Coronavirus: The Government Is Failing Us

James the short answer to your question is the “normal” you knew 4 months ago will never return.
There has never been an effective vaccine for a corona virus. There are people who believe this time is different and there are people who WANT you to believe this time is different.
I have no problem wearing a mask in public. I have worn them for decades in airports, on planes and when out in public in SE Asia. Culturally Asia is well adapted to wearing masks. US not so much.
At the present time we know that this is an extremely infectious virus. WE are not exactly clear on how lethal it is but we do know it is not the flu. With its gain of function capabilities it looks like herd immunity is the only way this is going away and that is no guarantee since we don’t know how long immunity will last.
I am prepared for the long haul and advise anyone I speak with to do likewise

Thank you for this. I really appreciate information coming from medical personnel and researchers regarding Fauci et al.
The short answer is: we can’t.
Fauci has been proven wrong, since the first models he promoted and statements he’s made on this virus and the pandemic. I.e. It’s not a threat to the U.S., go about your daily life, don’t wear a mask it doesn’t help very much. These are all statements he’s on video making, plus several others that have proven false and dangerous.
These doctors are right to question Fauci’s credibility. It’s a pity the administration and more media aren’t doing so.

Today when challenged by the Senator about his models and how his advice on mitigations and keeping the country locked down affected Americans, Fauci dodged the question. His answer was something approaching: “I’m just a scientist/doctor/public health official who gives advice on public health, I have no knowledge of economics.”
This answer strains credulity, and was quite shocking.
This man has been a leader in public health for over thirty years. He specializes in the public health management of infectious diseases and pandemics. Yet he has no knowledge of the effects of the models and mitigations he is inflicting on a population of 330 million people?!? He has no idea of the consequences to public health of a lockdown, a deep dive into a great depression, unemployment rates of 25% or more, break of supply chains, food shortages, school closures, hospital closures, loss of tax revenue, ensuing loss of public services like police and fire personnel, riots, rising mental health problems, suicides, domestic abuse, and addictions? Really?! No research papers, consulting colleagues, statistics of past pandemics? No MODELS Dr. Fauci?
I find that very hard to believe.
Anthony Fauci is either lying or completely incompetent.
Either way his advice is not to be trusted, and he needs to be replaced.

A Port of Seattle Police Officer has been placed on administrative leave after refusing to delete a viral video reminding police officers that they don't have unlimited powers. "I have seen officers around the country enforcing tyrannical orders; I was hoping it was a minority of officers, anymore, I am not so sure," said Officer Greg Anderson, a Special Forces veteran.

He seemed to know about economics when he got those patents.

Manipulated pathogens are the primary means by which a population may be reduced, while preserving the political structure which created and administers it.
There shall never be a vaccine, other than for morale, power brokering, and monetary manipulations. There shall probably be several “vaccines” trotted out, even mandatory vaccinations, which will have no effect against this virus…but, may be used to inject additional virus enhancements, instead. After all, if population control is a goal, why not “vaccinate” to achieve antibody dependent enhancement of the pathogen? Hardly anyone will know…and one can always say, “Opps!”
We are also in the midst of the financial reset and the deliberate chaos it must bring.
I expect there shall be treatments for the pathogen, while any effective serum for it remains classified. It would help if the treatments are expensive, proprietary, and dictated…while any cheap and effective treatment is suppressed and made illegal.
Better to have on-going treatments…than one simple dose of a vaccine…
There shall never be “herd immunity” for a shifting virus. In fact, you can have immunity for several different versions of a pathogen…but, there shall always deliberately be…another version floating about for which just about everyone has no immunity against.
This is not accidental…none of it.

Nothing is risk free. Driving to work has a similar risk level for an auto accident (14,846 per day) than contracting Covid. We try to make the roads safe with traffic lights and speed limit signs but there is always the chance that a drunk will swerve into your lane, and kill you on your way to work. The only way to eliminate the possibility of a traffic accident or fatality is to stay at home. Similarly with Covid…we need safety guidelines that workers will follow and be safer than if they didn’t follow them. If the employer breaches the guidelines and asks for unsafe practices, the worker should have recourse against the employer but not against the government.
Also unemployment benefits should never exceed what the worker makes under normal circumstances.
Clearly people are gaming the system.

I cannot believe there has been no mention by Fauci or anyone else on prevention via supplements and early intervention once you have symptoms. It does feel like the gov’t and big Pharma want a big body count. I keep wondering if all the nursing home deaths weren’t seeded by some dark force who purposely infected them. Breaks my heart.