Coronavirus: Something's Not Right Here...

No way will I subsidize WAPO. Jim, can you summarize the story?As for the “Justice” Dept, it’s just newspeak now. They are corrupt. If they go after Dr. Zelenko I hope people will support him. This is too distressing.

With about 18,000 deaths and a population of about 8 million, this shows that the fatality rate for Covid-19 is, at the very least, 0.22%. It would, of course, only be that low if every New Yorker ended up getting the disease and no more people died from it. So we can clearly rule out “like the flu”, though Chris has shown it definitely isn’t. The fatality rate will only go up from here.

Perhaps, this has been posted already. Sorry if repeat.

A study that is currently enrolling

I found the following while poking around… I was wondering if it might garner the attention of Chris or others with medical / scientific knowledge to review and comment on. It seems to support the idea that something is not right here…
Is there validity to what has been put forth by David Crowe who also has a YouTube video called Rethink All Viruses.
Thanks Chris, or anyone who has time to offer insights on this information.

Dr. Andrew Kaughman, an MD, is also questioning what this is in a larger sense. For Kaughman, this is the exosome vs. virus debate;

Extracellular vesicles and viruses: Are they close relatives?

Esther Nolte-‘t Hoen, Tom Cremer, Robert C. Gallo, and Leonid B. Margolis
PNAS August 16, 2016 113 (33) 9155-9161; first published July 18, 2016
  1. Edited by Peter K. Vogt, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, and approved June 27, 2016 (received for review April 4, 2016)

While I am aware of the debate, I really don't know what to make of it. It still looks to me like what we are dealing with is a very readily transmissible, bad flu of a sort. The clusters tell a story of something being passed around. In some sense, these debates about what is a virus and what is a native exosome seem academic. In any event, Dr. Kaughman is very well spoken and he presented his ideas recently here;

Thanks Jim, interesting things to ponder for sure…
I just finished watching the Rethink All Viruses video I linked in my comment #47. The back half of it is what is worth a watch. When discussing polio, the assertion is made that it was not in fact an infectious virus but rather pesticide poisoning that arose from eating unwashed fruit. He provides data and charts to explain and correlate the timing of the break outs to the fruit growing/harvest seasons. I thought it to be rather compelling.
He went on to link the WHO to more shenanigans by reporting decreases in polio ( and therefore the effectiveness of vaccines) when there has been an ongoing increase in Acute Flacid Paralysis (AFP) which is a non-paralytic type of polio. He shares how the WHO uses some voodoo math (my words) to make efforts to eradicate polio to look much more positive than what they are. More misleading statements and lies being fed to the sheeple.
I was intrigued by the things he said so I did some more poking around (the weather sucks and I have time to kill in my socially isolated life lol). So I came across this 2014 WHO Bulletin - I am not sure if it has been ever posted on PP before. Here are a few excerpts:

...Since 1987, vaccine quality for international procurement has been assured through the prequalification system that is managed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The “prequalified” stamp of approval means that these vaccines are consistently safe, effective and of high quality, and thus recommended for bulk purchase by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 152 low and middle-income countries, the GAVI Alliance – which funds vaccines in 73 of these countries – and other agencies. When WHO pre-qualified a Chinese-made vaccine for the first time last October, the move showed what Chinese vaccine manufacturers could potentially achieve and – in a sense – paved the way for others to follow suit. ...But what would it take for more Chinese vaccines to be marketed outside China? Prequalification is one factor, but can be challenging for manufacturers. The Chengdu Institute of Biological Products obtained WHO prequalification for its Japanese encephalitis vaccine after years of wide-ranging technical support from nongovernmental agency PATH, which is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has been working with Chinese suppliers to support their applications for WHO prequalification for several vaccine candidates for the last two years, says Joshua Chu, CHAI’s Director, Vaccines Markets.
Of course GAVI is the Vaccine Alliance that is aligned with the Gates Foundation. What does all of this mean to me: if 'they' cannot find a natural virus that they can ruthlessly exploit to enrich themselves (human life be damned), they will make their own virus. Hello Covid-19! Jan

I live in a european country where you can‘t get Hydroxychloroquine. If the hypothesis is right that Covid-19 is essentially a bloodclotting disease, I‘m thinking that perhaps taking aspirin every day would be advisable, in addition to zinc and vitamin C. Even though aspirin is supposed to be counter-indicated due to its effects regarding ACE2 inhibitors. Would welcome comments on this since many people are in the same situation as me.

an israeli developed placental stem cell preparation also being tested in a NJ hospital for orthopedic issues. they tried it in 7 severely ill covid patients in israel and then the FDA granted approval for their partner hospital in NJ to try it on a covid patient (i believe 18 patients nationwide were selected and it was cut back to 3, not sure about this)
my friend 's husband was 1 of the 3 (or 18). he had been intubated for about 3 weeks, started to develop blood clots in both legs and was successfully treated for them.
after 3 weeks on the vent, his life hanging by a thread, he was given 15 injections of this Pleuristem and they waited. after 34 days on the vent, his lungs were clesr and they gave him a thracheostomy and after another couple of days, he was put on a CPaP and moved out of the ICU.
he left the hospital on may 2 with a honor guard of cheering medical staff and went to a rehab facility. they predict he will remain there less than a week, so good is his progress and then home.
aside from a few articles in local NJ papers, mentioning a “severely ill man” (he wasn’t named) i have not seen or heard anything else of this treatment. i assume you haven’t either?

We certainly need something to give hope to those on ventilators… and I don’t think Remdesivir is it.

Pluristem’s PLX cells are “allogeneic mesenchymal-like cells that have immunomodulatory properties,” meaning they induce the immune system’s natural regulatory T cells and M2 macrophages, the company explained in a previous release. The result could be the reversal of dangerous overactivation of the immune system. This would likely reduce the fatal symptoms of pneumonia and pneumonitis (general inflammation of lung tissue).
Previous preclinical findings regarding PLX cells revealed significant therapeutic effects in animal studies of pulmonary hypertension, lung fibrosis, acute kidney injury and gastrointestinal injury.
“We are pleased with this initial outcome of the compassionate use program and committed to harnessing PLX cells for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems,” Yanay said.

CBC is reporting that trials in New Brunswick are underway. HQC is given early on and NB has reported no deaths in the province.

As I read the history, chloroquine (CQ) was first used in the 30’s and by the mid-1940s, both hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and chloroquine (CQ) had been synthesized.
This stuff must be fairly easy to make with privitive lab equipment.
So my question is, could private investors fund a simple lab outside the US to make this stuff safely? Is quality control enough of a problem that it’s not practical?
Is do it yourself practical?
Just wondering. Unlike splicing a killer virus in a modern lab, the technology needed to make these possible Covid treatments are pre-rocket science technologies.

This may well be the wrong spot to mention this, but hey…
I was sorry 4 days ago to watch a video by John Campbell report on a study that hydroxychloroquine had been shown not to work. It wasn’t a double-blind study but had a good number of participants included. Be great if Chris could address it since it’s at odds with the study reported in today’s vid… - video discussing it by John Campbell - the study

Like Tamiflu must be given early for the flu so should HCQ be given early. Those patients were most likely well into the throes of severe COVID19.
I mean, how sick would YOU have to be to go to the ED of a NYC hospital during this pandemic? Personally I would have to be mostly dead.
Forget about that “observational study”.

Slightly different structures

Thaks for sharing this

just from the names you can tell that chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate are different chemicals. CP was first used, then HCQ was introduced since it had a better side effect profile. I believe I’ve seen that HCQ has better in vitro effect on SarsCov2 as well, unless I’m remembering wrong.
I actually have some CP powder since we own koi which get parasites, etc. Not planning to add it to my tea, but it would be interesting to know whether the couple who did at-home LD50 testing just overdosed on CP or whether there’s something else added to the fish product. It claims that there wasn’t… but then, it’s white powder off ebay. Not a super wide margin between therapeutic dosing and lethal dosing of CP.
Any thoughts from the more-medically-educated commenters here?

Wood ear mushrooms are natural anti clot agents & work to lower cholesterol