Coronavirus: Up To 24 Days Before Symptoms Start Showing?

Over in Hong Kong, dozens of residents of a housing complex in Hong Kong have been quarantined after two people living on separate floors were infected with the virus, raising the possibility that it might have been traveling through the pipes.
Per local officials from Hong Kong’s Center for Health Protection, the decision to partially evacuate the building was made after investigators discovered an unsealed bathroom pipe in the apartment of a 62-year-old woman found to be infected. She lives 10 floors below another resident who was found to be infected, the NYT reports.

does not make the jump from birds to humans easily

That is interesting and may tell a lot why Africa and other poor countries look “clean”.
Million Chinese workers in Africa, few test sets for the whole continent, lack of simplest precautionary measures. What could go wrong??

there have been no US human infections of H5N1 but plenty in Asia. Just saying it’s odd that there are two such dangerous outbreaks so close in space and time.

Hang Seng Hong Kong 27,583.88 +342.54 +1.26%
Shanghai Composite China 2,901.67 +11.19 +0.39%
While followers of this website are hyper-defensive, the stock markets around the world are up, ignoring the NcoV virus. Obviously, the smart money is dismissing the threat of the virus. I suggest people read "The Skeptics Guide to the Universe," which explains why people believe in falsehoods and fake news. Reading the various threads here, I see a perfect example of confirmation bias. People are focusing on the bad news and ignoring the positive. Positive? It has been more than two weeks since the planes carrying infected people to the US and Europe, and not one fellow passenger or crew member has become contaminated. That fact is puzzling because close contact is usually the method of transmission, but the long flights in a confined quarter have not spread the disease. I find that reassuring. Premier Xi believes the warm weather in April will mitigate the spread of the virus. Did the Spanish flue diminish during the summer months?
I spent about $200 on defensive products, but will not purchase anymore. I live in the San Francisco bay area, which has a large Asian population. I was in SF on Sunday, and very few people were wearing masks, mainly Asians. Most were wearing surgical masks, not N95, which will not stop the virus from others but protect other people from the wearer.
While followers of this website are hyper-defensive, the stock markets around the world are up, ignoring the NcoV virus. Obviously, the smart money is dismissing the threat of the virus.
Sure. It is your and only your responsibility - I mean, what you plan to do. In my opinion, oil market is much better indicator than stock market that can be pumped endlessly with printed money. You see - oil is the stuff you have to use. Storage is very expensive so when there is no demand the price goes down. So once I see oil in range of 70 $ - I will be sure everything is fine and there is no impact on our merry life.

Today’s news in Mongolia mentioned 12 people in one of the border towns next to China suspected of having coronavirus and being quarantined. Additionally, there’s one suspected case in Khuvsgul province in the north who is also being quarantined. I imagine they’ll know for sure in a day or two. Only have an English language link for the latter:
We can still get most things in the store and food is not a problem except with some of the fruits and vegetables imported from/through China are not available (still getting bananas at least!). Facemasks (surgical or the N95 kind) and hand sanitizer are almost impossible to find. Recently the cheaper Russian-brand bleach has been harder to find, but there are still some of the more expensive Korean and German brands of bleach available.
Something else worth noting, the Mongolian companies that make the processed coal briquettes (that are used to reduce pollution in the city by replacing raw coal) are running short of a particular compound the use for production. That compound apparently comes from… yeah you guessed it… China! They’re working to source alternatives from Russia or Europe, but I guess it’s much more expensive. At any rate it sounds like they only have less than 2 weeks’ supply of the briquettes left. There’s currently a ban on raw coal being burned in the city, but there’s no doubt at all the residents who rely on wood/coal stoves will give the city gov’t the finger and buy/use the raw coal when briquette supplies run out. It’ll be a shame because the pollution has been much better this winter thus far, but it’s hard to fault anyone who doesn’t want to freeze!

Nairobi, the points you make are not universal over here in the US. We have armies of homeless who are vulnerable to this virus as well as people without health insurance that will resist going to the emergency room for cold and flu symptoms in order to avoid bankruptcy. Cash is still extremely important for all types of things, notably small businesses, farmer’s markets etc… This becomes even more true if global supply chains are disrupted and local economies become more important. Bartering with your neighbor will probably not be with a credit card. I acknowledge your point though, at the moment that we can self-isolate better than those in huge Chinese cities…

One of the many reasons I refuse to go on a large city hold cruise ship is they are such closed in spaces with SO MANY people on board.
So, I’m not sure how valid the comparison is cruise ship versus air plane versus other public situations.

The Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas cruise ship is cutting its journey short after 475 passengers and crew members have been infected with a norovirus, Royal Caribbean Cruises announced Thursday.

At least 299 passengers and 22 crew members onboard the ship operated by California-based Princess Cruise Lines Ltd. have become sick, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Health Ministry of Trinidad & Tobago said in a statement it denied the ship entry as a precautionary measure given the outbreak.

Norovirus is a stomach bug that hits about 19 million to 21 million Americans each year, according to the CDC. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramping.

I can give you three very quick answers about the risk profile in much of Africa. First is the substandard medical settings where MRSA runs rampant and uncontained. Secondly, in East Africa they are currently in a battle with several antibiotic resistant respiratory illnesses and a particularly deadly form of TB that responds to no treatments.
Third there are extremely high rates of HIV in places like Addis Ababa which means large swathes of the population will fall into the category of having preexisting health issues once Corona arrives.
Added to this are low salaries and poorly educated medical support staff, a distrust of medical practitioners and superstition.
Africans already widely believe that the developed countries are targeting them with illnesses like AIDS. That belief is very firmly entrenched. So the advent of a deadly illness from China could result in a social backlash as deaths mount.

No way in hell am I getting that vaccine. Nearly a week old and may have been posted here already…only 20 mins.

Of course you are correct Mr Curious. Comparisons to Africa cannot be made easily. It is another world entirely. Let me give you some perspective to help. In Ethiopia the average annual expenditure per person for medical provisions was 28 US dollars in 2018. That figure includes spending by governments and NGO’s. So yes, no comparison here at all. That amount of money barely buys a single course of medication in the US, nevermind an entire medical system. Here is the link:

Of course you are correct Mr Curious. Comparisons to Africa cannot be made easily. It is another world entirely. Let me give you some perspective to help. In Ethiopia the average annual expenditure per person for medical provisions was 28 US dollars in 2018. That figure includes spending by governments and NGO’s. So yes, no comparison here at all. That amount of money barely buys a single course of medication in the US, nevermind an entire medical system.
Link is found at knoema dot com (my comments with links are not posting for some reason)

The last computer model report was 18% mortality rate with 95% being correct for nCoV in Wahun.

No one is working for over a month in wuhan. So the hot spost only means the government is burning bodies. There are numerous reports of body burning on Twitter.

We will get some good data on the mortality rate in a couple of weeks. Princess Diamond will provide accurate mortality rate data. As it stands what is happening inside Princess Diamond mirroring what is happening in Wuhan.

A cruise ship with 3-5000 specimens of all walks of life and ethnicity would be and ideal closed test environment.
Chew on that one for a while.

Caveat: NOT a financial advisor.
FWIW #1: I’m all cash with a hedge in PHYS and a small position in SH. If SH doesn’t pan out today, have to think it’s a good “high” to buy in at.
FWIW #2: After being lambasted as a family/friend prophet of doom through silver/2011, economic collapse, SARS, Ebola, et al… and having “prepared accordingly” as Turd from TFMR would say… I’m starting to feel really uneasy overall. the numbers are staggering, and MSM is starting to follow it.
Just listening to NPR this morning, BBC News Hour devoted almost the whole segment to virus coverage, and even WNYC is covering it with some intensity. Late to the game, but by no means diluted.
Ughh… this might be the real deal.

*From CNBC

11:15 am: CDC says lab mix-up led to mistaken discharge of an infected patient

A mix-up in the lab allowed an infected patient that had been evacuated from China to leave the hospital and intermingle with other evacuees quarantined at a military base, Dr. Anne Schuchat, a top official at the CDC, told reporters in Washington. "It turns out there was probably a mix up and the original test wasn't negative," she said. Four evacuees at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego had been in federal quarantine after showing symptoms of the virus. After testing negative for the virus, they were returned to the base on Sunday where they joined more than 200 people who are under a 14-day quarantine. The CDC discovered that one of the patients actually tested positive for Covid-19 and was returned to the hospital where they are under isolation. "


Someone asked a bit ago, why we were talking about gardens in the economics video thread. For one thing there are a lot of newer people here, worried but also because being prepared is as important as discussing ongoing medical and economic concerns in the World.
Some of us, have been carrying on the preparations discussions in this thread.
Read thru it if you are new and want to get some information on how many of us are preparing, stocking up on food and what we are buying. Feel free to join in too.