Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus (3/23/20)

So let's try again. I wanted to respond to Nordicjack who was commenting on how he didn't believe the low CFR was correct. I am of the same belief. If you get on the Worldometer site and look down at Closed Cases and under that, look at Deaths, the numbers have been revealing. I've watched those numbers climb day by day from low to higher and higher ... from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and now today to 14%. So in the Closed Case category, 14% of the people have died. That number, to me, seems at variance with a much lower claimed CFR.

Ordinary water is H2O which contains one oxygen molecule, whereas H2O2 has an extra oxygen molecule in it. Strength of substance varies from the poisonous, non-consumptive 3% hydrogen peroxide that we buy in the store, which works very well for external cuts, scratches and wounds, all the way up to 90+% which was used in fuel for the space shuttle. For consumption, however, we need FOOD GRADE H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide, which normally is a strength of 35% and must be diluted for consumption as explained in my post (comment #32). There are other Food Grade strengths but these must then be adjusted according to the info posted. For example a 12% Food Grade would be tripled to 3 drops per 1 and then it would be at (3x12=36) or very near 35%. Beauty salon Food Grade H2O2 runs around 20-22% so it would seem that around 1.5 drops would approach 35% strength. As to how this can improve one’s blood, I would assume that it improves one’s oxygen supply enough to overcome the virus. I am not a doctor or chemist, but have used this for many years, and have read the results of past usage as pertains to the pneumonia epidemic created by the Spanish Flu in 1918-1920 which killed many people around the globe.
Dr. Thomas Lodi of An Oasis Of Healing in Mesa, AZ has a great web page that better explains this process at: – there he also explains the oxidation and oxygenation differences and how our bodies immune systems actually create H2O2 within us. Taking this in food grade form diluted in water actually enhances what our bodies would otherwise normally do, but at times where a given bacteria or virus attack so quickly, it is then necessary or beneficial to artificially temporarily increase this process, especially for those of us who have compromised systems. Such health facilities have taken this to advanced levels where they use intravenous injections as well as ozone (O3) treatments, mostly for treating cancer viruses or HIV, etc.
Hope this is helpful, but feel free to inquire if I can be of any further assistance.

Hi Dr Bruce,
I too really doubt there could be any health benefits of drinking a low concentration mixture of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) just based on the amount of oxygen (O2) available in the H2O2 in his mixture.
According to the recipe given, 2 drops (~0.1 mL) of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide are mixed with 8 oz of water (~240 mL). 35% means 35 parts H2O2 and 65 parts H2O.
These 2 drops of 35% food grade H202 contain 0.035 mL of H2O2. Two molecules of H2O2 break down into 2 molecules of H2O and one molecule of O2. Using basic chemistry, 0.035ml of H2O2 would produce ~3x10^21 molecules of O2, which is the amount contained in 2 average inhalations. 1 L of air has ~2.8x10^21 molecules of O2 and the average tidal volume of a breath is ~500mL.
Don’t see how that’s going to help much, even if this extra O2 in your stomach made it into your blood instead of making bubbles and a burp. A brisk walk outside would give you more oxygen than this drink.
A google search shows that drinking 35% H2O2 without dilution is bad:
3% H2O2 is not poisonous and can be used as a mouth wash (1 part 3% H2O2, 2 parts water): or as an antiseptic or disinfectant.
If the belief in using this “cure” works for him, it doesn’t seem harmful.
It reminds of this old patent medicine from the 1880’s, Radam’s Microbe Killer.
Microbes, and the little information available on them in the 19th century, made it possible for William Radam to pull off one of the biggest medical hoaxes of all time. In Texas in the 1800’s entrepreneurs were taking advantage of the ignorance of the population commonly targeting the scientifically illiterate. Patents for chemical products did not begin in the United States until 1925 and mysterious, scientifically-unproven cures were common in the medical field. William Radam who was from Prussia had moved to Austin, Texas as a young man. He owned a nursery and gardening store for 20 years, until he became seriously ill in 1885. He used his skills as a botanist to develop a cure for his illness. Using plant based ingredients prepared in a special tank and then infusing this into water he created a “medicine” he called the “Microbe Killer” and claimed that it killed all microbes in your blood. As microbes were known to cause diseases, logic would suggest that killing all of them in your blood would cure you. He marketed and sold the Microbe Killer in gallon jugs for $3.00 and bottles for $1.00. The jugs were made of stoneware while the bottles, made of brown glass, and had an interesting engraving on them that today’s bottle collector’s still desire. The engraving shows a man attempting to swing a club at a skeleton with the words “Microbe Killer” on the club. Factories to make the Microbe Killer were built and opened, not only in the United States but also in England and Australia. Radam had thousands of testimonies from people citing the benefits of the Microbe Killer and he became very wealthy from the sales of his product until he death in 1902 of a heart condition. It would not be until 1913 that William Radam’s secret was revealed. The Microbe Killer was analyzed by the food and drug administration and it was determined that each bottle of Microbe Killer was nothing more than plain water with just the slightest bit of Sulfuric Acid added, almost undetectable. Previous statements concerning the Microbe Killer were deemed fraudulent and US marshals seized the remaining stock of the Microbe Killer.
Mark – a bored science guy with too much time on his hands.

I have read about WTC-7, and I agree that there are questions that remain unanswered. But that’s not the same thing as knowing the answers — in fact, it is exactly the opposite thing.
We know exactly what happened. All structural support was removed at the same time, which is pretty much the definition of a controlled collapse. We have the following data, which, when added to the new UofAlaska study makes the case complete, as it was needed to counter the false NIST report; 1) Physics - acceleration due to gravity. This only happens with no structural support. Many other steel framed skyscrapers have been more engulfed in fire.. none have ever fallen. In fact they are designed not to fall, since steel doesn't melt at these temperatures 2) Chemistry - Multiple PhD level scientists have looked at the dust from 9/11 and identified both the remains of thermite that has been consumed (basically micro spheres of Iron) and unreacted, highly engineered nanothermite that has the expected atomic fingerprint (Fe, Al, O, S). As well, one materials scientist collected samples of these red particles and ran them on a differential scanning calorimeter - the result was a highly exothermic reaction once the ignition temp. was reached. Clearly at least some of the charges used to destroy the columns were shaped charges of nanothermite. 3) Molten steel - there were many observations of molten steel in and around the pits from the disaster. As well, satellite imaging from that day showed temperatures that were not possible via kerosene fires. It is likely that the nanothermite, which can cut through structural steel like butter if properly directed, was at least in part responsible for the residual high temperatures that melted fireman's boots for days after the fall. So it's not just something 0dd about that building 7 - we know for a fact that some element within our own gov't played a role in taking down those buildings.  

Prolonged presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in faecal samples

Published:March 19, 2020DOI: "Our data suggest the possibility of extended duration of viral shedding in faeces, for nearly 5 weeks after the patients' respiratory samples tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Although knowledge about the viability of SARS-CoV-2 is limited, 1 the virus could remain viable in the environment for days, which could lead to faecal–oral transmission, as seen with severe acute respiratory virus CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV.2 Therefore, routine stool sample testing with real-time RT-PCR is highly recommended after the clearance of viral RNA in a patient's respiratory samples. Strict precautions to prevent transmission should be taken for patients who are in hospital or self-quarantined if their faecal samples test positive." This paper poses many questions. There are implications for sewage facility staff, plumbers, municipal sewer workers and wastewater plant operators. Most sewer plants aerate sewage, to provide additional oxygen for microbes to digest sewage solids.

yes, I have a close friend here in Miami with it. Gone to ER once but didn’t need to be admitted. Can’t walk up a flight of steps w/o sitting down to rest. Blood O2 at 93 today. Been over a week now. Whole family starting to get sick. Also the father of a grad student at my university on a ventilator. 2 different families at my son’s high school.

Look, Jim H.
My “Really” was in regards to you calling me a “denialist”. I don’t like being called names – on this site especially (but anywhere, generally). Is that something you’re able to comprehend?
I don’t give a $#!+ about the details of your beliefs about WTC-7. Clearly these are very important to you, but they don’t matter to me AT ALL. So you won’t respect me – I get it. And I’ve gotten over it already. But there are things in my life that are far more important to me right now.
So, as I said before, I apologize for bringing it up in the first place. That was a mistake, and I own it. But please can we just get back to the end of the world as we know it?

Hey Chris…
not sure if you know or not, but here in Australia, they are NOT eating unless you fit a certain criteria, loads and loads of people are turning up to testing centres but are turned away or refused testing because they don’t fit the criteria…as of today Tuesday 24 March , 4 states have closed their borders, however as of the last few days each state has branched off a national guideline, instead they are doing their own thing, hence the border closures, we’re still having panic shopping going on although it seems to be slowly settling…small business is closing fast, social distancing is still being laughed at…thousands are loosing their jobs daily or are being laid off…
I honestly think the numbers in Australia are a lot higher than they say…we are not testing everyone, it’s like they are waiting for people to get sick…
I will post every day if I can, I’m one of the lucky ones who still has a job…

All over the world, the coronavirus has became a pandemic. Also see this - The total number has excedded more thank 3,00,000 peoples are infected.

This is my life. I am solely responsible for it. I think for myself.
I am not here to submit to any mayor or a governor or a president or banker or child trafficker.
I choose what is right based on what I see and know.
I find it best to not trust others but to see for myself before drawing a conclusion.
This is why I mentioned 9/11.
The who, what, where, when and why are important because peace and justice are core to the agreement of a civilized society.
If the authorities will not honor the contract then you do not have an agreement.
They have their agenda and I have mine: my personal well-being.
I can see the forest and the trees.
When civilization is civilized, I will work with it.
When it lies, cheats, steals and murders, I will #######.

Scott: LOL – Chill out my friend, some of us have already been there as well, but it sometimes helps to explain one’s perspective, and you did so brilliantly. Comprehensive (Situational)-Awareness is very important in all walks of life ----- Thank You for sharing yours with all of us!

MCH - Mark: Appreciate your comment regarding the H2O2 process. I am saddened by your inability to understand or appreciate what I have freely provided, but then some of that is understandable. I am not a doctor or chemist or even a person or company trying to sell anything, only an ordinary caring citizen who knows about and has experience with this process. People need to carefully read that process which I posted. You start out with a drop or two and then progress up to 5 drops, assuming you are having no ill effects from it, which is very doubtful they will. If one is already acute, they begin with 5 drops and then after they save their own life, they can do what they want, stop using it entirely or use it occasionally for the next bug or as a preventative. Yes it seems like very little oxygen, but remember these are 35% FOOD GRADE concentrated hydrogen peroxide drops and you are diluting them. That is over 10 times stronger than ordinary non-drinkable 3% peroxide that one buys at the store. All medical people that I have spoken to or heard discussing it, have said NOT to drink 3% peroxide because it is not meant for consumption. If it were, there would be no need for FOOD GRADE H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide. Gargling with 3% is fine as long as one does not swallow it, and that is what I said earlier. Your calculations are like statistics – one can make them say whatever one wants to say, whether or not that is factual.
Also, while I find your info about the guy who scammed people an interesting read, that is not a comparable situation and must be taken with a “grain of salt”. I am certain that you can find numerous examples like this back in the 1800’s. I am not peddling or selling anything here and have no intention of doing so. This is a “proven” cure for viruses of all kinds and works for pneumonia virus very well. I would guess that anyone who wants to try this would likely do more research which is certainly readily available online. For instance, you can start with the info available on such web sites as: wherein they are having success with intravenous injections of extra oxygen to treat cancer viruses, etc., likely using both FG H2O2 or O3 (ozone). That is a similar overall process except one probably would need to go to their particular facilities for treatment. With the entire world being affected by this rapidly moving Covid-19 virus, we all need something that is more or less readily available before we lose millions of people world-wide, and we do not have time to go through all the “paralysis of analysis” that is ensuing, and even top medical people appear to be fumbling around trying to find a cure. All I am saying is that history has echoed, and that cure was found a hundred years ago – how many more people must die before we dust off the history books and use what already worked back in 1920, after the Spanish Flu and similar pneumonia that it caused?
Further, I was exposed to Agent Orange while serving in the US/Vietnam Conflict/War and have witnessed “paralysis of analysis” by government and the VA wherein they are still now after 50 years studying the details and effects of it. We do not have time to again begin studying for months or years for something that already exists. I am only freely providing and sharing this info because I would feel derelict not to. If this info were being provided by the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA or any other big pharma organization, then everyone would want to use it, except it would come with a price tag equivalent to the cost of life itself, but only after enough people first died to exclaim its value to the populace. They are probably at a loss as to how to charge people for a functional cure that might cost a dollar or so, and apparently anyone who reveals this is then a scam artist or something. Open your eyes and look around. Even if one does the online research, I can guarantee there will be lots of those who simply balk at this info or who have extreme conflicts of interest as they are already brain-washed by our burgeoning medical world that largely only understands money, money, money. Articles abound that distort the actual H2O2 healing process or use extreme cases to prove their point. Who in their right mind would drink this stuff, or even take a tablespoon full? That is crazy but that is also how supposedly intelligent educated people are convincing the masses that this H2O2 process is bad for you. Those of us who have used this and know about it would all entirely agree that overuse in any form is not good for anyone. Equating concerned people like me to being a scam artist is like the pan calling the kettle black, and I feel for all those people who will die because others simply want to criticize rather than wake up to the facts and open their minds enough to use a proven oxygen cure.

I remember at the time listening to the news as everyone in the nation was wondering the same thing. The late Peter Jennings said that one way to find out would be to do a thorough analysis of the stock market to determine who bought or sold what beforehand, and then try to determine if there was any correlation to the analysis. Unfortunately Peter Jennings died of cancer not long after that statement. He was a great TV news personality and we have all missed him ever since – may he RIP!

Apparently some additives are placed into store bought 3% peroxide – doctors say it is okay to gargle or rinse mouth with but not to drink it. Food Grade 35% is over 10 times stronger and absolutely MUST be diluted, which is why one should not take any more than 5 drops of it in a glass of filtered water. As to which is more dangerous, that is a rhetorical question that begs another question: Which one is more of a cure? If the diluted FG H2O2 cures pneumonia and saves lives, how is that dangerous? One simply needs to know how to handle the highly concentrated version and how to minimize the intake so as to allow it to then pass curative oxygen into one’s system. Read about it in my posts or look up elsewhere. Unfortunately because this inexpensive process is balked at by mainstream, that means there are lots of distorted articles pertaining to it as well as lots of misinformation. There is a wealth of info available, just like any other topic. The trick is to have enough knowledge to be able to discern facts from fiction. Start with a site like: where they are successfully treating people with oxygen for cancer viruses, etc.

It seems to me that cotton would not be my first choice for a mask, but it depends. I know that clothing in the Navy was made of cotton because when it got wet or placed in salt water, the fibers expanded, making them water-proof. Sailors learned how make life preservers out of white hats, shirts & pants simply by tying them or slapping them onto the water so as to then hold air and keep one afloat. A white hat could hold up around 250 pounds. As to mask material, it seems like when we breath, we exhale enough moisture to eventually plug up the micro-holes of the material so that it would eventually prevent one from breathing. To me I would maybe look for a fine nylon sheet material that was as fine as possible but still allowed one to breath well through, at least for the area that one would be breathing through.

“It’s almost like we shouldn’t have used alliances as protection rackets, shaking down a close and highly-capable partner for $5 billion, imagining there would be no consequences for transactional unilateralism,” Mira Rapp-Hooper, senior fellow for Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, commented on Twitter.
To me I would maybe look for a fine nylon sheet material that was as fine as possible but still allowed one to breath well through, at least for the area that one would be breathing through.
Its not a question Rush of the perfect, its a question of what you have in your closet. Few people have the best cloth for the job. People have cotton, in the form of old T-shirts or bed sheets. You go with what you have, when the option is nothing or second best. BTW nice to see you can post on a subject not H2O2 related, lol.

Are you aware that intake of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), in the presence of transition metal ions (iron, copper) can stimulate formation of hydrogen peroxide in the body?

Chill is my middle name. ?
In the interest time of digesting our situation, I wore a song: New Normal (some may find it a bit ominous)