Coronavirus: Something's Not Right Here...

You need to be half dead just to qualify for a test. Then it took days for the result to be known. So now you are 3/4 dead just to get into a hospital and in a few more days they may give you HCQ, if you look really bad. Great way to run a “test”!
Also, consider that the medical journals are probably “owned” by you know who. Just like the hospitals, med schools, the MSM, and whoever else is required to get the job done. (monopoly)
Also, consider that Mr. Campbell probably has a very good investment advisor who has his nest egg invested in the most profitable corporations such as those who make vaccines and those who make chips. (I have to be careful what words I use) Have you checked the Dow lately? Don’t want that cheap little pill to mess that up. They have billions invested in vaccines with trillions to be made (and distributed to all those investors), according to Bill.
What’s that saying about not believing something if your pay check depends on it. But, what about all those who are dying? Well, everyone needs to die of something. They probably weren’t taking enough vit D. It’s their fault.
End of rant.