Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

NEW (3.23.20): we’ve just received this Handbook Of Covid-19 Prevention & Treatment guide, compiled by Zhejiang University’s School of Medicine and based off of clinical learnings from China’s hospitals as they’ve battled the virus over the past two months. It’s written for medical professionals, but has a lot of good insights and recommendations.

I just ordered an oxygen concentrator (from a vendor inside my country shipping from a location not yet talking of lockdown so I think Ill probably get it).
It comes with one nasal tube and Id like to get a mask for it. But Id also like to look for a nebulizer locally. What Im wondering is I see kits like this on Amazon (which Im sure ships from China so I wont bother)
It has a vaporizor part on it. Could I buy a kit like this and just use that as a nebulizer on the machine I just bought? The machine is linked here in case it helps:

I continue to think this view is oversimplified. I think you are correct in that, once the lungs are fully involved, Chaga, which can stimulate, among other things, IL-6, is probably not the answer. I though am using it prophylactically.
This is the same discussion we had regarding Elderberry… people get freaked out about the, “cytokine storm” idea. I am thinking though about the very early stages of an infection - I want my immune system to win the battle then and there. You are thinking about long after the war has been lost, when the lungs are engulfed.

your saying food grade is 35% and the store kind is at 3% and the 3% one is more dangerous?

reply to rushcard: “why are people not wearing masks”. look at this vid from australia during a “national press club” address (sponsored by the government). watch for the dumb ass comments at around the 35 minute mask:

WATCH THIS CHRIS OR ADAM!. i’m an Australian and this is “a national press club” interview with “experts” in epidemiology etc and in particular at around the 36 minute mark where 2-3 of these experts say masks don’t matter: all i can say is Wow!. thanks for your material which overwhelming supports mask usage

I agree, wearing them is difficult. Which is probably why both my doctor and local fire chief and paramedic say don’t bother. On the other hand, my husband is 80 this year with a history of asthma, I’m in my 70s, and taking chances isn’t on our to-do list. So if I HAVE to go out, 1) I pre-order, 2) cover the car seats and trunk with clean sheets, 3) have a mask, wipes, gloves, sanitizer with me, 4) only wear the mask when it’s obvious I’m going to be in closer than 6 feet contact with anyone (and take it off carefully from the straps afterwards, not touching the outer surface), and 5) get home, wipe everything down and launder the sheets and outer clothing. Painstaking, but we shouldn’t have to go out more than every 3 or so weeks, if that, especially as there are some younger folks in the neighbourhood who are doing a little business in grocery pick-ups for others, who we will support for most things. Also, I’m a prepper from way back living in earthquake country, so a certain amount of choice is built in.
But it does worry me, the way the authorities really discourage the use of masks. There’s an element of implied paranoia or “!hoarder!” about wearing them in this environment. If questioned, I just say we have asthma in the family, which sort of backs people off.

Here in the Netherlands only a scarce few are walking with masks. I have had Covid like millions of others. Yes people get sick but only a few.
So i am not worried now. But the chances of this coming back for a second, deadly, round is keeping me awake. Vitamine C prepping and i will follow the story about Chloroquine.
And i will try C60. A maybe underrated and underestimated goody.

Social pressures and culture makes a person feel like they are some kind of alien walking around people while wearing a mask. I call it Maskaphobia. I too have been the only one in stores wearing a mask receiving strange or terrified looks. The plus is people avoid you, which forces social distancing.
I know a person that has tested positive for CV19 and it hit them like a freight train. High fever cough and aches. Their spouse is supposed to be self isolating yet is out today gathering food because they did not prepare in advance. I know there must be more like them in the packed stores breaking quarantine.

My discussion with Madfax regarding Chaga, cytokine-storms, and immunity, caused me to do more reading. One thing that caught my eye multiple times in reading about the virus, including what Sandpuppy documented yesterday from his ER doc. facebook group, is the incidence of, “marathon runners” on ventilators. What the heck is this about if the disease mainly hits the old and co-morbid?
Well, at it turns out, exercise is well known to influence cytokines; In conclusion, our study of long-term physical exercise performed in three different trials showed a significant increase in plasma levels of the cytokines IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10, whereas TNFα and IL-1β levels were unchanged or reduced. Our study supports the open window theory by an “open window” of altered immunity after long-term physical exercise and which lasts for at least 72 hours after the exercise. The results support the J-curve theory; athletes are more sensitive to pathogens in the immediate period after intensive physical exercise, probably due to the exercise-induced inflammatory state that can exaggerate the response to coincidentally occurring pathogens.
We may be on to something here....

I look forward to reading Chris’s alert.

After being out of stock due to intense supply and demand issues, JMBullion has physical, fractional gold and silver in stock NOW, but going fast.
I posted details in the PP Gold & Silver forum here.
Disclosure: I don’t have any business or personal interests or relationships with JMBullion or its personnel.

I kept putting off picking up some rxs from the store pharmacy. So I finally put on a dust mask and brought along a vinyl glove. No one gave me any weird looks at all. I put the glove on when I had to enter some info on the computer. I noted a box of thin tissues like ones used to pick up donuts in a case. I think that would work if one could pick one up to grab the pen with. There was also a sanitizer dispenser there. Anyway, I would bet that everyone would wear a mask if they were available. Our county just reported a few cases for the first time 2 days ago. The store was very very busy.

It’s wise of you to differentiate it. The article that is referenced in this post recommends Chaga for reinfections (i.e., cytokine storms) and Whiskey + Elderberry for emergency cases though. That was a bit of a thorn in my eye. I strongly advise against it.
There might be a benefit in increasing IL-6 during the early phase in a limited manner. But I have no data of how much of the mushroom you need to consume and at what level it can be considered an overtake during viral lung infections. I only know that normal IL-6 levels are the ultimate goal for a healthy immune response. Neither low nor high IL-6 levels are desirable. So people with inflammatory diseases are advised to rather lower their IL-6 levels (e.g., by taking Vitamine D) and people with weak immune systems to increase their levels within the reference range. Athletes can try to take Vitamine C after their exercise.

  • Rushcard1 - thanks for the detailed instruction. as i understand hydrogen peroxide is about 94% oxygen. in the small dropperful amounts, how can that amount create significant oxygen boost in blood?

Most of them have improved their physical fitness in terms of their VO2 max and other parameters of aerobic fitness but the majority that I’ve known, I would not consider healthy in the all around sense of the word. Many of them look, in fact, like they just got out of Dachau. Many of them also have obsessive personalities where the exercise is compensation for something lacking in their lives and/or a form of endorphin induced self medication to deal with deeper psychological and life issues. Most importantly, most of them put an excess amount of oxidative stress upon their bodies with increased free radical production actually damaging their bodies. Many also run alongside roads and are, as my EPA friend would describe it, functioning as “biofilters”.
It comes back to one of the rules of health I mentioned to Les in a previous post … balance. No exercise is bad, moderate exercise is good, too much exercise (volume, intensity, duration, etc.) is not good. This is not only true of marathon runners but many other extreme athletes as well. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, before many American athletes had incorporated the principles of periodicity researched and practiced in the Eastern Bloc (which references another rule of health I mentioned to Les … cycles), the early triathletes competing in such extreme events as the Hawaii Iron Man, were dropping like flies from various infections, brought on by over-training with subsequent weakening of their immune systems.
And it isn’t only aerobic athletes who experience these problems. When I was in college, I was an instructor in a health club as a part-time job and befriended a long time high level body builder. One of the things I learned from him is how unhealthy most body builders are, a circumstance often driven by the same obsessive behavior that plagues marathon runners driving them to go to extremes in ways that were not healthy for them.
Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome describe 3 stages of adaptation to stress.

  1. an Alarm stage
  2. a Resistance stage
  3. an Exhaustion stage
    In training, you want to cycle between the Alarm stage and the Resistance stage and avoid the Exhaustion. That’s more challenging for obsessive personalities who operate on the thesis that, if some is good, more is better. Checking one’s morning resting heart beat is a simple measure of your stress level. If it starts rising, it’s wise to back off on one’s training or do whatever is necessary to reduce one’s level of stress.

Sorry, folks, the idea that hydrogen peroxide is going to boost blood oxygen levels is just wrong, and may be dangerous. H2O2 is a non-specific, highly active oxygenated agent. If it gets into your blood it will oxidize all kinds of molecules…including molecules that you don’t want to have oxidized. I want to see the proof in a published, peer-reviewed scientific study before I will believe this even one teeny bit.

The Fed has pulled out all the stops, thrown all the life rings, and lowered all the boats (with only the elite on them);
It’s got nothing left. Which means, we are…

Nobody fell for 9/11, buildings collapsed people died, agendas were justified. IT HAPPENED! Why, who, where, what? Speculation…
still we live with the consequences. Look at your feet, not the stars. These times require pragmatism first…
well that’s my take.

I keep getting a “bad server request error” #400 message regardless of how I try to access the site. I checked the “IsItDownForMe” site which indicates that it was down about 4 hours ago but is up and running now. I placed an order this morning that went through fine.
Would someone on this thread give it a try? Their site may be down due to overloaded traffic.

Clearly I hit a nerve, but how can you say I am “acting as a denialist to 9/11 truth”, Jim H.?
Read what I wrote. Here is what I said (and all I said about 9/11): “9/11 actually happened”. It seems you read a LOT into that one short phrase, and suddenly you think you know everything about me and what I do and do not know.
I have read about WTC-7, and I agree that there are questions that remain unanswered. But that’s not the same thing as knowing the answers – in fact, it is exactly the opposite thing.
As someone else said upthread, I spent some energy on this and it got me nowhere. (Incidentally, I don’t really know who really shot JFK, either.) Like most everyone here (at PP), I am deeply skeptical of the stories we’re told by those in power. But I’m mainly a practical person, trying to live my life the best I can with the information I have (and my own ability to reason).
I apologize for injecting this red herring into the discussion. That was my bad. But I don’t much like it when people lash out at me when I haven’t done a single thing to them. Makes me want to go back to just reading and not engaging. (Was that your goal?)
I sense a lot of stress in these trying times – in myself and in others. Maybe we can all just chill a little…