assist us in the near to intermmediate term, I believe the US will likely mimic its experience with the Spanish Flu. The scourge of 1918 faded away in the early Spring only to return dramatically as a deadly secondary wave in the Fall. However, the coronavirus’ resurgence in the Fall may be muted by comparison to the Spanish Flu due to the absence of boat loads of infected G.I.s returning from a World War and the substandard accommodation used to house them in a collective fashion. In addition, the abandonment of trains and trolleys as the primary means of societal transportation will likely diminish the spread of the disease to the regions of the country with lesser populational density as these were the primary form of transmission during the 1918 Flu pandemic.
I just wanted a gentle reminder, the World has a substantial population about to head into Fall and then Winter. While the US, EU and Russia may see a lessening of cases, the countries in the South will make up for that. Wait til this gets into Africa and India. Trains have gone away but aircraft are as worse a infection spreader if not more so.  
Second, how is the Fed going to stop the transmission of the coronavirus? Are they going to coat each virus with newly printed dollars? How are they going to stop disruptions in the supply chain? Are they going to lower interest rates so as to make parts and products appear out of thin air?

But I have used elderberry for many years and have experience with family, friends, and patients with no ill effects of consequence. If the individual is reasonably healthy and their health is stable (meaning both physically and psychologically), I haven’t seen a problem. That being said, I don’t care what the treatment is, somewhere out there is someone who will have an adverse response to it. I dealt primarily with the biomechanical systems of the body but the body is an integrated whole and the biomechanical systems do not function independent of the biochemical systems. And neither of those systems function independent of the mind. The mind/spirit trumps all. That’s why people can have amazing abilities when under hypnotic influence that they would not normally have.
What I observed over the years is that the less coherent, harmonious, and stable the mind, the less predictable the body’s responses seem to be. Witness Desogames with his symptoms changing left and right and up and down and then witness his psychology. Nuff said. The chiropractors refer to certain individuals who are “switched”. That is, while most people will have X+ response to an input or stimulus, there is someone out there who has an X- response. The problem is, they’re often not readily identifiable in an objective and reproducible manner until they have the adverse reaction.
That being said, elderberry does have insulin like actions and diuretic actions so if one has medical problems where these could be a problem, caution is in order. Also, I think there was someone here who was recommending using other parts of the plant such as bark and leaves. That, in my book, is definitely NOT recommended due to potential cyanide toxicity.
Physiology and responses can be so individual. Think of a Lance Armstrong heart versus an average person’s heart. Training is important but the power and influence of genetics is undeniable. Liver detoxification ability, for example, can vary on the order of 500%, a highly significant factor in determining an individual’s health.
Personally, I will take my chances with the elderberry. I probably wouldn’t recommend it to someone like Desogames, however. I remember treating a young woman with Asperberger’s syndrome and she had very bizarre reactions to things that would be completely innocuous to most people. I know her mother well and have followed the various treatments the young woman has received over the years with various health care practitioners and treating her has always been, shall we say, a challenge.
I can’t say for certain but my guess would be that the individuals with no major health issues, good nutrition, stable psychology, good stress tolerance, etc. should, for the most part, do fine. Someone who has multiple health issues, whose personality is erratic, who might have hypochondriac tendencies, who is prone to constant worry and anxiety, etc. could be a whole different game.

Postmaster told me that as of yesterday, February 27, 2020, all mail delivery to and from Italy has been suspended. Chris may be correct, the virus in Italy is bad.

I would worry less about the cytokine part. the method of action is really in the stopping of virus replication - with the long incubation period, what is really happening is it too late - has replication happened by the time you are symptomatic - for elderberry to have any effect.?

Yes outrage that the country is being run by fools is understandable. However it is not “your” country