Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

Another article (source:!/these-plans-to-save-the-economy-arent-going-to-work-20200320 ) speculates that “plan A” is too expensive and risks to topple the system - so a Plan B is likely soon - essentially: get everyone back to work, isolate the over-70’s and hope that the case death rate is not more than 1%.
Anybody think this Plan B scenario is likely??

Can I pay you in some cruise ship stocks? They’re bound to skyrocket once this is all over.

Hi Scott,
My fitness buddy is down with HB19 symptoms. Unfortunately in the Netherlands we do not test until you are hospitalized.
I would suggest that you check out some South Korean news. The authorities are extremely transparent, they must be, otherwise very violent protests will ensue. I have worked and lived there for 6 years. The collectivism is an outer facade. People are, in general, highly individualistic, do not trust politicians, very well informed (because of their vast personal networks, directness in communication and due to their wide acceptance of all forms of electronic communication), and prepared to clash violently with authorities when they feel that they are lied to, ignored or cheated. You can for example check out the Korea Herald.

Rushcard1, I’m glad you and your wife are feeling better. Your description of your coronavirus illness and recovery is colorful, illuminating and helpful. Thank you!
Stay well, friend–and keep posting! :slight_smile:

I like your desire to learn more about the testing etc. To me the testing is critical and in many cases has been less than helpful. Yesterday it was announced that a company in CA had been approved to start shipping a test device that they developed and that provides Covid-19 results in around 45 minutes. They intend to start shipping these this week as quickly as possible to those in need of them.

Appreciate your kind words. Look for my follow-up that provides what appears to me to be the best way to rid people and the world of this Covid-19 virus/pneumonia. Thanks!

I might trade you for some promised airline vouchers that were never sent for around $426.00 supposedly to offset a cancellation based on their promise that there would be no penalties if Covid-19 related.

Yikes – I think the President and many others are 70+ so does that mean the VP takes over in the interim, or how old is he? Maybe they can all rule from within a bubble? Personally I like Plan C better which is my post regarding the Covid-19/pneumonia Cure that was developed 100 years ago in 1920 and worked … still does for both cure and prevention – search for it, read it, try it – you and yours will be glad you did!

It would appear, like most artistic geniuses, I’ll die penniless and unappreciated…;^) Be well, Aloha, Steve

Art is good but takes study, knowledge, special storage, etc. I like silver for its natural anti-bacterial/viral healing powers. Stores in any temperature and eats nothing but a bit of space. Way undervalued today at 120+:1 for gold. Economic elasticity is unique in that tiny amounts are used per application, meaning that overall price could skyrocket while the cost per application barely moves, except for gouging. Unfortunately its low cost in conjunction with tiny use per application also prohibits recycling for the most part. We are then reliant on miners who mine it for higher costs than it costs to buy. Other miners mine it only as a by-product of other types of mining, like copper. Nearly all the silver mined is used and used up, except for the small amounts that investors stack for a rainy day. It likely will again be tested soon for barter if things don’t get better soon. Problem is it is less portable than gold but then nobody is going anywhere soon anyway, until we get this Covid-19 viral pneumonia under control and try to re-establish normalcy.

I have a relative who is a great artist but then chose to also go to bar-tending school to pay her bills. She did fine until now and everything is shutting down. Art is a tough go but can be hugely rewarding, eventually. One needs to have other activities that pay the bills as you go. I also think like many things in life, it is a “use it or lose it” talent.

You mentioned in today’s video that when you went to Home Depot, you and your fiance were the only ones wearing masks. I believe we Americans are unsure of wearing masks - unlike the Asian culture. And being shy about them, it doesn’t help when officials and doctors tell you NOT to wear masks. ( … " “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” tweeted Dr. Jerome Adams, "
In Michigan, they are asking for the general public to donate their masks so the health care professionals can use them. If that happens, then no one has any to wear in public activities. I also heard that same request in the Canada’s “Global News” youtube for 3/22/20. So, what are your thoughts about keeping or giving masks up? If I cannot purchase masks, then shouldn’t we learn how to make them? Any ideas on this topic?
P.S. Hospital promoted and I will try it…

You are so right – it is disgusting how fast this is spreading and the only real thing people hear is more “paralysis if analysis” than helpful. Look for and read my post on “Proposed Covid-19 CURE” which tried and true, worked in 1920 and will work in 2020 just as well. We can always study the details of this, after we have cured it. Why wait until millions have died while we study and wait for a vaccine or un-tested, un-tried drug for 12-18 months when the cure was found a hundred years ago.

Cause the Rich do
You’ve got rich people so freaked out that there’s something their money won’t save them from. That’s not the acts of some global conspiracy.
BTW not everything bad that happens in the World is some plot by a secret cabal of rich and powerful people, lol. Sometimes the simplest answer is “Yeah, the blasted virus came out of China naturally and is going to kill a lot of people”.

Hi Chris - May I suggest watching this video made by a Japanese citizen living in Nanjing about the measures China has adopted to cull the spread.
Agree or disagree, I think we can learn from this. They are using mobile technologies to mitigate the spread. It appears by all measures to be a neutral fair reporting of what’s happening. One thing of particular note I think is how the government allows people to track where outbreaks have occurred on a map. This seems to demonstrate that they are being very transparent with the public — more so than we usually hear. In fact more transparent than we are in the States…
Again I’m not endorsing anything, but I think we stand to learn from others.

It is uncanny to me that the US seems to be poised to follow the CCP playbook re: this coronavirus pandemic. I’ll give it 5 weeks tops before the MSM/CDC narrative shifts to “Yeah! We’re winning the war on Covid-19!” celebrating small “victories” while ignoring or suppressing information concerning the deterioration of the nation’s public health/health care systems (and economies).
One week thereafter, we’ll be getting messages and stronger “enforcement” actions to tamp this pandemic down further, albeit temporarily. This is a process of incrementalism, as the full-Monty of truth regarding this pandemic, failures and related financial implosion would incite world-wide fear, panic, anger and even revolt. 'Can’t have that now, can we??
Such perception management by TPTB will only delay, not detour the pending, unavoidable carnage ahead. While I hope and pray otherwise, I believe the worst–which may be very, very dire–is yet to come.

Using the stats from, backing out the imaginary numbers being report by China and Iran, might be giving us a little better picture.
When you hear some talking head about some election poll reporting, and you see there is only 11.9% reporting, you take what they have to say with a grain of salt, so the 34.63% death rate isn’t really meaningful. But they will become more so as we move forward. Adding the imaginary numbers coming from China and Iran will <NEVER> return a meaningful number.
Just as an aside, with states like California doing a bang-up job of not testing, thus not counting, folks they are sure have it, their numbers are meaningless as well. It will be after-the-fact, when retrospective serological testing is done that we really will come to terms with how many folks actually had it. We will have to couple that with population stats to tell us how many people actually died from it. Everything before that is a politically charged imaginary figure.

Man, this guy is a well-capitalized snake and opportunist. Gotta give him points for leveraging circumstances to meet his corporate profit objectives, though.
So hey, I hear there’s a shortage of blood/blood donations. Elon, can you manufacture synthetic blood yet?? Looks “promising”? Ok good enough. How soon? Is a government “investment” or expedited FDA approval needed?‘’ No problem! All for the “public good” and as expeditiously as possible please–therefore no need for any bothersome bureaucratic processing and oversight. Just sign here. So how much, and how would you like that “packaged” in the Covid-19 “stimulus” legislation, along with the ventilators and other PPE/crisis funding?
Now, let’s discuss those tax breaks…

I think the reasons we are not wearing masks are: 1) News media has regularly stated that the only ones who need to wear masks are those who suspect they have the Covid-19 virus. They state that the masks will not help others. 2) They want to save the available masks for medical personnel as there is an extreme shortage. 3) Since available masks have risen in price and the media says most people do not need them, people (sheeple) are complying. In fact such online sources like eBay and Amazon prohibit sales of these as well as all other things used to prevent the spread of it such as cleansers and wipes, hand solutions, etc. I have a few of these that I sometimes use when in the desert prospecting or when working with chemicals and acids, etc., but now I will wear one whenever I again go out in public, which won’t be often but for some reason VA has decided to repeat several C & P exams that I went through last year, so now I will have to attend three of these within the next couple weeks. It is probably to my advantage but boy, their timing could be better. They are acting strange and not authorizing back-up meds in case of civil unrest, etc., and now I understand they are sending some in-patients to homeless shelters in order to make room for anticipated Covid-19 patients.

First and foremost it would seem logical to develop a non-perishable food supply, both for yourself and family, and also for potential barter. After that look at security and protection, housing and improvements, durable clothing, alternate means of power and transportation, metals like gold and silver and lead, and an amount of currency that is liquid and can be converted to any of the foregoing items if it starts to seriously deteriorate in purchasing power. Also paying off any debts that are draining your lifestyle. That may sound counter-productive, but to me it always seems like these things develop a life of their own, so that we could see extremes of interest rates, deflationary conditions simultaneous with hyperinflation, and a government of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks. Not that I have any problem with banks, but we now have tons more derivatives and overall debt than prior to the 08-09 crash. That only happened because we bailed out Wall Street and the banks but failed to bail out Main Street. Life today is a boomerang of that failure which fixed nothing. Unfortunately we have to deal with this nasty Covid-19 virus/pneumonia at the same time that everything was already starting to crumble. I foresee a minimum deficit this year for our nation that could easily exceed $5 Trillion with the normal $1 Trillion we have been experiencing plus the $2+ Trillion just authored to bail out banks and Wall Street and now another $2+ Trillion to finally bail out the people. Problem is that this is only for the short term and if this bug lasts many months which is entirely possible and in fact probably, then we could see these numbers go crazy beyond comprehension. You can only stretch this fiat money thing so far before it starts in earnest to devalue and lose purchasing power. At some future breaking point people will come to the conclusion that it is all becoming worthless. I even flipped in mind and think that now is a good time to simply declare a national jubilee and send every man, woman, and child in the country a payment of $1 Million, have them pay off all debts, and then crash it all in order to re-establish a backed currency, perhaps a combo of gold, silver and crypto, and start over with a clean slate.