Coronavirus: Something's Not Right Here...

I think we need Sandpuppy to read this and comment. I am not advocating for the late use of HCQ, and indeed many trials have seemingly been designed to fail in this way. I do though think this is interesting because it counters the VA study. Here is the link;

Hydroxychloroquine application is associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19

Bo Yu, Dao Wen Wang, Chenze Li
And the summary of results;
RESULTS: The median age of 568 critically ill patients is 68 (57, 76) years old with 37.0% being female. Mortalities are 18.8% (9/48) in HCQ group and 45.8% (238/520) in NHCQ group (p<0.001). The time of hospital stay before patient death is 15 (10-21) days and 8 (4 - 14) days for the HCQ and NHCQ groups, respectively (p<0.05). The level of inflammatory cytokine IL-6 was significantly lowered from 22.2 (8.3-118.9) pg/mL at the beginning of the treatment to 5.2 (3.0-23.4) pg/ml (p<0.05) at the end of the treatment in the HCQ group but here is no change in the NHCQ group. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19 through attenuation of inflammatory cytokine storm. Therefore, hydroxychloroquine should be prescribed for treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients to save lives.
My comment.. waiting on validation from Sandpuppy. There were lots of other medications given, and it's possible that some of the benefit of HCQ was synergistic.. i.e. related to the cocktail. We already believe that HCQ works best as a cocktail, with Zinc, and with Zithromycin... and indeed this is how we manage HIV today, with a cocktail attacking the virus on multiple fronts. If we look at the below passage from the referenced study, we see that several other drugs were being given in the, "standard of care" across both cohorts.
The baseline treatments were comparable for these two groups, including application of antiviral drugs (Lopinavir and Ritonavir, Entecavir hydrate, or Ribavirin) with 41.7% and 44.4% patients in HCQ and NHCQ, respectively, (p=0.71); intravenous immunoglobulin in 52.1% in HCQ and 47.1% patients in NHCQ, respectively (p=0.51); immunoenhancer in 16.7% in HCQ and 17.3% patients in NHCQ, respectively (p=0.91), but antibiotics in 77.1% in HCQ and 89.4% patients in NHCQ, respectively (p=0.01); but interferon application 0% in HCQ and 10.4% patients in NCHQ (p=0.01).

Chris, could you talk about how viral proteins displace iron in the hemoglobin, causing very low O2 saturation. Excess iron floating around is taken up by ferritin. High levels are seen in many of the worst cases. This sort of like CO poisioning.
Note: my daughter is a lab technician. This info was from her.

@David McKenney
I think you are letting your enthusiasm run away with you. There’s nothing in that article that indicates any level of success South Korea may be having with HCQ. In the source article (still with no clear South Korean source indicated) HCQ is mentioned after anti-HIV drugs, which aren’t getting much of a mention here.

OK, but I was still able to express what ever it was freely. Not everyone can:

What would it take to start a HCQ trial at one of these meat processing plants? Prescribe every employee a daily dose similar to what lupus patients get. Observe.
Or a small city.
Or other likely affected essential business?
Would it be supported? What percentage of the population would need to take it to achieve desired results?

Take good care of yourself - as it appears the wave of COVID-19 is cresting here in Europe.
Jim H is absolutely right. We, and you in Holland, have to push for HCQ+AZ treatment by our GP (General Practioner doctors). The Powers That Be have used this outbreak to get control over us - it is our turn to push back! Having this medicine available is now key should They try to force us into a second confinement in the fall.
The economy is now a run away train wreck - having a solution in case of sickness caused by Covid-19 infection takes away Their excuse to lock us down. I cannot believe some of the stunts that I have seen so far here in France. To the pont of flying in helicoptors overhead to make sure people do not stray too far from home. We are allowed a 1 hour walk, not more than 1 km from our home.

I’ll throw in my 2 cents here since invited. :slight_smile:

Hydroxychloroquine application is associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19

Bo Yu, Dao Wen Wang, Chenze Li
A small percentage of the 500+ critical care patient admitted to the ICU of a single hospital with COVID-19 were treated with oral HCQ along with "the other usual treatments" which included a broad range of antivirals, antibiotics and supportive care. Outcomes demonstrated were:
1) a VERY impressive reduction in death rates and
2) a CLEAR reduction of the inflammatory marker IL-6.
3) no drug toxicity was detected
So this supports HCQ use, even in late stages, probably mostly due to suppression of inflammation.
  • This was not a study, but a retrospective review of charts.
  • Inclusion criteria were not explicitly enunciated. (Did the study include ALL PATIENTS presenting to the hospitals during the 2 month time period, or just some. Which ones? If it included all patient that presented over a specific time period, the term "consecutive" is usually included.)
  • The method by which treatment assignment was made is not elucidated. Therefore, the assignment to treatment groups was not randomized.
  • Other mild limitation is single institution.
Comparison of the treatment and non-treatment is nicely done with the two groups looking fairly equivalent. Neither group was clearly sicker, unlike the VA study. ------ When treatment assignment is not randomized and blinded there is suddenly room for all kinds of error to creep into a study. Hypothetically, assume that all patients sent to Dr Bill's floor get HCQ (because he loves that drug) and all patients sent to Dr John's floor don't. There will be differences on how doctors function, the meds they use, ventilator settings preferred, the equipment and experience level of personnel on the floor, staffing ratios, etc. etc. Ultimately, most will not feel the issue is resolved until we have a fully randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, prospective study from multiple institutions. But for now, this paper certainly offers good support for the use of HCQ, even in late stages of illness.  

Below find an article entitled, “Are China’s Elderly Leaders Somehow Immune to COVID-19”
The article more or less suggests that the CCP is probably lying about “no deaths among the ruling elite.”
What if they weren’t lying? How do we think that might have happened?
cough PREP cough
Do we imagine they’d share this little nugget with the rest of the world?

Whenever we imagine the nefarious scenario of a bioweapon being released, the story always includes a secret antidote (or should I say anecdote?) that allows the bad guys to protect themselves. Could HCQ be the anecdotal antidote? It certainly seems so…
This is very interesting (excerpt)
Three core pathologic processes lead to multi-organ failure and death in COVID-19:

1) Hyper-inflammation (“Cytokine storm”) – a dysregulated immune system whose cells infiltrate and damage multiple organs, namely the lungs, kidneys, and heart. It is now widely accepted that SARS-CoV-2 causes aberrant T lymphocyte activation resulting in a “cytokine storm.”. 2) Hyper-coagulability (increased clotting) – the dysregulated immune system damages the endothelium and activates blood clotting, causing the formation of micro and macro blood clots. These blood clots impair blood flow. 3) Severe Hypoxemia (low blood oxygen levels) –lung inflammation caused by the cytokine storm, together with microthrombosis in the pulmonary circulation severely impairs oxygen absorption resulting in oxygenation failure.
The above pathologies are not novel, although the combined severity in COVID-19 disease is considerable. Our long-standing and more recent experiences show consistently successful treatment if traditional therapeutic principles of early and aggressive intervention is achieved, before the onset of advanced organ failure. It is our collective opinion that the historically high levels of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 is due to a single factor: the widespread and inappropriate reluctance amongst intensivists to employ anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant treatments, including corticosteroid therapy early in the course of a patient’s hospitalization. It is essential to recognize that it is not the virus that is killing the patient, rather it is the patient’s overactive immune system. The flames of the “cytokine fire” are out of control and need to be extinguished. Providing supportive care (with ventilators that themselves stoke the fire) and waiting for the cytokine fire to burn itself out simply does not work… this approach has FAILED and has led to the death of tens of thousands of patients. The systematic failure of critical care systems to adopt corticosteroid therapy resulted from the published recommendations against corticosteroids use by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) amongst others. A very recent publication by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and authored one of the members of our group (UM), identified the errors made by these organizations in their analyses of corticosteroid studies based on the findings of the SARS and H1N1 pandemics. Their erroneous recommendation to avoid corticosteroids in the treatment of COVID-19 has led to the development of myriad organ failures which have overwhelmed critical care systems across the world. Our treatment protocol targeting these key pathologies has achieved near uniform success, if begun within 6 hours of a COVID19 patient presenting with shortness of breath or needing ≥ 4L/min of oxygen. If such early initiation of treatment could be systematically achieved, the need for mechanical ventilators and ICU beds will decrease dramatically. It is important to recognize that “COVID-19 pneumonia” does not cause ARDS. These patients have normal lung compliance with near normal lung water (as measured by transpulmonary thermodilution). Treating them with early intubation and the ARDNSnet treatment protocol will cause the disease you are trying to prevent i.e. ARDS. These patients tolerate hypoxia remarkable well, without an increase in blood lactate concentration nor a fall in central venous oxygen saturation. We therefore suggest the liberal us of high-flow nasal canula oxygen (HFNC), with frequent patient repositioning (proning) and the acceptance of “permissive hypoxemia”. However, this approach entails close patient observation.


Long but must see

I have long assumed that our own elites have an active stash of something and that’s why they aren’t particularly concerned and are still standing.

A call to action, sensitive, brilliant, uh uh teehee it is a MUST READ:;utm_campaign=post&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=copy
Cheers, rawbs

As sand puppy commented HCQ has a long half life in the blood and plasma. I would think if a person took a prescribed dose of HCQ that in six months it would still have some, although diminished antiviral effect. For a comparison, Aspirin only lasts for a day in the body.

Terminal elimination half-life: In blood: Approximately 50 days. In plasma: Approximately 32 days {68}.

Why is everyone ignoring Dr. Zelenko’s practice and all the patients he has treated early stage? He was one of the earliest American doctors to adopt and fine tune the protocol. He has been consulting to other governments but America is ignoring him! What is going on?

James Howard Kunstler and Charles Hugh Smith are among my favorites; looking forward to listening to the interview!

Chris, been following you since January, but just registered. Thanks for all the great info and for keeping at it. I read this article on nature about hydroxycholorquine:;code=bebed563-5ccc-4f56-8c5d-88d6a96dec56
Based on media reports, etc., I would apparently be unreasonable to think that a drug that reduces cytokines, is anti-inflammatory, has anticoagulant properties, etc. could possible work on a virus that induces such responses in the body. Funny that my retired friend from the local wealthy neighborhood called in early March and said he already had his hydroxychl. supply and that every doctor he had talked to had the same for their respective families. This is all so bizarre. Perhaps it is the profit angle and politics causing all the hate about the drug, but as some on the blog have noted many things appear to be pointing in unusual and unsettling directions. And yes, I stocked up on supplies early and have planted my small garden (been doing that for a few years just for the joy of it). Wife has been sewing masks for the neighborhood.

Oh, they are. And not in a good way;

Justice Dept. scrutinizes White House-connected doctor linked to disputed coronavirus treatment

This is the punishment you get for saving lives with HCQ. Almost time for the revolt....
April 30, 2020 at 8:06 p.m. PDT

Federal prosecutors are examining the communications of a New York family doctor whose work has been discussed on Fox News and who has been in touch with the White House to tout an anti-malarial as a treatment for the novel coronavirus, according to people contacted as part of the inquiry.

The examination of Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko’s records began when an associate, conservative commentator Jerome Corsi, accidentally sent an email intended for Zelenko to another “Z” name in his address book — federal prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky, who as a member of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team had spent months scrutinizing Corsi’s activities during the 2016 presidential election.

During episodes of his daily podcast this week and in a YouTube video he posted late Thursday in response to questions from The Washington Post, Corsi said that Zelinsky responded to the unexpected email by reaching out to Corsi’s lawyer and requesting all ofCorsi’s communications with Zelenko.

Corsi said he and Zelenko are collaborating on a website designed to connect people with doctors. They have acted lawfully, Corsi added, but he plans to cooperate with the request and has handed over his communications.

Zelinsky is tasked now with investigating coronavirus-related crimes in the Maryland U.S. attorney’s office, as part of a directive from U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr to prioritize such cases. The department already has charged a medley of fraudsters for peddling fake cures, selling personal protective equipment they didn’t actually have or running more complicated Medicare reimbursement schemes, and officials say tips are coming in droves.

Gregory Rigano, a lawyer who said he is working with Zelenko, said in a brief telephone conversation Thursday night that they had not been contacted by federal prosecutors and that he was not aware of any possible law enforcement interest in Zelenko.
For now it looks like a scare tactic.. we will have to keep an eye on it