Coronavirus: Something's Not Right Here...

India will “follow” US guidelines. Something stinks here. I see a showdown coming on who will get the HCQ. Remember, Trump wants to get reelected. HCQ will do it.

You’d think if there was monster confidence inside the company about Remdesivir, there might be insider buying. Not so much.

GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $79.90 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$192,799
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $83.00 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$200,279
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $75.90 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$183,147
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $79.52 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$191,882
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $75.35 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$181,820
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $75.27 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$181,627
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $67.26 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$162,298
GILD Pletcher Brett A EVP,Corp Affairs, GC S - Sale+OE $75.55 -2,950 14,644 -17% -$222,873
GILD Cogan John Francis Dir S - Sale+OE $77.97 -2,413 54,860 -4% -$188,142
GILD Pletcher Brett A EVP,Corp Affairs, GC S - Sale $70.88 -10,441 14,644 -42% -$740,014
GILD Pletcher Brett A EVP,Corp Affairs, GC S - Sale+OE $69.32 -2,950 24,690 -11% -$204,494
GILD Wilson Gayle E Dir S - Sale+OE $67.72 -21,720 126,782 -15% -$1,470,878
GILD Pletcher Brett A EVP,Corp Affairs, GC S - Sale+OE $68.58 -6,426 24,690 -21% -$440,721
GILD Wold Olsen Per Dir S - Sale+OE $68.55 -42,002 97,854 -30% -$2,879,063

How long does the pre Covid usage of HCQ need to be? The Lupus patients we hear about are presumably on long term, continual usage of HCQ. Would a 1 week course of the drug …or 2 weeks …or a month be sufficient to ward off the evil virus? What if I took HCQ for 1 week right now and was exposed in 6 months…would it have any benefit?

The question maybe isn’t “Are we being played?” but rather “When are we not being played?” This is pertinent to ask especially when we are dealing with large institutions such as the media and government. Almost everything we are confronted with is about narrative control to steer our thinking and emotions. I’ve been asking myself more and more these days whether this entire predicament, should we ever ‘exit’ it and return to ‘normal’, will be seen as simply a ‘test run’ for something even more draconian sometime in the not-too-distant future…

“He with the most toys wins.” Guy McPherson says there will be no distant future. Maybe “they” just want to grab all they can get before the end.

Two concepts: PEP and PREP.
PEP: you got exposed by some super spreader wandering the halls and coughing on everyone. You take HCQ for (say) a week post-exposure. It prevents infection because it (presumably) interrupts viral replication before it gets a chance to get going. This is the South Korea case at the nursing home. That dosage would apply there.
PREP: you prevent infection, by taking HCQ at (presumably) the “lupus” dosing.
How long does HCQ stick around in your system? Half-life (according to the article, below) was 40 days.
I’m not a doctor, I’m not advocating or prescribing this, I’m simply explaining the concepts.
Based on the data, if I were a front-line HCW in harms way, I’d do PREP in a New York minute. Heck. If I were taking an international flight…or I was taking the subway regularly in a hot zone and I had co-morbidities, I’d probably take it too. Who wants a 10% chance of dying?
For those who don’t know, both PREP and PEP are well-known concepts, and are used to deal with the HIV epidemic. If you are an HCW, and you get exposed to HIV while taking care of a patient (a “needle stick”), there is a 28-day drug regimen you can take that will help protect you from getting infected. PREP is a drug regimen taken daily by people at-risk for HIV, recommended by the CDC. HIV PREP has a 99% chance of working if taken daily.
Note that in the above article on HIV PEP, they say about a million times, “PEP must be started within 72 hours after a recent possible exposure to HIV. The sooner, the better; every hour counts.”
Apparently, anti-virals have to be started early. Right freaking now, actually. Every hour counts!!
Who knew?
and a paper I had not read before on HCQ-AZ interactions:

Very few deaths; I’m not sure what we could conclude.
Chart below was put through an MA7, but not lagged.

Dr. Paul Mason eloquently explains how Glycation (glucose attaching to red blood cells ) and insulin resistance (from long term average modern diet) are major contributing factors to immune impairment (cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients): This is reversible folks, you can drop your HbA1C (glycated red blood cells measure) and reverse insulin resistance and get normal immune function back.

Hi There,
Thanks Chris for all your hard work in putting the videos together. I’ve been following your posts on covid-19 since early Feb and appreciate you keeping everyone informed.
In your last post you talked about clotting being an issue and also about how people with lupus seem to have less likely to be affected by covid-19. I noticed this interesting article on that suggests that Hydroxychloroquine reduces clotting in lupus patients … “Plaquenil may do for lupus what aspirin does for cardiovascular disease”. I wonder if Hydroxychloroquine is effective on multiple fronts?
Thanks for you hard work.
Now back to my garden…
Martin Petrovsky

OliveOilGuy, you will need to have the HCQ in your body at the time the virus starts trying to multiply. It has a long half life, so a daily low dose of 200 mg is reasonable for prevention. Or a loading dose of 200 mg twice daily for 3 days, followed by weekly doses of 400 mg. Then increase to the treatment dose of 200 mg twice daily if you get sick. These doses are my best guess.

In cell cultures, a certain concentration of HCQ was needed to inhibit SC2 replication.

Covid-19: India Recommends Hydroxychloroquine As Prophylaxis For Healthcare Providers, Patient Family Members

and here
India: For people at high risk of exposure: 400 mg twice on the first day, then once a week there after. HCW should continue for about 7 weeks while family members caring for COVID-19 patients only need to go for 3 weeks.
From Dr James Todaro's compilation list there are several studies of PEP being initiated.
Upcoming clinical trials on efficacy of HCQ in prevention of COVID-19 Trials recruiting:
  1. A Prospective Clinical Study of Hydroxychloroquine in the Prevention of SARS- CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in Healthcare Workers After High-risk Exposures
  1. Non-randomized open-label trial comparing prophylaxisof hydroxychloroquine (400mg twice a day) in healthcare workers versus those healthcare workers who opt out of receiving hydroxychloroquine that will serve as controls with primary outcome of rate of COVID-19 positive conversion on weekly NP sampling.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 360 participants
  3. Research organization: Baylor Research Institute (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: July 30, 2020
  1. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis With Hydroxychloroquine for High-Risk Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicentric, Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
  1. Randomized, quadruple-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof weekly hydroxychloroquine (400mg) versus placebo in healthcare works for 6 months with primary outcome confirmed positive testing for COVID-19.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 440 participants
  3. Research organization: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (Spain)
  4. Estimated completion date: October 30, 2020
  1. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for SARS-Coronavirus-2: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial
  1. Randomized, quadruple-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof weekly hydroxychloroquine (400 mg) or twice weekly hydroxychloroquine (400 mg) versus placebo in healthcare works for 12 weeks with primary outcome negative testing for COVID-19.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 3500 participants
  3. Research organization: University of Minnesota (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: August 2020
Trials not yet recruiting:
  1. The PATCH Trial (Prevention And Treatment of COVID-19 With Hydroxychloroquine)
  1. Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof daily hydroxychloroquine (600 mg) versus placebo in healthcare works for 2 months with primary outcome positive testing for COVID-19.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 400 participants
  3. Research organization: University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: December 1, 2021
  1. Hydroxychloroquine Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for Household Contacts of COVID-19 Patients: A NYC Community-Based Randomized Clinical Trial
  1. Randomized, quadruple-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof daily hydroxychloroquine (400 mg twice daily for day 1, followed by 200 mg twice daily for days 2-5) versus placebo in household contacts of COVID-19 patients with primary outcome symptomatic, positive testing for COVID-19 within 14 days.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 1600 participants
  3. Research organization: Columbia University (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: March 2021/2022
  1. Chemoprophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Exposed Healthcare Workers : A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial
  1. Randomized, triple-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof daily hydroxychloroquine (400 mg twice daily for day 1, followed by 200 mg daily) versus placebo in healthcare works for 2.5 months with primary outcome positive testing for COVID-19.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 1200 participants
  3. Research organization: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne (France)
  4. Estimated completion date: November 30, 2020
  1. Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine for Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) to Prevent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection Among Adults Exposed to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): a Blinded, Randomized Study
  1. Randomized, single-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof daily hydroxychloroquine (400 mg daily for days 1-3, followed by 200 mg daily for an additional 11 days) versus placebo comparator ascorbic acid in household contacts of COVID-19 patients with primary outcome positive PCR testing for COVID-19 within 14 days.
  2. Estimated enrollment: 2000 participants
  3. Research organization: University of Washington in collaboration with NYU and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: October 31, 2020
  1. Will Hydroxychloroquine Impede or Prevent COVID-19: WHIP COVID-19 Study
  1. Randomized, triple-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing prophylaxisof daily hydroxychloroquine (400 mg loading dose on day 1 followed by 200 mg daily), weekly hydroxychloroquine (400 mg weekly) versus placebo in healthcare workers with primary outcome positive testing for COVID-19 within 8 weeks
  2. Estimated enrollment: 3000 participants
  3. Research organization: Henry Ford Hospital (USA)
  4. Estimated completion date: June 30, 2020

Hey guys,
I don’t get it. I just yesterday (?) saw a Peak Prosperity video (was it Why is Coronavirus news so inaccurate) with Chris Martenson stating sources that were claiming the dangers of hydroxychloroquine and also digging into old (archived) sources pre-corona on the actual dangers of hydroxychloroquine? The differences between side-effects then and now. The Effective Dose, the Toxic Dose and the Lethal Dose? Effectively stating that pre-corona all sources on this 70 year old drug were pre convinging that the most severe rejecting was something in your eyes, but now they state that there is an severe effect on the Qt hearth rhythm?
Where is that youtube video? Was it removed? Why?
*** Nevermind… found it:

I agree with chris, we need to search broadly, use big data and not just too much fixated on HCQ, & remedesvir. Found this link which went through old drug catalogue and found 47 different drugs that are potential candidates
The nefarious plot thickens… but will the sheeple wake up on time?

Reasons to be fixated on hydroxychloroquine:

  1. It works well when given early, and in conjunction with Zinc and Zithromycin, reducing death rate in those who are older or have co-morbities from about 5% to about 0.5%… In other words about 95% less dead.
  2. See number 1
  3. The Deep State Globalist powers that control the mainstream media, and the thoughts of the numbed masses here and abroad are furiously working their controls at every level to make hydroxychloroquine seem scary (side effects, will kill more than it helps ala VA study, etc) and ineffective.
    My fixation is not on hydroxychloroquine… it’s on finding important truth. I HATE being lied to. When I detect this I go absolutely bonkers crazy and I start gathering data, which I am very good at. Many of us who gather here do so because we are good at pattern recognition… and for those of us INTJ-types, the picture became clear very, very early… HCQ works, and there is an active psyop to suppress and counter this knowledge.
    Let me say that again, because those who don’t practice pattern recognition may not understand why many of us here seem, “fixated”. It’s not just that HCQ works… that is interesting enough. It’s that we can easily detect a full-bore propaganda effort to suppress this knowledge. The knowledge being suppressed… the medication being kept away from you by Deep State captured Governors and other blackmailed players… can save the life of your elderly parents should they get this virus.
    So, yeah… I am fixated and will remain so until we come to a rational consensus regarding the truth of hydroxychloroquine. If you come here and suggest I or we are fixated, I will only redouble my efforts to find and post the truth, over, and over, and over… because our voices matter. This is my war… I was built to fight this war.

The company ACE, producer of HCQ, in Holland is forbidden (since march 30th) to supply to pharmacies and allowed to supply to hospitals only. Users must collect their medicin now at the hospital. This was done because a MD gave HCQ to Covid patients.