Coronavirus: The Solution Is Becoming Clear

In true exponential fashion, it’s startling and humbling to see we are only at the front edge of the curve, and in 2-3 weeks, we will be at the peak (slowly at first, and then all at once).

I don’t usually hype things like this, but it was sent to me by my 89 year old cousin in Honolulu and it needs to be shared. If Dr. Vuong’s video has already made it’s way here please disreagard this. If not, I strongly urge us all watch it, to understand what we are up against and why we are circling the wagons. And please, let’s send it to our disbelieving friends and kin.

In public I see almost nobody wearing a mask. Here’s what we’re being told:

Surgical face masks, however, are not designed to provide respiratory protection, said Abrar Chughtai, an infectious disease epidemiologist from the University of New South Wales. "When face masks were designed in the early 19th century, surgeons started using them to prevent the spread of their pathogens into operating fields," Dr Chughtai said. "The main objective ... was to prevent the spread of infection." Surgical masks do not provide a seal around the face, and therefore do not filter viral airborne particles.
Here's some more:
Respirators, such as the P2 masks recommended for bushfire smoke, are thicker than surgical masks and able to filter 95 per cent of airborne particles. However, these masks are uncomfortable and difficult to wear for long periods of time, so they are not recommended for general use in countries where transmission is not widespread.
P2 is equivalent to N95. And more:
"There is no need for the Australian public to wear masks. The only people who should wear masks in relation to this virus are those who are unwell and have a relevant travel history," Australia's chief medical officer Brendan Murphy said on Tuesday. RACGP president Dr Harry Nespolon told The Feed there's no need for most people to wear a mask right now unless they want to. "At the moment the advice is that just walking down the street is not going to cause you to get the coronavirus -- you really need to be in close contact with someone who's both got the symptoms and has been to China in the last 14 days, to be really at risk," he said. "If you're perfectly well at the moment, you should go about life normally."
I wonder how long before this changes…

I use one of these and they work better when wearing goggles as they direct and expel the breath downward over the chest area. This way they do not fog up the glasses. The breath is not projected outward in a cloud, unlike the videos Chris has showed of those without masks.
To protect others better, a person could wear a surgical mask over the N95. A scarf or homemade mask would stop more as well. As mentioned tape over the valve or some type of creative filter placed under the plastic on the front would lessen it as well.
As for those that think only health care providers should wear masks, I go with the old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Those that wear masks in public are practicing prevention. Those without are depending on the cure.

  1. India's response and plan chart 2003.12055
This is India's response to carona. Lockdown Marthon vs small relaxations in between. Pfa the study pdf too.

AKGrannyWGrit: “Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage.”
I couldn’t agree more.
I think there is a way that a lot of us come to the conclusion, very early in life, that there is some problem with being vulnerable. I know this is true for myself, and I see it in others that I am close to, that one way or another, we get hurt as young ones when we were being vulnerable, and without any broader context or information, we arrive at the conclusion that it was our own vulnerability that caused the hurt. This isn’t actually true, most often, the things that hurt us were far beyond our control. Yet we don’t realize that, so we attempt to reign in the vulnerability in an attempt to prevent being hurt again.
Feelings are one way of being vulnerable that most of us have been heavily conditioned against, most of us do not have effective models of how to feel things and not get stuck in them. What we see around us as we are growing up, or at least I did, were people doing the best they could when hard things happened. Maybe a tear or two was shed when someone died, but mostly I learned to pack those unwanted emotions away. (I’m fine if we never speak of it again! Let’s move on!)
Over a lifetime, those things accumulate. For each of us. We are all carrying around a backlog of unresolved stuff we would rather not have to deal with. And we kind of have to, because we are operating within the context of an economic system which has scarcity built into it and it offers a ticket out of scarcity in the form of a paycheck. In order to get the paycheck, we are required to remain “productive” in the particular ways that the system values, which leaves very little room to feel anything! The lessons we learned as young ones are reinforced.
So when the system itself breaks down and there is no longer a demand for our productivity and no longer a reward (paycheck) for us suppressing the backlog of crap, suddenly we find ourselves in a very disorienting place of terror (yes, pandemic, economic collapse, ka-POOM!) but also of uncertainty of what to do with those unwanted feelings. That’s because we mostly haven’t been given the tools or skills or models for what to do with them.
So in addition to practicing putting our minds on concrete tasks that build our resilience (I have a very looonnngg list of things I need to do and take great satisfaction in crossing off the ones I have done- that is part of how I have kept going through all of this.) In addition to doing the tasks, I would also suggest taking time to let yourself feel even a little bit of what is there. If you can do it sitting by a favorite lake or tree. Great. If you can do it with a non-judgemental friend to listen, even better. Whatever bits of it you can release in a way that doesn’t harm yourself or anyone else, is a bit of it that you won’t be carrying forward into the next set of challenges. It’s a bit that will free you mind up to work just a little more flexibly. And it’s a bit that you won’t have to keep working around as you try to set up your life the way you want it in response to the great uncertainty we are all facing.
Those bits accumulate too, but the other way around. As they are unloaded the backlog becomes less hard to manage. This has been my personal experience. I am speaking as someone who took anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills for 23 years because the system said that’s what I needed to do in order to function. They were wrong. I’ve been off them 8 years and not only does my mind work in ways I didn’t realize it could, but my life (work, health, connections, etc…) is light years away from what it once was. But it takes the courage to be vulnerable. Just like you said.

I watched the video you linked to and it makes some very good points - I think this is inline with the message of Dr. Zelenko, who was recently interviewed by Rudy Guiliani on his youtube channel. Here is a quote from that video from Dr. Zelenko regarding his use of hydroxychloroquine (as Zn ionophore) + high dose Zn (220 mg daily) + Zithromax for older (> 60 yrs old) or those with comorbitities who present with Covid-19 symptoms;
“It (Zinc + ionophore) reduces the amound of virus - giving the immune system time to overcome it before it destroys the lungs”
My evolving view is that we should employ something of a graded prophylactic approach in our supplementation;
Young (< 40) can maybe just take daily Zinc, 30mg as picolinate with Copper (if available)
Older can take more Zinc - I am 60 and am taking 2 x 30 mg daily. I am also using regular 500 mg quercetin as prophylactic, but will up that to more of the super well absorbed quercetin phytosome if I start feeling sick. I would also increase Zinc even more if I feel sick.
Dr. Zelenko interview;

To protect others better, a person could wear a surgical mask over the N95. A scarf or homemade mask would stop more as well. As mentioned tape over the valve or some type of creative filter placed under the plastic on the front would lessen it as well.
very simple and elegant solution to the anti-social aspect of a valved N95.. Thank you!

The valve is for out breathe only; its a one-way valve. The virus will escape thru valve? Really? Evidence? Don’t over complicate.

They were wrong. I’ve been off them 8 years and not only does my mind work in ways I didn’t realize it
Thank you, I am so happy for you! Awesome, 8 years and doing great! I can not take credit for the thought “vulnerability is the birthplace of courage” that is Brene Brown. She was on 60 minutes last night and worth watching. I realized why I stick around even though I often feel criticized. Brene talks about failure, and criticism. If someone isn’t out there they won’t get criticized. And it they are not failing they aren’t showing up. Another good piece of advice. Take an extra small sticky note, maybe an inch by an inch and write down whose opinion about yourself you value. And when someone criticizes you check the sticky note. If their name isn’t on it. Then don’t give a shit what they say. My list is very small. Lol, great advice. Best wishes yafasjai. I look forward to your comments. I am off to work on my to-do list as well. And Brene has books on Audible. AKGrannyWGrit

Thanks for “approval” of the calculations. They were almost back of the envelope, to understand what the dose of 2 mJ/cm^2 means in terms of UV-C Wattage.
Quote: Typically, an influenza virus requires a dose of 6,000 to kill 90.9% of them. A 12 Watt HV-C output @ one Meter distance, will kill it in about 50 seconds. The effects of such radiation accumulate for the virus, so repeated shorter bursts of such radiation will accrue growing damage within in the virus, until enough is absorbed to inactivate it.
Please explain (and provide reference) what the dose of 6000 mean (what’s the dimension?) It’s hard to read the posts that are not references, not explained in coherent way, just throw some facts around and that’s a post. For me it carries low/no value. If you have anything substantial (and you are new to this website) to say, especially when it comes to providing some engineering/scientific facts - please be as precise as you can be. Are you manufacturer of UV lights? Are you and engineer/scientist? Are you virologist ? Otherwise these are opinions. Yes, one has to take the Wattage of UV-C light sources with significant safety factor (my safety factor was 200) to make sure that the virus is killed - since the efficiency of UV-C lights are not 100%, that’s obvious. So, again, please provide references to support and explain your statements.

I have been looking into using more copper metal in my life. Evidently contact with copper kills viruses in a very short time. I usually wear my keys on a string around my neck. I am buying some copper chain to put keys on. I am buying thin copper wire to wrap my truck steering wheel and gear shift knob. I am buying some colloidal copper solution to spray on masks before drying. I am also carrying a large copper coin to push buttons, etc. From what I have read, copper, unlike silver, works even when it’s dry or oxidized.

A virus has no cellular machinery to repair itself…unless I have totally forgotten my classes. Inside a cell, the virus takes over the cell’s machinery. Outside a cell, I don’t think it can self repair. Anyone with greater biochemical knowledge is welcome to correct me.

Gary Larson cartoon. It’s natures way of saying Don’t Touch

Here’s why I wear a mask when I need to go out for groceries.

The management of Costco Wholesale in Central Point notified staff after a worker tested positive for COVID-19, the store confirmed to NewsWatch 12 on Monday. According to the information that Costco circulated to employees, the store management was informed that an employee in the store's Front End department had tested positive. That employee's last day at work was Monday, March 23. Costco said that it had contacted Jackson County Public Health and was cooperating with any directions they had, was adding additional cleaning and sanitation protocols, and would be contacting any other employees who had been in close contact with the individual. "Current health guidelines state that people who have not been in close contact with a sick person are at low risk for infection," the management said to employees.
This is my local Costco and I shopped there on March 22nd, yes, while wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer liberally.

I just did the same thing but concerned that maybe there could be transmission through aerosol in AC ducts? Are you also concerned?

I bought a UV home sterilizer based on conversations we had here weeks ago, as we only have a couple N95 masks. One mask has been sterilized about 10 times since then. I did not realize degrading is a concern, so I am thankful for some follow up here, even though I’m not mathematically talented enough to discern precisely what is being said. We have a few N99 masks which are not as well fitted, nor as comfortable. But I guess we may have to break them out, since it seems impossible to guess if we’re managing the others adequately. We also have some colloidal silver spray, so maybe I’ll try to learn more about that. I did not know about the regular oven cooking method, either. 200 degrees for what amount of time, in a paper bag? Sigh. TIA to anyone who replies. You guys have been wonderful (if I sound like I’m complaining, I am not. Just a bit worn out.)!

Kugs, These 3M N95 valved masks are specifically designed for respiratory protection of the wearer, and the wearer only. They are a different in concept from a real surgical mask, which is designed for two-way droplet (larger particles) protection of both the wearer and those in local contact with the wearer.
I am looking closely at one of my 3M 8511 N95 masks right now, and I can clearly see that the valve is a flapper… it opens completely upon exhalation so the exhaled breath, while directed somewhat downward, is not filtered.