Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

Very interesting. I will take a look at your other post. Much thanks :smiley:

Chris, in your video you say that we are maybe at a “high ALERT” for inflation. So, what do you recommend? I have some PM, but can’t actually BUY any more right now (well, the US Mint has gold proof coins – beautiful, but with a substantial premium). Real estate? Weapons??! What physical assets are “inflation-proof”, in your view? Inquiring minds want to know. :wink:

But when they test, are they not testing for a particular one or few strains and not all strains? To assume that is is COVID when it is not the one the test is designed for seems like a faulty conclusion.
And as for 9/11. I am not questioning that it happened, I question what happened.

Yes I do know someone, a colleague who is currently on a ventilator in Chicago.

Once upon a time, many years ago there was a website called that has disappeared. The money theories presented pretty much mirror Chris’ and Mike’s presentations. Their fun explanation of what was to come, was the Kaaaaa–POOM!! theory. Big deflation followed by horrific inflation. This has all taken waaaay longer to play out than any of us thought. I hope some of the original web site guys are still around to watch the fun.

Now I think I understand better China’s new system that assigns social scores to individual Chinese people. For a problem like COVID-19, if there is a strain on health resources, the CCP can simply select a cut-off point level, and anyone who is sick and below that level could simply be left untreated, and possibly even die. Problem solved!

I read the article and though the headline claims COVID, the body of the article seemed to indicate he could not get the actual test. I am not questioning that he was ill but I am trying to get find someone who personally knows for sure that there is a person who was actually tested, with a working test kit, and that it came back positive. I am fairly sure this is all real. I would just like to find some rock solid cases. That’s all. The global economy is being destroyed and I think some proof would help questioning people, who are now losing their entire life savings, more readily accept the pronouncement that this is all valid.

I’ve heard that art can be a good hedge.

Don’t bring your gov’t story of 9/11 here
 the vast majority of elders, as well as Chris himself, know well that 9/11 was not what it seemed. If you want to hear the chemistry and the physics of it, we can do that another time. The truth is the truth. You were lied to about 9/11. It’s up to you to figure out what that means to you. Don’t be dissing anyone here who knows the truth. Thank you, Jim

We’re about an hour away from a regional “sit at home” order here in St Louis. I came back from a grocery store trip a couple of hours ago and all I bought was 4 cans of beefy pasta/raveola, a 1 pound bag of lentils and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. There was some stuff on the shelves and in the freezer aisle but not much. I had already prepared, having followed Chris and Adam since January. I’m better than average for my prep.
I’m thinking that for now I might eat mostly from my freezer rather than my canned goods. I don’t think that power will go out anytime soon, due to ill workers or lack of parts, but this virus has consistently moved much faster than I thought.
And to Scott, if this virus isn’t real its the best con job ever pulled. What are you going to do? Not play the game? If TPTB have so much power they can rig something like this, then it doesn’t matter if the virus is real or not, the conditions of the situation will proceed as laid out. What did you think sitting on the sidelines was an option?

It’s always nice to have a chance to introduce the newest evidence - late in 2019 the University of Alaska, Fairbanks completed a multiyear study, the purpose of which was to actually explain what caused Building 7 to fall in it’s own footprint, with a significant portion of the descent at acceleration due to gravity, i.e. zero resistance from building structure. Not surprisingly the study contradicted what NIST had report, i.e. that Building 7 fell due to, “normal office fires”. This was absurd on the face of it, but Uof A did a consummate CAD study of the building, using two different models, to show that the fire hypothesis was impossible. Only by simultaneously removing all structural elements could they get their CAD-based simulation to match the reality captured on film. Case closed, false flag.
Watch a new video here:
Why didn’t you hear about it in the news? Silly question
 you have so much to learn

This is my attempt to explain what I believe is a cure not so much for Covid-19 virus but more-so for the “pneumonia” that it causes which in turn is the reason so many people are dying from it. As per my prior comment(s) herein about knowing someone who had this, I believe my wife and I did have it in early December with associated illness that went well into February, going from head to throat to lungs and then back and forth as the virus so chose to.
By late January, we were stocking up on essentials way prior to the rest of the world because we knew what was coming. I have attempted to provide the particulars that follow to Congressmen and Senators which resulted in either “no-reply” email addresses or receipt of “canned letters” to the effect of we need to wash our hands etc., which we are hearing every 5 minutes in the news. These are good, but the “paralysis of analysis” to develop a vaccine or drugs or whatever, is going to take way too long to prevent the eventual number of deaths sure to follow. We now provide a basic summary of what we have done intermittently for years to successfully both prevent and to cure a number of illnesses, and I believe its time has come for this deadly bug.
“Proposed COVID-19 CURE”
If you decide to use this, please read the following as many times as needed to know it by heart and memory. This requires one to obtain a relatively inexpensive FOOD GRADE 35% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide, but NOT the normal store bought 3% which is poisonous, and not meant for consumption). This Food Grade peroxide then can be acquired at some health food stores, pharmacies, or even online suppliers, for around $20-$30 per quart, plus shipping. Also 20% +/- FG is sometimes used in beauty salons so if that is used, one must adjust according to different strength. It is considered a Hazardous Material so it will cost more for postage/shipping. Once this is acquired, then one must handle it accordingly. In its full strength 35% state, it will burn skin, so it must then be diluted accordingly as follows: Using hand-protection safety gloves, assuming you have a quart or so of original content FG-H2O2, also obtain an eye-dropper bottle with which you will pour this into. Once the dropper bottle has been filled to around 3/4 or so, place the remaining amount in the sealed quart container into your freezer for storage. Take the eye dropper bottle and place a drop or two into an 8 ounce glass of filtered water, and then store the eye-dropper bottle in your refrigerator for later, regular usage. Never store un-refrigerated or in sunlight. When it gets empty, repeat this process of re-filling it. I have forgone the gloves and gotten some on my hands which spots turn white for a few hours and then it goes away. Pouring on soda pop or water and then a skin-oil usually speeds up this removal of white-skin process. Now before you drink this, you must fast for a minimum of 2 hours. Do not eat or consume anything, not even other meds or cough drops or anything at all. At that time when your stomach is completely empty, slowly drink or sip the glass of filtered water, and refrain from eating anything for at least another hour. Do this for a day or two and if no adverse reactions, then raise the drops to 3 drops for a day or two, and then to 4 drops and then to 5 drops. Do not go beyond the 5 drops but continue this for a few weeks and it should show improvement for pneumonia and other flu’s and viruses.
I have used this for as long as 1.5 years (18 months) straight as a preventative, and then intermittently as needed. If you skip a day or two per week during prevention, that is fine as it only allows your system to rest from it. If using for active virus or illness, use as often as needed to reverse the illness, but do not overdo this. Allow yourself patience and wait for it to work – it will kick this virus out of you in time. Now if one is already acute, they may want to increase the dosage to 4 or 5 drops from the start as I have never heard of any adverse reactions but I suppose it is possible. If one is near death, then they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Also, you may want to advise your doctor that you are trying this so that they know not to give you anything that might be adverse to it, although normally you could do this in addition to any other prescribed treatment that they are using. Some doctors are open-minded and knowledgeable about this while others are adamantly opposed to it, but it all depends upon you to make the final decision. This is an inexpensive very effective cure that was developed and used by a Catholic priest to eradicate a pneumonia epidemic in 1920 related to the Spanish Flu. It worked then and I believe it will work now as well. This belief is predicated upon several things:

  1. The science is such that it adds an extra molecule of oxygen to one’s blood, allowing for internal healing. If you ever had a small cut or wound and place ordinary peroxide on it and then let it heal, absent a bandage, you noticed that it healed rather quickly. If you placed a bandage or band-aid on it, it still healed but took longer because it was starved of air/oxygen. Pneumonia starves lungs and other organs of oxygen, thus often ending in death. FG-H2O2 thus taken is transferred from stomach into blood stream, thus replenishing oxygen to lungs and other vital organs, and often even repairing and undoing prior damage.
  2. Having used and experienced the healing power, I would not personally use other things until this has first been tried. It is not a cure-all for everything, but it does seem to work wonders on some viruses, especially pneumonia viruses. Several people that I suggested this to, went to their doctors who advised them not to do this, and they subsequently died from their illnesses, cancers, or whatever they had. It is your decision, but I know there are some doctors who are experienced with this that highly recommend it, often in addition to what they are prescribing. To me it is like the difference between using regular gasoline and high octane. Some researchers are also successfully using ozone (O3) for treating HIV viruses, because it has even more oxygen than H2 (O2).
  3. Naturally none of us are going to live forever, but if there is a known and proven cure for such a fast-moving deadly virus, then the world has nothing to lose and everything to gain by applying this to the problem before it sends us all back to the stone age. This bug is responsible for killing untold numbers of people, and also for bringing the world’s economy to the brink of the Greater Depression. I for one do not want to lose friends, neighbors, relatives, etc., to this nasty sneaky bug. If this process saved even one life, it would be worth it, but speaking from experience, I believe it will stop this bug in its tracks.
    Note: If one has stomach ulcers or is prone to them, I would suggest keeping the number of daily drops to a minimum, perhaps around 3 or so. If one is prone or has stomach ulcers but is also near death, then I would use the maximum up to 5 drops until this acute status is reversed and then cut back to the minimum. Once virus/pneumonia is reversed, re-treat for ulcers. Please message me with any and all questions. Let’s eradicate this nasty virus before it eradicates us! Good Luck to all!
    PS: Based on several questions and comments, I have added the following response:
    Ordinary water is H2O which contains one oxygen molecule, whereas H2O2 has an extra oxygen molecule in it. Strength of substance varies from the poisonous, non-consumptive 3% hydrogen peroxide that we buy in the store, which works very well for external cuts, scratches and wounds, all the way up to 90+% which was used in fuel for the space shuttle. For consumption, however, we need FOOD GRADE H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide, which normally is a strength of 35% and must be diluted for consumption as explained in my post (comment #32). There are other Food Grade strengths but these must then be adjusted according to the info posted. For example a 12% Food Grade would be tripled to 3 drops per 1 and then it would be at (3×12=36) or very near 35%. Beauty salon Food Grade H2O2 runs around 20-22% so it would seem that around 1.5 drops would approach 35% strength. As to how this can improve one’s blood, I would assume that it improves one’s oxygen supply enough to overcome the virus. I am not a doctor or chemist, but have used this for many years, and have read the results of past usage as pertains to the pneumonia epidemic created by the Spanish Flu in 1918-1920 which killed many people around the globe.
    Dr. Thomas Lodi of An Oasis Of Healing in Mesa, AZ has a great web page that better explains this process at: — there he also explains the oxidation and oxygenation differences and how our bodies immune systems actually create H2O2 within us. Taking this in food grade form diluted in water actually enhances what our bodies would otherwise normally do, but at times where a given bacteria or virus attack so quickly, it is then necessary or beneficial to artificially temporarily increase this process, especially for those of us who have compromised systems. Such health facilities have taken this to advanced levels where they use intravenous injections as well as ozone (O3) treatments, mostly for treating cancer viruses or HIV, etc.
    Hope this is helpful, but feel free to inquire if I can be of any further assistance.
    *** As an adjunct to all this, I have also learned, used and added 1-2 drops of quality colloidal 300-PPM silver to the H2O2 that is diluted in filtered water to sip/drink. Ordinarily I would say add nothing at all, but the colloidal silver and gold assimilate well within dilute H2O2 and enhance each other – they work very well with it. I occasionally add colloidal gold which has been found to help with prostate problems in men – one drop only of the gold, as more may cause diarrhea.

Really good idea, dtrammel. I have some venison from 2-3 years ago, no freezer burn, it has been just begging to be made into chili. With a couple of bags of pinto beans, I may have a couple of canner loads. With enough chilis it won’t matter if the power goes out. It will be hot eaten straight from the jar.
Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten that was on my to do list. lol

There have to be other forums where people who still doubt sars-cov-2, at this point, feel more at home.
Don’t we have better uses of our time right now than debating endless conspiracy theories?

What do you consider a conspiracy theory Les? Let’s hone the muscle.
The internet hates me. I had a much lengthier reply, and the second I hit “post” my server failed, erasing everything. Read the guy’s bio, and decide for yourself how credible he is.

The below referenced video, at timestamp 2:08, shows an article on the Korea Biomedical Review website that states the official consensus treatment protocol which does include the hydroxychloroquine option 
 I think Chris has been looking for such a reference. I could not find the particular article on the website directly, but I didn’t look that hard. Anyway, here is the video from March 17;

Nice analysis!
I recently thumbed through a book on “Critical Thinking” that pooh-poohed those who doubted the official 9/11 narrative as “conspiracy theorists”. I found that astonishing because it was application of the very techniques the book listed in its earlier chapters, that lead me to doubt that narrative in the first place! Apparently the author was incapable of applying his own methodology. In any case, when rhetorical tricks like name-calling are deployed, you know that your opponent can’t win the argument based on facts and logic.

Hi Scott, LoL, hopefully there’ll be no virtual on-line “stoning” here at PP. I think that may be one of the prohibitions on the PP forum rules and guidelines (if not, perhaps should be?). No stoners here that I’m aware of, but I can’t attest to the use of “medical” marijuana by any within the PP tribe. :slight_smile: It is fine to be skeptical and IMO your question is perfectly legitimate.
The lack of reliable data and testing certainly complicates getting a better understanding about this disease, its scope and trajectory. I think the point made about the ability to test for flu to distinguish it from Covid-19 is sound and should be a discriminating metric.
Like many, I have misgivings about the reported number of cases and deaths in China and elsewhere who, by default with no Covid testing, were attributed to flu. The lack of testing in China and in other countries would obviously skew and depress the actual numbers of those that actually contract Covid-19, and their outcomes.
We’re following the same “playbook” as China here is the US: don’t test, don’t count, don’t report. This raises doubt and establishes “plausible deniability”. The true numbers of Covid-19 infected and dead may never be known, but will be debated for years to come.
I believe there is sufficient evidence that the novel coronavirus disease actually exists and that people are becoming sick and dying from it in large, increasing, numbers from this pandemic spread.
My daughter’s boyfriend works for San Joaquin County, California. He worked with an elderly man, who subsequently went on a cruise, came back sick, and tested positive for Covid-19 and died.
If the projections from numerous studies hold true, then everyone, everywhere will know someone who has been sickened and/or died from Covid-19–even with the depressed, inconsistent reporting practices.
From the extremely lax attitude from local residents in my Central Valley, CA region to “sheltering” at home, I suspect that the number of cases and deaths from Covid-19 will increase significantly in the next 2.5 weeks and thereafter–regardless of whether testing will be available and implemented to appropriately attribute them to this pandemic.

I’m bustin’ out the finger paints now! Anyone care to invest in an original “thatchmo”? Sure to appreciate in the coming hyperinflation! Aloha, Steve.