Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

Excellent take and question – I think we could in fact make our own masks. The masks are primarily to stop tiny particles of moisture in the air and could as such be made from many types of cloth, the finer the micro-hole in the cloth the better, as long as one can still easily breath through them. None will be 100% effective as even the existing store-bought ones are no better. I would suggest bed sheets that have fine count material. You have a great idea, and that is what is going to need to be re-learned by people – Ingenuity. We have lost much of this due to the disposable society but it is still lingering in the backs of our minds if we only tap into it. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I think we are behind the 8 ball on all this and in many ways. To me since everything is shut down, it would make more sense to keep existing hospitals and clinics the way they have always been and without exposure to Covid-19 virus/pneumonia. Every community has some large buildings like civic centers, convention centers, school gymnasiums, etc. We need to set up separate temporary facilities with beds and other things like food and hygienic facilities, supplies to treat people with the only known cure, and shared medical personnel who can monitor and administer this. Mobile test vehicles could be stationed directly in the area where testing could be done and decisions made within an hour or less as to whether or not one is found healthy or with the virus and then proceed to deal with that.
Never thought I would say this, but China had the advantage of totalitarian authority to order things done without our delaying paralysis if analysis. We need to act and act now to extremely restrict movement, test people, treat people and clean up the mess so that life can begin to return to normalcy. See my post on proposed Cure for Covid-19 and pneumonia. This works and also worked in 1920 to eradicate Spanish Flu and pneumonia epidemic.

Excellent translation and comment! Good for you. This stupid virus is going to end up bringing people together, probably all around the globe. We all have this situation in common and can thus learn and help each other, above and beyond any other problems or concerns which all now appear trivial in comparison. Kudos!

Three German virologists hint exactly at the same issue! Very soon there wont be any difference between communist China and the Western world and PP is playing their game.
And they are re-forging society to a shape that better suits their purposes, attempting to change what people consider “normal”.
How do we know that? Because they are telling us.
The Guardian alone has had three opinion pieces discussing the “new normal” in less than a week, two of them on the same day. The technocrats and eugenicists are all over it too, barely containing their glee that the “world will never be the same”.
Perhaps the only good news is, en masse, the public don’t seem to be totally convinced. In fact, oddly enough, the alternate media crowd seem a lot more caught up in the hysteria than those who only vaguely follow the news. An NPR poll showed that 56% of Americans think the virus is being overblown. Hence everyone from Taylor Swift to Kylie Jenner insisting it “is a real thing”.
In one key area, the Coronavirus Bill tells the absolute truth: “Public support and compliance is crucial”. They need our permission to do this. Do we really want to grant it?
It’s really important that we all wake up to what is happening here. Because the police state they want to birth is a disease with a much higher death-rate than 2%, and it won’t be cured with two-weeks bed-rest.

If this is a “hidden in plain sight” event (and I can easily see how it might be), then its audacity and scale is remarkable, impressive and worrying.
If a “miracle cure” emerges soon, the chaos calms down, the markets return to a 45 degree upward trend - and all the newly implemented rules, restrictions and injected money stay in place - then this event will feel mighty suspicious to me too.

I’m living in Belgium 10 miles (ca. 16 km) from the German Border.
Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain etc are all testing sick people. Only sick people !!!
Positives have Corona, negatives are people with other diseases like normal flu etc.
But Germany is doing more systematic testing, so they have a lot more positives !!! But a lot of these ‘positives’ do not have complaints or just very little, their not hospitalized.
This is why they have (till now) a better death-rate.
Germany was better prepared than other countries. They had more tests, more masks, more IC-beds at the start…

Also yes. Dr. Sergio Trinidade, a Brazilian friend of mine living in the US died of this virus last Thursday in a New York hospital. Yes, it is real.

I went to my local food coop yesterday to buy more seeds and make a last fresh food run. First, it was incredibly time consuming and challenging to sanitize or quarantine everything upon returning home. Second, at one point, after about 60 minutes, I got that feeling like I had been holding my breath or was under thick blankets for too long - probably from rebreathing too much air as the moisture built up in my N95. I can see how older folks and people not in the best health would not be able to wear an N95 for very long. Third, I saw one other N95 and maybe 5 surgical masks in a moderately busy store. Several, but not all of the cash registers had plexiglass from about solar plexus to well above the head all along the check out area on the customers side. Staff all had gloves, but not one had a mask.
Now - why to be careful. I bought some dried calendula flowers, a medicinal herb that helps with chronic sinus issues. As I turned around from filling my jar, an older gentleman (70s?) was suddenly maybe 3.5-4 feet from me and said “That (the calendula) looks like the coronavirus!”, and then proceeded to laugh a rather throaty laugh. I’m glad I had my mask and at least glasses (wish I had had goggles). I just smiled and said “yes”. I wish I had then gone on to say “I notice you’re not wearing a mask. Do you mind if I ask you why?”, but alas I didn’t think of it at the moment.

This gentleman, Clif High, has some very specific recommendations for treating the illness, including high doses of Vit C/Vit D and Chaga mushroom extract. Lengthy video, but the medicinal talk is about half an hour in

I’m not going out to stores now, but a couple weeks ago when I did, I wore an N95 for the first time. Can’t imagine trying to do anything strenuous while wearing one. Just sitting in the car seat I felt like I was suffocating. Granted, I’m old (74) but don’t normally have any respiratory problem. It sure didn’t take me 60 minutes to feel uncomfortable in it. Anyway, good to see you sanitized your purchases. I’ve been doing that too, and it’s a very time-consuming pain.!/china-recovering-quickly-from-coronavirus-is-a-curse-20200311

"By taking a series of draconian public health measures China appears to have halted the coronavirus domestically and may be on the way to a quick economic recovery. Meanwhile the pandemic is just getting underway elsewhere. What's troubling is that few other countries have the social, political or surveillance tools to replicate what China has done and that is likely to result in a much worse outcome. An entirely plausible result is that with 4000 deaths, the source of the virus is one of the least-hard hit countries and economies. Investors there have already been spared the kind of pain we see elsewhere -- the Shanghai Composite Index flat year-to-date compared to losses of 9-26% in all other major global indexes. Some of that is undoubtedly due to government interference in the markets but Beijing might be wise to allow a bit more pain, if only as an act of contrition. Picture how the rest of the world will react if there are millions dead and suffering while the source of the virus escapes largely unscathed? Politicians (mainly in the US) have been stoking anti-China sentiment for the past 3 years and promoting a decoupling. Themes about thievery by Chinese companies and other forms of cheating are widespread and already resonating with the public. Baring a miracle turn in this pandemic, the result isn't just going to be short-term economic damage. It's going to be an aggressive, costly, long-term decoupling of China from the US and probably much of the world. Many will cheer that, but the economic cost will be high. The China strategy so far has been to isolate the US and it's been somewhat effective but COVID-19 will create an anti-China sentiment that pushes many to the other side and hardens US resolve. People are going to be angry, they're going to point the finger and they're going to want some kind of revenge. It will be economic, long-lasting and irreversible. The blame game has already started."

Does Chris ever read YouTube comments? The German number story has been clarified there by me and others in every one of his updates where he keeps wondering about the low numbers. For Germany, severe numbers have never been counted by world meter after the initial value of 2 that was taken from a press article. The fatality appears so low because there are relatively few old people infected since most infections were imported from Italy vacations or were spread during Carnival festivities. Check this map.

I am drinking Chaga, “tea” as I write this. I tried my best to promote this and the broader field of mycological anti-virals in the last month or so here - but I think it continues to bear repeating.
I purchased my dried Chaga powder to brew a tea from;
You can learn quite a bit about mushrooms and find other products in various forms (I use the capsules) on Paul Stamets website for his company Host Defense. Oops… no longer accepting orders on the website… maybe you can find some of his stuff (or similar) in your health food store;
Stay healthy my friends, Jim

Homeowners who have lost income or their jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak are getting some relief. Depending on their situation, they should be eligible to have their mortgage payments reduced or suspended for up to 12 months. Federal regulators, through the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are ordering lenders to offer homeowners flexibility. The move covers about half of all home loans in the U.S. — those guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie. But regulators expect that the entire mortgage industry will quickly adopt a similar policy. Under the plan, people who have suffered a loss of income can qualify to make reduced payments or be granted a complete pause in payments. "That forbearance is up to 12 months, depending on their particular situation," says Mark Calabria, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie and Freddie.
You can look up your mortgage to see if its backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac here Might be something to move on quickly, just to have your options lined up.

I’m not interested in conspiracy theories right now and have little interest in the market mayhem. The “markets” were doomed to fail soon anyway. I could have wished for a pin to burst the bubbles, instead of a Gatling gun, but that is not what we got.
I’ve been down the “I need to understand what happened” road before. All the time I spent reading about WTC 7, ultimately did nothing to improve my life circumstances. I won’t say that effort was a mistake, but also won’t repeat it now.
I’m going to continue to focus on SARS-cov-2 and how to incorporate that reality into my life and future plans.

Andrew Cuomo Gov NY is doing GREAT daily updates. this is link for Sunday's. today's going on right now
From Atlantic Health System- they want these handmade sewn masks of 2 layers of soft flannel.
I thought there was a post that reported India using 4 layers of cotton.
If these were then soaked in saltwater- it seems like that would help.

Please beware of taking IL-6 boosters such as Chaga mushroom. It will most likely cause adverse reactions and increase your fatality risk. I explained this topic here. The immune system isn’t something you can simply “boost”. It doesn’t work that way.

Michigan Gov just issued a lock down order for 3 weeks,9309,7-387-90499_90705-522626–,00.html

I am relieved that some planners are taking this seriously and can see the writing on the wall.
Posted by a nurse friend. Taken at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, TN, the Parking Garage.